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Correctional Service of Canada

Research Reports

No R-179 2005 Correctional Officers and Their First Year: An Empirical Investigation HTML PDF
No R-169 2005 A Review of the Recidivism Rates of Adult Female Sexual Offenders HTML PDF
No R-168 2005 Circles of Support & Accountability: An Evaluation of the Pilot Project in South-Central Ontario HTML PDF
No R-167 2005 Development and Field-Test of a Gender-Informed Security Reclassification Scale for Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-166 2005 Employment Needs, Interests, and Programming for Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-165 2005 Correctional Officer Recruits During the College Training Period: An Examination HTML PDF
No R-164 2005 The Dynamic Factors Identification and Analysis (DFIA) Component of the Offender Intake Assessment (OIA) Process: A Meta-Analytic, Psychometric and Consultative Review HTML PDF
No R-163 2005 Evaluation of Psychosocial Rehabilitation within the Women's Structured Living Environments HTML PDF
No R-162 2005 Increasing Employability Related Skills Among Federal Male Offenders: A Preliminary Analysis Of the National Employability Skills Program HTML PDF
No R-161 2004 Street Gangs: A Review of Theory, Interventions, and Implications for Corrections HTML PDF
No R-159 2004

Predicting Community Employment for Federal Offenders on Conditional Release

No R-158 2004 Federally Sentenced Women in Administrative Segregation: A Descriptive Analysis HTML PDF
No R-157 2004 Community Residential Facilities in Canada: A Descriptive Profile of Residents and Facilities HTML PDF
No R-156 2004 A Needs Assessment of Federal Aboriginal Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-155 2004 Program and Service Needs of Federally Incarcerated Métis Offenders in Saskatchewan HTML PDF
No R-154 2004 A Profile and Examination of Gang Affiliation within the Federally Sentenced Offender Population HTML PDF
No R-153 2004 The Tupiq Program for Inuit Sexual Offenders: A Preliminary Investigation HTML PDF
No R-152 2004 Altering Antisocial Attitudes among Federal Male Offenders on Release: A Preliminary Analysis of the Counter-Point Community Program HTML PDF
No R-151 2004 Intensive Support Units (ISU) for Federal Offenders with Substance Abuse Problems: An Impact Analysis HTML PDF
No R-150 2004 A Review of the Emotional Intelligence Literature and Implications for Corrections HTML PDF
No R-149 2004 Use of Random Urinalysis to Deter Drug Use in Prison: A Review of the Issues HTML PDF
No R-148 2004 Manitoba: An Examination of the Program Needs of Métis Offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities HTML PDF
No R-147 2004 Citizens' Advisory Committees in Canada HTML PDF
No R-146 2004 Correctional Officer Recruits and the Prison Environment : A Research Framework HTML PDF
No R-145 2004 Preliminary Evaluation of Dialectical Behavior Therapy within a Women's Structured Living Environment HTML PDF
No R-144 2004 A Profile of Visible Minority Offenders in the Federal Canadian Correctional System HTML PDF
No R-143 2004 Hostage-Taking Incidents Involving Women Inmates: A Profile and Exploratory Investigation HTML PDF
No R-142 2004 The Needs of Inuit Offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities HTML PDF
No R-141 2003 Assisting Offenders with Learning Disabilities: An Evaluation of the Learning Strategies Classroom Pilot Program (LSCP) HTML PDF
No R-140 2003 The High Intensity Substance Abuse Program (HISAP): Results from the Pilot Programs HTML PDF
No R-139 2003 Safe and Humane Corrections Through Effective Treatment HTML PDF
No R-138 2003 A Profile of Women Gang Members in Canada HTML PDF
No R-137 2003 Medium-Term Federal Offender Population Forecast: 2003 to 2007 HTML PDF
No R-136 2004 An Examination of the Average Length of Prison Sentence for Adult Men in Canada: 1994 to 2002 HTML PDF
No R-134 2003 First Nations, Métis, Inuit and Non-Aboriginal Federal Offenders: A Comparative Profile HTML PDF
No R-133 2002 Predictors of Revocation of Conditional Release among Substance Abusing Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-132 2002 The Changing Profile of the Federal Inmate Population: 1997 and 2002 HTML PDF
