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Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH)

Building the Life Foundation
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

IHDCYH Annual Report, November 2002

For further information, please contact:

CIHR, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health
University of Toronto
Medical Sciences Building, Suite 3368
1 King's College Circle
Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A8
Tel: 416-946-7977
Fax: 416-946-7980

ISBN 0-9731037-1-X

Table of Contents

Message from the Scientific Director
Profile of the Institute
Outstanding Research
Excellent Researchers and a Robust Research Environment
Partnerships and Public Engagement
Translation and Use of Knowledge
Organizational Excellence

Message from the Scientific Director

I am proud to present this first report on the activities of the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health. It is a privilege to serve as the first Director of the Institute. I have enjoyed immensely the opportunity to work with so many of you to develop and put into effect the Strategic Plan for the Institute. This is your Institute; my role, working with the Institute Advisory Board, has been to serve as your facilitator. I take great pride in what we have achieved together.

Although this document is billed as an "Annual Report", it has been prepared, deliberately, to cover a longer period of time. The Institutes opened their doors in January 2001. Eighteen months or so later, we are beginning to see results from our initial programs. I wanted to provide a document that would reflect that progress and would be testimony to what has already been achieved and a useful indication of what is to come, rather than simply provide a list of promises.

This report forms the basis of a presentation to Governing Council made in November 2002. The Strategic Plan of IHDCYH was based on the premise that CIHR would be successful in reaching its goal of $1 billion support for health research in Canada, and that the strategic allocations to each of the individual Institutes would reach $20-25 million per annum over the next 4-5 years. We have mapped out a portfolio of programs that provide a career structure for individual investigators. The success of IHDCYH based researchers in generating support for the ten training centres related to our Institute is a wonderful initial step. We are launching requests for targeted funding in strategic areas that are multi-pillar and trans-disciplinary, and will make a difference to the health of Canadians. We continue to seek ways to partner with colleagues, both within CIHR and outside, in the development of new research teams. We are exploring new collaborations to build international linkages and to champion major inter-institute initiatives. These are truly exciting times to be involved in health research in Canada.

In closing, I must thank the Governing Council of CIHR and President Alan Bernstein for the latitude and total support that they have given to each of the Institutes over the past months. They have allowed us to evolve uniquely, yet as equal members of the family that is CIHR. My special thanks go to the members of my Institute Advisory Board and Chair Michael Kramer, for the leadership and advice they have provided to me and for their very active involvement and commitment to the development of our Institute. These colleagues are truly full-time volunteers! Finally, I am indebted to the members of our Directorate office in Toronto and Ottawa. Our staff compliment is small, but their ability to respond to the challenges and opportunities of the past 18 months has been quite extraordinary. This report reflects a myriad of inputs, as always your feedback will be invaluable.

John R.G. Challis, DSc, FRSC
Scientific Director
November 2002

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Profile of the Institute

The Institute of Human Development Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) is one of thirteen institutes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Together, these institutes share responsibility for achieving the principal objectives of CIHR, which are:

".to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge, and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system" (CIHR Act, Section 4, C-6, R.S.C. 2000).

The Institutes were created to promote and build upon Canada's firm foundation of research excellence by engaging the research community and encouraging interdisciplinary, integrative health research across sectors and regions. The four pillars of health research include biomedical, clinical science, health systems and services, and the social, cultural and other factors that affect the health of populations.

This Institute is dedicated to supporting research and building research capacity in human development, child and youth health. This broad mandate covers five defined periods of the life cycle: before conception; fetal development during pregnancy and the health and well-being of the mother; at birth; in infancy and childhood; and in youth. As a virtual Institute, IHDCYH supports and links researchers located in university, hospital and other research centres across Canada.

Organizational Structure

In December 2000, Dr. John Challis, former Chair of the Department of Physiology at the University of Toronto, was appointed as Scientific Director of the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health. An Advisory Board and Directorate Staff support the Scientific Director.

Institute Advisory Board

The Institute Advisory Board was appointed in January 2001 and consists of seventeen members who are leaders in their respective fields. These individuals represent different disciplines, sectors, regions and pillars of health research. The IAB is chaired by Dr. Michael Kramer, Professor of Pediatrics and of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, McGill University. The IAB provides support and makes recommendations to the Scientific Director and has played an integral role in the development of the strategic plan of the IHDCYH. The Board's membership has remained unchanged since its appointment (Appendix A).

Standing Committees

To support the broad mandate of the Institute, five Standing Committees have been created. Each Standing Committee is chaired by a member of the Advisory Board and has broad representation from the research community, government sectors, research foundations, and "Not-for-profit" agencies. The Standing Committees reflect the trans-disciplinary nature of the Institute (Appendix B). The purpose of the Standing Committees is to reach out further to the scientific community and assist in assessing current and future research needs.

Directorate Office

The Directorate of the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health is located within the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Toronto. The staff in Toronto includes the Scientific Director, Assistant Director and Executive Assistant, and part-time Events Coordinator. The office is linked to CIHR Central through an Institute Liaison Officer (0.5 FTE) based in Ottawa. Over the past year IHDCYH has been fortunate to provide placements for five students studying in a variety of disciplines. This has provided these young people with a greater understanding of the administrative side of research and the role of CIHR.

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Outstanding Research

Strategic Planning Process

The Institute embarked on a strategic planning process between July and December 2001. The purpose was to set the direction of the Institute, identify and refine strategic research priorities, and target actions for capacity building and knowledge translation over the next 3-5 years. The planning process built on the extensive cross-country consultation conducted by the Scientific Director during the first 6 months of the Institute. Investigators were also encouraged to provide input to the development of the Institute through the CIHR web site. A consultant was hired to facilitate the planning process. Steps included:

Building the Life Foundation

Our Vision
To ensure the best start in life for all Canadians and the achievement of their potential for optimal growth and development.

Our Mission
To promote and facilitate research at the highest international standards in reproductive and developmental biology, pregnancy and birth, and the health and development of newborns, children, youth and their families.

Our Objectives
At the beginning of the Strategic planning process the Institute Advisory Board articulated a series of objectives to guide the development of the plan. These were reaffirmed during the October 2001 retreat delineated in the strategic planning document and continue to guide the work of the Institute.

Our Strategic Research Priorities
Six strategic research themes were identified through the strategic planning process. These are:

Funding Outstanding Research

Over the past 12-18 months, the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health has developed a portfolio of programs to support researchers at different career stages. These include Training Centre Programs to build increased capacity across all four CIHR pillars; New Investigator Starter Awards (in partnership with the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation) to provide early seed funding; New Emerging Team (NET) Awards to help develop a critical mass of small groups of investigators in targeted areas; individual operating and One-Time-Only operating awards; various group awards including Group grants, IHRT and CAHRs, and trans-pillar team approaches through Requests for Applications (RFA) in strategic areas (See Figure 1). To facilitate investigators coming together in new ways and with new purpose, IHDCYH launched an extensive Workshop Program through its support grant, and has provided a base of support and funding for various consortia.

Training Centre Program

Start-up Grants

Figure 1: A Portfolio of Programs

New Emerging Team Grants

One-Time-Only Awards

Institute Affiliated Grants

RFA Development
Our philosophy has been to develop the formation of a relatively small number of large RFA's that support cross-pillar inter-disciplinary teams of investigations in accordance with the mandate of CIHR. The Institute has developed a Consensus Conference process to develop large Requests for Application in each of our research priority areas. The format included inviting leaders in the field of research to present, discuss and identify:

1. What is the current thinking and evidence in this area?

2. Where are the information gaps?

3. What research questions need to be answered to address these gaps?

4. Is there capacity within Canada to undertake such research?

5. What types of funding programs are required to support such research?

An important outcome of the Consensus Conference process is the development of a Request for Application (RFA). Over the next 3-4 years we will launch RFA's in each of our strategic priority areas. Within the past year, the Institute has elected to focus on two strategic areas: pre and post implantation health (Healthy Gametes and Great Embryos) and fetal growth and pre-term birth (Healthy Pregnancy for Great Life Beginnings). In early 2003 we will hold a Consensus Conference in the area of developmental trajectories of children and youth.

Key steps and achievements include:

Workshop Programs
IHDCYH has developed a Workshop Program that provides funding to a maximum of $10,000 to assist in the development of multi-disciplinary, cross pillar research applications. This support allows networks to meet and discuss the current science in their specific area and provides opportunities for collaborative multi-disciplinary, cross-pillar grant submissions.

