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Food > Meat and Poultry Products > Manual of Procedures > Chapter 10  

Chapter 10 ANNEX A

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Conditions for importation of meat products from Hungary:

1. Meat Inspection systems approved:

  • 1.1 pork
  • 1.2. poultry

2. Types of meat products accepted for import:
(Based on Animal Health Restrictions)

2.1. fresh meat and raw processed meat products (raw frozen or chilled)

2.1.1. meat and meat products derived from pigs - the country is not recognised by CFIA** as being free from CSF - import not allowed

2.1.2. meat and meat products derived from poultry and all other birds - no animal health restrictions (see 3.1. for required animal health attestations)

2.2. heat treated processed meat products , other than shelf stable commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans and/or retortable pouches) and shelf stable dried soup-mix products, bouillon cubes and meat extract:

2.2.1. meat and meat products derived from pigs - the country is not recognised by CFIA** as being free from CSF - only pasteurized canned cured pork meat products accepted, see sections 3.2 for conditions for importation

2.2.2. meat and meat products derived from poultry and all other birds - no animal health restrictions (see 3.1. for required animal health attestations)

2.3. non heat treated cured or dry cured meat products:

2.3.1. meat and meat products derived from pigs - the country is not recognised by CFIA** as being free from CSF - only Hungarian Salami is accepted, see sections 3.3 and 4 for conditions for importation

2.3.2. meat and meat products derived from poultry and all other birds - no animal health restrictions (see 3.1. for required animal health attestations)

2.4. shelf stable, commercially sterile pork and poultry meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans or retortable pouches)and shelf stable dried soup-mix products, bouillon cubes, meat extract:

2.4.1. no animal health restrictions

3. Additional certification statements/attestations required on the OMIC* :

3.1. For raw (chilled or frozen) and processed poultry meat and meat products other than shelf stable commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers:

1. The meat products are derived from birds which have been kept in Hungary since they were hatched or for at least the last 21 days prior to their slaughter."

1. Les produits de viande proviennent d'oiseaux qui ont séjourné en Hongrie depuis leur éclosion ou au moins pendant les 21 derniers jours précédent leur abattage."

3.2. For pasteurized, canned, cured pork meat products:

"It is certified that all boneless meat products derived from swine, specified above, have been heated so that an internal temperature of 70 C or greater was maintained for a minimum of 30 minutes."

"On certifie que toutes produits de viande de porc désossée, spécifiés ci-dessus, ont été soumises à un traitement par la chaleur tel que leur température interne au coeur a atteint au moins 70 C pendant au moins 30 minutes."

3.3. For Hungarian (pork) salami:

3.3.1. Hungary is free of African Swine Fever, Foot and Mouth Disease and Swine Vesicular Disease.

La Hongrie est indemne de peste porcine africaine, fièvre aphteuse et de la maladie vésiculeuse du porc.

3.3.2 No case of Classical Swine Fever has been found in domestic swine and wild pigs in the last year.

Aucun cas de peste porcine classique a été trouvé dans les porcs domestiques et sauvages durant la dernière année.

3.3.3 The meat originates from swine which have been kept in Hungary since birth.

La viande est issue de porcs qui sont demeurés en Hongrie depuis leur naissance.

3.3.4. The pork meat product was processed in a CFIA approved establishment and the raw material used in it’s manufacture is in compliance with the following:

Le produit de viande de porc a été transformé dans un établissement approuvé par l’ACIA et la matière première utilisée dans sa fabrication est conforme à:

a. All bones have been completely removed and

Tous les os ont été complètement retirés et

b. the meat has been held in an unfrozen, fresh condition for at least 3 days immediately following the slaughter of the swine from which it was derived.

la viande a été gardée dans un état frais, non congelé pour au moins 3 jours suivant immédiatement l’abattage des porcs dont elle est issue.

3.3.5. the meat product has been thoroughly cured and fully dried for a period of not less than 90 days so that the product is shelf stable without refrigeration.

Le produit de viande a été entièrement saumurée et complètement séchée pour une période de pas moins 90 jours afin que le produit soit stable à température pièce, sans réfrigération.

3.4. For commercially sterile, shelf stable pork or poultry meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers i.e. cans, glass jars or flexible retortable pouches:

3.4.1. None

4. Additional certificates (documents) required:

4.1 For Hungarian (pork) salami:

4.1.2. Animal Health Import Permit

5. Establishments eligible for export to Canada:

5.1 list available on request

6. Specific import and final use conditions and restrictions:

6.1. All shipments of poultry meat products from Hungary, other than shelf stable commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers, must be pre-cleared by the Import Control Section of the Food of Animal Origin Division in Ottawa. Importers are responsible to make arrangements with their suppliers in Hungary so that as soon as an Official Meat Inspection Certificate is issued, a copy of the certificate will be sent, immediately, by fax, to the Import Control Section, at (613) 221-7296. CFIA Import Service Centres shall not clear documents for imports of poultry meat products from Hungary, unless they were duly pre-cleared in Ottawa.

At this point, the importers will be requested to provide information on the point of entry into Canada, the Canadian registered establishments where the shipment will be re-inspected and the exact destination of the products. The importers will have to make an undertaking that these arrangements will not be altered. Any changes must be notified to the Import Control Section before the shipment arrives in Canada and before the documents are presented to the CFIA Import Control Section for clearance.

6.1. Export to the USA

USDA does not allow shipments of Hungarian poultry meat products on route to Canada to transit US territory.

Poultry meat imported from Hungary may not be exported to the USA and may not be used in the manufacture of meat products for export to the USA.

Canadian establishments, registered for poultry slaughter and processing, that receive poultry meat an meat products from Hungary, are not eligible to export poultry meat products to the USA. CFIA maintains a list of establishments non eligible to export poultry meat and meat products to the USA. All poultry meat and meat products present in the non eligible establishments must not enter the Canadian establishments wishing to maintain their full export status for the USA. All Canadian establishments (including storages) must maintain inventory records regarding origin of all meat present on their premises and the destination of meat shipped from the premises. These records must be made available, upon request, to the Inspector in Charge of the establishment.

Canadian registered storages, that receive poultry meat from Hungary may continue to be implicated in export of poultry meat and meat products to the USA, provided the poultry meat and meat products imported from Hungary are stored segregated from poultry meat and meat products for export to the USA. Fully packaged poultry meat products imported from Hungary shall be stored separately stacked and clearly identified, with respect to it’s origin and export restrictions, not in contact with fully packaged poultry meat and meat products eligible to be exported to the USA. CFIA inspectors in charge of the storages shall monitor operator’s control procedures to assure that the storage of non eligible meat products being done in the prescribed manner.

Inspection rooms in Canadian establishments registered for inspection of imported meat products must be subjected to complete clean up and sanitation immediately after each inspection of poultry meat, other than shelf stable, commercially sterile products packaged in hermetically sealed containers, imported from Hungary.

* Official Meat inspection Certificate
** Canadian Food Inspection Agency/Agence canadienne d’inspection des aliments
*** zone - only applies in situations where the CFIA** has made a formal zoning decision in relation to FMD, CSF, ASF or SVD

Amended November 20, 2003 / Lou Skrinar

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