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Ref: 830-775/004

Federal-Provincial-Territorial Meeting of Ministers responsible for Labour
Québec, Quebec - January 24, 2003


QUEBEC CITY, QUEBEC — The Honourable Claudette Bradshaw, Federal Minister of Labour, and Quebec Minister of State for Human Resources and Labour, Mr. Jean Rochon, released the results of a meeting of federal, provincial and territorial Ministers responsible for Labour which ended today in Quebec City.

The Ministers reviewed the principles and key elements of the labour co-operation agreements related to free trade agreements. Through these co-operative agreements, Canada seeks to promote fair competition, balanced economic growth, good governance, and the rule of law.

“I am pleased with our ongoing discussions of the importance of international labour co-operation agreements and with Canada’s efforts to promote core labour standards,” said Minister Bradshaw. “Our success as a trading nation will be enhanced by promoting good working conditions and fair treatment of workers both in Canada and abroad.”

“I would like to reiterate our support of the principles and objectives set out in these agreements,” said Minister Jean Rochon, who hosted the meeting. “We are now hoping that a mechanism ensuring full participation by the provinces and territories at each step of the negotiating process of these labour co-operation agreements is implemented as quickly as possible.”

Provincial and territorial ministers had an informal discussion on labour relations in the health sector. They shared their experiences on this issue and underlined the importance of maintaining effective labour relations as they impact the public interest.

The Ministers explored the changes that have taken place in employment relationships in recent years. The traditional model of the permanent 9-to-5 job with the same employer over the course of an employee’s working life is rapidly giving way to a wide variety of new employment relationships. Globalization, technology and demographic changes have dramatically altered the world of work. The use of contract work, contingent work, self-employment, and work through employment agencies is increasing. Since the delivery of many benefits and legal protections is based on the traditional employment model, many workers today find that they have limited access to the full range of labour-related social and workplace-based benefits. New approaches to labour policy need to be explored to meet the needs that are being created by these new realities.

Finally, Ministers reviewed the progress made regarding youth occupational safety and health initiatives, which have been a priority for labour administrations over the past several years. They noted the creation of a youth committee that is open to all jurisdictions, and that was made aware of the approach to youth safety and health awareness messages among the jurisdictions. Youth representatives have also advised on the development of a portal that directs young workers to youth safety and health Web sites. The Ministers expressed interest in continuing the partnerships that have been initiated in this area.

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For more information:

David Klug
Office of the Minister of Labour
(819) 953-5646

Louis Tremblay
Directeur des Communications
Ministère du Travail du Québec
(418) 643-4508


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