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Excellent Researchers and a Robust Research Environment

Over the past year, the IHDCYH has focused on building an infrastructure to support excellence in research and to build an environment that supports our research community. Initiatives in this area have included:

Listening to Our Community

Linking with Our Community

Funding Support to Our Community

In parallel with the career portfolio (Figure 1), we have developed several enabling programs (Figure 2) for our investigators.

Figure 2: Enabling Programs

Environment and Health Initiative

International Health Initiatives

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Partnerships and Public Engagement

IHDCYH recognizes that many organizations, professional associations and societies, charities, private sector organizations and government agencies share the goals and interests of the Institute. These groups bring valuable expertise, commitment, enthusiasm and resources to potential research initiatives. Over the past year IHDCYH has attempted to foster and strengthen linkages with other Institutes, external organizations and groups. Below are examples of this work in building partnerships for research and developing plans to engage the Canadian public.

Partnerships with other CIHR Institutes

Partnerships with other Federal Agencies

Partnerships with Organizations, Associations and Professional Groups

International Partnerships

Public Engagement

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Translation and Use of Knowledge

The second, transformative aspect of the CIHR Act refers to excelling in the translation of new knowledge to improve the health of Canadians, provide more effective health services and products and strengthen the Canadian health care system. The Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health recognizes the importance of fostering the translation of research in the area of maternal, child and youth health. The following strategies and actions have been pursued in the last year to meet this goal:

Listening to Our Community

Knowledge Translation Research Workshop

Communications Strategy

Linking with Our Community

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Organizational Excellence

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In summary, this has been an exciting and groundbreaking eighteen months for the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health. The strategic areas of research for IHDCYH have been prioritized, the mix of programs necessary to support outstanding research has been developed and the infrastructure necessary to build a robust research environment has been established. This report reflects the progress of the Institute in all these areas and articulates our plans for the future.

Through cross-country consultations and the hosting of a retreat with key stakeholders, early in the formation of the Institute, six priority areas for research were identified, a five-year strategic plan was created and the slogan "Building the Life Foundation" was born. Building on the strategic planning process, a portfolio of programs was developed. This provides a career structure for individual investigators and includes:

A parallel series of enabling programs was also developed to support investigators and included:

IHDCYH has partnered with colleagues within CIHR and outside in the development of new research teams, and new collaborations to build international linkages and to champion major inter-institute initiatives. Over the past eighteen months IHDCYH has attempted to nurture, strengthen and build linkages with many organizations that share common goals and interests.

In fostering the translation of research in maternal, child and youth health, IHDCYH has championed a knowledge translation research workshop, established linkages with the media community, developed a comprehensive communications plan and developed key resources to support this initiative.

Perhaps most importantly, IHDCYH has attempted to identify and reach out to the many communities who align with this Institute. We have listened to their needs and expectations. Each has helped guide the creation of an Institute that is committed to scientific excellence, the creation of new knowledge and the sharing of new information to improve the health and well-being of all Canadians.

The initiatives of the past eighteen months have created a base and trajectory for the Institute's growth. We are truly "Building the Life Foundation".

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A - Institute Advisory Board
B - Standing Committees
C - Training Centre Program
D - New Emerging Team Grants - IHDCYH Support
E - One-Time-Only Awards
F - Consensus Conference Program - Healthy Gametes and Great Embryos
G - Consensus Conference Program - Healthy Pregnancy for Great Life Beginnings
H - Workshop Program - April 2001-September 2002
I - Industry Partnership - SRBI/CIHR Meeting
J - Environmental Influences on Health - National Forum Steering Committee
K - National Forum to Identify Research Priorities for the Environmental Influences on Health
L - The Neurological Development Significance of Recreation in Early Adolescents Workshop
M - Knowledge Translation Research Workshop

Appendix A

CIHR - IHDCYH Advisory Board

Michael Kramer, MD [CHAIR]
Departments of Pediatrics and of Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Faculty of Medicine
McGill University

Lynn Krepart [VICE-CHAIR]
Past President
Board Member
Canadian Foundation for Women's Health

Sylvain Chemtob, MD, PhD, FRCPC
Pediatrics, Opthamology & Pharmacology
University of Montreal

Jane Drummond, RN, PhD
Faculty of Nursing
University of Alberta

Kathleen Cranley Glass, LLB, PhD
Biomedical Ethics Unit
Associate Professor
Departments of Human Genetics and Pediatrics
McGill University

Peter Gluckman, CNZM, MBChB,

Liggins Institute
University Distinguished Professor
University of Auckland

Harvey Guyda, MD, FRCPC
Dodds Professor and Chair
Department of Pediatrics
McGill University

Jean Lafrance, PhD, RSW
Associate Professor
Head of the Edmonton Division
Faculty of Social Work
University of Calgary

Catherine McCourt, MD, MHA, FRCPSC
Health Surveillance and Epidemiology Division
Health Canada

Patrick J. McGrath, O.C., PhD, FCPA, FRSC
Killam Professor of Psychology
Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry
Canada Research Chair
Dalhousie University

Bruce Murphy, PhD
Animal Reproduction Research Centre
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Montreal

David (Dan) R. Offord, CM, MD
Canadian Centre for Studies of Children at Risk
McMaster University

Bryan Richardson, MD, FRCSC
Departments of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Pediatrics and Physiology
University of Western Ontario

Bonnie Stevens, RN, PhD
Faculties of Nursing and Medicine
University of Toronto
Signy Hildur Eaton Chair in Paediatric Nursing

Aubrey Tingle, MD, PhD, FRCP(C)
President and CEO
Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research
University of British Columbia

Richard Tremblay, PhD, FRSC
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
University of Montreal

Dawn Walker, RN
Executive Director
Canadian Institute of Child Health

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Appendix B

Reproductive Standing Committee

Dr. Bruce Murphy [CHAIR]
Animal Reproduction Research Centre
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Montreal

Dr. Robert F. Casper
Head, Division of Reproductive Sciences
University of Toronto
Mount Sinai Hospital

Professor Salim Daya
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
McMaster University

Ms Julie Fisher
Clinical Leader, REI Program
London Health Sciences Centre

Dr. Tom Kennedy
Professor, Department of Physiology
The University of Western Ontario

Raymond Lambert
Professeur titulaire
Department Ob/Gyn and CRBR
Laval University
And CHUL Research Centre

Dr. Peter Leung
Professor and Head
Research Division
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of British Columbia

Dr. Roger Pierson
Reproductive Biology Research Unit
University of Saskatchewan

Dr. Derrick Rancourt
Associate Professor
Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of Calgary

Dr. Bernard Robaire
Department of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
McGill University

Dr. Barbara Vanderhyden
Corinne Boyer Chair in Ovarian Cancer Research
University of Ottawa
Centre for Cancer Therapeutics

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Developmental Biology Pregnancy and Birth Standing Committee

Dr. Bryan Richardson [CHAIR]
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Physiology and Pediatrics
St. Joseph's Health Centre

Dr. Tony Armson
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Jay Cross
Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
University of Calgary

Dr. Sandra Davidge
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Physiology
Perinatal Research Centre
University of Alberta

Dr. Bill Fraser
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Laval University

Dr. K. S. Joseph
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and Pediatrics
Dalhousie University and the IWK Health Centre

Dr. Gerry Kidder
Dept. of Physiology and Obstetrics & Gynaecology
University of Western Ontario

Dr. Shoo Lee
Department of Pediatrics
Centre for Health Evaluation Research
University of British Columbia

Dr. Stephen Lye
Vice President of Research and Assistant Director
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
Mount Sinai Hospital

Dr. Jim Roberts
Magee Women's Research Institute

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Neonatology Standing Committee

Dr. Sylvain Chemtob [CHAIR]
Professor Pediatrics, Opthamology And Pharmacology
Université de Montréal
Hôpital Sainte-Justine, Centre de recherché

Dr. Harry Bard
Professor Pediatrics
Université de Montréal
Hôpital Saint-Justine, Centre de recherché

Dr. Jaques Belik
Professor of Pediatrics
University of Toronto
Division of Neonatology
Hospital for Sick Children

Dr. Kenneth D. Craig
Professor of Psychology & CIHR Senior Investigator
Department of Psychology
University of British Columbia

Dr. Ruth Eckstein Grunau
Clinical Associate Professor
Department of Pediatrics, UBC
Biobehavioral Research Unit
Centre for Community Health & Health Evaluation Research
B.C. Research Institute for Children's & Women's Health

Dr. Victor Han

Canada Research Chair in Perinatal Research
University of Western Ontario
The Lawson Research Institute

Dr. Shoo Lee
Centre for Community Health & Health Evaluation Research
University of British Columbia

Dr. Janet Pinelli
Associate Professor
School of Nursing and Department
of Pediatrics
McMaster University

