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CIHR The Power of Volunteers 2005-2006

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Volunteers are the backbone of CIHR's reputation for excellence. They help to set research priorities and strategic directions, ensure that CIHR funding is allocated only to the very best research proposals, and provide accountability, not only to the people of Canada, the source of CIHR funding, but also to the research community.

CIHR is pleased to recognize the dedication of the thousands of expert and community reviewers, Institute Advisory Board members, university delegates and committee members who so generously volunteered their time and expertise to CIHR in 2005-06. CIHR thanks them for their continuing commitment to improving the lives of Canadians.

Table of Contents

President's Message / Message du président
Message from the Vice-President, Research / Message du vice-président, Recherche
Governing Council / Conseil d'administration
Executive Committee / Comité de direction
Nominating Committee / Comité de mise en candidature
President's International Advisory Committee / Comité consultatif international du président
President's Voluntary Sector Committee / Comité du président sur le secteur bénévole et communautaire
Stem Cell Oversight Committee / Comité de surveillance de la recherche sur les cellules souches
Standing Committee on Ethics / Comité permanent de l'éthique
Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions / Comité permanent de surveillance des concours de subventions et bourses
Standing Committee on Finance and Planning / Comité permanent des finances et de la planification
Standing Committee on Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Audit / Comité permanent de la mesure du rendement, de l'évaluation et de la vérification
Institute Advisory Boards / Conseils consultatifs des instituts
University Delegates / Délégués universitaires
Peer Review Committees / Comités d'examen par les pairs

Operating Grant Programs / Programmes de subventions de fonctionnement
Research Personnel Awards Programs / Programmes de bourses du personnel de recherche
Partnered Programs / Programmes de partenariat
Strategic Initiatives / Initiatives stratégiques

CIHR Invited Reviewers / Examinateurs invités des IRSC
Community Reviewers / Examinateurs de la collectivité

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President's Message

When CIHR was created in 2000, it was given a wide-ranging and ambitious mandate. We have worked hard in the intervening years to meet this mandate, developing new approaches and new programs to help Canada's research community reach its full potential.

This past year, as required by our legislation and by our commitment to accountability to Canadians, CIHR embarked on a significant and comprehensive evaluation by a prestigious International Review Panel. The panel met with more than 100 investigators, both senior and at the outset of their careers, as well as with university and government leaders, partners in industry, the health charities and the provinces, and CIHR management and staff. Panel members also had access to detailed and extensive surveys of researchers from across Canada and an evaluation of each of CIHR's 13 Institutes.

While we do not yet have the Panel's recommendations, I know that, overall, they were favourably impressed with what we have achieved to date. And I know that we would not have had this level of positive reaction if it were not for the involvement of all of the people listed in this book - the many hundreds of Canadians who give of their time, experience and wisdom to our peer review committees, Institute Advisory Boards and committees.

I would like to take this occasion to formally thank all of you for your contributions to health research in Canada. CIHR's success to date has depended critically on the active engagement and commitment of literally thousands of individuals from across Canada and from all walks of life.

Dr. Alan Bernstein, O.C., FRSC
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

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Message from the Vice-President, Research

CIHR thanks and appreciates all those who contribute their time and effort to assist it in achieving its goal of improved health for Canadians and the people of the world. The majority of the volunteers are health researchers who have a very direct interest in CIHR's success, since they rely to a greater or lesser extent on CIHR funding to further their research goals and support their trainees. This by no means diminishes their contributions because, of course, a peer reviewer never influences the fate of her or his own applications. Rather, reviewers understand that their own applications were funded only because peers from other institutions were prepared to take the time to review the applications, and there is a duty to reciprocate.

However, there are many volunteers who are not health researchers and who have no direct interest in the results of CIHR's competitions. I would like particularly to recognize those who serve as community reviewers on CIHR's peer review committees. Following successful pilot projects involving community reviewers in a limited number of review committees in 2004 and 2005, CIHR has decided to expand the participation of community reviewers to all its peer review committees.

