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Food > Meat and Poultry Products > Manual of Procedures > Chapter 10  

Chapter 10 ANNEX A

Conditions for importation of meat products from Brazil:

1. Meat Inspection systems approved:

  • 1.1 beef
  • 1.2 poultry - broiler chickens, broiler turkeys, broiler chickens, breeder hens and broiler turkeys, breeder hens only

2. Types of meat products accepted for import:
(based on animal health restrictions)

2.1 fresh (frozen, chilled)

2.1.1 poultry - broiler chickens, broiler turkeys, broiler chickens, breeder hens and broiler turkeys, breeder hens only - see 3.2. - additional certification statements required, see 4.1 - Animal Health Import Permit, issued by the Animal Health and Production Division required

2.2 processed:

2.2.1 poultry - broiler chickens, broiler turkeys, broiler chickens, breeder hens and broiler turkeys, breeder hens only - see 3.2. - additional certification statements required, see 4.1 - Animal Health Import Permit, issued by the Animal Health and Production Division required

2.2.2 beef -cooked, frozen, tubed, boneless beef from specified establishments - see 3.1.1 and 3.1.2 - additional certification statements required

#2.2.3 Beef jerky - see 3.1.1 and 3.1.3 - additional certification statements required, see 4.2 - Animal Health Import Permit, issued by the Animal Health and Production Division required

2.3 commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans or retortable pouches), dehydrated soup mixes, bouillon cubes and meat extract :

2.3.1 poultry - no restriction

2.3.2 beef - see 3.1.1 - additional certification statements required

3. Additional certification statements/attestations required on the OMIC*:

3.1 For beef

3.1.1 For all beef meat products / Pour tous les produits de viande de boeuf :

The beef meat product is derived from animals that:
Le produit de viande de boeuf provient d’animaux qui:

1. were born and raised in Brazil and not from any imported sources of beef and /
sont nés et ont été élevés au Brésil et non de toute source importée de boeuf et

2. were born after July 3, 1996 when the ruminant-to-ruminant feed ban was enacted and
sont nés après le 3 juillet 1996 lorsque l’interdiction de l’alimentation de ruminant-à-ruminant fut décrétée et

3. were exclusively grass-fed and not fed any animal derived protein.
furent exclusivement nourris à l’herbe et non de toute protéine animale.

4. were stunned prior to slaughter.
ont été assommés avant l'abattage.

3.1.2 For frozen, cooked, tubed boneless beef / Pour le boeuf désossé en tube, cuit, congelé :

1. The beef meat covered by this certificate contains only skeletal muscle tissue, excluding cardiac muscle, which:

La viande de boeuf couvert par ce certificat contient uniquement du tissu musculaire squelettique à l’exclusion du muscle cardiaque qui:

2. was deboned and defatted before cooking and subsequently thoroughly cooked in tubes at (name, address and establishment number of approved plant) in order to reach a minimum internal temperature of 79.4 C at the coldest spot after cooking for at least 1.75 hours and under conditions to prevent any contact with uncooked product.

fut désossé et dégraissé avant cuisson et qui par la suite fut entièrement cuit en tubes à (nom, adresse et numéro de l’établissement approuvé) de façon à atteindre une température interne minimale de 79.4 C au point le plus froid après avoir cuit pendant au moins 1.75 heures et sous des conditions afin de prévenir tout contact avec du produit non cuit.

3. Every precaution was taken to prevent any direct or indirect contact during the processing and packaging of the frozen, cooked, tubed boneless beef meat, with any meat or animal product that does not fulfill the requirements of this certificate.

Toutes les précautions ont été prises afin de prévenir tout contact direct ou indirect, durant la transformation et l’emballage de la viande de boeuf désossée, cuite en tubes et congelée, avec toute viande ou produit animal qui ne rencontre pas les exigences du présent certificat.