Dr. Henrique Rigatto
Director of Neonatal Research
University of Manitoba
Department of Pediatrics

Dr. Saroj Saigal
Department of Pediatrics
Division of Neonatology
McMaster University

Dr. Bonnie J. Stevens
Professor, Faculty of Nursing & Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto
Signy Hildur Eaton Chair in Paediatric Nursing Research

Professor Keith Tanswell
Head, Division of Neonatology
Hospital for Sick Children

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Child Standing Committee

Dr. Dan Offord [CHAIR]
Head, Division of Child Psychiatry
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioural Neurosciences
Canadian Centre for Studies of Children at Risk
Hamilton Health Sciences Corporation
McMaster University

Dr. Bob Armstrong
Associate Professor and Head
Department of Pediatrics
University of British Columbia
Chief, Pediatric Medicine
Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia

Dr. Ron Barr
Professor, Pediatrics & Psychiatry
McGill University
The Montreal Children's Hospital

Dr. Bob Bortolussi
Professor, Pediatrics
Associate Professor, Microbiology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Don Jamieson
Scientific Director
Canadian Language and Literacy Research
Network (CLLRnet) University of Western Ontario

Dr. Jean LaFrance
Assistant Professor and Division Head
University of Calgary
Faculty of Social Work
Edmonton Division

Ms Elaine Orrbine
Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres (CAPHC)

Dr. Richard Tremblay
Department of Psychiatry and Psychology
University of Montreal

Professor Philip Zelazo
Dept. of Psychology
University of Toronto

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Youth and Adolescence Standing Committee

Dr. Patrick McGrath [CHAIR]
Professor, Psychology Department
Dalhousie University

Dr. Marcia Barnes
Staff Psychologist, Dept. of Psychology
Associate Scientist, Brain and Behaviour Research Program
The Hospital for Sick Children
Assistant Professor, Pediatrics
University of Toronto

Kenneth Barter
Associate Professor
Chair in Child Protection
School Social Work
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Dr. Tullio Caputo
Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology
Carleton University

Dr. Gabrielle deVeber
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Pediatrics,
University of Toronto
Director, Children's Stroke Program
HSC, Division of Neurology

Dr. Bonnie Leadbeater
Psychology Department
University of Victoria

Dr. Kathy N. Speechley
Associate Professor
Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics
University of Western Ontario

Ms Elaine Orrbine
Chief Executive Officer
Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres

Dr. Michael Rieder
Associate Director
Child Health Research Institute
University of Western Ontario

Dr. Darcy Santor
Associate Professor
Department of Psychology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Roger Tonkin
BC Consortium for Youth Health
Board of Directors
The McCreary Society

Nico Trocmé
Bell Canada Child Welfare Research Unit
Faculty of Social Work

Dr. Wendy Ungar
Scientist, Population Health Sciences
Assistant Professor, Department of Health
Policy, Management and Evaluation
Faculty of Medicine
University of Toronto

Dr. Frank Vitaro
Research Unit on Children's Psycho-Social Maladjustment

Dr. Margaret Williams
Associate Professor
Faculty of Social Work
University of Calgary

Dr. Mark Zoccolillo
Dept. of Psychiatry
McGill University-Montreal
Children's Hospital

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Appendix C

Training Centre Program

Principal Investigators and Program Summaries

Roy Cameron, PhD
National Cancer Institute of Canada
Centre for Behavioural Research and Program Evaluation
Lyle Hallman Institute
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON N2L 3G1
Ph: 519-888-4503
Fax: 519-886-6424
Program Administrator Carolyn Hudson

James (Jay) C. Cross, D.V.M., PhD
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology,
Genes & Development Research Group
University of Calgary
Faculty of Medicine, HSC Room 2279
3330 Hospital Drive, N.W.
Calgary, AB T2N 4N1
Ph: 403-220-6876
Fax: 403-270-0737

William D. Fraser, MD, MSc, FRCS(C)
Chef de département et Professeur
Départment d'obstétrique-gynécologie
4e étage, Bloc 8
Hôpital Sainte-Justine
3175 Côte-Ste-Catherine
Montréal, Québec H3T 1C5
Ph: 514-345-4931, x4155
Fax: 514-345-4648
(E-mail Asst:

Kent T. HayGlass, PhD
Canada Research Chair in Immune Regulation
Director, National Training Program in Allergy and Asthma Research
Professor and Head, Department of Immunology
University of Manitoba
730 William Avenue
Winnipeg, MB R3E 0W3
Ph: (Lab) 204-789-3793, (Office) 204-789-3509
Fax: 204-789-3921

Fernand Labrie, MD, PhD
Director of Research
CHUL Research Centre
Laval University Medical Centre
Laval University
2705 Laurier Boulevard
Sainte-Foy, QC G1V 4G2
Ph: 418-654-2704
Fax: 418-654-2735

Stephen J. Lye, PhD
Vice President, Research
Mount Sinai Hospital
Associate Director
Samuel Lunenfeld Research
600 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X5
Ph: 416-586-8224
Fax: 416-586-8857

Patrick J. McGrath, PhD
Killam Professor of Psychology
Professor of Pediatrics and Psychiatry
Canada Research Chair
Department of Psychology
Dalhousie University
1355 Oxford Street
Halifax, NS B3H 4J1
Ph: 902-494-1938, or 902-470-7703
Fax: 902-494-6585

M. Stephen Meyn, MD, PhD, FRCP
Clinician Scientist
Genetics and Genomic Biology Program,
The Hospital for Sick Children
Professor, Department of Molecular & Medical Genetics
Department of Paediatrics,
Program in Molecular Medicine,
University of Toronto
Room 11-105, The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue, Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Ph: 416-813-8485
Fax: 416-813-4931

Paul B. Pencharz, MB, ChB, PhD, FRCP
Professor of Paediatrics and Nutrition
University of Toronto
Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition,
Room 8263
The Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Ph: 416-813-6169, (Ass't Joanne: 416-813-7733)
Fax: 416-813-4972

Norman D. Rosenblaum, MD
Pediatric Nephrologist
Senior Scientist
Associate Professor of Paediatrics & Physiology
University of Toronto
Division of Nephrology,
Hospital for Sick Children
555 University Avenue
Toronto, ON M5G 1X8
Ph: 416-813-5667
Fax: 416-813-6271

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Training Centre Programs Supported by IHDCYH

Principal Investigators and Program Summaries

PI - Norman Rosenblum,
"Canadian Child Health Clinician-Scientist Program"

The goal of the Canadian Child Health Research Clinician Scientist Program (CCHCSP) is to create a trans-disciplinary training program for the next generation of clinician-scientists in child and youth health research in Canada. To achieve this goal it has established the first national network of 13 Canadian Child and Youth Health Research Centres in partnership with the Hospital for Sick Children Foundation and the B.C. Research Institute for Children's and Women's Health. Children and youth are critical to the fabric of Canadian society. While our young people face a multiplicity of health challenges, Canada faces a severe shortage of scientists trained both in the clinical disciplines of child and youth health and in research (clinician-scientists). Clinician-scientists are unique in the community of health research and provide the link between clinical practice and discovery of disease mechanisms and diagnostic and therapeutic applications.

The CCHCSP will recruit trainees, train towards trans-disciplinary research, and support career development. It will recruit trainees from all child health disciplines in collaboration with Canadian and international professional associations, university training programs and the Canadian Association of Pediatric Health Centres. It will train towards trans-disciplinary research by providing doctoral-level and post-doctoral training in interdisciplinary research programs, establishing multi-disciplinary/interdisciplinary symposia and providing a core curriculum through which trainees and mentors will develop a common language in the varied disciplines of research. The curriculum will train in professional knowledge, values and skills in preparation for the final phase in which career development will be supported via ongoing mentoring and co-funding of new faculty with partner institutions.

PI - Roy Cameron
"Tobacco Research Training Program"

This training program will build the urgently needed capacity to conduct research that will reduce the rates of illness and death from tobacco. The primary purpose is to train a new generation of scientists who will conduct trans-disciplinary tobacco research and develop the emerging field of population intervention. The training program will help establish Canada as an international leader in (a) trans-disciplinary tobacco research, (b) the emerging science of population intervention, and (c) development of mechanisms for translating research into practice. The scientists providing the training are based at the University of British Columbia, University of Toronto, and University of Waterloo. All are actively involved in tobacco research and represent a cross-section of disciplines relevant to population health. A network will be established that links research expertise and skills from different disciplines in new ways currently not possible. A core group with representation from each University provides network leadership. The key elements of the training initiative include: (a) linking students with national experts through videoconference courses and scholar exchanges, (b) apprenticeships with experienced researchers, and (c) research planning meetings that facilitate exchange between researchers and practitioners.

