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CIHR Achievements in Research: June 2000-June 2001

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Table of Contents

The first year: Laying down the foundation
A year of research achievements
Creating synergies through partnerships
Strategic initiatives
Building Canada's new economy for the 21st century
Looking to the future

Dear Parliamentarian,

One year ago, Parliament recognized the importance of a vibrant, internationally competitive and strategic health research initiative. The creation of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) will help realize a vision of health and prosperity for Canadians.

Canadians care deeply about our health care system; it is both a source of national pride and a symbol of national identity. But there is no doubt that our health care system must change, and change profoundly, in order to maintain that pride and identity.

But as surely as we can say our health system must change, so can we assert that, in the coming years, health research will be the major driver of that change. Recent and ongoing advances in our understanding of the human genome, together with our growing appreciation of the complex interplay between genetic, social, and environmental factors that establish our susceptibility to disease, will transform our health care system over the next 10 to 20 years.

By bringing together all four pillars of health research: biomedical, clinical, health services and systems, and population health research, CIHR is taking an integrated approach to the health issues that concern Canadians and creating the knowledge that will transform our health care system and translate into better health for Canadians.

The creation of CIHR positions Canada as a world leader in the international revolution that is making the 21st century "the century of health research".

Over the past year, we have put in place the structures and the programs that are transforming the Canadian health research enterprise. I am pleased, on behalf of the Governing Council of CIHR, to provide you with this publication, the first in an ongoing series that demonstrates the results that are being achieved with public funding. With your continued support, our successes will help make Canada an international leader in ensuring better health for its citizens, a strengthened health care system, and a growing economy.

Alan Bernstein, PhD, FRSC
President, Canadian Institutes of Health Research

The first year: Laying the foundation

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research was officially launched on June 7, 2000. Since then, CIHR has evolved at a rapid pace, beginning with the identification of 13 institutes on July 25, 2000.

Researchers from across the country, and from across the four pillars of health research - basic biomedical, clinical, health systems and services, and population health research - are supported through 13 "virtual" institutes, linked by their common interest in creating new knowledge and pursuing excellence.

CIHR funds more than 5,000 researchers in universities, teaching hospitals, and research institutes across Canada, and supports the training of thousands of outstanding young people in health research every year. CIHR's budget for 2001-2002 is $477 million. This commitment on the part of the Government of Canada will allow Canada to attract and retain its best and brightest scientists and to remain internationally competitive in today's knowledge-based economy.

In December 2000, 13 internationally recognized researchers were named as Scientific Directors of the institutes, charged with developing strategic research agendas to fulfill each institute's mandate. They are assisted in their tasks by the 218 members of Institute Advisory Boards, representing all areas of the health research community, including researchers, research users, the public and private sectors, voluntary health organizations, and patient groups and individual citizens.

Human Stem Cells: Opportunities and Challenges

CIHR is committed to fostering the discussion of ethical issues and the application of ethical principles to health research. Currently, there are no regulations specifically designed to address stem cell research. Canadian researchers need a legal and ethical framework within which they can explore this growing field of health research, an area that holds tremendous potential for treating many serious diseases.

In the fall of 2000, CIHR convened an international team of researchers and ethicists to discuss both the exciting opportunities and the ethical issues around the use of human embryonic stem cells. In March, 2001, CIHR issued their discussion paper and is seeking feedback on the recommendations as a basis for future policy.

Building Canada's Health Research Community

In January 2001, the results of CIHR's first competition were announced. In total, 478 research projects were approved, ranging from large community-linked and multi-disciplinary health research projects, to investigator-initiated proposals, to multi-centre clinical trials and equipment grants. Thanks to the increased funding provided to CIHR, the size of grants in this competition increased by 20 per cent and the number of grants by 10 per cent - just a first step in CIHR's promise to provide internationally competitive support to researchers right here in Canada. Two months later, in March 2001, CIHR awarded 407 training and salary awards to Canada's outstanding and up-and-coming researchers.

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Dr. Rémi Quirion

As Scientific Director of the Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health, and Addiction, Rémi Quirion will lead a national effort to support research to enhance mental health, neurological health, vision, hearing, and cognitive function, and to reduce the burden of related disorders through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation. Dr. Quirion has made the Douglas Hospital Research Centre, affiliated with McGill University, a premier research facility in Canada in the fields of neurosciences and mental health. His research has focused on understanding the relationships between the abnormalities in the brains of people with Alzheimer's, molecular and pharmacological features of neuropeptide receptors and their role in memory, pain, and drug dependence; and models of schizophrenia. Dr. Quirion also takes a major interest in training the next generation of scientists.