The Community Reviewers Project echoes the efforts made by other research funding agencies, such as The Arthritis Society and the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance, to meet a higher standard of transparency and accountability. We expect that the Community Reviewers Project will better demonstrate our accountability to Canadians, improve the assessment of the relevance of the work we fund to the health of Canadians, and enlist members of the community as advocates in attesting to the rigor and fairness of the CIHR review process. CIHR community reviewers may contribute to all three objectives or to the first and third roles only, depending on the reviewers' backgrounds and experience, and the nature of the review committee on which they serve.

Our experience in the pilot projects through two review cycles has been encouraging, and I want to thank both the committees that agreed to take part in these pilots, and the community reviewers. It takes courage all around to be involved in such a departure from traditional review processes. One of the community reviewers told me that she was using her holiday time to volunteer for us, and was doing so willingly because she felt it was so important for the public to learn more about the wonderful research that was being proposed to CIHR.

This is the last occasion for me to express CIHR's gratitude to our thousands of volunteers, particularly the reviewers, members of the Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions (SCOGAC), and the University Delegates, with whom I have had the most interaction. It is your hard work that gives rise to CIHR's reputation for excellence and, ultimately, a large part of Canada's reputation for leading health research. As competition grows ever tougher, your careful and considerate work is even more important.

Mark Bisby
Vice-President, Research
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

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Governing Council

CIHR's Governing Council is chaired by CIHR's President and comprises up to 20 Canadians who have been appointed by Order-in-Council to renewable three-year terms. Council members represent a wide range of backgrounds and disciplines, reflecting CIHR's broad mandate and vision.

BERNSTEIN, Alan Chair / Président Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
NADEAU, Louise Vice-chair / Vice-présidente Montréal
LING, Victor Associate vice-chair / Vice-président associé B.C. Cancer Research Centre
ROSENBERG, Morris Ex-officio / Membre d'office Heatlh Canada / Santé Canada
ATKINSON, Stephanie Term lapsed Sept. 30, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 30 sept. 2005 McMaster
BUREAU, Michel A.   Sherbrooke
CHOCHINOV, Harvey   Manitoba
CRIBB, Alastair E. Term lapsed Sept. 30, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 30 sept. 2005 Prince Edward Island
EDWARDS, Nancy   Ottawa
GROS, Philippe Term lapsed Sept. 30, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 30 sept. 2005 McGill
KEOUGH, Kevin Term lapsed Sept. 30, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 30 sept. 2005 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
McGRATH, Patrick   Dalhousie
OUELLETTE, Rodney J.   Dr. Georges-L. Dumont Regional Hospital / Hôpital régional Dr-Georges-L.-Dumont
RICHARDS, Carol Lillian   Laval
ROSSANT, Janet   Hospital for Sick Children
ROTMAN, Joseph L.   Roy L. Capital Corporation
ROULEAU, Jean   Montréal
STEINBERG, Arnold   Cleman Ludmer Steinberg, Inc.
THOMLINSON, Bill   Canadian Light Source

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Executive Committee

The Executive Committee exercises all powers and performs all duties of Governing Council between meetings of the Council to ensure the orderly flow of business and implementation of decisions, except for those specific responsibilities that cannot be delegated by Governing Council.

BERNSTEIN, Alan Chair / Président Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
CRIBB, Alastair E. Term lapsed June 6, 2006 / Mandat terminé le 6 juin 2006 Prince Edward Island
LING, Victor   B.C. Cancer Research Centre
NADEAU, Louise   Montréal
RICHARDS, Carol Lillian   Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration / Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale
ROTMAN, Joseph L.   Roy L. Capital Corporation
SHELDON, Robert   Calgary

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Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee oversees the nomination process for seeking members for Governing Council, any standing committee or working group established by Governing Council, and members of the Institute Advisory Boards.

