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Ref: 830-810/004A4

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment

All Canadians want clean air, water, and land. The federal, provincial, and territorial governments share responsibility for environmental management, so it is important that they work together to ensure a consistently high level of environmental quality across Canada.

Environment ministers from the federal, provincial, and territorial governments are all members of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME). Meeting as peers, 14 ministers discuss national environmental priorities and determine, through consensus, which issues would benefit from joint action. This unique intergovernmental forum provides an effective means to discuss and take collaborative action on environmental issues of national and international concern without altering the authorities or responsibilities of each jurisdiction.

CCME ministers set national strategies, develop long-term plans, and pool resources to create technical products that can assist them in carrying out their own environmental mandates. A permanent CCME secretariat provides support to ministers, and assists committees of government officials in their ongoing work on CCME priorities.

This national co-operative approach produces:

Current CCME priorities focus on:

There are many long-term benefits/results from CCME activities:

For more information, consult


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