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CCAC headlines Toll-free Support Line 1.877.50.COLON

Grant goes to Hopkins cancer research

Cancer care at the grocer's

Advisory group to recommend national screening for bowel cancer

Vaccine stimulates cancer immune response

Stem cells the core of colon cancer: study
Canadian scientists say they have evidence that shows colon cancer arises from stem cells, a finding that could lead to more effective treatments to fight the disease.

ImClone, Bristol-Myers Posts Results From 2 Randomized Phase III Trials Of ERBITUX In Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer - Update

Ottawa &#39dropped the ball' on waiting times
Tory government has no plan to address health-care failure, opposition declares

Stem cells the core of colon cancer: study

Blocking an enzyme curbs colon cancer, in mice

Updated ASCO Guidelines Highlight CEA Tumor Marker for Colorectal Cancer

Red Wine May Cut Risk of Colorectal Cancer

PRIVATE MEDICAL CARE: Health advocates
Getting medicare to pay the bill

Private medical care in Canada
A complete user's guide

Cancer Survivor Critical of Gov't Practices

Genetic Variation Impacts Aspirin's Effectiveness In Preventing Colon Cancer, Dartmouth Study Finds

Updated ASCO Guidelines Highlight CEA Tumor Marker for Colorectal Cancer

Grape Seed Extract Inhibits Colorectal Cancer Cell Growth

PharmaGap's Novel Anti-Cancer Compound to be Studied at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center

Colon cancer screening helps

Colon cancers 73% more common in men, says research

Cancer linked to low folic acid levels

Experts crack cancer 'gene codes'
US scientists have cracked the entire genetic code of breast and colon cancers, offering new treatment hopes.

ACG: Colonoscopy May Have High-Tech Future
LAS VEGAS, Oct. 31 -- Pill-sized cameras, self-navigating endoscopes, and other high-tech gadgetry may one day supplant or augment conventional colonoscopy for colon cancer detection, according to a technology review presented here. At an industry-sponsored symposium held in conjunction with the American College of Gastroenterology meeting, Jacques Van Dam, M.D., Ph.D., of Stanford offered a glimpse into the high-tech future of colonoscopy.

While conventional colonoscopy remains the gold standard for detecting colon cancer, Dr. Van Dam cited some drawbacks. For example, currently used colonoscopes are prone to "looping" upon insertion, which causes patient discomfort and interferes with the procedure, he said.

In addition, conventional colonoscopy still misses more than a quarter of small polyps (those 5 mm or less), especially those on the "backside" of a tissue fold, he said. In one study comparing the results of 465 patients who underwent two conventional colonoscopies in the same day, the procedure missed 26% of polyps smaller than 5 mm, 13% of polyps 5mm to 10 mm, and 2.1% of those 10 mm or greater, Dr. Van Dam noted. The study was published in the February issue of the American Journal of Gastroenterology.

Dr. Van Dam discussed several investigational devices that promise to improve on conventional colonoscopy.

1) The Aer-O-Scope

One of these was the Aer-O-Scope, a disposable, self-propelling, self-navigating endoscope made by G.I. View of Ramat Gan in Israel. The device, which provides a 360-degree view, captures high-resolution video pictures of the colon walls and transmits them in real time to a computer monitor.

Because advancement through the colon and retraction are largely automated with this device, it requires minimal training and skill to operate, Dr. Van Dam said.

In a pilot feasibility study of 12 healthy volunteers (ages 20 to 43), the device achieved cecal intubation in 10 of the 12. The average intubation time was 14 minutes. The procedure was well-tolerated, with two patients requesting analgesia and four complaining of bloating and swelling, Dr. Van Dam said.

2) The PillCam

Another investigational device is the PillCam, made by Given Imaging of Yoqneam in Israel. The capsule measures 11 mm by 32 mm, roughly the size of a large vitamin pill. The capsule has tiny cameras at each end which capture four images per second for up to 10 hours.

The patient swallows the PillCam with a glass of water and also takes prokinetic agents to help move the capsule along the digestive tract. The images are transmitted to a workstation for video review.

This procedure requires no sedation, and "it has the potential to improve compliance with colorectal cancer screening for patients unable or unwilling to undergo standard colonoscopy," Dr. Van Dam said.

In a study presented at the ACG meeting here, Blair Lewis, M.D., of Mount Sinai in New York, reported that of 25 patients who underwent the PillCam procedure, 22 passed the camera through the rectum within 10 hours. The average time was four hours. The other three patients passed the device in less than 25 hours.

3) The'Third Eye' Retroscope

Finally, Dr. Van Dam discussed the "Third Eye" Retroscope, a device made by Avantis Medical Systems, Inc. of Sunnyvale, Calif. This imaging device is passed through the instrument channel of a standard colonoscope until it extends beyond the colonoscope's tip. As the device emerges, it automatically turns around 180 degrees to aim backward toward the tip of the colonoscope. As the colonoscope is withdrawn from the colon, the "Third Eye" comes along with it, providing a continuous backward view to complement the forward view of the colonoscope.

A non-clinical study published in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy suggests that this device may perform better than standard colonoscopy in detecting polyps "hiding" on folds, Dr. Van Dam said. In this study, three anatomical models of the colon were prepared with multiple simulated polyps. About one-third of the simulated polyps were obvious and roughly two-thirds were located on the proximal aspect of folds.

Six endoscopists examined each model with both a standard colonoscope and one assisted by the Third Eye. Standard colonoscopy detected only 12% of the "hidden" simulated polyps, compared with an 81% detection rate for standard colonoscopy plus the Third Eye (P<0.001), Dr. Van Dam said.

"Improving the odds in colorectal cancer screening is an important goal in research and practice," and these experimental technologies show promise in achieving that goal, Dr. Van Dam said.

At this symposium, Roy K.H. Wong, M.D., of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, discussed new treatment strategies for GERD and Barrett's esophagus, and David A. Peura, M.D., of the University of Virginia Health Sciences Center in Charlottesville, stressed the importance of preventing GI complications in patients on NSAIDs.

One of the new technologies discussed by Dr. Van Dam, capsule endoscopy, may also be useful for diagnosing Barrett's esophagus, Dr. Wong said. In a recent study including 41 patients with suspected Barrett's, capsule endoscopy performed with a specificity and sensitivity of 86% in detecting long-segment Barrett's esophagus. This data indicates the technology is promising, he said.

In his presentation, Dr. Peura said that physicians aren't doing enough to prophylactically prevent GI events in patients who are at risk because they are taking NSAIDs.

Among patients discharged from hospitals on ulcerogenic mediations including NSAIDs, 48% received some form of prophylactic medicine to prevent ulcers or other GI events, according to a recent study in Gastroenterology, Dr. Puera said. Appropriate gastroprotective medications in patients taking NSAIDs include proton pump inhibitors, histamine receptor antagonists, and Cytotec (misoprostol,) he said.

The symposium was supported by a grant from TAP Pharmaceutical of Lake Forest, Ill.