NADEAU, Louise Chair / Présidente Montréal
BERNSTEIN, Alan Ex-officio / Membre d'office Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
EDWARDS, Nancy C.   Ottawa
KEOUGH, Kevin Term lapsed Sept. 29, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 29 sept. 2005 Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research

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President's International Advisory Committee

The Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) President's International Advisory Committee (PIAC) was established to provide high-level national and international perspectives and advice on matters pertinent to the advance of Canada's health research agenda. It serves as an important forum for identifying long-range health trends, emerging research fields and global health issues and opportunities. Committee members are internationally recognized health researchers and senior leaders and policy-makers from the public and private sectors in Canada and abroad.

BERNSTEIN, Alan President / Président Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
ROTMAN, Joseph L. Chair / Président Roy L. Capital Corporation
BÉGIN, Monique   Ottawa
CAILLÉ, Alain   Montréal
CASTELL, Sir William   GE Healthcare
FUKS, Abraham   McGill
KNOPPERS, Bartha   Montréal
LEWIS, Stephen   UN / ONU
MAXWELL, Judith   Canadian Policy Research Networks / Réseaux canadiens de recherche en politiques publiques
PAWSON, Anthony J.   Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
PECKHAM, Michael   University College (UK - R.-U.)
PICKETT, Cecil B.   Schering-Plough Research Institute (U.S. / É.-U.)
SEGAL, Judith Z.   British Columbia
SMITH, Susan   RBC Technology Ventures Inc, Royal Bank of Canada / RBC Technologie Capital de Risque Inc., Banque Royale du Canada
SPENCE, Matthew   Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research
THOMAS, Gilles   Fondation Jean Dausset
VARMUS, Harold   Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (U.S. / É.-U.)
WONG, Milton   HSBC Asset Management Canada Ltd.

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President's Voluntary Sector Committee

The President's Voluntary Sector Committee (PVSC) works to maximize the effectiveness of working relationships and partnerships between CIHR and the voluntary sector to in turn increase the benefits of health research.

BERNSTEIN, Alan Co-chair / Coprésident Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
LOVERIDGE, Joan Co-chair / Coprésidente Former volunteer, Canadian Cancer Society / Ancienne bénévole, Société canadienne du cancer
BROWN, Sally   Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada / Fondation des maladies du coeur du Canada
FRANK, Cyril B.   CIHR's Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis / Institut de l'appareil locomoteur et de l'arthrite des IRSC
GOTLIB, Allan   Canadian Chiropractic Association / Association chiropratique canadienne
McINNES, Roderick R.   CIHR's Institute of Genetics / Institut de génétique des IRSC
McMANUS, Bruce   CIHR's Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health / Institut de la santé circulatoire et respiratoire des IRSC
MORRISON, Cathleen   Canadian Cystic Fibrosis Foundation / Fondation canadienne de la fibrose kystique
QUIRION, Rémi   CIHR's Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addictions / Institut des neurosciences, de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies des IRSC
SANGHERA, Nashater   Volunteer, Osteoporosis Canada / Bénévole, Ostéoporose Canada

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Stem Cell Oversight Committee

The Stem Cell Oversight Committee (SCOC) will review human stem cell research funding applications submitted to CIHR and approved by CIHR's peer review committees, using considerations set forth in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Research: Guidelines for CIHR-Funded Research. In addition, it will review stem cell research proposals submitted by other public or private granting agencies, by mutual agreement.

ENZLE, Michael E. Chair / Président Alberta
BRANDHORST, Bruce   Simon Fraser
CLARKE, Teren   Canadian Paraplegic Association / Association canadienne des paraplégiques
CLUTE, Catherine   Chester (UK / R.-U.)
COHEN, Cynthia B.   Georgetown (U.S. / É.-U.)
DICKENS, Bernard M.   Toronto
DUNSTAN, Diana   Medical Research Council (UK / R.-U.)
EVANS, Donald   Otago (New Zealand / Nouvelle-Zélande)
LAMBERT, Raymond D.   Laval
LANGLOIS, Sylvie   British Columbia
LEADER, Arthur   Ottawa
ROBERTSON, Cheryl M. G.   Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative Board / Conseil d'administration de l'Initiative canadienne de recherche pour la lutte contre le tabagisme

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Standing Committee on Ethics

The Standing Committee on Ethics (SCE) will identify for Governing Council emerging ethical issues of strategic relevance with respect to health and health research. It will also provide Governing Council with high-level strategic advice on the ethical, legal and socio-cultural dimensions of CIHR's mandate as set out in the CIHR Act, at its own initiative or at the request of the Governing Council or the President.