No R-131 2002 Canadian Federal Women Offender Profiles: Trends from 1981 to 2002
No R-130 2002 An Examination of Healing Lodges for Federal Offenders in Canada HTML PDF
No R-129 2003 The Needs of Métis Offenders in Federal Correctional Facilities in British Columbia HTML PDF
No R-128 2002 Results of an Evaluation of the Intensive Treatment Program at Burnaby Correctional Centre for Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-127 2002 The Custody Rating Scale, Initial Security Level Placement, and Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-126 2002 The Statistical Information on Recidivism - Revised 1 (SIR-R1) Scale : A Psychometric Examination HTML PDF
No R-125 2002 A Profile of Federal Offenders Designated as Dangerous Offenders or Serving Long-Term Supervision Orders HTML PDF
No R-123 2002 Women Offenders who Engage in Self-harm: A Comparative Investigation HTML PDF
No R-122 2002 Exploring the Profiles of Aboriginal Sexual Offenders: Contrasting Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Sexual Offenders to Determine Unique Client Characteristics and Potential Implications for Sex Offender Assessment and Treatment Strategies HTML PDF
No R-121 2002 An Examination of Youth and Gang Affiliation within the Federally Sentenced Aboriginal Population  HTML PDF
No R-120 2002 Substance Abuse Programming A Proposed Structure  HTML PDF
No R-119 2002 Institutional Methadone Maintenance Treatment: Impact on Release Outcome and Institutional Behaviour  HTML PDF
No R-116 2004 Corcan Instructor Leadership and Offender Work Attitude HTML PDF
No R-114 2002 An Analysis of Sexual Assaults During Hostage-takings and Forcible Confinements HTML PDF
No R-113 2001 The Effect of Family Disruption on Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Inmates HTML PDF
No R-112 2001 Turning Points: A Study of the Factors Related to the Successful Reintegration of Aboriginal Offenders  HTML PDF
No R-111 2001 Community Needs Assessment for Métis Offenders in Manitoba  HTML PDF
No R-110 2001 Release Potential of Federally-Sentenced Aboriginal Inmates to Communities: A Community-based Research Project  HTML PDF
No R-109 2002 The Relevance of a Cultural Adaptation for Aboriginals of the Reintegration Potential Reassessment Scale (RPRS)  HTML PDF
No R-108 2001 Results of an Evaluation of the Pawsitive Directions Canine Program at Nova Institution for Women HTML PDF
No R-107 2001 Offender Population Movement: A Study of Minimum-security Placements HTML PDF
No R-106 2001 Anger Management Programming for Offenders: The Impact of Program Performance Measures HTML PDF
No R-103 2001 Correctional Officers Professional Orientation Scales HTML PDF
No R-102 2001 Profile of Correctional Officer Recruits HTML PDF
No R-100 2001 A Medium-Term Federal Offender Population Forecast: 2001 to 2004 HTML PDF
No R-99 2001 Canadian Federally Incarcerated Adult Women Profiles Trends from 1981 to 1998 HTML PDF
No R-98 2001 An Investigation into the Factors leading to Increased Security Classification of Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-97 2001 The Application of the community Intervention Scale to Women Offenders: Preliminary Findings HTML PDF
No R-96 2001 Development of a Reliable Self-Report Instrument for the Assessment of Criminogenic Needs HTML PDF
No R-95 2000 The Utility of Clinical and Actuarial Risk Assessments for Offenders in Pre-Release Psychiatric Decison-Making HTML PDF
No R-94 2000 An Examination of Aboriginal and Caucasian Women Offender Risk and Needs Factors HTML PDF
No R-93 2000 Federal Imprisonment Trends for Women 1994-95 to 1998-99 HTML PDF
No R-92 2000 A Review of Marital and Family Variables as they Relate to Adult Criminal Recidivism HTML PDF
No R-91 2000 Predicting Suicide Attempts Among Male Offenders in Federal Penitentiaries HTML PDF
No R-90 2000 Case Needs Review: Employement Domain HTML PDF
No R-89 2000 Use of Residency Condition with Statutory Release: A descriptive analysis HTML PDF
No R-88 2000 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer support Program at Joliette Institution for Women HTML PDF