Virtual scans as good as regular colonoscopy
Computer screening may entice more people to be tested, researchers hope

Population-Based Assessment of the Surgical Management of Locally Advanced Colorectal Cancer

Finding Hidden Colon Cancer Lowers Recurrence Rate

Colon med for lung cancer

Colorectal cancer group makes plea for increase in funding

Markers Of Increased Colon-Cancer Risk In Men Significantly Reduced By Regular Aerobic Exercise

Farrah Fawcett Is Fighting Cancer
Actress Is Reportedly Getting Treatment for Anal Cancer

Study Finds No Link Between Diet, Colon Cancer
ISLAMABAD: A large new study has found no link between eating patterns and colorectal cancer risk, suggesting that keeping one's weight down with exercise may be the best way to prevent this type of cancer, the study's lead author says.

NRI scientists find colon cancer weapon

Nutrition Wise: Lower Risk of Colon Cancer Diet, Omega-3, Miso
By Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN - Q: What are the most important parts of a diet to lower risk of colon cancer? Q: Is cod one of the fish high in omega-3 fat? Q: What is miso?

Gene Expression Predicts Prognosis of Stage II Colon Cancer

One Surgeon's Unabashedly Biased View on Liver Resection

Q. Does environment impact colon cancer risk?

Cancer Survivor Critical of Gov't Practices

A New Way to Treat Colon Cancer?

Colorectal cancer group makes plea for increase in funding

Colorectal Cancer - Nova Scotia, let's get it right!

Ontario's doctors acting now to meet future patient care needs

Exact Sciences to cut half of staff

EDP Biotech Debuts Tumor Marker Assay for Early Stage Colorectal Cancer

Grape seed extract may stop colorectal cancer spread
Extracts from grape seeds, a rich source of proanthocyanidins, stopped the spread of colorectal cancer cells in lab mice, suggests new research funded by the US National Cancer Institute (NCI).

Colorectal Cancer - Saskatchewan - Compassion vs. Responsible Government?

Another &#39Charlie's Angels' Star Has Cancer

New 'smart' pill halves cancer treatment time

Roche cancer pill as effective as intravenous drug

Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer) Prediction Model for MLH1 and MSH2 Gene Mutations

Smart Talk About Cancer From
Video Webcast Inside.

Genetic Colorectal Cancer Risks May Be Identifiable With New Prediction Models

First Clinical Trial Launched by MDS Nordion to Study Innovative Cancer Treatment

What Really Prevents Colon Cancer?

Curcumin –New Weapon Against Colorectal Cancer

FDA Approves a New Drug for Colorectal Cancer, Vectibix

Wellwood presents Prevention of Colorectal Cancer

Disease double-teamed
Two separate teams have designed new models to determine a person's genetic risk for colorectal cancer

Vectibix Treats Colorectal Cancer That's Spread

Web-based tool predicts colon cancer risk

Quiz calculates odds of colon cancer type

New 'smart' pill halves cancer treatment time

Additional benefit for patients resulting from combination therapies with Roche cancer medicines
Impressive study results on Xeloda, Herceptin and Avastin presented at ESMO

Long-term Follow-up of Surgical Removal of Cancer Spread to Liver Among Colorectal Cancer Patients

Colorectal Cancer patients call for immediate action pending the National Pharmaceuticals Strategy (NPS)

Haldi can cure colon cancer: Study

New Pathological Markers Found for Slow Transit Constipation: Presented at IAP

Color of oral tissue may reflect colon cancer

Hepatic arterial infusion therapy improves survival for patients with colorectal cancer

Surveillance Colonoscopy in Individuals at Risk for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer: An Evidence-Based Review

Young women at greater cancer risk than men

Golf tournament raises funds to fight colorectal cancer
FORE A GOOD CAUSE: Stephen Ames, Alan Peters, Francine Peters, and Doug Carrick prepare to head out on the links during Bigwin Island Golf Club’s annual Charitable Golf Tournament on Monday, raising money for the fight against colorectal cancer.

Colon Cancer Alliance Launches Interactive Support Program for People Battling Colorectal Cancer
New Initiative Aims to Educate Patients and Caregivers About Becoming an Active Partner in Their Treatment Program

A strong band of women with Hart

Cancer rates drop for young men

Protein Reveals Colon Cancer Prognosis
Protein Reveals Colon Cancer Prognosis

Cycling for a cure to colon cancer

Arthritis drug prevents colon cancer

Anger at bowel cancer drug ruling

Transvaginal sonography as an adjunct to endorectal sonography in the staging of rectal cancer in women.

Scientists turn immune cells into tumour fighters to treat melanoma.

Lifestyles: Matter of life and death

Surgery Is Optimal Treatment for Solitary Liver Metastases from Colorectal Cancer

Couples Cull Embryos to Halt Heritage of Cancer

Colorectal cancer - Treat it!

Statement from the National Institutes of Health On Cancer Genetics Findings at Johns Hopkins University

Celebrex Has 'No Role' Against Colon Cancer

Time is now for colorectal cancer screening: Group

Nutrition Notes: Colon Cancer: Are You at Risk?

About Selective Internal Radiation Therapy (SIRT)

Tumour survey unearths wealth of mutants
Cataloguing cancer genes may pay dividends.

Study Shows Diabetes Link To Colon Cancer - Smokers With Type-2 Diabetes Face The Greatest Risk

Exercise may have benefits in colon cancer

Clues to Colon Cancer May be in Bark of Mahogany Tree (press release)

What you can do to lower your colon cancer risk
Processed meats raise rates while fish can reduce chances of disease

Pre-Surgery Chemo Ups Colon Cancer Survival

Shas Party to Aid Colon Cancer Patients

Patients Prefer Conventional Colonoscopy

Avastin crusader succumbs to cancer

New Surgery For Colon Cancer

Chemicals in Curry and Onions May Help Stop Colon Cancer

Exercise shows some benefits during colon cancer treatment

New Technology Could Detect Colon Cancer Earlier
Fiber-Optic Probe That Scatters Light Over Colon Area Could Be The Key

Farr's Oxy-Q may help prevent colon cancer, study finds

Targeted Methods Boost Minority Colon Cancer Screening

Researchers Reveal Possibility of Separating Anticancer Properties of Vitamin D (press release)

New Colon Cancer Vaccine Being Tested

Screening for colon cancer in Green Bay area
Test recommended for those over 50

Flavonoids linked to colorectal cancer protection
A diet rich in certain flavonoids, from eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by over 40 per cent, says a large observational study from Italy.

Familial Risks of Colon and Rectal Cancer Differ

Studies Show Red and Processed Meats Are Major Cancer Culprits

Give drug locally: Advisors
Option safer, easier for cancer patients

Let cancer patients pay for unfunded therapy, study says

Colorectal Cancer Patients Suffer From Psychological Problems Long After Completion Of Treatment

Cancer News from Johns Hopkins:

Colon Cancer in Your Family? It May Be an Inherited Syndrome

Pinning hopes on `wonder drug'

Better Lymph Node Analysis May Improve Colon Cancer Treatment

Better Approach to Colon Cancer

Easier Colon Cancer Test

Stanol/sterol esters may protect against colon cancer
Dietary supplement of stanol and sterol esters may lower the rate of colon cell growth and protect against colon cancer, if the results from hamsters can be applied to humans.

