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Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR)

Research Community Development Funding Program

IHSPR is running a special competition of the Research Community Development Funding Program this fall.


This funding program is intended to support health services and policy research workshops and community development initiatives that contribute to attainment of the goals and objectives outlined in the strategic plan of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Institute of Health Services and Policy Research.

Full proposals must be submitted: October 13, 2006
Anticipated date of notification: One month after closure date
Duration of projects: Up to 1 year
Total Funds available for this initiative: Up to $10,000 per grant for the term of the grant. Applications up to $20,000 will be considered in extenuating circumstances (where it is demonstrated that a) the application is well-aligned to IHSPR's strategic objectives and is rated as "fundable"; b) funding from additional sources is not available (or not available in sufficient quantity); and c) the project would not occur without such a commitment).
$55,000 per competition.

Table of Contents

Introduction & Background
Objectives & Eligible Funding Areas
How to Apply (Updated: 2006-09-26)
Evaluation Process & Criteria for Review
Guidelines and Conditions of Funding
Performance Measurement and Evaluation
Contact Information

Introduction & Background

CIHR's Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) is dedicated to supporting innovative research, capacity-building and knowledge translation initiatives designed to improve the way health care services are organized, regulated, managed, financed, paid for, used and delivered, in the interest of improving the health and quality of life of all Canadians. IHSPR's strategic plan sets out goals and priorities for CIHR to support Canada's health services and policy research community.

Accordingly, IHSPR has designed a range of funding opportunities to engage and support this community in meeting this ambitious strategic agenda. Thematic research areas identified for priority investment by IHSPR's Advisory Board were identified through the Listening for Direction II national consultation exercise. To view the thematic areas, please go to the Listening for Direction II report on IHSPR's website.

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Objectives & Eligible Funding Areas

More specifically, the objectives of this funding program are to: 

The following list represents examples of the types of initiatives eligible for funding.

For the purposes of this program, IHSPR defines 'workshop' as a meeting of a limited number of persons (10 - 30) individually invited to address specific questions or problems important to the health system in Canada, where it is anticipated that new, strategic, health services and policy research could have an impact.

The Institute defines 'symposium' as a larger (more than 30 people) gathering of individuals in a specific field of study or practice, who are meeting to forward a research agenda, achieve a specific outcome, or produce a product.

The purpose of workshops or symposia will generally be to reach consensus on emerging priority policy/system/service issues or related research questions, in thematic areas identified as priorities in IHSPR's strategic plan, or to identify and elaborate new issues/priority areas that are likely to be of interest to system policy-makers and managers, and therefore to IHSPR. All events should involve a mix of researchers and research users, although it is generally expected that many participants will hold academic appointments in Canada.

The range and definition of community development activities, including background papers or environmental scans, is less prescriptive. IHSPR would like to allow for and support creativity and innovation where such activities are likely to contribute to the attainment of goals established in its strategic plan. New approaches and strategies, particularly involving the collaboration of researchers from multiple pillars and affiliated with other CIHR Institutes, are encouraged.

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IHSPR expects that, whenever possible, applicants will solicit partial funding from other potential funding partners. The maximum amount of support from IHSPR for any initiative will be $20,000 per proposal, but in most cases funding will not exceed $10,000, unless there is compelling evidence that the needed funds cannot be obtained from other funding partners. 

Expenses eligible for support include:

Expenses NOT ELIGIBLE include:

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How to Apply

1. Applications must be submitted using the IHSPR Workshop and Research Community Development Grant Application Form [ PDF (53 KB) | DOC (162 KB) | Help ] (Updated: 2006-09-26). Completed applications must be submitted to by the above listed due date. You will receive a confirmation of receipt within two business days. If you do not receive this confirmation, please contact us by phone.

Key elements of the application include:

2. Applications submitted to more than one CIHR Institute are to be submitted to each Institute, with a clear and consistent indication of which Institute the applicant wishes to be the 'lead' Institute for purposes of cash flow and accountability.

3. Please note that in the interest of fairness to all applicants, only applications that fully comply with application requirements, including length, and compliance with point #2 above, will be included in the competition. Additional materials, with the exception of expanded budget sheets if desired, will NOT be accepted. Applicant CVs are not required.

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Evaluation Process and Criteria For Review

Proposals eligible for review must have among their objectives one or more of the following:

Proposals must involve collaboration amongst individuals from a variety of disciplines, backgrounds and roles (e.g. researchers, managers, policy-makers and providers) to undertake activities such as:

A standing committee composed of rotating members of IHSPR's Institute Advisory Board (IAB) will review, rate and rank all applications. The following criteria will be used to evaluate proposals. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that applicants organize their proposals in such a way that it will be clear to reviewers how the proposal addresses each of these criteria:

Once proposals are adjudicated, those deemed fundable by the review committee will be funded on a rank-order basis. Since review committee members are not expected to be fully apprised of all other CIHR investments, IHSPR staff will seek to ensure that funded proposals do not substantively overlap or replicate other CIHR investments and advise review committee members prior to adjudication. 

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Guidelines and Conditions of Funding

Successful applicants are required to provide IHSPR with a report of the workshop or community development activity within three months of completion of the funded activity. The report must include: purpose, objectives, participants, description of the initiative (date, location and activities and strategies), outcomes/recommendations, knowledge translation activities, evaluation summary, and intended next steps. An executive summary, not exceeding two pages, is required for posting on IHSPR's website. IHSPR requires recognition in program materials provided at the event and in the event report.

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Performance Measurement and Evaluation

IHSPR plans to assess performance of this initiative through ongoing monitoring and periodic evaluation. We are committed to informing Canadians about the performance of our initiatives and the results that they deliver.  

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Contact Information

Craig Larsen
CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
Tel.: (604) 222-6874

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Created: 2003-04-16
Modified: 2006-09-26
Reviewed: 2004-08-23