#3.1.3 For beef jerky

The beef product covered by this certificate:

Le produit de viande de boeuf couvert par ce certificat:

1. Has been deboned, salted and subsequently cooked in order to reach a minimum internal temperature of 71ºC for at least one hour;

A été désossé, salé et subséquemment cuit de façon à atteindre une température interne minimale de 71ºC pendant au moins une heure;

2. Is completely dried to the extent that the water-protein ratio in the wettest portion of the product does not exceed 2.25:1 and may be stored and handled without refrigeration.

Est complètement séché de manière telle que le raport eau-protéine dans la partie la plus humide du produit n’excède pas 2.25:1 et peut être entreposé et manipulé sans réfrigération.

3. Every precaution was taken to prevent any direct or indirect contact during the processing and packaging of the beef meat product, with any meat or animal product that does not fulfill the requirements of this certificate.

Toutes les précautions ont été prises afin de prévenir tout contact direct ou indirect, durant la transformation et l’emballage du produit de viande de boeuf, avec toute viande ou produit animal qui ne rencontre pas les exigences du présent certificat

3.2. For poultry :

3.2.1. For all poultry meat and meat products other than commercially sterile poultry meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans or retortable pouches), dehydrated soup mixes, bouillon cubes and meat extract (see also 4.1.):

I hereby certify that:
Je certifie par la présente que:

1. the poultry meat products are derived from broiler chickens and/or broiler turkeys OR broiler chicken breeding hens and/or broiler turkey breeding hens (delete as appropriate) which:

les produits de viande de volaille sont issues de poulets à griller et/ou de dindons à griller OU de femelles de reproduction de poulet à griller et/ou femelles de reproduction de dindons à griller (biffer selon le cas) qui:

2. were hatched, raised, slaughtered and processed in a commercial vertically integrated system operating under the Brazilian National Program of Poultry Health in the States of Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso or the Federal District of Brazil, which States are not considered infected in accordance with article of the OIE Terrestrial Animal Health Code 2004;

ont éclos, ont été élevés, abattus et transformés dans un système commercial intégré verticalement oeuvrant sous le Programme national brésilien de la santé des volailles dans les états de Mato Grosso do Sul, Minas Gerais, São Paulo, Paraná, Santa Catarina, Rio Grande do Sul, Goiás, Mato Grosso ou du District fédéral du Brésil, lesquels états ne sont pas considérés infectés en accord avec l’article du Code sanitaire pour les animaux terrestres 2004 de l’OIE;

3. come from holdings / proviennent d’exploitations:

  • which have not been placed under animal restrictions in connection with any disease for which poultry is susceptible / qui n’ont fait l’objet d’aucune mesure de restriction sanitaire liée à toute maladie à laquelle la volaille est susceptible;
  • around which, within a radius of 10 km, including where appropriate the territory of a neighboring country, there have been no outbreaks of Newcastle disease for at least 21 days / autour desquelles, dans un rayon de 10 km, incluant lorsqu’approprié le territoire d’un pays avoisinant, aucun foyer de maladie de Newcastle n’est apparu au cours des 21 derniers jours au moins;

4. have been subjected to ante-mortem and post-mortem inspections for Newcastle disease with favorable results;

ont été soumis, avec des résultats favorables, à des inspections ante mortem et post mortem pour la maladie de Newcastle;

5. in the case of broiler chicken meat or broiler turkey meat, have not been vaccinated against Newcastle disease (delete as appropriate);

dans le cas de viande de poulets à griller ou de dindons à griller n’ont pas été vaccinés contre la maladie de Newcastle (biffer selon le cas);

6. have not been slaughtered in the context of any animal health scheme for the control or eradication of poultry diseases;

n’ont pas été abattus dans le cadre d’un programme sanitaire de contrôle ou d’éradication des maladies des volailles;

7. have not been exposed to birds which were not part of the aforementioned commercial vertically integrated systems and to birds infected with Newcastle disease;

n’ont pas été exposés à des oiseaux qui ne faisaient pas partie des systèmes commerciaux intégrés verticalement susmentionnés et à des oiseaux infectés avec la maladie de Newcastle;