PI - James Cross
"Training Program in Genetics, Child Development and Health"

Our understanding of human development- from embryo to adult- is being unraveled at a rapid pace. Specifically, the sequencing of the human genome, and advances in modern genetics and experimental biology in model organism systems, are allowing for an understanding of how specific genes determine the formation of tissues of the body. At the same time, we are developing a greater understanding of how the interplay between genetics and the early environment control childhood development. However, for our health care system to take advantage, there is an urgent need to bridge the communication and knowledge gaps between biomedical scientists, clinical researchers and health care professionals no one of which can individually keep up with advancements outside their own fields. The aims of the CIHR training program in Genetics, Child Development and Health are to: (1) broaden the education experience of all trainees in all disciplines related to the development of humans from the earliest stages of embryogenesis to childhood, (2) attract and train a new breed of multi-disciplinary health researcher that will form the nucleus of multi-disciplinary health research teams in the future, and (3) to establish a new class of junior faculty - the Clinical Investigator in Developmental Biology.

PI -Fernand Labrie
"Functional Genomics, Hormones and Health"

The recent technological advances have revolutionized the traditional approaches aimed at identifying the molecular mechanisms responsible for a long series of diseases. It is now possible to analyze global mechanisms using data obtained on a wide scale, specifically in the field of genomics where the effects can be observed over the whole genome. The competitivity and efficacy of innovative health research will require the training of researchers having a multi-disciplinary knowledge in these fields of high technology. The strategic program of formation in functional genomics, hormones and health is aimed at providing the students with a multi-disciplinary and complementary training in the fields of genomics, proteomics, bioinformatics and medicinal chemistry. The expected benefits are those of a high level of knowledge in the field of control of gene expression under hormonal influences, thus providing the possibility of discovering candidate genes which will become new diagnostic and therapeutic targets. All tissues of the human body are under the influence of steroid hormones. The diseases and conditions covered by this program are related to fertility, menopause, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes, disease of the cardiovascular system, skin, immunology and neurodegenerescence, psychiatric disorders as well as breast, ovarian, uterine and prostate cancer.

PI - Stephen Meyn
"Collaborative Graduate Program in Molecular Medicine"

Of the diseases that lead to the major causes of death in Canada including heart disease, stroke, chronic pulmonary disease and diabetes, amongst others, nearly all result from a complex relation between environment, lifestyle and genetics. There is unprecedented potential in the application of ones genetic information for disease prediction, susceptibility and treatment as major advancements are being realized from the Human Genome Project including the identification of all human genes. Our objectives are to provide a collaborative program at the doctorate level to train the next generation of scientists and clinician scientists from the University of Toronto community in the new emerging field of molecular medicine. This new field will require trans-disciplinary skills that are currently not available in the curriculums of traditional basic science or medical school programs. The training will encourage the application of molecular/gene based studies such that these upcoming scientists and clinicians can be at the forefront of understanding disease susceptibility and variation in drug response as well as provide for the gene based therapies of the 21st century.

PI - William Fraser
"Strategic Training Initiative in Research in Reproductive Health Sciences"

The Association of Obstetrics and Gynecology, and its 16 academic departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology, with the support of researchers in Family Medicine, Social and Preventive Medicine, Psychology, Sociology, Faculties of Law and Nursing have developed a proposal for a Strategic Training Initiative in Research in the Reproductive Health Sciences (STIRRHS). The program has two major innovative trusts: (1) The development of trans-disciplinary training in which students are encouraged to take a broad view of ethical and social implications of issues in reproductive health. (2) The development of a Virtual Learning Environment, in which excellent didactic and interactive materials are made available to students across Canada through web-based modules and courses. The Program uses as a training platform outstanding existing research groups that have multi-disciplinary approaches to investigating reproductive health issues that are of central importance to the population: Preterm Birth, Preclampsia, Assisted Reproductive Technologies, At risk-sexual behavior, and Appropriate use of Obstetrical technologies. In addition, groups that share methodological expertise will develop curricula and educational tools that provide access to avant-garde concepts in their disciplines. Our program will prepare a new generation of researchers in the reproductive health sciences to face the unprecedented challenges that are on the horizon and to develop meaningful and lasting solutions to these problems.

PI - Patrick McGrath
"Pain in Child Health: An Innovative, Trans-Disciplinary Cross-Canada Research Training Consortium"

Pain in Child Health is an innovative cross-disciplinary research training consortium that will link research centres in 5 cities across Canada. It will create a virtual community of pediatric pain research training centres using information technology, trainee exchanges and a summer/fall institute. Pain in infants and children is of critical importance both because of its immediate physiological effects and because of the potential long-term effects on pain sensitivity and on learning and social functioning. Canadian researchers have been at the forefront of research in this area and this initiative will lead to significant strengthening of the skills of trainees and an increase in the number of highly qualified personnel in this area. These are the prerequisites for further advances in the science of pediatric pain. This consortium has garnered strong support from its academic and industry partners. The training consortium will familiarize trainees with knowledge that is outside their own focus and will foster cross-fertilization and greater collaboration across disciplines and across centres. This initiative will create new understanding of how to protect our most vulnerable citizens from the scourge of unnecessary pain.

PI -Paul Pencharz
"Training Program in Clinical Nutrition"

Diet and nutrition play important roles in the causation of many diseases. Further, in patients in hospital their underlying disease may cause them to become malnourished. Research in these areas has been called Clinical Nutrition. This training program in Clinical Nutrition focuses on health professionals especially medical doctors and dietitians. Two types of trainees will be educated. The focus will be on training to the level of a science doctoral degree (PhD). These trainees are expected to be the future leaders in Clinical Nutrition Research. In addition they will be the teachers of Clinical Nutrition to medical students, residents and fellows. A younger group of trainees will be those just out of their undergraduate Nutrition degree who need to undertake a Dietetic Internship before they can become registered dietitians. For this group it is proposed that a combined masters in science degree be offered along with their internship, which will save about 6 months of training time. Individuals so trained can be expected to function at a higher level of clinical practice and thereby provide better patient care.

PI - Stephen Lye
"The Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute Interface Training Program: Applying Genomics to Human Health"

The Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute (SLRI) Interface Training Program is an innovative concept to develop diverse and highly skilled young researchers capable of moving seamlessly between the discipline of health research and the biopharm/biotech industry. The SLRI will utilize our unique position at the interface of biomedical, clinical, population health and knowledge-based industry to train a new generation of researchers. The ability of this new generation to effectively communicate, interact and partner across disciplines is key to the revolution of health research in Canada.

PI - Kent HayGlass
"Allergy and Asthma: From Molecular Regulation to Population Health"

Allergy is the most common chronic disease of childhood and the most frequent immunologic disorder at all ages. Its prevalence in developed nations began a major increase 3 to 4 decades ago; no tapering of this rate of growth is evident. A recent Statistics Canada General Social Survey identified allergic diseases as the most common chronic health problem, a finding that underlines the public's concern with this problem. Canada has a strong tradition of excellence in research and education in allergic disease. However, the number of individuals with such expertise is well below the demand. We have developed an international multi-disciplinary training program in the causes and management of human allergic diseases and asthma by bringing together scientists and educators with expertise spanning the four pillars of the CIHR mandate: biomedical, clinical science, health systems and the social and cultural factors that affect population health.