Colonoscopy lowers cancer risk in colitis patients

Does Genetic Testing From Different Labs Yield the Same Result?
For individuals who develop colorectal cancers at a young age or have a family history of such cancers, microsatellite instability testing (MSI) has become an almost standard component of clinical evaluation. However, there have been no reports of how well the results from any given laboratory agree with any other laboratory.

Patient Advocate and World-Famous Cyclist Lance Armstrong to Receive 2006 Special Recognition Award

Racial Differences in Response to Advanced Colon Cancer Treatments

Genetic Screening Model Identifies Colon Cancer Risk

Colorectal Cancer Upstaged with Lymphatic Mapping

FDA Approves Avastin(R) in Combination With Chemotherapy for Second-Line Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients

Exact Sciences Says Colon Cancer Screening Guidelines Review By ACS-MSTF Expected To Conclude In Sept. 2006
Quick Facts

FDA gives priority review to Amgen drug

Outcomes of Education and Counseling for hnpcc Testing

Dispute blocks cancer drug
Agency says distributor's price too high as Ontario foots bill for treatment in U.S.

The What, When and Why of Men's Health Screenings

How Drug Cocktails Are Changing the Way We Treat Cancer
The promise of a Cinderella drug has faded, but at a meeting of cancer researchers and doctors, hopes were high for new combinations of drugs to fight the deadly disease

Amgen Announces Promising Intereim Colorectal Cancer Data

Alberta looks at colorectal cancer screening program

Real World Practice Confirms Avastin's Efficacy and Safety in Advanced Colorectal Cancer

A Case Study: The MacAfee Family

Development of Genomic Test for Colon Cancer Prognosis

Gene Expression Profiling Predicts Recurrence in Stage II/III Colon Cancer

Largest Ever Data Set Shows Consistent Benefits With Avastin When Used in Combination With Different Chemotherapy Treatm
Real World Practice Confirms Avastin's Efficacy and Safety in Advanced Colorectal Cancer

HK research finds link between colon cancer and vascular disease

Merck KGaA: Erbitux(R) (cetuximab) Continues to Deliver its Promise

Cancer Care Ontario and hospital leaders work on guidelines for the provision of unfunded IV cancer drugs

Cancer Patients Continue Hunger Strike
Colon cancer patients are in their 8th day of a hunger strike, continuing to demand that expensive medications they need to treat their condition be funded by the government.

Study confirms anticancer activity of Bioniche's Urocidin
Bioniche Life Sciences has released data showing that repeated intraperitoneal administration of Urocidin is well tolerated and results in significant anticancer activity against peritoneal colon carcinomatosis in rats.

RNA interference stops colon cancer spread in mice
First animal studies with new type of treatment produce promising results

Roche to resume colon cancer test

Study finds stool testing novel technique for detecting colon cancer

Recommended 10 Year Interval for Colonoscopies for Most Patients

Colonoscopy Benefits Last Longer Than Thought

Costly Colorectal Cancer Treatments Not Universally Available in Canada

Vitamin B6 Cuts Colon Cancer Risk

Tarceva Alone Has Palliative Effects in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

La Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec (CPCQ) is requesting the creation of a colorectal cancer screening program.

Mycobacterial Cell Wall-DNA Complex (MCC) Demonstrates Anticancer Activity in an Animal Model of Colon Cancer
significant long-term survival benefit in peritoneal cancer carcinomatosis


Poor, women more likely to have advanced colon cancer, study finds

Factors Associated With Incomplete Chemotherapy For Colon Cancer Identified By New Study

Hospitals willing to deliver drugs paid for by patients

Cancer services for British Columbians looking up thanks to support for national cancer strategy

McGuinty Government Launches New Health Human Resources Strategy
HealthForceOntario Strategy Aims To Fill Shortage of Health Care Professionals

Folate reduces colon cancer risk

Intracel and FDA Agree on Pivotal Phase III Clinical Protocol for Colon Cancer Vaccine
OncoVAX(R) Vaccine Designed to Prevent Tumor Recurrence in Stage II Colon Cancer Patients Following Surgical Tumor Removal

Speaking out on colorectal cancer tonight

Colon Cancer – DNA gets switched off’ and allows Tumor Growth

Made-to-measure treatment battling colon cancer by computer
Colon cancer treatment could be revolutionised with a pioneering computer system to help doctors fight the disease.

Cancer Therapy Based On Anatomical Location May Soon Be Obsolete

Vitamin D: The Cancer Fighter
Health expert Patrick Holford, analyses the evidence for Vitamin D's cancer fighting potential.

Extra Belly Fat Raises Colon Cancer Risk in Women.

Cancer-Fighting Spice?
Many people love to eat spicy foods. Now there's word that a popular Indian spice may have cancer-fighting properties.

Tories Call For Access to Life-Extending Cancer Drug
NDP puts price tag on the value of patient lives

Keep cancer (and vampires?) at bay
A diet packed with fruits and veggies may prevent at least 20 percent of all cancer cases. Pass the garlic ...

UAE: Camel's Antibodies Aid In Cancer Cure

Conflicting Studies Over Colon Cancer Prevention and Diet

Catching cancer early
The London Free Press

CACC congratulates Health Minister Smitherman on proposed changes to Ontario drug programs

More cancer screening could reduce deaths: report
CBC News

Improving the odds of survival
Screening for colorectal malignancy can reduce the death rate, but not enough people being tested

Patients seek payment for colorectal cancer drug News Staff

Targeted Therapies Showing Great Promise Against Colorectal Cancer

The doctor who had cancer
How it changed his life and his career

Health Canada approves Xeloda(R) for adjuvant therapy in the treatment of colon cancer
Colon cancer patients now have access to a new effective and more convenient treatment

SSRIs prevent colon cancer?

Colorectal screening is associated with reduced colorectal cancer risk: a case-control study within the population-based Ontario Familial Colorectal Cancer Registry

Phase I Dose-Escalation Study of AZD2171 in Advanced Cancers With Liver Metastases
Commentary based on abstract 3055 presented by Dr. Michael Medinger at the 40th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology held in New Orleans, LA

Lack of screening program criticized
Pamela Cowan, The Leader-Post

Cancer patients step up pressure on gov't
Sask. Party demandsgov't reverse decisionnot to pay for pricey drug

Ontario budget disappoints Colorectal Cancer patients

Dangerous divide
The short trip from Ottawa to Gatineau represents a huge chasm when it comes to treating cancer. Holly Lake looks at Ontario's refusal to pay for an effective (but costly) new drug

Gov't won't fund cancer drug
Decision based on cost of Avastin: health minister

More evidence that whole grains could protect against colon cance
By Stephen Daniells

Researchers Find Means Of Isolating Vitamin D's Cancer-Fighting Properties
Yvonne Lee - All Headline News Staff Reporter

National tumour bank to aid cancer researchers

Volunteers spread the word
Team hits streets of Halifax to draw attention to colorectal cancer

Laparoscopic Surgery for Cancer of the Colon:
A. Smith, R.B. Rumble, B. Langer, H. Stern, F. Schwartz, M. Brouwers, and members of Cancer Care Ontario’s Laparoscopic Colon Cancer Surgery Expert Panel and Program in Evidence-based Care

Colon Cancer Screening, Prevention and Treatment on HealthAccess and SantéVousBien

MONTREAL, March 13 /CNW Telbec/ - This week, with noted colon cancer specialist Dr. Jean Maroun, the health radio series HealthAccess and French language SantéVousBien, will explore the screening, prevention and treatment of colon cancer - a disease that will affect 19,000+ Canadian men and women and kill some 8,400 people this year.

