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27th Meeting of the Nominating Committee

January 14, 2005
Conference Call (13:00 - 14:00)


Chair: Louise Nadeau  
Members: Nancy Edwards Kevin Keough
Regrets: Alan Bernstein (ex-officio)  
Staff: Mark Bisby VP, Research Portfolio (item #4)
  Elizabeth Dickson Special Advisor to President (item #3)
  Carol Anne Esnard Director of Governance & Corporate Secretary
  Rosa Venuta Team Lead, Governance Membership Program

1. Call to Order and Welcome

Louise Nadeau called the meeting to order at 13:00 and welcomed everyone to the 27th meeting of the Nominating Committee.

2. Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the 26th meeting were deemed to be an accurate reflection of the discussions which took place on December 16, 2004 and were approved.

2.1 Matters for Action and Business Arising
It was noted that the following matters for action arising from the December 16, 2004 meeting would be addressed at the current meeting:

At its December meeting, the Committee had agreed on the candidates to be proposed to fill the three vacancies on SCE. As requested, further background information on these candidates was provided at this meeting. The Committee's recommendations on these candidates would be considered by the Governing Council at its January 25/05 meeting.

3. Institute Advisory Boards Report on Modeling Exercise

The Nominating Committee was given a brief overview of:

  1. the final report which compared three Institute Advisory Board (IAB) membership renewal models -annual, biennial and triennial, each with a maximum of six years service; and,
  2. the summary responses of six of thirteen Chairs of IABs who had responded to a short questionnaire seeking their input and rationale with respect to each of the models.

It was also noted that the final report was shared with a representative sample of Scientific Directors prior to its submission to the Nominating Committee.

The primary objectives of the modeling exercise were to determine patterns of turnover (that is, how many opportunities are created for new members in each of the models) and stability (that is, the frequency of the occurrence of the window of opportunity for new members). Model comparisons with respect to these two factors offered varying results, leading to the general observation that any of the three models could work dependent on CIHR priorities, as well as the need for the introduction of some transition measures to smooth out the inconsistencies resulting from the inaugural two year term given to all IAB members. However, a comparative analysis of some key characteristics which were identified as important to the creation of well-performing IABs tended to favor the current policy of annual membership renewal for IABs.

The Nominating Committee will recommend to the Governing Council to maintain the current policy of annual IAB membership renewal with the proviso that some transition measures be put into place over the next one or two years that will address issues such as stabilizing the number of IAB members turning over on an annual basis.

4. Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions Membership Renewal

The Nominating Committee reviewed a list of proposed candidates and alternates to fill five vacancies on the Standing Committee for Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions (SCOGAC). The short list of candidates was the result of an extensive consultation with Scientific Directors, senior CIHR research staff, and the co-chairs of SCOGAC.

The Nominating Committee will recommend to Governing Council five candidates and alternates from the proposed list of candidates that successfully redress the gaps of regional representation (Alberta, Manitoba, Quebec, Ontario, and Nova Scotia), public at large and expertise in CIHR's four pillars of research.

5. Standing Committee on Ethics

5.1 Terms of Reference
The Nominating Committee accepted the proposed wording to clarify member privileges related to quorum and voting for ex-officio members in the revised terms of reference for the Standing Committee on Ethics. The revised SCE terms of reference will be submitted for consideration to Governing Council at its January meeting.

5.2 Membership Renewal
For purposes of information, the Nominating Committee was provided with background information on the three candidates and one alternate that it will recommend to the Governing Council to fill three vacancies on the SCE, as well as the proposed terms of appointment for the incumbent SCE members.

6. Adjournment

The 27th meeting of the Nominating Committee was adjourned at 14:00 pm.

Created: 2005-05-09
Modified: 2005-05-09
Reviewed: 2006-09-21