Top of Page

Appendix D

New Emerging Team Grants - IHDCYH Support

Partnering with: Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes
NET - Type 1 Diabetes and Its Complications

Number: 1
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Hill, David J./Pancreatic islet generation from human stem cells
Amount Funded: $248,998
IHDCYH Contribution: $40,509

Number: 2
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Fantus, Ivan/ "Glucose toxicity: Prevention of diabetes complications and preservation of pancreatic beta-cell function"
Amount Funded: $250,750
IHDCYH Contribution: $35,917

Partnering with: Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction
NET - Neurodevelopment & Early Life Events

Number: 3
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Honer, William/Interactions of development, early life experience and genetic predisposition in schizophrenia
Amount Funded: $238,744
IHDCYH Contribution: $108,036

Number: 4
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Brien, James/Fetal alcohol syndrome: Oxidative stress and innovative therapies
Amount Funded: $250,000
IHDCYH Contribution: $45,834

Number: 5
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Robaey, Philippe/Inattention, impulsiveness and restlessness in childhood: Heritability, genetics, neuropsychology and psychophysiology (KIDNET)
Amount Funded: $249,917
IHDCYH Contribution: $124,960

Number: 6
Applicant Name/Contribution: Paus, Tomas/Long-term consequences of prenatal exposure to maternal cigarette smoking on brain structure, function and mental health in adolescence: Role of genes and environment in brain development
Amount Funded: $272,282
IHDCYH Contribution: $41,748

Partnering with: Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health
NET - Asthma: Predisposing Factors, Health Outcomes & Prevention

Number: 7
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Becker, Allan/Origins of asthma in childhood: The role of gene environment interactions
Applicant Name/Grant Title: $250,000
IHDCYH Contribution: $82,200

Partnering with: Institute of Gender and Health
NET - Violence, Gender & Health Across the Lifespan

Number: 8
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Pepler, Debra J./Preventing violence in the lives of girls and women: A focus on relationships
Amount Funded: $250,000
IHDCYH Contribution: $65,100

Number: 9
Applicant Name/Grant Title: MacMillian, Harriet/Health impacts of violence across the lifespan. A multi-disciplinary approach
Amount Funded: $250,000
IHDCYH Contribution: 45,085

Number: 10
Applicant Name/Grant Title: Moretti, Marlene/Aggressive and violent girls: Contributing factors, developmental course and intervention strategies
Amount Funded: $232,191
IHDCYH Contribution: $63,675

Top of Page

Appendix E

One-Time-Only Awards

No. 1
Principal Applicant: Oberlander, Timothy
Grant Title: Biobehavioral pain reactivity in infants at 6 months of age following prenatal psychotropic medication exposure
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $66,576
Equipment Grant:
Total Award: $66,576

No. 2
Principal Applicant: Barnes, Marcia
Grant Title: Neurocognition, literacy, and numeracy in pre-schoolers with spina bifida
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $78,949
Equipment Grant: $12,873
Total Award: $91,822

No. 3
Principal Applicant: Van Vugt, Dean
Neuropeptide and leptin receptor gene expression in the primate brain determine the effects of ovarian steroids and nutritional signals on appetite and menstrual cyclicity
$1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: 104,276
Equipment Grant: $26,467
Total Award: $130,743

No. 4
Principal Applicant: Wells, Peter
Grant Title: DNA damage and repair in toxicology and disease
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $120,353
Equipment Grant: $11,605
Total Award: $131,958

No. 5.
Principal Applicant: Manjunath, Puttaswamy
Grant Title: Biochemical characterization and physiological significance of proteins from the male reproductive tract
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $84,695
Equipment Grant:
Total Award: $84,695

No. 6
Principal Applicant: Atkinson, Leslie
Grant Title: Development of the HPA axis in infants: Environmental and genetic influences
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $46,443
Equipment Grant:
Total Award: $46,443

No. 7
Principal Applicant: Blais, Lucie
Grant Title: Risk of congenital malformations associated with use of asthma medications during pregnancy
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $22,508
Equipment Grant:
Total Award: $22,508

No. 8
Principal Applicant: Pacaud, Daniele
Grant Title: Assessment of consequences of maternal severe hypoglycemia during pregnancy in women with type 1 diabetes on offspring's neuropsychological functioning
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $81,948
Equipment Grant: $2,173
Total Award: $84,121

No. 9
Principal Applicant: Winn, Louise
Grant Title: (New Investigator) Oxidative stress and embryonic signaling pathways in benzene-initiated leukemias
1 Yr Operating Grant - 8%: $90,913
Equipment Grant:
Total Award: $90,913

Total Awards $749,779

Top of Page

Appendix F

Pre and Post Implantation Health Consensus Workshop

White Oaks Conference Centre, Niagara on the Lake, Ontario April 5, 6 and 7, 2002


Friday, April 5/02:

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm

Saturday, April 6/02:

07:30 pm -08:30 pm
Buffet Breakfast

08:30 am - 05:00 pm
Consensus Workshop Meeting (Studio 10 Meeting Room)

08:30 am - 08:40 am
Introductions (Bruce Murphy)

08:40 am - 09:00 am
IHDCYH Strategic Plan (Nicky McDermott)

09:00 am - 09:20 am
Objectives of the Workshop (John Challis)

09:20 am - 09:30 am

09:30 am - 11:00 am
Topic I (Environmental Determinants)
Primary Speaker: Bernard Robaire
Secondary Speaker: Tye Arbuckle
Facilitator: John Jarrell

10:30 am - 10:45 am

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Topic II (Preimplantation Development)
Primary Speaker: Andy Watson
Secondary Speaker: Derek Rancourt
Facilitator: Tom Kennedy

12:30 pm - 01:30 pm
Buffet Lunch

01:30 pm - 03:00 pm
Topic III (ART)
Primary Speaker: Raymond Lambert
Secondary Speaker: Bob Casper
Facilitator: Albert Yuzpe

03:00 pm - 04:30 pm
Topic IV (Gametogenesis)
Primary Speaker: Barbara Vanderheyden
Secondary Speaker: Jaquetta Trasler
Facilitator: Ben Tsang

03:30 pm - 03:45 pm

04:30 pm - 05:00 pm
General Discussion

07:45 pm - 09:30 pm

Sunday, April 7/02:

07:30 am - 08:30 am
Buffet Breakfast

08:30 am - 12:30 pm
Consensus Workshop Meeting Continued (Studio 10)

08:30 am -10:30 am
General Discussion/Setting the RFA/Making Decisions

10:00 am - 10:15 am

10:30 am - 11:00 am
End of Discussion - General Adjournment

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Writing Group Prepares Final RFA for Submission to CIHR

12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
Buffet Lunch

Top of Page

Appendix G

Adverse Fetal Growth and Preterm Birth

Delta Chelsea Downtown Toronto Hotel, Toronto, Ontario May 24, 25 and 26, 2002


Friday, May 24/02:

07:30 pm - 09:00 pm Reception/Dinner

Saturday, May 25/02:

07:30 am - 08:30 am
Continental Breakfast

08:30 am - 05:00 pm
Consensus Workshop Meeting (Stevenson Meeting Room)

08:30 am - 08:40 am
Introductions (Bryan Richardson and Sylvain Chemtob)

08:40 am - 09:00 am
IHDCYH Strategic Plan (Nicky McDermott)

09:00 am - 09:20 am
Objectives of the Workshop (John Challis)

09:20 am - 09:30 am

09:30 am - 11:00 am
Topic I (Determinants/Mechanisms for Adverse Fetal Growth)
Primary Speaker: Phillippe Chessex
Secondary Speaker: Robert Gagnon
Facilitator: Dan Rurak

10:15 am - 10:30 am
Break (Stevenson Meeting Room)

11:00 am - 12:30 pm
Topic II (Determinants/Mechanisms for Preterm Birth)
Primary Speaker: Stephen Lye
Secondary Speaker: Peter Mitchell
Facilitator: Catherine McCourt

12:30 pm - 01:30 pm
Buffet Lunch

01:30 pm - 03:00 pm
Topic III (Short and Intermediate Term Adverse Outcomes and Impact on Family and Community)
Primary Speaker: Jaques Belik
Secondary Speaker: Saroj Saigal
Facilitator: Keith Tanswell

03:00 pm - 04:30 pm
Topic IV (Early Origins of Childhood & Adult Disease)
Primary Speaker: David Olson
Secondary Speaker: Sandra Davidge
Facilitator: Harry Bard

03:30 pm - 03:45 pm

04:30 pm - 05:00 pm
General Discussion

07:45 pm - 09:30 pm

Sunday, May 26/02:

07:30 am - 08:30 am
Continental Breakfast

08:30 am - 12:00 pm
Workshop Meeting Continued (Stevenson Meeting Room)

08:30 am -10:30 am
General Discussion/Setting the RFA/Making Decisions

10:15 am - 10:30 am

10:30 am - 11:00 am
End of Discussion - General Adjournment

11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Writing Group Prepares Final RFA for Submission to CIHR

12:00 pm - 01:00 pm
Buffet Brunch

Top of Page

Appendix H

Workshop Program - April '01 - September '02

Workshop: International Research Conference on Children with Developmental Coordination Disorder
Applicants: Cheryl Missiuna and Angela Mandich - Conference Planning Committee
Date: May 14-16, 01
Location: Banff, AB
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: National Planning Meeting, Canadian Multicentre Paediatric Clinician-Scientist Training
Applicants: Norm Rosenblum - The Hospital for Sick Children
Date: May 26-27, 01
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Home Care Evaluation and Research Centre Workshop (HCERC)
Applicants: Peter Coyte and Patricia McKeever - Co-directors, HCERC
Date: June 5-8, 01
Location: Stockholm, Sweden
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: Strategy for the Development of Rural and Remote Health Research
Applicants: Martha MacLeod - The Rural Health Research Consortium
Date: Workshop I: June 7-9, 01, Workshop II: Oct. 19-20, 01
Location: I: Thunder Bay, ON, II: Saskatoon, SK
$ Committed: $4,000