Depression medication may protect against some cancers
Study of Saskatchewan drug and cancer database reveals unlikely link

Turning a negative into a positive
Neil Crone named national colorectal cancer spokesman

Cancer screening happens too late

Scientists Reveal New Mechanism That Causes Spread of Colorectal Cancer
By: Thomas Jefferson University

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month

Transmitted by CNW Group on : March 1, 2006 06:59
"Preventable, Treatable and Beatable"
MONTREAL and TORONTO, March 1 /CNW/ - Today marks the beginning of colorectal cancer awareness month in Canada...

ChondroGene Reports on Blood-Based Colon Cancer Test Development

Chemotherapy given directly to the liver improves survival for patients with colorectal cancer

Alexandria, VA--A new study shows that patients whose colorectal cancer has spread to the liver...

17,500 Participants Needed to Enroll in Major Colorectal Cancer Clinical Trials

Monday February 27, 10:13 am ET Launches QuickLink to Help Meet the Challenge

Healthcare Consumers Gain Direct Access to Colon Cancer Detection DNA Test Via the Internet Through DNA Direct

3/1/2006 9:01:00 AM EST
March is National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month and this year healthcare consumers...

ASCO-GI: Serotonin Receptor Agonist Blocks Neuropathy in Colon Cancer Therapy
By Rabiya Tuma, Ph.D., MedPage Today Staff Writer, Reviewed by Zalman S. Agus, MD; Emeritus Professor at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Study Finds No Colon Cancer Protection for Women from Calcium, Vitamin D
But These Nutrients Still Important to Overall Health

Hereditary Cancer in Clinical Practice 2005
authors: Elizabeth Chow, Finlay Macrae, John Burn,

Chewing after colon surgery helps recovery: Study

Cochrane review abstract and plain language summary

This is an abstract and plain language summary of a regularly updated, systematic review prepared and maintained by The Cochrane Collaboration. The full text of the review is available in The Cochrane Library (ISSN 1464-780X).

How does calcium, vitamin D affect colon cancer risk?
By Sue Mueller

Exercise May Not Shield Women from Colorectal Cancer

Province not paying for pricey cancer drug
Province not paying for pricey cancer drug Treatment cost senior $10,000

Exercise Fails to Protect Women Against Colon Cancer
By Judith Groch, MedPage Today Staff Writer

Recruitment temporarily suspended in an international phase III trial (AVANT) in post-surgical adjuvant colon cancer
Patients within this study continue treatment and the broad Roche- Genentech Oncology programme remains on track

Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer
By Patricia Reaney

Low-Fat Diets Don't Lessen Many Cancer Risks, Study Says

Magnesium may curb colon cancer in women

Study Sets Treatment Standard for Elderly with Colon Cancer

Genentech says colon cancer enrolment suspended

Diet Study Shows Little Effect on Disease in Women
Reducing total fat intake may have modest effect on risk of breast cancer, little effect on colon cancer, heart disease

Cancer patients in province wait less time for radiation
More screening needed: Agency Aging population needs services

All's well down below...Thanks to check for colorectal cancer

Ontario cancer services improved but prevention and screening urged

More evidence links red meat with bowel cancer
By David Liu Ph.D.

2006 Transcending the Volume-Outcome Relationship in Cancer Care
Joseph Lipscomb

Scientists may have found meat link to colon cancer
By Patricia Reaney

More support for magnesium against colon cancer
By Stephen Daniells

Cancer Screening Rates Remain Unchanged

Diet study finds white meats may protect against colon cancer

Non-physicians Performing Screening Flexible Sigmoidoscopy: Clinical Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness

Technology Report
January 2006, Issue 60

Surveillance Colonoscopy in Individuals at Risk for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer: An Evidence-Based Review

Novel feces analysis may help detect colon cancer

Hysterectomy Reduces Cancer Odds for High-Risk Women

Kidnapped: Colon Cancer Seizes Hapless Nerve Growth Protein

What's New in Hereditary Colorectal Cancer?
rom the Department of Pathology, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec

New screening combo may improve colorectal cancer testing

EXACT Sciences Announces Results of Research Study Showing Significant Improvement in Colorectal Cancer Screening Technology; New DNA Marker Formulation Demonstrates Sensitivity Above 80%

NDP Health Critic Dave Wilson Calls for Regular Colorectal Cancer Screening

Scoping Out Cancer
UConn Doctors Use Imaging Device To Detect Troublesome Cells Early

Acrylamide not seen to affect colon cancer risk

Studies: Statins Don't Cut Risk of Colon, Other Cancers
But There Are Other Ways to Improve Your Odds

Vitamin D Deficiency Tied to Increased Cancer Risk

Breaking the cancer code
Slowly, cancer genes tender their secrets

Cancer Survivorship—Genetic Susceptibility and Second Primary Cancers: Research Strategies and Recommendations
Lois B. Travis, Charles S. Rabkin, Linda Morris Brown, James M. Allan, Blanche P. Alter, Christine B. Ambrosone, Colin B. Begg, Neil Caporaso, Stephen Chanock, Angela DeMichele, William Douglas Figg, Mary K. Gospodarowicz, Eric J. Hall, Michie Hisada, Peter Inskip, Ruth Kleinerman, John B. Little, David Malkin, Andrea K. Ng, Kenneth Offit, Ching-Hon Pui, Leslie L. Robison, Nathaniel Rothman, Peter G. Shields, Louise Strong, Toshiyasu Taniguchi, Margaret A. Tucker, Mark H. Greene

Colon cancer test is promising
New blood screening can better detect gene linked to disease -- and is less invasive

Study: Vitamin D lowers risk of major cancers
Researchers urge more consumption for colon, breast and ovarian cancer

Vitamin D can reduce cancer risk, researchers say News Staff

Cancer Risk Runs Beyond Immediate Family

Meats differ in effect on colon cancer risk

Cancer researchers hopeful of new way to fight the disease

Genetic mapping may find its &#39Achilles' heels'


Slowly, Cancer Genes Tender Their Secrets
Published: December 27, 2005

NCCN Updates Colon Cancer Guidelines
The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) is proud to announce several new updates to the NCCN Colon Cancer Guidelines.

