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RCMP Feature Focus: 2005 Economic Crime (Global)

The Table of Contents for the RCMP Feature Focus: 2005 Economic Crime is available in html format at: toc_e.htm

Money Laundering…

IMF estimates between 2-5% of global GDP

  • economic distortion – e.g., unfair competition
    • primary approach of launderers – concealing origin of money through business dealings – operate at low profit margins, negatively impacting legitimate competitors
  • while prevalence highest in Asia and Africa – emerging issue in Latin America – home of 6 of the top 10 countries with money laundering through their bank channels
  • risks to financial integrity – e.g., banking failures and financial crises resulting from unexpected movement of large sums of money
  • tarnishes reputations of associated banks, professionals, industries and economies
  • losses in tax revenue as transactions take place in underground economy
  • facilitates criminal activity – potentially leading to higher levels of corruption inside private and public organizations and higher costs to law enforcement
  • enables criminal groups to self-fund, engage in research and development and underwrite new and more sophisticated types of activity

We need to get away from drug-related definitions of money laundering and address the issue from an all crimes perspective.

~ Creon Butler, Foreign and Commonwealth Office, UK, 2002

Challenges to law enforcement

  • complex cross-border financial and communication systems and infrastructure
  • disparate laws and regulations across jurisdictions
  • increasingly sophisticated methods – difficult to trace origins of activity

Three steps of money laundering:

  • placement: introduction of criminal proceeds into financial system – most difficult step
  • layering: series of movements in funds to create distance from source
  • integration: funds re-enter legitimate economy

Source: UNODC, 2005

  • requirement to invest in reliable data and intelligence for the major types of offences that underpin money laundering to exclusively target the activities generating sources of “dirty money”

Money laundering…

International response focusing on prevention and awareness

Movement toward establishing and strengthening money laundering institutions:

  • in 2004, ten new countries established financial intelligence units (FIUs) bringing the total to 94
  • 26 additional countries criminalized terrorist financing in 2004; bringing the total number of countries that have criminalized terrorist financing to 113

Financial Action Task Force (FATF) – an independent, inter-governmental body setting standards to combat money laundering and terrorist financing:

  • issued 40 landmark recommendations on anti-money laundering measures (1990) – ultimately endorsed by 130 states, including Canada
  • issued Eight Special Recommendations on Terrorist Financing (October 2001)
  • maintains and publishes annual list of non-cooperative countries – pressures governments to act

IMF and WB currently assessing international efforts and initiatives aimed at the prevention of money laundering

Operation White Whale

  • EUR 600M ($1B) laundering racket – largest European ring dismantled
  • 300 police officers – 10 months investigation
  • arrests covering a network of 1 000 companies, seven lawyers and three notaries
  • laundered money purchased luxury cars, aircrafts and real estate
  • affected Canada, the US and countries in Europe

Source: Media reports, 2005