CHOCHINOV, Harvey Chair / Président Manitoba
BERNSTEIN, Alan Ex-officio / Membre d'office Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
CHADWICK, Ruth Resigned March 22, 2006 / Démission le 22 mars 2006 Lancaster (UK / R.-U.)
COOK, David   Leo Pharma Inc.
FRANK, Arthur W.   Calgary
JEAN, Michèle Term lapsed Dec.31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 Montréal
KEATING, Bernard   Laval
LAMOUCHE, Carrielynn   Aboriginal Healing Foundation / Fondation autochtone de guérison
McDONALD, Michael Past Chair / Ancien président British Columbia
McGILLIVRAY, Barbara Term lapsed Dec.31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 B.C.'s Children's Hospital
MISHARA, Brian   Québec
NISKER, Jeffrey   Western Ontario
PULLMAN, Daryl   Memorial
SHERWIN, Susan   Dalhousie
STARZOMSKI, Rosalie   Victoria
VANDERWEL, Marianne Term lapsed Dec.31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 Pfizer Canada Inc.
ZIMMERMAN, Susan   Consultant / Consultante

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Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions

The Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions (SCOGAC) advises Governing Council with respect to the outcomes of CIHR's competitions for research funding.

SCHECHTER, Martin Chair / Président British Columbia
ATKINSON, Stephanie Chair / Présidente
Term lapsed Sept. 30, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 30 sept. 2005
BERNSTEIN, Alan Ex-officio / Membre d'office Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
ANAND, Sonia   McMaster
CORBETT, Dale Term lapsed Dec. 31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 Memorial
CROSS, James   Calgary
DEMERS, Andrée   Montréal
L'ABBÉ, Mary   Health Canada / Santé Canada
LANDRY, Réjean   Laval
LYONS, Renée F.   Dalhousie
MURPHY, Liam J.   Manitoba
ONYSKIW, Judee   New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
PROBSTFIELD, Jeffrey   Washington (U.S. / É.-U.)
RACHUBINSKI, Richard   Alberta
RUDNICKI, Michael Term lapsed Dec. 31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 Ottawa Hospital Research Institute / Institut de recherche en santé d'Ottawa
SCHOLEFIELD, Peter   Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation / Fondation ontarienne de neurotraumatologie
STRYNADKA, Natalie   British Columbia
VERGE, Valerie Term lapsed Dec. 31, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 31 déc. 2005 Saskatoon City Hospital
YOUNG, Kue   Toronto

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Standing Committee on Finance and Planning

The Standing Committee on Finance and Planning (SCFP) is mandated by Governing Council to provide direction and oversight of CIHR's financial, budgeting and strategic planning activities.

LING, Victor Chair / Président B.C. Cancer Research Centre
BERNSTEIN, Alan Ex-officio / Membre d'office Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
BUREAU, Michel   Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec
KEOUGH, Kevin Term lapsed Sept. 29, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 29 sept. 2005 Alberta Heritage Foundation of Medical Research
McGRATH, Patrick   Dalhousie
STEINBERG, Arnold   Cleman Ludmer Steinberg, Inc.

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Standing Committee on Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Audit

The Standing Committee on Performance Measurement, Evaluation and Audit (SCPMEA) is mandated by Governing Council to provide oversight of CIHR's policies on evaluation, performance measurement and internal and external audit activities.

