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Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH)

ICRH Update - June 2006

Dr. Peter Liu

2006, Issue 3

Table of contents

1. Message from the Scientific Director: Achieving Research Excellence

2. ICRH News

3. Research Related News

4. Funding Opportunities

5. Employment Opportunities

6. Sharing Research with the Public

7. Contact Us

1. Message from the Scientific Director - Achieving Research Excellence

Dear ICRH Stakeholders:

In follow up to our last newsletter, I would like to emphasize the importance of achieving research excellence for members of our community. It is critically important that members of our community can compete effectively at an international level, take on leadership positions, and win research awards. While we are having fun discovering new knowledge, we need to be mindful of tangible outputs and products of our research. I have mentioned the I3-P3 principle as we go forward. The I3 stands for Innovation, Integration and Imagination, (i.e. coming up with new solutions to current problems, while working in collaborative and interdisciplinary environments). The P3 stands for, high impact Publications, highly trained People, and innovative Products of knowledge (e.g. investigative tools, new treatments and diagnostic biomarkers).

Due to increased accountability of our expenditure of public funds, we need to demonstrate our prowess in research in measurable outputs, products and the impact it has on the health of Canadians. We need to constantly think of ways to maximize the impact of new knowledge on the community, with focus on health delivery and policy.

As you read the news items below, I invite you to provide your advice and suggestions to us at any time. As indicated in news item 3, we especially welcome your input through a short survey, which may be completed on-line. ICRH is your institute and we look forward to developing it with you over the coming months and years.


Peter Liu, MD, FRCPC

Scientific Director, ICRH
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2. ICRH News

YI Forum

We have completed another very successful Young Investigators' Forum (May 4-7, 2006) attended by students and trainees across the country. The program featured Landmark lecturers including Robert Roberts, Marlene Rabinovitch, Nick Anthonison and Bruce McManus. There were a large number of award winners and we would like to thank all the attendees and those who participated in the discussions or competitions.

We would like to commend the young investigators themselves who were very organized. The "rising stars" committee was a particular hit, and they organized an excellence social program, and provided additional funds for recognition and awards. We are most excited by their participation, and look forward to their input as we move onward to a different format and location.

To broaden the geographical reach of the YI Forum, and to promote variety in meeting programming, we have decided to move to a different venue. The HSFC and CCS have been enthusiastic in joining forces with ICRH to host the 2008 meeting. The details are yet to be determined, so we look forward to your suggestions and input for the new format. ICRH will also be seeking the continued support and collaboration from the many partners who have contributed to the success of the Forum over the past three years.

We would especially like to recognize and thank Drs. Naranjan Dhalla and Pawan Singal, and their amazing cardiovascular team at the University of Manitoba for their injected enthusiasm and dedication to the YI Forum over the past three years.

ICRH Strategic Planning - IAB Retreat

Following the recent transition at the Institute, we are in preparation of our upcoming Institute Advisory Board retreat. The goal of the retreat is to determine the strategies that we envision as priorities in the next three years. However, we would like to solicit as much input from our community as possible, to make sure that this process incorporates your ideas, visions and priorities. Therefore, we have prepared a web based Survey to seek your input and would appreciate if you can take about 5-7 minutes of your time to complete this survey, in order for us to serve you better in the coming years.

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3. Research Related News

Canadian Cardiovascular Congress

The CCC is the largest gathering of cardiovascular and allied health professionals involved in delivering care in Canada. The CCC draws physicians, researchers, medical students, residents and other cardiovascular professionals from across Canada and around the globe. This four-day educational program delivers high-quality science and education through plenary sessions, lively debates, clinical trial updates, abstract and poster presentations, interactive workshops and satellite symposia.

Have a Heart Bursary Program

The Canadian Cardiovascular Society Academy (CCSA) is calling for applications for the 2006 the Have a Heart Bursary Program, a travel bursary designed to introduce promising young Canadian medical students, postgraduate trainees and basic scientists-in-training to the cardiovascular sciences by attending the annual Canadian Cardiovascular Congress (CCC), which will be held in Vancouver, October 21-25th, 2006. The application deadline is July 7th, 2006 - Applications are accepted online.

Norm Campbell named Hypertension Chair in Prevention and Control

The CIHR/ICRH, in partnership with Canadian Hypertension Society, Rx&D group including Sanofi-Aventis, and Blood Pressure Canada announced on May 12th, 2006, the first Canadian Chair in Hypertension Prevention and Control. We are delighted that this appointment was offered to Dr. Norman Campbell, of the University of Calgary, who has had extensive experience in the knowledge translation of clinical evidence into educational tools and actionable policies. He will lead the national efforts in the surveillance and education of hypertension across the country, and harmonize strategies to control the number one risk factor for stroke and heart attack.

Despite all the success in research on hypertension, and better treatment of hypertension, Canada is still faced with the rising burden of this critical risk factor. The average Canadian over the age of 55 years faces the prospect that 1 in 2 will develop hypertension.

The chair became official on May 12th, the day before the World Hypertension Day (May 13th, 2006), raising global awareness of this risk factor.

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4. Funding Opportunities

Enhancing Canada-United States Collaboration in Circulatory and Respiratory Health Research: Network for Cardiothoracic Surgical Investigations in Cardiovascular Medicine Request for Applications (RFA)

The CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH) and the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have agreed to collaborate on a fourth research area: cardiac surgery. This joint initiative is intended to enhance collaboration between Canadian and United States researchers and build synergy between the two countries. Letters of intent are due July 28, 2006. To view the RFA, please visit the Department of Health and Human Services.

Mexico-Canada Joint Health Research Program in Tuberculosis: Re-launch Announcement

This initiative is being re-launched on June 15th, 2006. Full Applications are due September 15th, 2006. Please note that there is no registration process for this cycle.

Funds Available:

For more information regarding this initiative, please visit the archived version of the RFA.

Other ICRH and CIHR Funding Opportunities

Please visit our web site on June 1st, 2006 and June 15th, 2006 for up-coming funding opportunities.

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5. Employment Opportunities

The GENESIS CVD/ICE team (Cardiovascular Disease Inter-Disciplinary Capacity Enhancement Team), funded by CIHR and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and led by Dr. Louise Pilote of McGill University, is a pan-Canadian group of leading investigators from a diverse range of disciplines, including molecular genetics, health services and outcome research, epidemiology and public health is recruiting:

Start date: Positions are available starting July 1st, 2006 (flexible)
Deadline: June 7th 2006, 4pm EST
Notification: Applicants will be notified of the competition results by Monday June 21st, 2006
Location: Opportunity to work in various cities within Canada
Duration: The selected scholars may be fully supported for at least 2 years at the CIHR level.
Eligibility: Supervisor and/or co-supervisor must be a GENESIS Investigator*

*For a current list of GENESIS Investigators, and questions please contact Jasmine Poole or visit the GENESIS website.

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6. Sharing Research with the Public

If you anticipate publishing research results of interest to the public; please contact us at your earliest convenience. We would be happy to assist you in promoting your research to the public. Please notify Ms. Katherine Gardner (tel: 613-941-0086) at your earliest convenience.

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7. Contact Us

ICRH Team members:

Katherine Gardner, Project Officer
Elissa Hines Reimer, Assistant Director
Tina Lawton, Project Manager

For general inquiries or if you would like to contact Peter Liu, please write to us at:

Mailing address:
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, ON K1A 0W9

Created: 2006-09-26
Modified: 2006-09-26
Reviewed: 2006-09-26