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Security Information

TD's Commitment to Protect Your Information

What we do for you:

  1. Protect your Information
  2. Monitor our Computer Systems
  3. Use Secure Firewalls and Cookies

Protect your Information

Information security and protecting your privacy are fundamental to the way we do business at TD Bank Financial Group. All employees of the TD Bank Financial Group are aware of the procedures that must be taken to safeguard customer information. It is specified in our employment agreements and regularly confirmed in writing.

TD Bank Financial Group's Privacy Code sets out our commitment to you to protect your information.


Monitor our Computer Systems

Responsibility for ensuring that we have thorough security standards to protect our systems and your information against unauthorized access and use rests with our specialized Technology Risk Management and Information Security Group. This group keeps up-to-date with ever-evolving security issues, tools and methodologies. They consult with all areas of the TD Bank Financial Group to ensure that appropriate security controls are built into TD Bank Financial Group's procedures, systems and software.

Constantly monitoring maintains the quality of our systems, proactively identifies unusual customer account activity and provides around-the-clock peace of mind.


Use Secure Firewalls and Cookies

TD Bank Financial Group uses secure firewalls to prevent unauthorized access to our internal systems. We have Internet firewalls designed to securely separate the Internet from our internal computer systems and databases. Data coming from customer computers via the Internet flows through a series of safety check points on its way to our internal systems so that only authorized messages and transactions enter our computer systems.

We use cookies as an additional security feature for EasyWeb Internet banking and TD Waterhouse WebBroker customers. There are two common types of cookies that we use, "session cookies" and "persistent cookies".

Session cookies store information only for the length of time that you are connected to a website - they are not written onto your hard drive. Once you leave the website, the originator of the cookie no longer has the information that was contained on it. For example, when you login to EasyWeb and are authenticated through your login id and password, a cookie will store the identification number of your browser. Throughout your session, the session cookie acts as a type of digital signature to identify your current session to the Web Server.

The information stored in "persistent cookies" is written onto your hard drive and remains there until the expiry date of the cookie. TD Bank Financial Group uses persistent cookies to store non-sensitive information that you are aware of and have agreed to. For example, if you choose the option on our login screen to remember your Connect ID or Access Card number for EasyWeb or WebBroker, the system will remember and automatically input your logon id each time you use the service.

Frequently Asked Questions
about Browsers
about Internet Security