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IM Community
Service Community
IT Community HR Framework
ORO Programs
ORO Tools

About Us - The Organizational Readiness Office (ORO)

The Organizational Readiness Office (ORO) was established to address human resource issues related to the government's Government On-Line (GOL) and Service Improvement agendas, as set out in Results for Canadians

The creation of a change management office demonstrates government's recognition that the success of a service transformation agenda depends critically on ensuring that public servants have the knowledge, skills, and competencies to deliver public services in an integrated, client-centred, multi-channel environment. 

The ORO has adopted a community-based strategy to address human resources issues related to service transformation in the Information Technology (IT), Information Management (IM) and Service Delivery communities. Members of these communities are public servants who play strategically critical roles in transforming and "e-enabling" service delivery. Community-led initiatives such as competency-based staffing, greater use of pre-qualified pools, generic competitions for executive level positions, repositories of work descriptions, and the e-Learning Gateway are demonstrating that existing legislation and regulations are not insurmountable barriers to the modern management practices needed to implement a service transformation agenda. 

Sustainable "change readiness" requires leadership and commitment at all levels of the public service. By engaging leaders within these three communities, the ORO helps ensure that human-resource (HR) initiatives supporting the Service Transformation Agenda are informed by an intersect of expertise from the communities and are cost-effective, while respecting the responsibility and accountability of departments and agencies.

Government of Canada
Created: 2000-03-09
Updated: 2003-08-05
Reviewed: 2003-08-05