Workshop: Developmental & Perinatal Physiology Karolinska Exchange
Applicants: Stephen G. Matthews and Stephen J. Lye - University of Toronto
Date: June 10, 01
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Canadian Epilepsy Consortium
Applicants: Sharon Whiting - Project Leader Canadian Paediatric Epilepsy Network (CPEN)
Date: June 10-16, 01
Location: Halifax, NS
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: 6th Joint Mtg. Pediatric Endocrinology
Applicants: Harvey Guyda and Guy Van Vilet - Local Organizing Committee (LOC)
Date: July 6-9, 01
Location: Montreal, QC
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: 8th International Workshop on Developmental Genetics/Renal Physiology
Applicants: Paul Goodyear-Director - Paediatric Nephrology, McGill University Health Center
Date: Aug. 29-31, 01
Location: Victoria, BC

$ Committed: $7,000

Workshop: Paediatric Emergency Research of Canada (PERC) New Initiatives
Applicants: David W. Johnson - University of Calgary, Alberta Children's Hospital
Date: Sept. 8, 01
Location: Calgary, AB
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Atlantic Clinical Trials in Obstetrics and Gynaecology Network (ACTION)
Applicants: Donna Gilmour - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Dalhousie University
Date: a) Sept 17-19, 01 b) Oct 8-10, 01
Location: a) Fredericton and Saint John, NB b) St. John's, NF
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: A workshop for planning a training program in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities
Applicants: James Reynolds - Queen's University
Date: Sept. 24-25, 01
Location: Kingston, ON
$ Committed: $9,080

Workshop: Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society/Consortium in Reproduction & Development Workshop
Applicants: Jacquetta Trasler - President-Elect, Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society
Date: Oct. 3, 01
Location: Whistler, BC
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: BC Consortium for Youth Health
Applicants: Roger S. Tonkin - Chair, BC Consortium for Youth Health, The McCreary Center Society
Date: Oct. 4-5, 01
Location: Vancouver, BC
$ Committed: $3,500

Workshop: Child & Youth Home Care Forum
Applicants: Gwen Burrows - The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
Date: Oct. 22-23, 01
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Fatherhood Today in the African Diaspora Workshop
Applicants: Wanda Thomas Bernard- Maritime School of Social Work, Dalhousie University
Date: Oct. 26-28, 01
Location: Halifax, NS
$ Committed: $3,000

Workshop: The 25th Annual Perinatal Investigators Meeting
Applicants: Jean-Paul Praud - Depts of Pediatrics and Physiology, Organizer of meeting
Date: Nov. 8-10, 01
Location: Kingston, ON
$ Committed: $2,000

Workshop: 2nd Canada-Japan Bilateral Workshop on Human Reproductive Biology
Applicants: Ben Tsang - Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Ottawa
Date: Nov. 26-30, 01
Location: Tokyo, Japan
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Complementary & Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Paediatrics Forum
Applicants: Gwen Burrows - The Hospital for Sick Children Foundation
Date: Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 01
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Gender, Health & HIV/AIDS Int. Planning Mtg.
Applicants: Carol Amaratunga - Maritime Centre of Excellence for Women's Health
Date: Dec., 01
Location: Halifax, NS
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: Adolescent Sexuality and Pregnancy Workshop
Applicants: Lori Curtis and Don Langille - Community Health & Epidemiology, Dalhousie University
Date: Dec., 01
Location: Wolfeville, Nova Scotia
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: National Dialogue on Healthy Body Weights Conference (Obesity Canada)
Applicants: Mary Bush - Health Canada, Diane Finegood - INMD and David Lau - Obesity Canada
Date: Dec. 7-9, 01
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: New Frontiers program at ICRH for support for a workshop process for developing preeclampsia program
Applicants: Bill Fraser - Chair, Department of OBGYN at University Laval
Date: Dec. 16-17, 01
Location: Montreal, QC
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: The Caffeine for Apnea of Prematurity (CAP) trial
Applicants: Barbara Schmidt - Paediatrics and Clinical Epidemiology & Biostatistics, McMaster University
Date: Feb., 02
Location: Hamilton, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Programming of Neuroendocrine Function
Applicants: Stephen G. Matthews and John MacDonald - Director, Fundamental Neuroscience Network
Date: Jan. 16, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $8,000

Workshop: Canadian Autism Intervention Research Network (CAIRN) Workshop
Applicants: Peter Szatmari - McMaster University, Faculty of Health Sciences
Date: Feb. 1-2, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Therapy for Hypotension in Preterm Infants
Applicants: Keith Barrington - Director of Neonatology, McGill University
Date: Feb. 15-16, 02
Location: Montreal, QC
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: Multiple Pregnancy Research Workshop
Applicants: Alan Bocking - Chair, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology University of Western Ontario
Date: Feb. 22-24, 02
Location: University of Western Ontario, London, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Canadian Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Research Consortium
Applicants: Jocelynn Cook - Pediatrics/Obstetrics,University of Saskatchewan
Date: Mar. 16-18, 02
Location: Saskatoon, SK
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Development of Orbitofrontal Function: Behavioural and Neuroscientific Analyses, and Implications for Psychopathology
Applicants: Philip D. Zelazo - Canada Research Chair in Developmental Neuroscience, University of Toronto
Date: Mar. 21-23, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: Information Distribution for the Reproductive Technologies
Applicants: Tom Hannam - Clinical Fellow, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Toronto
Date: 1) March 30, 02 2) April 30, 02 3) May 30, 02
Location: 1) Calgary, AB, 2) Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: Down Syndrome Strategic Development Workshop
Applicants: Daniel J. Weeks - School of Kinesiology, Simon Fraser University
Date: April 1, 02
Location: Burnaby, BC
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Canadian Tobacco Control Research Summit
Applicants: CIHR Cross - Cutting Initiative
Date: April 19-21, 02
Location: Ottawa, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Centre of Excellence Symposium
Applicants: Alan Bowd and Jodi Carlson - Centre of Excellence for Children & Adolescents with Special Needs, Lakehead University
Date: April 20, 02
Location: Thunder Bay, ON
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: 30th Annual Southern Ontario Reproductive Biology Workshop (S.O.R.B.)
Applicants: Derek Lobb - McMaster University
Date: April 26, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Canadian Paediatric Clinical Pharmacology Network
Applicants: Michael J. Rieder - Departments of Paediatrics, Pharmacology & Toxicology and Medicine, University of Western Ontario
Date: April 27-28, 02
Location: Ottawa, ON
$ Committed: $19,900

Workshop: Body-Based Aspects of Adolescent Health
Applicants: Baukje (Bo) Miedema - Dalhousie University Family Medicine Teaching Unit
Date: May 10-11, 02
Location: Fredericton, NB
$ Committed: $2,070

Workshop: Significance of Recreation in Early Adolescents
Applicants: Laidlaw Foundation
Date: May 29-30, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Child and Youth Health Network Workshop
Applicants: Ron Lindstrom - Centre for Community Child Health Research
Date: June, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Vision Health Research Workshop
Applicants: Martin J. Steinbach - President, Vision Health Research Council
Date: June 2, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $5,000

Workshop: 13th World Congress International Society for Study of Hypertension in Pregnancy (ISSHP)
Applicants: Knox Ritchie - Dept of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Toronto
Date: June 2-5, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres (CAPHC) Evidence Based Workshop
Applicants: Elaine Orbine - Chief Executive Officer, CAPHC
Date: June 12, 02
Location: Toronto, ON
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: Knowledge Transfer Research Workshop
Applicants: Dawn Walker - Executive Director, CICH and Jean Lafrance - University of Calgary
Date: June 6-8, 02
Location: Calgary, AB
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study f Reproduction
Applicants: Benjamin K. Tsang
Date: July 28-31, 02
Location: Baltimore, Maryland
$ Committed: $10,000

Workshop: NCE in Reproductive Health Proposal
Applicants: Bill Fraser - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Montreal
Date: Aug., 02
Location: Montreal, QC
$ Committed: $5,000

Top of Page

Appendix I

Serono Reproductive Biology Institute / CIHR Meeting

Abigail Adams Room, Quincy Marriott, Quincy, MA February 15, 16 and 17, 2002


Friday, February 15/02:

12:00 - 01:00 pm Lunch
Opening Session

01:00 - 01:15 pm
Steve Arkinstall, D.Phil.
Vice President of Research, Head of SRBI
Overview of SRBI & Serono

01:15 - 01:30 pm
Stephen Palmer, Ph.D., Director
Molecular Biosciences @ Serono Reproductive Biology Institute
SRBI: Goals of the Meeting

01:30 - 02:00 pm
Nicky McDermott, Assistant Director
CIHR - Institute of Human Development, Child & Youth Health University of Toronto
CHIR: Goals of the Meeting

02:30 - 03:00 pm
Dr. John Challis, Scientific Director
CIHR - Institute of Human Development, Child & Youth Health
Fetal placental hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, parturition & post-natal health, pre-term birth.

