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Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH)

October 2006 Research Update

Table of Contents

  1. Funding Opportunities: IHDCYH Regular Programs
  2. Funding Opportunities: IHDCYH New Programs
  3. Other Funding Opportunities
  4. Funding Decisions
  6. Meeting/Events
  7. Contact information

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1. Funding Opportunities: IHDCYH Regular Programs

1. New Investigator Grants Program in Child and Youth Health Research
The New Investigators Grants Program is a joint program between the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (IHDCYH) and the SickKids Foundation (SKF). Its goal is to build research capacity in child and youth health by funding new investigators who are within the first six years of their research careers as independent investigators. The grants are for a maximum of 2 years at $65,000 per year. Two application cycles are offered per year with deadlines of October 31st and April 30th. The complete guidelines, as well as the application package, are available on the SickKids Foundation Website.

2. Research Trainee Travel Awards
CIHR-IHDCYH offers awards for research trainees (graduate students and postdoctoral fellows) to present their own research at annual, or other regular interval, meetings (including international conferences) related to the Institute's mandate. The maximum amount for a single award is $1,000 to partially cover the costs of travel, accommodation, and registration. Up to 10 awards are available for each of 2 competitions per year. The next application deadline is November 1st, 2006. More information is available on our Website.

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2. Funding Opportunities: IHDCYH New Programs

New funding opportunities will be launched in December 2006 or March 2007 and will be available on the Institute's website.

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3. Other Funding Opportunities

1. Partnerships for Health System Improvement (PHSI) Request for Applications
The purpose of this initiative is to support teams of researchers and decision-makers who wish to conduct applied health research useful to health system managers and/or policy makers over the next 2 to 5 years. More specifically, successful applicant teams will conduct health services (including public health), health systems and policy research projects of up to 3 years in duration in high-priority thematic areas identified during national consultations. The letter of intent deadline is December 4, 2006. More information is available on CIHR's website.

2. Mexico-Canada Joint Health Research Program in Tuberculosis
The full application deadline for this competition was September 15, 2006. Although the deadline has passed, the competition is re-opened and full applications will be accepted until October 27, 2006. The RFA is available on CIHR's website.

Other funding opportunities co-sponsored by CIHR-IHDCYH and funding opportunities that may be of interest for the Institute's research community can be found on the Institute's Website.

The complete list of all CIHR current funding opportunities is also available.

3. Second call for applications to the New Investigator Network on child and youth development
The New Investigators Network (NIN) is a multi-disciplinary, pan-Canadian group of researchers conducting research on child and youth development.  The NIN is managed by the Canadian Research Institute for Social Policy at the University of New Brunswick (UNB-CRISP). UNB-CRISP is inviting applications for a second cohort of new investigators (less than 5 years post-doctorate or close to completing their PhD) who are dedicated to the study of children's learning, behavioural, and health outcomes.  Deadline for applications is November 17th, 2006. More information is available on UNB-CRISP Website.

4. Children's Tumor Foundation Young Investigator awards (Trainees)
This program is intended to support outstanding trainees wishing to pursue novel ideas or concepts related to neurofibromatosis. This competition is open to pre-doctoral and postdoctoral applicants worldwide. The letter of intent deadline is February 14, 2007. More information is available on the Children's Tumor Foundation website.

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4. Funding Decisions

1. Results of the March 2006 Priority Announcement: Start-up grants for new investigators
IHDCYH funded 1 start-up grant for new investigators through the Priority Announcements. This one-year grant of $100,000 is non-renewable. If the grantee is successful in obtaining funding in the September 2006 open grants competition, start-up funding will terminate at the start date of the new grant. For more information, please visit IHDCYH's Website.

2. Results of the September 2006 CIHR - IHDCYH Workshop Funding Program Competition
Through this program, CIHR - IHDCYH funded 4 multi-disciplinary and cross-cutting workshops related to its mandate, for a total of $35,000.

Principal Investigator Workshop Title Event Date / Location
Graham Reid
Moira Stewart

TUTOR-PHC Alumni knowledge translation and networking symposium.
May 10-11, 2007
Kingbridge Centre
King City, Ontario
Robert J. Schroth Oral health and the Aboriginal child: A forum for community members, researchers and policy-makers. June 7-8, 2007
University of Manitoba,
Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mark Walker
Graeme Smith
Canadian perinatal health services research: Towards a national database. November 2, 2006
Kingston, Ontario
William D. Fraser Perinatal neonatal applied clinical research: Forging a Canadian research agenda. November 4-5, 2006
Kingston, Ontario

A complete list of recent funding decisions is also available on CIHR Website.