A Year of Research Achievements

Canadian health researchers have an international reputation for excellence. From François Auger, founder of the Laboratory for Experimental Organogenesis (LOEX) at Laval University, who has grown skin, blood vessels, ligaments, and cartilage in his lab, thereby helping people with severe burns to survive, to the University of Toronto's Martin Yaffe, who has developed a digital mammography machine which gives a clearer image of breast tissue, allowing small tumours and other early signs of cancer to be identified earlier, CIHR-funded investigators have made the research breakthroughs that result in better health outcomes for Canadians.

Today, more than ever, the health problems facing Canadians are complex, and their solutions require a problem-based, interdisciplinary approach. CIHR is investing $80 million over the next five years to support 29 multi-disciplinary research teams. These teams bring together nearly 600 researchers, representing more than 100 institutions and 242 partners in five countries. Here is just a sample of the research discoveries and new ventures of the past year:

Diabetes and Canada's Aboriginal population

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Alastair Cribb

A CIHR Scholar and member of the Governing Council of CIHR, Alastair Cribb analyzes drugs at the molecular level to find out why humans and animals experience adverse side effects - anything from skin rashes to fatalities. He and his research team at the University of Prince Edward Island are concentrating on sulfonamides, anticonvulsants, and anti-inflammatory drugs in their attempt to unravel the genetic differences between individuals that influence susceptibility to drug and chemical toxicity. He looks forward to a day when people hold "genetic credit cards" to let physicians know the safest and most effective drugs for each patient.

Canada's aging population and rural health

Child health and development

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: C. May Griffith

As people age, their corneas tend to deteriorate. C. May Griffith is helping people to see again. Dr. Griffith and her team at the University of Ottawa Eye Institute have successfully constructed an artificial cornea, the transparent sheath that covers the eye and protects it from the surrounding environment. While her discovery still needs extensive testing, it could lead to human transplants in the not-too-distant future and could eliminate the need for live animals in testing the toxicity of new drugs and other substances that are potentially irritating to the eye.

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Patrick Lee

As a highly respected virologist and cancer biologist at the University of Calgary, Patrick Lee has championed the development of reovirus as a potential treatment for cancer. Reovirus, like all viruses, self-propagates and multiplies when it attaches itself to a host cell. With ordinary viruses, they can cause sickness due to infection. Reovirus, though, kills cancerous host cells and leaves healthy cells alone. Using reovirus is a novel approach to treating cancer, and Dr. Lee says he and his team stumbled on it quite accidentally. Human trials of reovirus, in the form of a drug called Reosyn, began in May 2000; if successful, Reosyn could be used to fight malignant breast, lung, and neck tumours.

Women's health

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Christiane Poulin

Christiane Poulin calls herself a smalltown doctor with a good sense of community values. As an associate professor of epidemiology and community medicine at Dalhousie University, Dr. Poulin is studying substance abuse among youth at four Nova Scotia schools. She wants to reorient drug education to focus on teaching young people about drug risks, thereby reducing their involvement with harmful drugs. As a medical doctor, Dr. Poulin found she couldn't stop teenagers from abusing drugs. As an epidemiologist, she can address drug addiction at its source. She is also investigating the abuse of ritalin among children.

Workplace health and safety

Battling disease

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Judes Poirier

McGill University's Judes Poirier was featured on the front page of the Wall Street Journal and named "Neuroscientist of the Year" by Québec Science for his discovery that apolipoprotein E, a protein that transports cholesterol to the brain, is also genetically linked to the most common form of Alzheimer's disease. Dr. Poirier found that 80 per cent of people with sporadic Alzheimer's had low levels of Apo E4, one of the forms in which apolipoprotein exists in the human body. His discovery has made it easier to track people who carry the gene for the most common form of Alzheimer's disease, to better assess their chances of contracting it. He is now testing new drugs that could raise levels of Apo-E in susceptible people. As Dr. Poirier points out, if we could delay the onset of the disease by five years, we would eliminate half the cases.

