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Web Safety

Information for Parents and Kids


1) Be aware that people may not be who they say they are on the Internet. An adult could pretend to be a child the same age as your child just to get to know your child. Sometimes they can do this over a long period of time to develop trust.

2) Parents should be familiar with their children's use of the computer on-line. Get involved with their children and ask questions about what they're doing and how they're doing it.

3) Parents should establish rules for use of the computer on-line. The rules should limit access time, duration and type of use depending on the age and maturity of the child (e.g. surfing the net vs. chat rooms, etc.). Be sure that your children understand that they should not be sending personal information to people that they have only met over the Internet.

4) Keep the computer in a high traffic, highly visible location in the house so that parents can routinely walk by and see what their children are doing on the Internet. The child's bedroom may be a convenient location to place the computer, but it's probably not the best place to ensure safe use.

5) If parents are concerned about the sites or chats that their children are participating in or have access to, talk to their kids about their concerns and contact their service provider about techniques and software that is available to block access.


1) Be aware that people may not be who they say they are on the Internet. An adult could pretend to be a kid your age just to get to know you. Sometimes they can do this over a long period of time to develop your trust.

2) Do not give out or send personal information such as your address, your phone number, where you go to school or photographs to someone that you only know through the Internet unless you have your parent's or guardian's permission. Do not give out any information that you shouldn't give to a stranger in a park, on the telephone or anywhere else.

3) Do not agree to meet people that you have met through the Internet until you check with your parents or guardian, and be sure that your parents or guardian attend the first couple of meetings with you. The first meeting should always be in a public place. Explain to your parents why it is important for them to attend the first couple of meetings for your safety and their comfort.

4) Do not respond to any messages that ask for personal information, messages that are mean or messages that make you feel uncomfortable. You do not have to continue -- sign off and surf off to somewhere else.

5) Talk to your parents about setting up some rules to ensure that your use of the Internet will be rewarding, fun and safe. Get your parents involved and show them how much fun the Internet can be.

To report a crime, or for immediate police assistance, contact your local RCMP Detachment or the police force of jurisdiction in your area.

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