8. the poultry meat products / les produits de viande de volaille:

come from approved establishments which, at the time of slaughter and/or processing, were not under restrictions due to a suspect or confirmed outbreak of Newcastle disease and around which, within a radius of 10 km, there have been no outbreaks of Newcastle disease for at least 21 days;

proviennent d’établissements approuvés qui, au moment de l’abattage et/ou de la transformation, ne faisaient pas l’objet de mesures de restriction liées à un foyer suspect ou confirmé de la maladie de Newcastle et autour desquels, dans un rayon de 10 km, aucun foyer de maladie de Newcastle n’est apparu au cours des 21 derniers jours au moins;

9. the poultry meat products / les produits de viande de volaille:

have not been exposed at any time during slaughter, cutting, processing, storage or transport to any meat that does not fulfill the requirements of this certificate.

n’ont pas été exposées à aucun moment pendant l’abattage, la découpe, la transformation, l’entreposage ou le transport à toute viande ne répondant pas aux exigences du présent certificat.

4. Additional certificates (documents) required:

4.1. For all poultry meat and meat products other than commercially sterile poultry meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans or retortable pouches), dehydrated soup mixes, bouillon cubes and meat extract:

Animal Health Import Permit, issued by the Animal Health and Production Division

#4.2. For beef jerky

Animal Health Import Permit, issued by the Animal Health and Production Division

5. Establishments eligible for export to Canada:

5.1 list available on request

6. Specific import and final use conditions and restrictions:

All shipments of poultry meat products from Brazil will be pre-cleared by the Import Control Section of the Food of Animal Origin Division in Ottawa. Importers are responsible to make arrangements with their suppliers in Brazil so that as soon as an Official Meat Inspection Certificate is issued under the Animal Health Import Permit issued to them, a copy of the certificate will be sent, immediately, by fax, to the Import Control Section, at (613) 221-7296.

At this point, the importers will be requested to provide information on the point of entry into Canada, the Canadian registered establishments where the shipment will be re-inspected and the exact destination of the products. The importers will have to make an undertaking that these arrangements will not be altered. Any changes must be notified to the Import Control Section before the shipment arrives in Canada and before the documents are presented to the CFIA Import Service Centres.

6.1. Export to the USA

USDA does not allow shipments of Brazilian poultry meat products on route to Canada to transit US territory.

Poultry meat imported from Brazil may not be exported to the USA and may not be used in the manufacture of meat products for export to the USA.

Canadian establishments, registered for poultry slaughter and processing, that receive poultry meat from Brazil, are not eligible to export poultry meat products to the USA. CFIA maintains a list of establishments non eligible to export poultry meat and meat products to the USA. All poultry meat and meat products present in the non eligible establishments must not enter the Canadian establishments wishing to maintain their full export status for the USA. All Canadian establishments (including storages) must maintain inventory records regarding origin of all meat present on their premises and the destination of meat shipped from the premises. These records must be made available, upon request, to the Inspector in Charge of the establishment.

Canadian registered storages, that receive poultry meat from Brazil may continue to be implicated in export of poultry meat and meat products to the USA, provided the poultry meat imported from Brazil is stored segregated from poultry meat and meat products for export to the USA. Fully packaged poultry meat imported from Brazil will be stored separately stacked and clearly identified, with respect to it’s origin and export restrictions, not in contact with fully packaged poultry meat and meat products eligible to be exported to the USA. CFIA inspectors in charge of the storages shall monitor operator’s control procedures to assure that the storage of non eligible meat products being done in the prescribed manner.

Inspection rooms in Canadian establishments registered for inspection of imported meat products must be subjected to complete clean up and sanitation immediately after each inspection of poultry meat, other than shelf stable, commercially sterile products packaged in hermetically sealed containers, imported from Brazil.

* Official Meat inspection Certificate
** Canadian Food Inspection Agency/Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments
*** zone - only applies in situations where the CFIA** has made a formal zoning decision in relation to FMD, CSF, ASF or SVD.

Amended December 9, 2004/ L.P. Skrinar

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