03:00 - 03:15 pm

03:15 - 03:45 pm
Dr. Steve Lye, Acting Director
Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute
FAK & trophoblast invasion; prostaglandins & pregnancy

03:45 - 04:15 pm
Dr. Colin MacCalman, Assoc. Professor, Research Division Obstetrics & Gynaecology, University of British Columbia
Model Systems to Examine the Cellular Mechanisms Underlying Human Implantation and Placentation

04:15 - 05:00 pm
Discussion - Clinical Opportunities, Models

06:00 - 08:30 pm

Saturday, February 16/02:

08:00 - 09:00 am

09:00 - 09:30 am
Dr. P. Jorge Chedrese, Associate Professor, Dept. of Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Reproductive Sciences
College of Medicine
University of Saskatchewan
Porcine Granulose Cells, Steroidogenesis, Gondotropin Action

09:30 - 10:00 am
Dr. M. Ram Sairam, Director
Molecular Reproduction Research Laboratory
Clinical Research - Institute of Montreal
FSH Receptor Signaling Events in the Ovary & Testis: Molecular & Genetic Approaches

10:00 - 10:15 am

10:15 - 10:45 am
Dr. Bruce Murphy, Director
Animal Reproduction Research Centre
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
University of Montreal
Cholesterol Dynamics & Ovarian Cell Differentiation

10:45 am - 12:00 pm
Discussion: Clinical Opportunities, Models

12:00 - 01:00 pm

01:00 - 01:20 pm
Dr. Robert Casper, Professor & Head
Division of Reproductive Sciences
University of Toronto
Adverse Effects of Aryl Hydrocarbons on Reproductive Function

01:20 - 01:40 pm
Dr. Gerard Cooke
Research Scientist
Health Canada-Toxicology Research Division
Interaction of Chemicals with the Human Androgen Receptor In Vitro

01:40 - 02:00 pm
Dr. Peter Leung, Professor & Head
Research Division
Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
University of British Columbia
Use of Human Ovarian Cells in the Study of Hormone Action

02:00 - 02:20 pm
Dr. Nuch Tanphaichitr, Senior Scientist
Prof., Depts. Of Obstetrics & Gynaecology & Biochemistry, Microbiology & Immunology
University of Ottawa
Scientific Director of the Human in Vitro Fertilization Program
Ottawa Hospital
Roles of Male Germ Cell Specific Sulfoglycolipid, Sulfogalactoslglcerolipid (SGG) & its Binding Protein, Arylsulfatase A (AS-A), on Mammalian Fertilization

02:20 - 02:40 pm
Dr. Bernard Robaire, Professor
Dept. of Pharmacology & Therapeutics
McGill University
Epididymal Cells: Structure, Functions & Gene Expression

02:40 - 03:00 pm

03:00 - 03:20 pm
Dr. Barbara Vanderhyden, Professor
Corinne Boyer Chair in Ovarian Cancer Research
University of Ottawa
Cellular & Molecular Mechanisms Controlling Oocyte & Follicle Development

03:20 - 03:40 pm
Dr. Jacquetta Trasler, Professor
McGill University
Targets for Male Contraception/Infertility Treatment: Lessons from Hormone-Sensitive Lipase-Deficient Mice

03:40 - 05:00 pm
Discussion - Clinical Opportunities, Models

06:00 - 08:30 pm

Sunday, February 17

08:30 - 11:00 pm
Breakfast & Wrap up Discussions

11:30 pm

Top of Page

Appendix J

Environmental Influences on Health

National Forum Steering Committee

First Name: John
Last Name: Apsimon
Title: Special Science Advisor to the Deputy Minister
Organization: Environment Canada

First Name: Tye
Last Name: Arbuckle
Title: Senior Epidemiologist/Research Scientist
Organization: Health Canada

First Name: Jack
Last Name: Bend
Title: Professor, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Associate Dean Research
Organization: Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry, University of Western Ontario

First Name: Dave
Last Name: Blakey
Title: Assistant Bureau Director, Environmental Health Science
Organization: Health Canada

First Name: John
Last Name: Challis
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

First Name: Kate
Last Name: Davies
Title: Special Advisor, Environment/Health
Organization: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

First Name: Elizabeth
Last Name: Dickson
Title: Senior Advisor, Policy
Organization: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

First Name: Kimberly
Last Name: Elmslie
Title: Executive Director, Health Research Secretariat
Organization: Health Canada

First Name: John
Last Name: Eyles
Title: Professor & Director, McMaster Institute of Environment and Health
Organization: McMaster University

First Name: Diane
Last Name: Finegood
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Nutrition, Metabolism and Diabetes

First Name: John
Last Name: Frank
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Population and Public Health

First Name: Charles
Last Name: Haines
Title: Policy Analyst, Policy Development and Integration
Organization: Policy and Communications, Environment Canada

First Name: Trevor
Last Name: Hancock
Title: Chair
Organization: Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

First Name: Don
Last Name: Houston
Title: Director, Environmental Health
Organization: Canadian Institute of Child Health

First Name: Don
Last Name: Johnston
Title: Physician
Organization: Consulting in Occupational and Environmental Health

First Name: Kevin
Last Name: Keogh
Title: Chief Scientist
Organization: Health Canada

First Name: Dan
Last Name: Krewski
Title: Professor & Director, R. Samuel McLaughlin Centre Population Health Risk Assessment
Organization: University of Ottawa

First Name: Nicola
Last Name: McDermott
Title: Assistant Director
Organization: CIHR- Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

First Name: Sue
Last Name: Milburn-Hopwood
Title: Director of Health Impact Bureau, Safe Environment Program
Organization: Health Canada

First Name: Elaine
Last Name: Orrbine
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Organization: Canadian Association of Paediatric Health Centres

First Name: Alita
Last Name: Perry
Title: International Liaison Coordinator
Organization: Canadian Institutes of Health Research

First Name: Jeff
Last Name: Reading
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health

First Name: Bhagirath
Last Name: Singh
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Infection and Immunity

First Name: Miriam
Last Name: Stewart
Title: Scientific Director
Organization: CIHR - Institute of Gender and Health

First Name: Dawn
Last Name: Walker
Title: Executive Director
Organization: Canadian Institute of Child Health

Top of Page

Appendix K

National Forum to Identify Research Priorities for the Environmental Influences on Health

Crowne Plaza Hotel, Ottawa, September 12-14, 2002


Thursday, September 12/02:

06:00 pm
Opening Session: Reception

06:30 pm
Welcome and Keynote Speakers
Alan Bernstein, President, Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Ian Green, Deputy Minister, Health Canada
Alan Nymark, Deputy Minister, Environment Canada
"Key Issues and Themes at the World Summit on Sustainable Development: Implications for Environmental Health Researchers"
Elizabeth Dowdeswell, former Executive Director, United Nations Environment Program

07:30 pm

09:00 pm

Friday, September 13/02:

07:30 am

08:30 am
Plenary Session 1: Identifying Key Issues (Ballroom A)
"Setting the Stage"
John Challis, Scientific Director, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (Co-chair)
Elizabeth Dickson, CIHR Senior Policy Advisor and Director of Knowledge Translation (Co-chair)

08:50 am
"Identifying National Research Priorities for the Environmental Influences on Health: Context and Options"
Kate Davies, Special Advisor, Health/Environment, CIHR

09:20 am
"A Framework for Identifying Research Priorities: Key Populations,
Hazards in the Environment, the Built Environment, and Cumulative Exposures and Effects" (Expert Panel)
John Eyles & Susan Elliot, Director & Associate Director, Environment and Health Unit, McMaster University
Dan Krewski, Director, Centre for Population Health Risk Assessment, University of Ottawa
Tee Guidotti, Chair, Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, George Washington University Medical Center
Pierre Gosselin, Director, WHO/PAHO Collaborating Centre on Environmental and Occupational Health, Université Laval

10:50 am

11:20 am
Plenary Session 1 (cont'd)
Kevin Keough, Chief Scientist, Health Canada, and Elizabeth Dickson (Facilitators)
Plenary Discussion with the Expert Panel
Introduction to Breakout Session 1 and Identification of Key Populations

