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Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award


Ron WeibeIn June 1999, the Correctional Service of Canada (CSC) announced the creation of the Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award in honour of the late Ron Wiebe, former Warden of Ferndale and Elbow Lake Correctional Institutions, who was terminally ill with cancer and who passed away July, 1999. Ron was deeply committed to the vision and values of restorative justice and modelled these as an expression of faith in his family, his work and his community life. This award recognizes Canadians who have demonstrated, through their work or lifestyle, ways of transforming human relationships, by enabling and promoting communication and healing between people in conflict, be they victims, offenders, colleagues, families or neighbours.

The award grew out of a deep desire on the part of former Commissioner, Ole Ingstrup, to create a lasting tribute to his friend and colleague who was a true visionary in the field of corrections. CSC's National Steering Committee on Restorative Justice, of which Ron was a member, and the Restorative Justice and Dispute Resolution Branch of CSC, accepted joint responsibility for providing leadership to carry out this assignment. The Selection Committee for the Ron Wiebe Restorative Justice Award includes a variety of voices, including victim, ex-offender, community and government representatives. The award itself is created around the image of a tree - which for Ron symbolized many things: endurance, regeneration, growth and interconnectedness.

The first annual Ron Wiebe Award ceremony was held on November 16, 1999 at Ferndale Institution in Mission B.C. as part of a Restorative Justice workshop. At that time, the Commissioner and Ron's wife Shirley presented the awards to Lorraine Berzins and Rick Prashaw, representing both the past and present staff of The Church Council on Justice and Corrections, and to the family of long serving community volunteer Eleanor Brown (posthumous nominee). In 2000, social justice activist Ruth Morris was presented with the award at a dinner which launched the Ron Wiebe Legacy Lecture Series on October 26, 2000.

In 2001, 26 outstanding individuals and organizations from across Canada were nominated for the award.

For further information about this award please contact:
Carol-Anne Grenier at (613) 943-5049