No R-87 2000 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer Support Program at Nova Institution for Women HTML PDF
No R-86 2000 Results of an Evaluation of the Peer Support Program at Grand Valley Institiution for Women HTML PDF
No R-85 1999 The Psychological Effects of 60 Days in Administrative Segregation HTML PDF
No R-84 1999 Review of Issues Associated with Serious Spouse Abuse Among Federally Sentenced Male Offenders HTML PDF
No R-83 1999 Day Parole Outcome, Criminal History and Other Predictors of Successful Sentence Completion HTML PDF
No R-82 1999 Anger Management Programming for Federal Male Inmates: an Effective Intervention HTML PDF
No R-81 1999 An Investigation into the Characteristics of Substance-Abusing Women Offenders: Risk, Need and Post-Release Outcome HTML PDF
No R-80 1998 Female Young Offenders in Canada: Revised Edition HTML PDF
No R-79 1998 Adult Male Offenders in Canada: Recent Trends HTML PDF
No R-78 1998 Male Young Offenders in Canada: Revised Edition HTML PDF
No R-77 1998 Case Needs Review: Associates/Social Interaction Domain HTML PDF
No R-76 1998 A Review of the Literature on Personal/Emotional Need Factors HTML PDF
No R-75 1998 Case Needs Review: Substance Abuse Domain HTML PDF
No R-74 1998 Results of the Legal Services Client Satisfaction Survey March 1997 - March 1998 HTML PDF
No R-73 1998 Results of a Pilot Study of the Peer Support Program for Women Offenders HTML PDF
No R-72 1998 Assessing Treatment Change Among Family Violent Offenders: Reliability and Validity of a Family Violence Treatment Assessment Battery HTML PDF
No R-71 1998 Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: Implications for Correctional Service HTML PDF
No R-70 1998 Managing Older Offenders: Where Do We Stand? HTML PDF
No R-69 1998 Prison Work Program (CORCAN) Participation: Post-Release Employment and Recidivism HTML PDF
No R-68 1998 Accelerated Parole Review: Were the Objectives Met? HTML PDF
No R-67 1998 Security Classification Using the Custody Rating Scale HTML PDF
No R-66 1998 The Temporary Absence Program: A Descriptive Analysis HTML PDF
No R-65 1998 Personal Development Temporary Absences HTML PDF
No R-64 1998 Work Release Program: How it is used and for what purposes HTML PDF
No R-63 1998 Case Management Preparation for Release and Day Parole Outcome HTML PDF
No R-62 1998 Day Parole: Effects of Corrections and Conditional Release Act (1992) HTML PDF
No R-61 1997 Aboriginal Offender Survey: Case Files and Interview Sample HTML PDF
No R-60 1997 A Two-Year Follow-Up of Federal Offenders who Participated in the Adult Basic Education (ABE) Program HTML PDF
No R-59 1997 Review of the Offender Population Forecast: Models, Data and Requirements - with Provisional Forecasts for 1998 to 2007 HTML PDF
No R-58 1997 Risk and Need Among Federally Sentenced Female Offenders: A Comparison of Minimum, Medium and Maximum Security Inmates HTML PDF
No R-57 1997 Case Characteristics of Segregated Offenders in Federal Corrections HTML PDF
No R-56 1997 A Model for a Clinically-informed Risk Assessment Strategy for Sex Offenders HTML PDF
No R-55 1997 An Examination of Medium-and Maximum-Security Federally-Sentenced Female Offenders HTML PDF
No R-54 1997 Treatment Readiness and Responsivity: Contributing to Effective Correctional Programming HTML PDF
No R-53 1997 Maximum-Security Female and Male Federal Offenders: A Comparison HTML PDF
No R-52 1997 Day Parole Program Review: Case Management Predictors of Outcome HTML PDF
No R-51 1996 Temporary Absence Program Participation and the Release of Federal Offenders HTML PDF
No R-50 1996 High-risk Violent Offenders in Canada HTML PDF
No R-49 1996 Factors Related to Recidivism among Released Federal Sex Offenders HTML PDF
No R-48 1996 Sex Offender Assessment, Treatment and Recidivism: A Literature Review HTML PDF
No R-47 1996 An Operational Review of the Custody Rating Scale: Reliability, Validity and Practical Utility HTML PDF
No R-46 1996 Female Offenders With and Without Major Mental Health Problems: A Comparative Investigation HTML PDF
No R-45 1996 Inmates Referred for Detention (1989-90 to 1993-94): A Comparative Analysis HTML PDF