Eating chicken may reduce your risk of colon cancer
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. – Dec. 19, 2005 – A recent study in The American Journal of Gastroenterology revealed that patterns in diet may effect the development of colorectal adenomas, or precancerous polyps of the colon.

Daily dose of vitamin D cuts colon cancer risk: study
LOS ANGELES : The risk of colon cancer can be slashed by 50 percent by taking a daily supplement of vitamin D, researchers at a California cancer institute said on Tuesday

Aggressive Immune Response Helps Colorectal Cancer Patients
WEDNESDAY, Dec. 21 (HealthDay News) -- European researchers have discovered one of the reasons why some colorectal cancers are more aggressive and likely to spread than others. `

Fibre Article / Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada’s Position
A new study shows that fibre does not reduce your risk of colon cancer after all

Colon cancer
By: Diana Palotas, RNews

Eating chicken may reduce your risk of colon cancer
WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, Vt. – Dec. 19, 2005 – A recent study in The American Journal of Gastroenterology revealed that patterns in diet may effect the development of colorectal adenomas, or precancerous polyps of the colon.

Toward the Future of Cancer Prevention
Can most types of cancers be prevented? It's a question that has emerged in the past 20 years, given advances in screening and early diagnosis, rapid developments in genetics and molecular biology, and progress in the treatment of early disease and in next-generation targeted therapies.

Kidnapped: Colon cancer seizes hapless nerve growth protein
News from the Cell Biology Meeting in San Francisco

Omega-3s help reduce the risk of colon cancer
A study at the University of Minnesota determined that calcium may act to neutralize bile acids that contribute to colon cancer and omega-3 fatty acids reduced the colon cancer risk by 76 percent in a study of 320 men.

Colon cancer risk not lower with high-fibre diet: review
13 Dec 2005

Fibre's benefits questioned in fight against colon cancer

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Fiber Doesn't Fight Colon Cancer, But Helps Prevent Other Conditions
Tuesday, December 13, 4:40 p.m

[HNPCC] 2005 Survival of Patients with Ovarian Cancer due to a Mismatch Repair Defect

Th.E.M. Crijnen1, M.L.G. Janssen-Heijnen2, H. Gelderblom3, J. Morreau4, M.A. Nooij3, G.G. Kenter5 and H.F.A. Vasen1,

Report: Fiber May Not Be Great

Doctors Say Limit Red Meat, Don't Smoke

Genzyme Launches Colorectal Cancer Test to Determine Appropriate Camptosar(R) Dosage

Tuesday December 6, 9:01 am ET
Preferred Partnership With Third Wave Advances Personalized Medicine

Inherited gene variation also found in spontaneous tumors

A research showed that a small gene variation that increases the risk of inherited cancer can also arise during the development of spontaneous, or non-inherited, tumors.

Nine changes could save 2.5 million lives

By Jeremy Laurance

Bile duct cancer, liver cancer, or metastatic colorectal cancer: focused radiation combined with chemotherapy

Surgery is the most effective way to treat tumors that grow in the liver. But for most patients, the tumor is growing in a way that it can't be removed. And when that happens, few options remain.

Ulcerative Colitis Patients Inadequately Screened for Colorectal Cancer
By Jill Stein

Success and Failures of the Teachable Moment - Smoking sessation in Cancer Patients

Click here to read study (pdf)

High-fat dairy foods may reduce colorectal cancer risk

Last Updated: November 23, 2005
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - High intakes of high-fat dairy foods and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) may reduce the risk of colorectal cancer, according to a report in the October American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Replay of: Intraperitoneal Hyperthermic Chemotherapy for Persistent Cancer in Live Internet Broadcast

An Adjunct Therapy for Cancer that Persists Despite Surgical and other Treatments

First Seen Live Webcast: November 17, 2005 at 5:00 PM ET (22:00 UTC)

UK Group Genotyping Colorectal Cancer

Illumina, San Diego, will be working with Cancer Research, London, UK, on a multi-phase genotyping study in colorectal cancer.

Cancer Information From

Xeloda®/Eloxatin®/Avastin® Appears Promising for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Clinical Trials With Immunotherapy For Breast And Colorectal Cancer

Researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine are conducting clinical trials on a unique approach to enhance the immune system in patients with breast or colorectal cancer. The study uses a potent immune-enhancing gene delivered directly into the cancer cells to make them look foreign to the body's immune system, which will then attack and destroy the cancer.

Diagnostic technology transfusion

Quebec to add 10 PET scans by 2007; Goal of the plan is to provide cancer patients with timely access to machines: Couillard|

Cancer-drug success

Amgen remedy staving off disease
By Brent Hopkins, Staff Writer, LA Daily News

Giant Replica Of Human Intestine Used For Colon Awareness

September 20, 2005 | 6:20pm

Abgenix, Amgen stock up on successful cancer treatment test

Lynn Graebner
Abgenix Inc. and Amgen Inc. stock rose Thursday after they announced the successful completion of a cancer drug test.

Blacks diagnosed with colon cancer at younger age

NEW YORK (Reuters Health)
African-Americans are more susceptible to colon cancer at an earlier age than are whites, new study findings suggest, but they are also more likely to have tumors that respond well to treatment if caught early.

Women More Prone to Tobacco-Linked Colon Cancer

MONDAY, Oct. 31 (HealthDay News)
Women are more vulnerable to developing tobacco-linked colorectal cancer than men, U.S. researchers report.

Clinical trials with immunotherapy for breast and colorectal cancer

Mount Sinai School of Medicine conducting clinical trials with immunotherapy for breast and colorectal cancer

Human Genome Says Cancer Drug Safe

Human Genome Sciences Inc. said Tuesday that its experimental cancer drug was well-tolerated by patients in a midstage trial.

Bowel Cancer Screening Cuts Cases 80 Percent -Study

By Patricia Reaney
Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Scientists map human genetic variations

Last Updated Wed, 26 Oct 2005 21:59:35 EDT
CBC News

Blood Test Might Spot Colon Cancer

By Alan Mozes
HealthDay Reporter

New map of DNA variations should hasten discovery of disease-related genes

Sheryl Ubelacker
Canadian Press
October 28, 2005

Reduce Your Cancer Risk

Genetics and Cancer Forum coming November 9th, at the Fo Guang Shan Temple of Toronto
Click here to download poster (pdf)

Major US Manufacturer Improves Employee Screening Rates for Colon Cancer with Non-Invasive DNA Test;

Crown, Cork & Seal Shows Commitment to Employee Wellness with PreGen-Plus
(TM)10/24/2005 7:00:00 AM EST

New Vaccine for Treatment of Colorectal Cancer Shows Promise in Phase II Trial

Cancer Information From
The results of a recent phase II study conducted in Europe indicate that TroVax® is promising for the treatment of stage IV colorectal cancer.

