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Taylor Award Transcript

Lucie McClung
Commissioner of the Correctional Service of Canada

Distinguished guests, good evening.

Mr. Janzen, on behalf of the Correctional Service of Canada, I wish to congratulate you on your receipt of the 2004 Taylor Award. While this award is undoubtedly significant, it cannot begin to fully recognize and thank you for your dedication to improving the quality of life of Canadians.

As you very well know, the Correctional Service of Canada's Taylor Award honours the spirit of our colleague Mr. Charles Taylor. It celebrates the ability of volunteers to heal, restore, and transform human relationships.

It is my honour to present, Mr. Janzen, this award to you. Through your support for the reintegration of offenders; your ability to mentor offenders as they progress through their correctional plans; your commitment to mediation, Restorative Justice and Circles of Support, you have earned the respect of other volunteers, staff, management and offenders themselves.

For all of this - I salute you and ask that you accept this award knowing that it brings with it the Correctional Service of Canada's deepest gratitude along with the gratitude of countless Canadian citizens.

Again, Mr. Janzen, congratulations and thank you.


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