No R-44 1996 Attitudes of Federal Correctional Officers Towards Offenders HTML PDF
No R-43 1996 Prison Work Programs and Post-Release Outcome: A Preliminary Investigation HTML PDF
No R-42 1995 Persistently Violent (Non-sexual) Offenders: A Program Proposal HTML PDF
No R-41 1995 The Impact of Cognitive Skills Training on Post-Release Recidivism among Canadian Federal Offenders HTML PDF
No R-40 1995 The Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program: Analysis of Intermediate and Post-release Outcomes HTML PDF
No R-39 1995 Managing High-risk Offenders: A Post-detention Follow-up HTML PDF
No R-38 1994 Treating Violent Offenders: A Review of Current Practices HTML PDF
No R-37 1994 Native Offender Substance Abuse Assessment: The Computerized Lifestyle Assessment Instrument HTML PDF
No R-36 1994 Northern Aboriginal Offenders in Federal Custody: A Profile HTML PDF
No R-35 1994 The Native Offender Substance Abuse Pre-treatment Program: Intermediate Measures of Program Effectiveness HTML PDF
No R-34 1993 The Validity of Offender Needs Identification and Analysis in Community Corrections HTML PDF
No R-33 1992 The Prison Careers of Offenders with Mental Disorders HTML PDF
No R-32 1993 Insights into Innovative Correctional Industry: A Case Study of CORCAN at Warkworth Institution HTML PDF
No R-31 1993 Survival Time until Suspension for Sex Offenders on Conditional Release HTML PDF
No R-30 1993 An Examination of Sex Offender Case Histories in Federal Corrections HTML PDF
No R-29 1991 Preliminary Results of National Sex Offender Census HTML PDF
No R-28 1992 A Historical Review of the Role and Practice of Psychology in the Field of Corrections HTML PDF
No R-27 1992 Unlawful Departures from Minimum Security Institutions: A Comparative Investigation HTML PDF
No R-26 1992 An Assessment of the Offender Substance Abuse Pre-release Program at Drumheller Institution HTML PDF
No R-25 1992 An Analysis of Temporary Absences and the People Who Receive Them HTML PDF
No R-24 1991 The Prevalence, Nature and Severity of Mental Health Problems among Federal Male Inmates in Canadian Penitentiaries HTML PDF
No R-23 1992 Factors Related to Unlawful Walkaways from Minimum Security Institutions HTML PDF
No R-22 1992 Can Educating Adult Offenders Counteract Recidivism? HTML
No R-21 1992 Staff Commitment in the Correctional Service of Canada HTML
No R-20 1992 Background to the Staff Commitment Research Project HTML
No R-19 1991 Focusing on Successful Reintegration: Cognitive Skills Training for Offenders HTML
No R-18 1990 Research on Staff Commitment: A Discussion Paper HTML
No R-17 1991 Dynamic and Behavioral Antecedents to Recidivism: A Retrospective Analysis HTML
No R-16 1991 Evaluation of Correctional Service of Canada Substance Abuse Programs HTML
No R-15 1991 Measuring Performance Towards Corporate Objective No 1 HTML
No R-14 1991 Persons with Intellectual Disability who are Incarcerated for Criminal Offences: A Literature Review HTML PDF
No R-13 1991 Conditional Release Supervision Standards: An Update on Training for Offender Risk/Needs Assessment HTML PDF
No R-12 1991 Literature Review on the Factors Related to Escape from Correctional Institutions HTML PDF
No R-11 1991 Patterns of Alcohol and Drug Use among Federal Offenders as Assessed by the Computerized Lifestyle Screening Instrument HTML PDF
No R-10 1991 Differences in Response to Long-term Imprisonment: Implications for the Management of Long-Term Offenders HTML PDF
No R-9 1990 Development and Validation of a Psychological Referral Screening Tool HTML PDF
No R-8 1990 Case Management Strategies Survey HTML PDF
No R-6 1989 Field Test of the Community Risk/Needs Management Scale: A Study of Offenders on Caseload HTML PDF
No R-5 1989 Role of the Research Branch HTML PDF
No R-4 1989 Validation of an Adult Offender Classification System for Newfoundland and Labrador HTML PDF
No R-3 1989 Family Violence Review: Prevention and Treatment of Abusive Behaviour HTML PDF
No R-2 1989 Pilot Implementation of a Custody Rating Scale: Interim Report HTML PDF
No R-1 1989 Offender Risk/Needs Assessment: A Study of Conditional Releases HTML PDF