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Food > Meat and Poultry Products > Manual of Procedures > Chapter 10  

Chapter 10 ANNEX A

Conditions for importation of meat products from Mexico:

1. Species of food animals accepted for import:
(Meat inspection systems approved for Canada)

  • 1.1. beef, (while Mexico is free of FMD, beef of Mexican origin not allowed, subject to BSE policy)
  • 1.2. pork, (regionalized to specific Mexican states and specific cuts of pork)

2. Types of meat products accepted for import:
(Animal health restrictions)

2.1 raw meat (chilled or frozen) :

2.1.1 pork pork loins, ribs and hams from Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán or Chihuahua only, Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit is required

2.2 cooked, cured, dry cured meat products, natural salted casings :

2.2.1. pork meat products prepared from fresh pork originating from Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán and Chihuahua, Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit is required - see 4.1.

2.2.2. pork prepared from fresh pork of US, Canadian or other CFIA approved origin, Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit is not required - see (4.2.)

2.2.3 beef prepared from fresh beef of US, Canadian or other CFIA approved origin only - see 1.1.

2.3. commercially sterile meat products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans or retortable pouches) -

2.3.1. pork no animal health restriction

2.3.2. beef prepared from fresh beef of US, Canadian or other CFIA approved origin only

3. Additional certification statements/attestations required on the OMIC* :

3.1. For pork meat products other than commercially sterile products packaged in hermetically sealed containers (cans, retortable pouches), including natural salted casings prepared from fresh pork originating from from the Mexican states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán or Chihuahua:

"The meat product covered by this certificate has been prepared and handled according to the conditions specified in the attached Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit No....... "

3.2. Animal Health Atestations:

I hereby attest that / J’attest par la présente que:

3.2.1. For beef / pour la viande bovine:

a. there were at no time, animals or animal by-products derived from any animal species susceptible to OIE list A disease (excluding bluetongue and vesicular stomatitis) from which Mexico is not recognized as being free, in any of the slaughter, processing and/or packaging establishments involved in the production of the meat being exported to Canada.

à aucun moment il n’y a eu des animaux ou des sous-produits tirés d'une espèce animale sensible aux maladies figurant sur la liste A de l'OIE (à l'exception de la fièvre catarrhale du mouton et de la stomatite vésiculeuse) don’t le Mexique n'est pas reconnu comme étant exempt, dans l'un des établissements d'abattage, de transformation et(ou) d'emballage participant à la production de la viande exportée au Canada.

En ningún momento ha habido animales o productos procedentes de cualquier especie animal susceptible a las enfermedades incluidas en la lista A de la OIE (excepto estomatitis vesicular y lengua azul) de las cuales México no ha sido reconocido como libre, en ninguno de los establecimientos para sacrificio, proceso y/o empaque involucrados en la producción de la carne que se está exportando a Canadá.

3.2.2. For raw pork loins, ribs and hams and for cooked, cured, dry cured pork meat products / pour la longe, les côtes et les jambons du porc cru et pour les produits de porc cuits, saumurés et séchés et saumurés:

a. the swine from which the meat for export is derived were born, raised and slaughtered in the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán or Chihuahua and that the herds or origin of the slaughter swine are members of the Regional Livestock Union Pork Producers of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatan and/or Chihuahua (Union Ganadera Regional de Porcicultores de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán y/o Chihuahua). At no time have the swine been exposed directly or indirectly to swine originating from premises which are not a member of the Regional Livestock Pork Producers of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán and/or Chihuahua.

les porcs don’t est tirée la viande en vue de l'exportation sont nés et ont été élevés dans les États de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán ou Chihuahua et que les troupeaux d'origine des porcs abattus font partie de l'union régionale de producteurs de porc de Sonora, Sinaloa et/ou Yucatan (Union Ganadera Regional de Porcicultores de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatan y/o Chihuahua). À aucun moment ces animaux n'ont été exposés directement ou autrement à d'autres porcs provenant d'endroits qui ne font pas partie de l'union régionale de producteurs de porc de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán et/ou Chihuahua.

Los cerdos de los cuales se obtuvo la carne a exportar fueron nacidos, criados y sacrificados en el Estado de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán y/o Chihuahua y que las piaras de origen de los cerdos son miembros de la Unión Ganadera Regional de Porcicultores de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán y/o Chihuahua. En ningún momento han sido expuestos directa o indirectamente a cerdos originarios de instalaciones que no son miembros de la Unión Ganadera Regional de Porcicultores de Sonora, Sinaloa Yucatán y/o Chihuahua.

b. there were no swine or pork meat products originating from a country other than Canada, the United States or the states of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatan or Chihuahua in any of the establishments at the time of slaughtering, processing and/or packaging of the meat being exported to Canada.

il n'y avait aucun porcin ou produit de viande de porc provenant d'un pays autre que le Canada, les États-Unis ou des États de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatan ou Chihuahua dans l'un des établissements au moment de l'abattage, de la transformation et(ou) de l'emballage de la viande exportée au Canada.

No existen cerdos o productos cárnicos de cerdo originarios de un país difrente a Canadá, Estados Unidos de América o los Estados Mexicanos de Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatán o Chihuahua, en alguno de los establecimientos al momento de scrificio, proceso y/o empaque de la carne que se está exportando a Canadá.

c. there were at no time, animals or animal by-products derived from any animal species susceptible to OIE list A disease (excluding bluetongue and vesicular stomatitis) from which Mexico is not recognized as being free, in any of the slaughter, processing and/or packaging establishments involved in the production of the meat being exported to Canada.

à aucun moment il n’y a eu des animaux ou des sous-produits tirés d'une espèce animale sensible aux maladies figurant sur la liste A de l'OIE (à l'exception de la fièvre catarrhale du mouton et de la stomatite vésiculeuse) dont le Mexique n'est pas reconnu comme étant exempt, dans l'un des établissements d'abattage, de transformation et(ou) d'emballage participant à la production de la viande exportée au Canada.

En ningún momento ha habido animales o productos procedentes de cualquier especie animal susceptible a las enfermedades incluidas en la lista A de la OIE (excepto estomatitis vesicular y lengua azul) de las cuales México no ha sido reconocido como libre, en ninguno de los establecimientos para sacrificio, proceso y/o empaque involucrados en la producción de la carne que se está exportando a Canadá

4. Additional certificates (documents) required:

The following document must be attached to the OMIC* and be presented to the CFIA** inspector at the point of importation:

4.1. For all pork meat products originating in the state of Sonora, Sinaloa, Yucatan or Chihuahua other than commercially sterile products in hermetically sealed containers (fresh and cooked, cured, dry cured pork meat products, natural salted casings):

a. Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit (issued by the Animal Health Division)

4.2. N.B. For cooked, cured, dry cured meat products and natural salted casings, prepared from fresh pork of US, Canadian or other CFIA approved origin, Animal Health Animal Product Commercial Import Permit is not required.

5. Establishments eligible for export to Canada:

5.1 list available on request

* Official Meat inspection Certificate
** Canadian Food Inspection Agency


Amended July 22, 2003 / Lou Skrinar

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