SHELDON, Robert Chair / Président Calgary
BERNSTEIN, Alan Ex-officio / Membre d'office Canadian Institutes of Health Research / Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada
BUXTON, Martin J.   Brunel (UK / R.-U.)
DESAUTELS, Denis   Ottawa
HORNE, John   Victoria
LAVIS, John   McMaster
LOVE, Arnold   Consultant
PRICHARD, Sarah Term lapsed Mar. 11, 2005 / Mandat terminé le 11 mars 2005 Baxter Healthcare
RICHARDS, Carol Lillian   Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation and Social Integration / Centre interdisciplinaire de recherche en réadaptation et intégration sociale

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Institute Advisory Boards

Each of CIHR's 13 Institutes benefits from the wisdom and guidance of its Institute Advisory Board, made up of volunteers from all areas of the health research community, including research funders, partner organizations, researchers and those who use the results of research.

CIHR's Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

KING, Malcolm Alberta
BARTLETT, Judy Aboriginal Health and Wellness Centre of Winnipeg Inc.
DEWAILLY, Eric Centre hospitalier de l'Université Laval / Centre hospitalier de l'Université du Québec
DOWNEY, Bernice National Aboriginal Health Organization / Organisation nationale de la santé autochtone
GREY, Minnie Makivik Corporation
JOCK, Richard Assembly of First Nations / Assemblée des Premières Nations
KIRMAYER, Laurence McGill
MacAULAY, Ann Center for Research and Training in Diabetes Prevention
McCORNICK, Rod British Columbia
McINTYRE, Lynn Dalhousie
MILL, Judith Alberta
O'NEIL, John Manitoba
POTTER, Ian Health Canada / Santé Canada
ROMERO, Francine Northern Plains Tribal Epidemiology Center
SHOUSH, Bronwyn Government of Alberta / Gouvernement de l'Alberta
SMYLIE, Janet Saskatchewan
SOBOL, Isaac Government of Nunavut / Gouvernement du Nunavut
STERLING, Lisa Simon Fraser
VALASKAKIS, Gail Aboriginal Healing Foundation / Fondation autochtone de guérison

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CIHR's Institute of Aging

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

BERGMAN, Howard Jewish General Hospital / Hôpital général juif
CLARK, Philip Rhode Island (U.S. / É.-U.)
CYNADER, Max British Columbia
ESTABROOKS, Carole Alberta
FERNIE, Geoff Toronto Rehabilitation Institute
JOANETTE, Yves Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal
KEEFE, Janice Mount Saint Vincent
LAI, Daniel Calgary
LUPIEN, Sonia Douglas Hospital Research Centre / Centre de recherche de l'Hôpital Douglas
MENEC, Verena Manitoba
PARKER, Mary Ellen Alzheimer Society of London and Middlesex
PAYETTE, Hélène Sherbrooke
PLOUFFE, Louise Health Canada / Santé Canada
PRINGLE, Dorothy Toronto
RAPELJE, Douglas Consultant
RIABOWOL, Karl Calgary
ROCKWOOD, Kenneth Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre
RYLETT, R. Jane Robarts Research Institute
WARNER, Huber National Institute on Aging (U.S. / É.-U.)

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CIHR's Institute of Cancer Research

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

BRYANT, Heather Alberta Cancer Board
BARR, Ronald McMaster
BERMAN, Neil B.C. Cancer Agency
BROOKS-WILSON, Angela B.C. Cancer Agency
CAMERON, Roy Waterloo
CORBEIL, Jacques Laval
DOLL, Richard B.C. Cancer Research Centre
FITCH, Margaret Sunnybrook Regional Cancer Centre
JOHNSTON, Gerald Dalhousie
LEIS, Anne Saskatchewan
LOVERIDGE, Joan Canadian Cancer Society / Société canadienne du cancer
MacDONALD, Neil McGill
MacKILLOP, William Queen's
MES-MASSON, Anne-Marie Montréal
PATER, Joseph Queen's
PROULX GUERRERA, Diane CURE Foundation / Fondation CURE
ROBERTSON, Cheryl M. G. Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative / Initiative canadienne de recherche pour la lutte contre le tabagisme
SMITH, Ian National Research Council of Canada / Conseil national de recherches du Canada
WARD, Jeanette Ottawa
WOODGETT, Jim Princess Margaret Hospital