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1. CIHR-IHDCYH's Annual Report
In mid-October, IHDCYH will publish its 2005-06 annual report outlining its activities over the past year. The report will be available on the Institute's website. Paper copies will be also available upon request.

2. IHDCYH IAB Renewal
CIHR has completed its fourth cycle of the Institute Advisory Board (IAB) membership renewal and has selected 48 new members to fill the recent vacancies on the 13 Institute Advisory Boards. The new members will serve 3-year terms, effective September 1, 2006. CIHR-IHDCYH is pleased to welcome 5 new members in its IAB. During the next IAB meeting in London in October, Laura Arbour (University of British Columbia), Jay Baltz (University of Ottawa), Claire Fortier (SickKids Foundation), Paul Glover (Health Canada) and Peter Szatmari (McMaster University) will officially join IHDCYH's IAB. The meeting will also mark the departure of five members, Bruce Murphy, the former Chair (Université de Montréal), James Bonta (Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness), Catherine McCourt (Public Health Agency of Canada), Bonnie Stevens (University of Toronto) and Dawn Walker (Health Canada). We wish to take this opportunity to extend our gratitude for their commitment over the past years.

For further details regarding the IABs, please visit CIHR's website.

3. IHDCYH IAB Meeting and Open Forum for Researchers
In conjunction with its Institute Advisory Board Meeting in London on October 31st, 2006, the Institute will organize an open forum for researchers at the University of Western Ontario. An overview of IHDCYH, its mandate and research priorities and an open discussion about needs and priorities of the local research community will be followed by a reception. This will be an excellent opportunity for the researchers and trainees to meet with the Institute staff and Advisory Board. If you are interested in attending this forum, please contact the Institute at:

4. First CIHR-IHDCYH Research Symposium
IHDCYH will organize its first annual research symposium as part of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society (CFAS) 52nd annual meeting in Ottawa. This meeting will be held at the Westin Ottawa Hotel on Wednesday, November 15, 2006, from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Dr. Michael Kramer will present opening remarks and discuss relevant new IHDCYH's initiatives and activities. The symposium will also feature presentations by Drs Jay Baltz, Tom Kennedy, and Bernard Robaire, the 3 principal investigators of IHDCYH's first RFA ("Healthy Gametes and Great Embryos") and by Andrea Jurisicova, a new investigator in reproductive health. Finally, Dr. Bruce Murphy, outgoing Chair of IHDCYH's IAB will give a session on the "Anatomy" of the National Institute of Health (NIH) and CIHR grant review processes. The complete program of the symposium and CFAS annual meeting is available on CFAS's website.

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6. Meetings/Events

  1. October 31, 2006: IHDCYH's Open Forum for researchers and trainees (University of Western Ontario, London, ON)
  2. November 15, 2006: First IHDCYH's Annual Research Symposium (Ottawa, ON)
  3. November 15-18, 2006: Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society Annual Meeting (Ottawa, ON)
  4. December 5-7, 2006: Dialogue for Life IV conference - Suicide prevention conference (Montreal, QC)
  5. February 11-13, 2007: Allergen (NCE) Second Annual Research Conference (Hamilton, ON)
  6. March 14, 2007: IHDCYH's Open Forum for researchers and trainees (University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB)
  7. April 20-22, 2007: 2nd International Meeting on Indigenous Child Health (Montreal, QC)
  8. May 4, 2007: Forum in Complementary and Alternative Health Care and Paediatrics - organized by SickKids Foundation in partnership with IHDCYH (Toronto, ON)
  9. May 5-8, 2007: Pediatric Academy societies' Annual Meeting (Toronto, ON)
  10. May 14-16, 2007: 27th Annual Meeting of the American Society on Reproductive Immunology (Toronto, ON)
  11. June 24-27, 2007: International Conference on Physical Activity and Obesity in Children (Toronto, ON)
  12. August 2007: 3rd Summer Institutes in Maternal-Fetal Pharmacology and Reproductive and Perinatal Epidemiology (Location to be determined)

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7. Contact information

We encourage you to submit any news, including external funding opportunities, special initiatives, or events that may be of interest to the IHDCYH research community. Please forward this information to the Institute at:

Created: 2006-10-16
Modified: 2006-10-16
Reviewed: 2006-10-16