Colorectal cancer a deadly stalker

The Gazette
Sunday, October 23, 2005

Oxford Biomedica Plc announces Oxford BioMedica presents encouraging final phase II results with Trovax(R) in colorectal cancer at the international colorectal cancer congress

- Confirms safety, immunogenicity and clinical benefit -
OXFORD, UK -- (MARKET WIRE) -- 10/17/2005 --

Pro-Pharmaceuticals Reports Enrollment Progress in Phase II Colorectal Cancer Trial with DAVANAT(R)/5-FU

10/14/2005 7:00:00 AM EST

CLA, full-fat dairy linked to lower bowel cancer risk

10/10/2005- High intake of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a type of fat found naturally in cow’s milk, is associated with a significantly lower risk of bowel cancer, shows a new Swedish study.

New At-Home Test Screens For Colon Cancer

(WCCO) Minneapolis Colon cancer is the number two cancer killer in America. Dennis Douda Reporting

Intervention Program Failed to Increase Colorectal Cancer Screening Rates in Managed Care Setting, UCLA Study Says

LOS ANGELES, Oct. 10 (AScribe Newswire) -- An intervention program designed to promote screening for colorectal cancer - and thereby decrease the number of cancers diagnosed - failed to increase screening rates in the managed care setting, a UCLA study has found.

Gene variant behind cancer development identified

Asian News International
Washington, October 5,2005

Robotic capsule to crawl through intestines

17:58 04 October 2004 news service
Will Knight, Sendai

Mayo part of $21 million colon cancer research

Kate Nolan
The Arizona Republic, Oct. 5, 2005 12:00 AM
Colorectal cancer doctors observe a truism: The more people who get colorectal screenings, the fewer who get cancer.

The Inside Story - Some gambles are better than others.

Feature Writer; Southfield, Mich.
When he heard what a conventional colonoscopy entailed, Bill Taylor opted for a controversial EBT scan which, for $1,300, allowed him to look deep inside himself

Radioactive Monoclonal Antibody May Improve Survival After Complete Resection of Isolated Hepatic Colorectal Cancer

Which of These Foods Will Stop Cancer? (Not So Fast)


DNA Repair Gene Methylation May Precede Colon Cancer
By David Douglas

Gene linked to colorectal cancer identified
September 23, 2005

Sedative May Offer New Option for Colon Cancer

Calcium, Vitamin D Offer Hope for Colon Cancer

Role of Supplements Studied in Lesion Development

Chemotherapy, Radiation and Rectal Cancer

Pre-surgical Treatment Improves Sphincter Preservation

Baby Aspirin Prevents Precancerous Condition

Daily Pill Could Reduce Colorectal Cancer Risk

Beer, Liquor Raise Colon Cancer Risk, Study Says

Gene Defect Could Cause Colon Cancer
By Robert Preidt

Inflatable colon tells tale of cancer

Wednesday September 21, 2005
Michelle Lang, Calgary Herald

Quidel Joins Fight for Early Detection of Colon Cancer; Expands Product Portfolio to Target 50 Million U.S. Test Market for Fecal Occult Blood Tests
9/15/2005 4:00:00 AM EST

Barium shortage to blame for cancer test delays
Saturday, September 17, 2005 Updated at 2:00 AM EDT
From Saturday's Globe and Mail

$2.25 million, five-year grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation

An interdisciplinary team of scientists from Johns Hopkins and elsewhere has been selected to receive a $2.25 million, five-year grant from the Doris Duke Charitable Foundation to develop a practical test to predict a person's risk of colon cancer by looking for a particular biological marker in the blood.

Health Canada Approves Groundbreaking Cancer Treatment AVASTIN(TM)

Unique cancer treatment inhibits blood flow to tumours and improves chemotherapy delivery.

Study Sees Aspirin Colon Cancer Benefit for Women

Tue Aug 23, 8:00 PM ET
Summary: A detailed analysis of aspirin use in women shows that the drug may reduce the risk of colon cancer...

Giant walk-through colon tours Canada

Last Updated Fri, 09 Sep 2005 15:24:56 EDT
CBC News

Legendary Guitarist Dies From Colon Cancer

August 28, 2005 12:10 p.m. EST
Douglas Maher - All Headline News Staff Reporter

Topic: Asshole tours Canada
And this one is unusual in that it comes from north of the border.

Giant Colon Tour: Giant Colon Exhibit And Patient Information Session Open To The Public
SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 - 14:18 ET

Risk of colon cancer to be assessed by simple blood test

Colon Cancer in African Americans

Researchers Find Genetic Link to Colon Cancer Among African Americans

Giant walk-through colon tours Canada

Last Updated Fri, 09 Sep 2005 15:24:56 EDT
CBC News

Canadian Association of Gastroenterology: Open Letter to Canadians
SEPTEMBER 11, 2005 - 11:44 ET

Novel Compound Enhances Colon Cancer Treatment

August 3, 2005

Expensive cancer drugs get approval

Decision from Health Canada opens door for provinces to provide Avastin, Erbitux
Saturday, September 10, 2005 Updated at 2:41 PM EDT

World Congress of Gastroenterology/Media Advisory: Gastrointestinal Disease Account for 15% of the Total Health Care System Expenses in Canada
SEPTEMBER 9, 2005 - 10:21 ET

Long-term Use of Aspirin and Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs and Risk of Colorectal Cancer

Download article from the Journal of the American Medical Association

Crohn's Disease and Colitis: A Higher Risk for Colorectal Cancer?

Webcast Transcript from

Sedative May Offer New Option for Colon Cancer
A barbiturate once commonly used to treat anxiety may eventually play a role in controlling the spread of colon cancer, M. D. Anderson researchers say.

It Is Time to Get Serious About Diagnosing Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer With Defective DNA Mismatch Repair) in the General Population

Read article at

Lynch Syndrome: Form, Function, Proteins, and Basketball

Read article at

Chemotherapy, Radiation and Rectal Cancer Pre-surgical Treatment Improves Sphincter Preservation
Having chemotherapy and radiation therapy before advanced rectal cancer surgery results in an increased likelihood of preserving the anal sphincter, according to a new study published last month.

Colorectal Liver Metastases: CT, MR Imaging, and PET for Diagnosis—Meta-analysis1

Shandra Bipat, MSc, Maarten S. van Leeuwen, MD, PhD, Emile F. I. Comans, MD, PhD, Milan E. J. Pijl, MD, PhD, Patrick M. M. Bossuyt, PhD, Aeilko H. Zwinderman, PhD and Jaap Stoker, MD, PhD

Doctor exodus gutting program
Colon-cancer screening at standstill
By JOHN GILLIS / Health Reporter

Colorectal cancer more prevalent in diabetic men
Jul. 27, 2005
Provided by: MediResource

One at a Time

by Joel Siegel

Fecal DNA Biomarkers for the Detection of Colorectal Neoplasia: Attractive, but Is It Feasible?
Dean E. Brenner, Gad Rennert
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 97, No. 15, 1107-1109, August 3, 2005
Because of the high mortality associated with advanced disease...