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CIHR's Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

CANTIN, André Sherbrooke
ARMSTRONG, Paul Canadian Vigour Centre
DE CHAMPLAIN, Jacques Montréal
DESLAURIERS, Roxanne National Research Council of Canada / Conseil national de recherches du Canada
DEVINE, Dana British Columbia
DOWNEY, Gregory Toronto
GLYNN, Peter Consultant
GREGOR, Frances Dalhousie
HAAS, Tara York
HAMET, Pavel CHUM Research Centre / Centre de recherche du CHUM
KING, Kathryn Calgary
LAUPACIS, Andreas Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
LIU, Peter Toronto
NICHOL, Graham Ottawa
RUSAK, Benjamin Dalhousie
RUTT, Brian Robarts Research Institute
SIEMIATYCKI, Jack INRS-Institut Armand-Frappier
SKANES, Verna Memorial
STACHENKO, Sylvie Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de santé publique du Canada
WEST, Lori Hospital for Sick Children

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CIHR's Institute of Gender and Health

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

GRAY, Jean Dalhousie
ANDERSON, Joan British Columbia
BÉLAND, François Montréal
BENTLEY, Sandra Interministerial Women's Secretariat
BOSCOE, Madeline Canadian Women's Health Network / Réseau canadien pour la santé des femmes
FRANK, Blye Dalhousie
HART, David Calgary
HILLS, Marcia Centre for Health Promotion Research
KICKBUSCH, Ilona Yale (U.S. / É.-U.)
LEFEBVRE, Yvonne Ottawa
LEIPERT, Beverly Western Ontario
LETOURNEAU, Nicole New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
LEUNG, Peter British Columbia
MacLEAN, Heather Toronto
MULLEN, Michelle Ottawa
St. PRIX-ALEXANDER, Deanna Health Canada / Santé Canada
TREMBLAY, Yves Laval
WILSON, Doug Alberta

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CIHR's Institute of Genetics

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

WEINER, Joel Alberta
ALLANSON, Judith Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario / Centre hospitalier pour enfants de l'est de l'Ontario
ANDREWS, Brenda Toronto
BOUVIER, Michel Montréal
CLARKE, Teren Canadian Paraplegic Association / Association canadienne des paraplégiques
DROUIN, Jacques Institut de recherches cliniques de Montréal
FREIDMAN, Jan British Columbia
HACKETT, Peter Alberta Ingenuity Fund
HAYDEN, Michael British Columbia
HIETER, Phil British Columbia
HUDSON, Tom McGill
LAVOIE, Josée Laval
LOCK, Margaret McGill
PULLMAN, Daryl Memorial
ROSSANT, Janet Hospital for Sick Children
ROUSSEAU, François Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec et Université Laval
SHIPMAN, Rob NoAb BioDiscoveries
SNYDER, Michael Yale (U.S. / É.-U.)
WEBER, Caroline Human Resources and Social Development / Ressources humaines et développement social

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CIHR's Institute of Health Services and Policy Research

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

CHAMPAGNE, François Montréal
BOIVIN, Jean-François McGill
BOON, Heather Toronto
CHAPPELL, Neena Victoria
FULOP, Naomi London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
GIBSON, Elaine Dalhousie
GOERING, Paula Centre for Addiction and Mental Health / Centre de toxicomanie et de santé mentale
GRIMSHAW, Jeremy Ottawa
KELLY, David Kelly & Associates (U.S. / É.-U.)
LAVIS, John McMaster
LAWSON, Suzanne Suzanne Lawson & Associates
MacLEOD, Martha Northern British Columbia
MAHEU, Chantal Health Canada / Santé Canada
McFARLANE, Anne British Columbia Ministry of Health and Ministry Responsible for Seniors
NORTON, Peter Calgary
REID, Robert Group Health Cooperative (U.S. / É.-U.)
SKETRIS, Ingrid Dalhousie
SLUTSKY, Arthur St. Michael's Hospital
TAMBLYN, Robyn McGill
THOMPSON, Laurence Consultant
TILLEY, George Eastern Regional Health Authority

