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Ref: 850-093/009

28th Annual Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers
Groton, Connecticut - September 9, 2003



WHEREAS the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers gave its support, in 1997 and 1998, to the initiatives designed to foster the development of links between greenways and cycling paths on either side of the members' borders; and

WHEREAS previous resolutions made it possible to initiate sustained cooperation between the New England states and the provinces of Eastern Canada in this area; and

WHEREAS the first two links between bicycle paths have been identified with signs and inaugurated, one in 1998, joining Québec's Route verte and the Sentier NB Trail in New Brunswick, and one in 1999, joining Québec's Route verte and the Lake Champlain Bikeways in the states of New York and Vermont; and

WHEREAS the East Coast Greenway also seeks to connect Canada to Key West, Florida through all major cities on the East Coast; and

WHEREAS the success of the Lake Champlain Bikeways depends on international links; and

WHEREAS the development of greenways and bikeway networks have obvious benefits for the health of the general public, since it fosters physical activity and helps combat obesity and the sedentary lifestyle; and

WHEREAS greenways and bicycle paths are a major tool for tourism and economic development in our regions and communities; and

WHEREAS walking and bicycling are active, environmentally friendly methods of transportation.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers support the measures designed to develop and maintain the greenways and major bicycle routes and paths, and encourage the initiatives involving international cooperation.

BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the provincial and state departments and agencies involved (transportation and tourism, in particular) do their part to see that international and interjurisdictional links are developed, particularly in terms of signage and cross-the-board promotion, both through printed matter and the Internet.

Adopted at the 28th Annual Conference of New England Governors and Eastern Canadian Premiers, September 7-9, 2003.

John G. Rowland
Governor of Connecticut
Bernard Lord
Premier of New Brunswick



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