Abgenix and Amgen Announce FDA Grants Panitumumab Fast Track Designation for Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Amgen (Nasdaq:AMGN) and Abgenix, Inc. (Nasdaq:ABGX) today announced that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted fast track designation for panitumumab, an experimental fully human monoclonal antibody directed against the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFr), for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer who have failed standard chemotherapy treatment.

Women's Preference for Female Colonoscopists Presents a Barrier to Colon Cancer Screening

OAK BROOK, Ill., Aug. 1 /PRNewswire/ -- Women may be avoiding colon cancer screening because of the gender of their doctors, even though colon cancer causes a higher percentage of deaths among women each year in the United States than those women diagnosed with breast cancer.

Paying the price for treatment:
Avastin is a promising new cancer drug but its steep cost reignites controversy
By Lisa Priest
Monday, August 1, 2005 Page A5

Viatronix presents 3D imageing of colon
View Viatronix 3D medical imageing videos

Whither Irinotecan?

For four decades, oncologists had a limited choice of drug options to use in treatment of advanced colorectal cancer: fluorouracil (FU), FU, or FU.
Charles D. Blanke
OHSU Cancer Institute, Portland, OR

A Role for Hepatic-Directed Chemotherapy in Colorectal Liver Metastases

Recent advances in the systemic therapy of colorectal cancer seem to have made regional therapy of hepatic metastases passé.

Kodak to Offer Innovative 3D Software for Review, Management of Virtual Colonoscopy Images

ORLANDO, Fla., June 7 /PRNewswire/ -- Eastman Kodak Company today announced it will offer an innovative virtual colonoscopy application for use with its KODAK DIRECTVIEW PACS System 5.

Virtual Colonoscopy Reveals Diseases Outside The Colon, As Well
Computed tomographic (CT) colonography, known as virtual colonoscopy, can be used to diagnose significant medical problems in organs outside the colon, according to a new study conducted at the San Francisco VA Medical Center (SFVAMC).

Further Evidence that Red Meat Causes Colon Cancer
Among the study subjects, consumption of poultry (chicken and turkey) had no effect on colon cancer risk.

No Evidence Calcium Fights Colon Cancer
WEDNESDAY, July 20 (HealthDayNews) -- Calcium supplements may help prevent the development of polyps that can lead to colorectal cancer, but there's no evidence calcium actually prevents the malignancy itself, researchers say.
By Robert Preidt

Technique aims to boost colon cancer detection
Canadian doctors think they've found a way to detect the earliest signs of colon cancer -- a disease that will afflict one in 17 Canadians.

Report: Chinese have high rate of colon cancer
Among Asians, ethnic group most prone to polyps and disease
HONG KONG - A study spanning 14 cities across Asia has found the highest incidence of colorectal cancer among ethnic Chinese, a trend which researchers in Hong Kong on Monday blamed on a more westernized diet.

Research Shows It's Smart to Think Green, Green Tea
Help Fight Cancer with Green Tea Recipes from AICR and

Nutrition Notes: The Next Frontier of Healthy Eating
By Karen Collins, MS, RD, CDN - The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) both issue science-based guidelines for healthful eating. But do these recommendations apply to everyone?

Potent Spice Works to Block Growth of Melanoma in Lab Test
M. D. Anderson News Release 07/11/05
Curcumin, the pungent yellow spice found in both turmeric and curry powders, blocks a key biological pathway needed for development of melanoma and other cancers, say researchers from The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center.

Lifestyle changes reduce cancer risk

The Herald-Dispatch
Recent studies found that lifestyle changes can dramatically reduce your chances of getting all cancers.

OHIP paid for new U.S. colon-cancer treatment

Monday, July 18, 2005
The Globe and Mail

Health Canada responds to Expert Advisory Panel on COX-2 drugs

July 7, 2005
OTTAWA - Health Canada today responded to the release of the report of the Expert Advisory Panel on selective COX-2 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The panel issued its recommendations earlier today.

Whistleblower: Canadian has to buy cancer drug abroad

Kathy Tomlinson and Margo Harper, CTV News

Low Dose Aspirin in the Primary Prevention of Cancer

The Women’s Health Study: A Randomized Controlled Trial

Download article (pdf)

Cutting-edge technologies signify a new era for colorectal cancer screening

CHICAGO, IL (May 17, 2005) – This year, more than 145,000 people will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer (CRC). Despite its high incidence, CRC is one of the most preventable and treatable forms of cancer when found early.

Hereditary Colorectal Cancer-Part II

Current Problems in Surgery (CPS)
Click here to read article

Revised Bethesda Guidlines for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer (Lynch Syndrome) and Microsatellite Instability
Journal of the National Cancer Institute February 18, 2005
Click here to download document (pdf)

Practice Parameters for the Management of Rectal Cancer (Revised)
Prepared by
The Standards Practice Task Force, February 25, 2005
Click here to download document

Diet counseling can help cancer survival

Personal nutrition advice reduces side effects, controls weight gain
Special to © 2005 MSNBC Interactive
Updated: 12:19 p.m. ET June 10, 2005

Supreme Court strikes down Quebec law
June 9, 2005
OTTAWA -- The country's top court has delivered a powerful blow to Canada's single-tier system of health care, striking down a Quebec law which banned private insurance for medically necessary services.

Genetically engineered virus has shown promise as a treatment for patients with colorectal cancer
June 6, 2005

FOLFOX for Stage II Colon Cancer? A Commentary on the Recent FDA Approval of Oxaliplatin for Adjuvant Therapy of Stage III Colon Cancer

Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 23, No 15 (May 20), 2005: pp. 3311-3313
© 2005 American Society of Clinical Oncology
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2005.11.691

Analysis of Treatment Practices for Elderly Cancer Patients in Ontario, Canada
Journal of Clinical Oncology, Vol 23, No 16 (June 1), 2005: pp. 3802-3810
© 2005 American Society of Clinical Oncology
DOI: 10.1200/JCO.2005.06.742

Online Audio/Visual Presentations about Colorectal Cancer from ASCO Annual Meeting 2005

Gastrointestinal Cancer - Colorectal (Disease-Specific Track)

NSABP Protocol C-07 Firmly Reinforces MOSAIC Trial Results in Favor of Oxaliplatin

News From ASCO 2005

Three Studies Presented at Plenary Session I Report Inconsistent Results with Antiangiogenic Combinations

News from ASCO 2005

After surgery check colon tumors for signs of syndrome, study suggests

Medical Study News
Published: Thursday, May 5th, 2005

Genetic testing urged for colon-cancer patients

Thursday, May 5, 2005 Updated at 7:53 AM EDT
From Thursday's Globe and Mail

Crack a Smile coverage on CTV's eTalk DAILY

View coverage of the "Crack a Smile" Comedy Night

Vitamin B6 Cuts Colon Cancer Risk

By Kathleen Doheny
HealthDay Reporter -

CCAC Press Release - Colorectal Cancer “Preventable, Treatable and Beatable”

NEWS RELEASE - For Immediate Release
ATTN: City Desk, Medical, Health, Science, Life Editors

La vie malgré le cancer (Life Despite Cancer)

Alain Gourd, Council President
Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada
(Presentation in French only)

Genetic colon cancer study
Families with a certain type of hereditary colorectal cancer have a reduced cancer risk if they do not have a gene defect found in many with this type of cancer risk, according to a study in the April 27 issue of JAMA.

