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Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health (ICRH)

ICRH Update - July 2006

Dr. Peter Liu

2006, Issue 4

Table of contents

  1. Scientific Director's Message
  2. YI Forum Update  
  3. Research Related News
  4. Funding Opportunities
  5. CIHR Funding Decision News
  6. Sharing Research with the Public
  7. Contact Us

1. Scientific Director's Message

Dear Colleagues:

We are most thankful for your enthusiastic response to our recent online survey. We have received individual responses from over 150 individuals from our community! The information derived from this survey was an important input function for the IAB members to go forward in the strategic planning exercise on behalf of the Institute.

External Review of CIHR

We are grateful to the blue ribbon international review panel for the high-level evaluation and recommendations for CIHR during its first five years since inception. The review is now posted on the CIHR website. Overall the review is very positive, but they have provided some very thoughtful and provocative observations. This review provides the opportunity for reflection and renewal, and is an enabling tool for CIHR and its research community to move forward, to enhance Canadian research leadership in the next decade, as well as to serve our research community. Some of the areas that will affect the CIHR as a whole will include governance, relationship of institutes to grant panels, knowledge translation, and metrics and outcomes of research programs. The comments on the individual institutes are quite preliminary. For ICRH, our IAB will take this information in perspective and incorporate it into the overall strategic planning process. Your input, suggestions and feedback on this report will be important as we go forward together.

ICRH Strategic Planning Update

Using the results from the survey, and other metrics available within CIHR, we have completed the first phase of strategic planning by our Institute Advisory Board on June 22-23, 2006. The IAB worked hard to first blue sky and then prioritize potential areas for strategic programs. After further review and refinement, we will post these high level recommendations for feedback and input. Some of the areas considered included innovative preventive strategies in the community, maximize knowledge translation, early disease pathophysiology and biomarkers, and innovations in imaging, etc. However, this will be an ongoing iterative exercise, and we will continue to solicit your feedback and refine the recommendations. We will need to keep the strategies nimble, forward looking and specific. We will also evaluate our past and ongoing strategic programs, to make sure that the original goals and anticipated impact are realized.

The Minister of Health Needs Good News Story from Us

The office of the federal Minister of Health, the Honourable Tony Clement, has specifically requested that during this summer, he would like to see many news stories from the cardio-respiratory community. This may be related to the planning processes which we hope will lead to national health strategies for cardiovascular and respiratory diseases (more on this in future communications). Therefore, it is important to make the connection between research and health care. I strongly encourage you or your colleagues to alert me or our staff with potential new discoveries or good news stories that may be of public interest. We need to know this as early as possible, so the CIHR media service can help you to reach the appropriate audience.

During the summer, the federal members of parliament will be back in their home riding. This may be a good time for you to visit them and to let them know about the exciting work that you are doing that will matter for Canadians, and to forward any thoughts on your part regarding the federal funding to support research excellence at CIHR.

I hope you will read further as this month's e-newsletter also highlights some of the research funding deadlines and news from some of our best research teams.

Stay tuned for the August e-newsletter when we will discuss some ideas on innovation.


Peter Liu, MD, FRCPC

Scientific Director, ICRH

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2. YI Forum Update

At the 2006 YI Forum, participants were asked to complete a survey indicating their satisfaction with the 2006 Forum as well as their thoughts on the future of the Forum. While approximately 350 people attended some part of the Forum, only 134 individuals responded to the survey. ICRH, along with its many partners will be seeking input from the entire stakeholder community in order to build on the success of the first 3 years and develop a program that is even more responsive to the needs of young investigators. Stay tuned for more information on our planning process for YI Forum. 

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3. Research Related News

The Canadian Cardiovascular Atlas written by members of the Canadian Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Team (CCORT) lead by Dr. Jack Tu, was issued on July 4th, 2006. The Atlas examines how geography affects the delivery of cardiovascular care in Canada. It is a collection of award-winning research papers previously published in The Canadian Journal of Cardiology. The Atlas was funded in part by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR).

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4. Funding Opportunities

Please note: the lead institute or partner agency is listed in brackets.

Hypertension (Canadian Hypertension Society)

Transfusion Science (Canadian Blood Services)

Transfusion Related Acute Lung Injury (Canadian Blood Services)

Blood Utilization (Canadian Blood Services)

Mexico-Canada Joint Health Research Program in Tuberculosis (Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health)

Novel Alternatives to Antibiotics (Infection and Immunity)

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5. Funding Decision News

The Highlights and Decisions of the funding for the March 2006 competitions are now available.

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6. Sharing Research with the Public

If you anticipate publishing research results of interest to the public; please contact us at your earliest convenience. We would be happy to assist you in promoting your research to the public. Please notify Ms. Katherine Gardner (tel: 613-941-0086) at your earliest convenience.

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7. Contact Us

ICRH Team members:
Katherine Gardner, Project Officer
Elissa Hines Reimer, Assistant Director
Tina Lawton, Project Manager

For general inquiries or if you would like to contact Peter Liu, please write to us at:

Mailing address:
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, ON, K1A 0W9

Created: 2006-09-26
Modified: 2006-09-26
Reviewed: 2006-09-26