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CIHR's Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

MURPHY, Bruce Montréal
BONTA, James Solicitor General Canada / Solliciteur général Canada
DAVIDGE, Sandra Alberta
FRASER, William Montréal
GLASS, Kathleen McGill
HAN, Victor Western Ontario
HEAMAN, Maureen Manitoba
JEANNOTTE, Lucie Laval
JOSEPH, K. S. Dalhousie
KIRTZINGER, Brenda Prairie North Health Region
LEE, Shoo British Columbia
McCOURT, Catherine Public Health Agency of Canada /Agence de santé publique du Canada
McGRATH, Patrick Dalhousie
O'BRODOVICH, Hugh Hospital for Sick Children
ROBERTS, James Pittsburgh (U.S. / É.-U.)
ROSENBAUM, Peter McMaster
STEVENS, Bonnie Hospital for Sick Children Centre for Nursing
WALKER, Dawn Health Canada / Santé Canada

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CIHR's Institute of Infection and Immunity

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

BABIUK, Lorne Saskatchewan
BARRETO, Luis SANOFI Pasteur (France)
BLEACKLEY, Robert Chris Alberta
COX, Joseph Montreal Regional Public Health Department / Direction de la santé publique de Montréal-Centre
FINLAY, Barton Brett British Columbia
HILL, Warren B.C. Centre for Disease Control
LAVERY, James St. Michael's Hospital
LOEB, Mark McMaster
MADRENAS, Joaquin Robarts Research Institute
McDONNELL, Mary Catherine South Shore Health
McGEER, Allison Mount Sinai Hospital
PAUL, William National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (U.S. / É.-U.)
PELTEKIAN, Kevork Dalhousie
PLUMMER, Francis National Microbiology Laboratory / Laboratoire national de microbiologie
POWER, Christopher Calgary
ROSE, Noel John Hopkins (U.S. / É.-U.)
SPEERT, David British Columbia
WATTS, Tania Toronto

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CIHR's Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

COOPER, Juliette Manitoba
AUBIN, Jane Toronto
BADLEY, Elizabeth Toronto Western Hospital Research Institute
BIDEN, Ed New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
COHEN, Lois National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (U.S. / É.-U.)
DAVIS, Aileen Toronto
DELL, Flora Osteoporosis Society of Canada / Société de l'ostéoporose du Canada
DUTZ, Jan British Columbia
EL-GABALAWY, Hani Manitoba
ELLEN, Richard Toronto
LUND, James McGill
McDERMOTT, John York
McKEE, Marc McGill
MÉNARD, Henri-André McGill
MILNER, Morris Bloorview MacMillan Children's Centre
MORRICE, Denis Arthritis Society / Société d'arthrite
SINGLETON, Richard Memorial
SKERJANC, Ilona Western Ontario
TRABIZIAN, Maryam McGill

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CIHR's Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

GOODYER, Paul The Montreal Children's Hospital / L'Hôpital de Montréal pour enfants
ANDERSON, Laurie U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (U.S. / É.-U.)
AFUA JUMAH, Naana Harvard (U.S. / É.-U.)
BRUBAKER, Patricia Toronto
DUBOIS, Lise Ottawa
HACHÉ, Robert Ottawa
HARNETT, John Memorial
HUFF, Murray Western Ontario
HUX, Janet Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences
KUHNLEIN, Harriet McGill
McBURNEY, Michael Kellogg Company (U.S. / É.-U.)
MEDDINGS, John Calgary
PHILIP, Douglas IBM Canada
RAINE, Kim Alberta
ROBERTS, Eve Toronto
TAYLOR, Greg Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de santé publique du Canada
WILLIAMS, Dilys Toronto

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CIHR's Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