Creating synergies through partnerships

The creation of CIHR has sparked momentum to develop a national strategic health research agenda that brings together all partners in the health research process. All levels of government, the voluntary health sector, and the private sector are working together to better respond to the health needs and priorities of Canadians. CIHR partners help to identify research priorities and frame the relevant research questions, and they contribute financially to the answering of these questions, building on the Government of Canada's own investment in health research. CIHR and its partners together invest in excellence and transfer the results of new-found knowledge back to the constituencies that each partner serves.

In the past year, CIHR has developed several innovative partnerships:

Strategic initiatives

The CIHR difference lies in making strategic choices and decisions and about taking a directed approach to answer specific questions. Each of CIHR's 13 institutes is charged with developing a strategic research plan that will fill in research gaps and build capacity in its field. Since the Institutes' Scientific Directors were appointed, they have been consulting widely with researchers, research funders, and research users to determine priority areas for Institute Strategic Initiatives. Several Strategic Initiatives are already underway:

A CIHR Profile in Excellence: Tony Pawson

Tony Pawson, a CIHR Distinguished Investigator and Acting Director of the Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute of Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, is one of the world's leading experts in the new science of proteomics, or how our proteins interact to make our bodies function normally. This research will be the foundation for the development of a whole new generation of 21st century drugs. In addition to receiving virtually all of Canada's highest awards for research, Dr. Pawson has received in the past three years alone the Heinecken Prize from the Royal Academy of the Netherlands and the Pezcoller International Award from the American Association for Cancer Research.

Building Canada's new economy for the 21st century

CIHR plays an important role in supporting Canada's economic prosperity in the 21st century:

Success in the commercial arena depends critically on research and innovation. Academic research is the wellspring that drives the growth and success of the biotechnology sector.

Public investment is critical to the generation of commercial growth. From training the next generation of researchers, to providing competitive levels of funding and providing the required infrastructure support, to placing resources into technology transfer and intellectual property expertise, public investment is the fuel that powers the engine of job creation and growth in the knowledge-intensive economy of the 21st century.

In Canada, CIHR-funded research has resulted in exponential growth in the life sciences. Today, the life sciences account for 86,000 jobs in Canada, a figure that is forecast to grow to more than 130,000 jobs by 2003. Already, there are more than 100 publicly listed Canadian health-related companies with a market value of close to $15 billion.

Canada's biotechnology sector, the growth sector of the new economy, is the second-largest in the world, in no small part due to CIHR investments. At the University of British Columbia alone, CIHR investments have led to the creation of more than 20 private companies that have created almost 750 jobs for highly trained Canadian researchers and scientists. Among them is Quadra Logic Technologies, which is developing photofrin, an anti-cancer drug that works by sensitizing cancer cells so that they can be destroyed by a safe form of radiation.

One of the most exciting developments in this area has been the growth of Micrologix Biotech. This Vancouver-based company, also a spin-off from a UBC grant, is testing cationic peptides as a way to prevent infections from catheterization, based on the work of Bob Hancock at the University of British Columbia. Some five million catheters are inserted into patients every year. They can be infected even before they enter the body, and can start infections in the body once inserted. With no similar products available, Micrologix's product is being fast-tracked through clinical trials by the FDA in the United States and is expected to be on the market within the next couple of years. In the meantime, Micrologix has grown from one employee to 40, and its market capitalization of $300 million is set to rise ten-fold once the product is ready for market.

Across the country, CIHR investments have led to many more significant commercial spin-offs:

The link between investment in health research and a strong and growing economy is clear. Every $1 million invested in health research creates approximately 60 jobs, while contributing to Canada's success in the knowledgebased economy of the 21st century.

Spinoff companies from CIHR funding

Looking to the future

The 21st century is the Century of Health Research, and CIHR is a bold and innovative approach for ensuring Canada is a major player on the international stage. Through our virtual institutes, we are integrating health research efforts to create the greatest possible results for our health research investment.

The first year of CIHR has been an exhilarating combination of establishing structures, involving people in widespread public consultations on health research issues, developing programs, and, above all, supporting the research discoveries that will make a difference for Canadians.

Visit to keep up with the latest health research breakthroughs, and to find out about forthcoming strategic initiatives, new partnerships, and other exciting developments as CIHR continues on its journey to make Canada an international leader in health research.

Created: 2005-02-18
Modified: 2005-02-18
Reviewed: 2005-02-18