12:30 pm
Sign-up for Breakout Session 1

01:30 pm
Breakout Session 1: Exploring the Issues
1.(a) For each key population, identify the issues/needs, if any, under each of the three research themes
(b) For each issue/need, specify which should be acted on now (N) and which can be left to later (L)
(c) For each issue/need, identify potential partners
2.Identify factors to ensure the success of a National Research Agenda on the Environmental Influences on Health

04:15 pm

04:30 pm
Plenary Session 2: Success Factors for a National Research Agenda (Ballroom A)
John Challis and John ApSimon, Science Advisor, Environment Canada (Facilitators)
Discussion of the success factors identified in Breakout Session 1 (question #2 in Breakout Session 1)

05:30 pm
Free Time

06:30 pm

08:00 pm
Plenary Session 3: Launching the RFA Development Sub-group
John Challis, Elizabeth Dickson and Kate Davies
Synthesis of findings from Break-out Session 1 (question #1)
The RFA-Development Sub-Group (RDSG)

09:00 pm

Saturday, September 14/02:

07:30 am

08:00 am
Track 1: Break-out Session 2

John Yves,Savoie Chair, Institute Advisory board, Institute of Population and Public Health and John O'Neil, Chair, Institute Advisory Board, Institute for Aboriginal Peoples' Health (Facilitators)
Development of "eligible research questions" by the RDSG

08:30 am
Track 2: Plenary Session 4: Building Capacity for Research (Ballroom A)
Elizabeth Dickson (Facilitator)
"Building Capacity for Research on Health, the Environment and Economy: An International Perspective from the US National Institutes for Health"
Rachel Nugent, Fogarty International Center, US National Institutes for Health
Introduction to Breakout Session 3
Sign-up for Breakout Session 3

09:00 am
Breakout Session 3: Strategies for Building Capacity
With respect to each of the research themes, breakout groups will discuss building capacity in three areas: human resources; infrastructure; and financial and other resources.
(a) For each research theme, identify the capacity issues/needs, if any, under each of the three areas of capacity
(b) For each issue/need, specify which should be acted on now (N) and which can be left to later (L)
(c) Indicate strategies to make progress on each issue/need
(d) For each issue/need, identify potential partners

10:15 am

10:45 am
Breakout Session 3 cont'd

12 noon

01:00 pm
Plenary Session 5: Workshop Results
John ApSimon and John Challis (Facilitators)
1. Report from Track 1 on the proposed "eligible research questions" for the RFA
2. Report from Track 2 on strategies for building capacity
3. Questions and discussion

02:30 pm
Forum Synthesis and Concluding Remarks
John ApSimon and John Challis (Facilitators)
Stuart Smith, former Chair, National Roundtable on the Environment and the Economy and currently Chairman of Ensyn Technologies Inc.

04:30 pm

Top of Page

Appendix L

The Neurological Developmental Significance of Recreation in Early Adolescents Workshop

Hart House, University of Toronto, 7 Hart House Circle, Toronto, Ontario, May 29 and 30, 2002


Sponsored by: Laidlaw Foundation & CIHR-Institutes of Human Development Child and Youth Health & Neuroscience, Mental Health & Addiction

Wednesday, May 29/02: Workshop Opening and Public Lecture

05:30 - 06:30 pm
Welcome Reception

06:30 - 06:45 pm
Welcome and Introductions
Walter Ross, Chairman of the Board, Laidlaw Foundation
Dr. John Challis, Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

06:45 - 07:45 pm
Public Lecture (Music Room, Hart House)
"Adolescent Brains & Developmental Opportunities: The Role of Recreation Engagement"
Dr. Ron Dahl, Department of Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh.

Thursday, May 30/02: All-Day Workshop

08:30 - 09:00 am
Continental Breakfast

09:00 - 09:20 am
Welcome & Introductory Remarks
Ms Barbara Hall, Chair, Youth Recreation Committee, Laidlaw Foundation
Dr. Remi Quirion, Scientific Director, Institute of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction
Dr. Dan Offord - Workshop Chair and Director Canadian Centre for Studies of Children at Risk, McMaster University

09:20 - 10:05 am
Guest Speaker (South Dining Room, Hart House)
"Adolescent Development: Neuroscience Prospective"
Dr. Monique Ernst, National Institutes of Health, NIMH/MAP

10:05 - 10:20 am
Discussant: Dr. Ron Dahl

10:20 - 10:30 am
General Discussion

10:30 - 10:45 am

10:45 - 11:45 am
Panel Presentations on Services & Policies
Chair: Dr. Dan Keating, Professor & Chair, Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology; OISE, University of Toronto

John Yudelman, Team Leader, Recreation Policy Development, Sport and Recreation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Recreation

Dr. Dan Offord, Director, Centre for Studies of Children at Risk, McMaster University

Dr. Judith Maxwell, President, Canadian Policy Research Networks

11:45 - 12:15 pm
Reaction and Re-cap
Dr. Dan Keating, Chair, Department of Human Development and Applied Psychology, OISE, University of Toronto

12:15 - 12:30 pm
General Discussion

12:30 - 01:30 pm
Buffet Lunch

01:30 - 02:15 pm
Strategic Directions of the CIHR Institutes of Health Research
Dr. John Challis, Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health
Dr. Remi Quirion, Institute of Neuroscience, Mental Health and Addiction

02:15 - 02:30 pm
Setting the Stage for Small Group Discussions
Dr. Dan Offord

02:30 - 03:30 pm
Small Group Discussions (Assigned Discussion Rooms)

03:30 - 03:45 pm

03:45 - 04:25 pm
Report Back

04:25 - 04:50 pm
Next Steps

04:50 - 05:00 pm
Closing Remarks

Top of Page

Appendix M

Knowledge Translation Research Workshop

Rozsa Centre, University of Calgary June 6-8, 2002

Thursday, June 6/02:

03:00 - 05:00 pm
Student Orientation,
(Professional Faculties Building 1297)
(Faculty: Tom Weiden, Karen Benzies, Dawn Walker, Nicky McDermott)

06:00 - 0700 pm
Social, University Club

07:00 - 09:00 pm
Dinner, University Club
Welcome: Dr. James Frideres, University of Calgary
Presenters: Dr. John Challis, Scientific Director, the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health

Friday, June 7/02:

08:30 - 09:00 am
Welcome and Introductions

09:00 - 09:45 am
CIHR KT Presentation - Dr. Elizabeth Dickson, Senior Policy Advisor, CIHR
(Based on Framework - discussing how, why, where it is going - commenting on opportunities, challenges and gaps)

09:45 - 10:45 am
Reaction Panel
Dr. Martin Pusic, Evidence Transfer in Child Health Research Unit, Centre For Community Child Health Research, BC
Dr. Réjean Landry, Professor in the Department of Political Science, University of Laval
Dr. Claude Roy, Department of Pediatrics, Hôpital Ste. Justine
Dr. Serge Carriere, Scientific Director, Servier Canada

10:45 - 11:00 am

11:00 -12:00 pm
Small Group Discussions

12:00 - 01:00 pm

01:00 - 02:00 pm
Re-Cap (Ms. Dawn Walker)

02:00 - 03:00 pm
Panel: What is Working in KT and Why?
Dr. Ray DeV. Peters, Professor in the Department of Psychology, Queen's University
Dr. Terry Klassen, Chair of Pediatrics, University of Alberta
Dr. Linda Nosbush, Understanding the Early Years, Prince Albert
Ms. Dawn Walker, Executive Director, Canadian Institute of Child Health

03:00 - 04:00 pm
Small Group Discussions

04:00 - 05:00 pm
Re-cap (Dr. Karen Benzies)

05:00 pm

Saturday, June 8/02:

09:00 - 09:30 am
Motivational introduction to the day, focused on what happened yesterday and where we are going
Ms. Sonya Corkum, Vice President, Knowledge Translation and Partnerships, CIHR

09:30 - 10:30 am
Small Group Discussions
Please identify 3 or 4 make-or-break action items for:
(a) research into KT and
(b) promotion of KT in Canada (identify who, what, where and when)

10:30 - 11:00 am
Re-cap (Dr. Ted Weiden)

11:00 - 12:00 noon
Student Feedback

12:00 - 01:00 pm
Lunch (provided on site)

01:00 - 02:00 pm
Speaker Wrap Up
Dr. Jonathan Lomas, Executive Director, Canadian Health Services Research Foundation

02:00 pm

02:00 - 03:00pm
Student debriefing. Rosza Centre

Created: 2003-09-18
Modified: 2003-09-18