PHILLIPS, Anthony British Columbia
BENNETT, Kathryn McMaster
BROCHU, Serge Montréal
DE KONINCK, Yves Laval
HILLS, Judith Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation / Fondation canadienne de la recherche en psychiatrie
ILLES, Judy Stanford (U.S. / É.-U.)
JARDINE, Mary Canadian National Institute for the Blind / Institut national canadien pour les aveugles
LESAGE, Alain Hôpital Louis-H. Lafontaine
McKERRACHER, Lisa Montréal
MENON, Ravi Robarts Research Institute
MILLER, Freda Toronto
PALMOUR, Roberta McGill
REIMER, Marlene Manitoba
ROY, Patrice Pfizer Canada Inc.
SALTER, Michael Hospital for Sick Children
SINGLE, Eric Single and Associates
STEINBACH, Martin Toronto Western Hospital
STEWART, Jane Concordia
UPSHALL, Philip Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental Health / Alliance canadienne pour la maladie mentale et la santé mentale
WEAVER, Donald Dalhousie
ZOCHODNE, Douglas Calgary

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CIHR's Institute of Population and Public Health

Legend ¦ Légende
chairperson ¦ président

BRUNHAM, Robert B.C. Centre for Disease Control
ARONSON, Kristan Queen's
BENOIT, Cecilia Victoria
BUTLER-JONES, David Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de la santé publique du Canada
DUNN, James St. Michael's Hospital
GULLY, Paul Public Health Agency of Canada / Agence de la santé publique du Canada
GYORKOS, Theresa McGill
HANKINS, Catherine World Health Organization / Organisation mondiale de la Santé
HAWE, Penelope Calgary
HERTZMAN, Clyde British Columbia
MARTENS, Patricia Manitoba
McLAUGHLIN, John Mount Sinai Hospital
PARADIS, Gilles McGill
ROBERT, Jason Arizona State (U.S. / É.-U.)
SHOVELLER, Jean British Columbia
SYME, Leonard California, Berkeley (U.S. / É.-U.)
WILSON, Elinor Canadian Public Health Association / Association canadienne de santé publique
WOLFSON, Michael Statistics Canada / Statistique Canada

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University Delegates

University Delegates (UDs) play a vital role in the research community CIHR is building. Through them, CIHR reaches out to the health research community within the university and its affiliated institutions to keep them informed of CIHR's directions, initiatives and decisions. UDs also participate in awareness-raising activities and provide a means for members of the research community to express their views to CIHR.

ANDERSON, Joan British Columbia
ANDREWS, David McMaster
AUBIN, Jane E. Toronto
AVISON, William R. Western Ontario
BAKER, Mark Guelph
BÉDARD, Michel Lakehead
BENOIT, Cecilia Victoria
BOYLE, Pierre Montréal
BRIEN, James F. Queen's
CHAN, Catherine Prince Edward Island
DAY, Robert Sherbrooke
DUNCAN, Susan Thompson Rivers
GALLIVAN, Joanne Cape Breton
GARDINER, Phillip Manitoba
GERMAIN, Lucie Laval
GRAY, Sally Wilfred Laurier
HACHÉ, Robert Ottawa
HASTINGS, Kenneth McGill
HAWKES, Richard Calgary
JOHNSON, Shanthi Acadia
JOHNSTON, Gerry Dalhousie
KAO, Ken Memorial
KELLOWAY, Kevin Saint Mary's
LEAR, Scott Simon Fraser
McCay, Elizabeth Ryerson
MORRISON, William New Brunswick / Nouveau-Brunswick
MUTUS, Bulent Windsor
OSTERGAARD, Hanne Alberta
OWEN, Michael Brock
PARKER, James Trent
PHILLIPS, Natalie Concordia
POULTER, Michael Carleton
PONG, Raymond Laurentian / Laurentienne
RUSSELL, C. Neil University College of the Cariboo
SYKES, Susan Waterloo
WAYGOOD, E. Bruce Saskatchewan

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Created: 2006-10-25
Modified: 2006-11-01
Reviewed: 2006-10-25