Metastatic Colorectal Cancer - Phase 3 Clinical Trial of Panitumumab Therapy for First-Line Treatment

Medical News Today
30 Apr 2005

Hereditary colorectal cancer risk lowered in those without certain gene defect

Families with a certain type of hereditary colorectal cancer have a reduced cancer risk if they do not have a gene defect found in many with this type of cancer risk, according to a study in the April 27 issue of JAMA.

Identifying Patients at Risk of Colorectal Cancer with Revised Bethesda Guidelines

The revised Bethesda guidelines, used for screening patients for a type of hereditary colorectal cancer, are effective for determining which patients should undergo further genetic testing.

Lower Cancer Incidence in Amsterdam-1 Criteria Families Without Mismatch Repair Deficiency
Download the article here (pdf)

THE ART OF ONCOLOGY: When the Tumor Is Not the Target
Daniel Rayson

International Experts Renew Calls for Registration of Clinical Trials

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Transmitted by CNW Group on: April 22, 2005

Recommended Guidelines for Treatment-Induced Diarrhea

Click to download aricle (pdf)

Critical Evaluation of Medical Treatments
Alan Venouk

Click to download PDF

PAPER: Family history and molecular features of children, adolescents and young adults with colorectal carcinoma

Carol A Durno, Mount Sinai Hospital and the Hospital for Sick Children, Canada
Melyssa Aronson, Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada
Bharati Bapat, Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada
Zane Cohen, Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada
and Steven Gallinger, Mount Sinai Hospital, Canada

Accepted 12 April 2005

Protective effect of calcium in reducing colon cancer polyps lasts for years

Long term use of calcium supplements provides a protective effect that lasts for years against development of potentially precancerous colon polyps, researchers at Dartmouth Medical School say.

Comedy benefit aims to reach people - seriously

By Antonella Artuso
Toronto Sun

More screening urged
Toronto Sun April 13, 2005

Endometrial cancer in women with HNPCC.
Int J Gynecol Cancer. 2005 Mar-Apr;15(2):400-1.
Lu K.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, USA.

Canada heading towards cancer crisis
12 April 2005

Dr S. Elizabeth McGregor
Calgary-based researcher, Dr. S. Elizabeth McGregor, wants to get you talking about colorectal cancer...
Canadian Cancer Society

2005 Colorectal cancer stats

Download the 2005 Canadian Cancer Statistics here...

The fifth issue of Cancer Prevention has arrived!
The Cancer Prevention Program at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital invites you to view the new issue of its national newsletter...

Surgery wait times vary widely across Ontario
TORONTO — Despite increases in services, patients in Ontario still face long lineups for some cancer surgeries, joint replacement and cataract operations - and those wait times vary widely across the province, a landmark report released Wednesday says.

Colorectal Cancer Topic of Maritime Radio Noon Phone-in
Dr. Rayson, Eva Hoare and Barry Stein guests of April 6th, 2005 broadcast

Dosanjh says Ottawa, provinces must reduce surgical wait times
Sheryl Ubelacker
Canadian Press

Earlier colon cancer screening urged for blacks
By January W. Payne

People should view colon-screening tests as they would any screening... Lexington Herald - Leader

New FRAGMIN indication fights second leading cause of death in cancer patients, Cancer-Associated Thrombosis
Pfizer drug shown effective in preventing cancer-associated blood clots

March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Download Press Release and Awareness Poster here...

Saves lives, money? Not in Ontario
By Margaret Wente
Thursday, March 24, 2005 Page A19

PTK/ZK CONFIRM 1 Phase III Study Shows Positive Drug Effects in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
BERLIN, Germany, March 21
- Filing Now Anticipated for Early 2007

Colon Cancer and IBD: Understanding the Link
Colon cancer, the third most common type of cancer in the United States, is a serious health threat for men and women over 50. However, if you are of the one million Americans living with an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), you face a higher risk for colon cancer than the average person.

Green Tea Inhibits Cancer
Green tea is under a microscope by scientists seeking to determine any possible health benefits.

New Colorectal Screening Recommendations for African Americans
New recommendations from the American College Gastroenterology urge healthcare providers to begin colorectal cancer screening in African Americans at age 45 rather than 50 years using colonoscopy as "first line" test.

Free seminar on colorectal cancer at Milton Hospital
The Oakville Beaver, March 12, 2005

Thunder Bay’s Source - Editorials: Education and Awareness
By Monika Grello

Cancer patients left waiting for drugs: Group tells Dosanjh better access could save thousands
The Ottawa Citizen, March 11, 2005
Byline: Sara Hussey

The investigation of primary rectal cancer by surgeons: current pattern of practice.
McMullen TP, Easson AM, Cohen Z, Swallow CJ.
Department of Surgical Oncology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ont.

Heathology Newsletter about Colorectal Cancer
Heathology Health Weekly

Grant awarded to determine the accuracy of nurse performed sigmoidoscopy
February 25, 2005

Important discovery about colorectal cancer
Medical NewsToday
04 Mar 2005

March 22nd: What You Should Know About Colorectal Cancer
Calendar of Events - 2005

Health Canada pilot project encourages input from patients and consumers on drug safety
OTTAWA, March 7 /CNW Telbec

Men more likely to get screened for prostate cancer than colon cancer, U-M study finds

High levels of dietary magnesium may help protect women from developing colorectal cancer
According to Swedish study

Study: Colorectal cancer screening still lags
Colon Cancer Awareness on CTV News

New cancer drug Avastin keeps cancer under control

More Can Be Done to Stop Colon Cancer

Ontario needs colorectal screening: Canadian Cancer Society
TORONTO, March 1 /CNW/ - A population-based colorectal screening program is urgently needed in Ontario, says the Canadian Cancer Society.

Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation Recognizes National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Tuesday March 1, 8:55 am ET
Yahoo! Health

Individual Guidelines Determine Frequency of Colonoscopy
Sarah Huoh
Media Relations Representative
USC Health Sciences

Protein called CK2 plays a deadly role in colorectal carcinoma

Cardiovascular Events Associated with Rofecoxib in a Colorectal Adenoma Chemoprevention Trial
Published at
February 15, 2005

Complications of the COX-2 Inhibitors Parecoxib and Valdecoxib after Cardiac Surgery
Published at
February 15, 2005

COX-2 Inhibitors -- A Lesson in Unexpected Problems
Published at
February 15, 2005

COX-2 Inhibitors -- Lessons in Drug Safety
Published at
February 15, 2005

Cardiovascular Risk Associated with Celecoxib in a Clinical Trial for Colorectal Adenoma Prevention
Published at
February 15, 2005

N.S. Premier: Waits for cancer surgery won't get shorter soon
Canadian Press
February 3, 2005

Cancer Advocates Renew Call for Strategy to Control Cancer at National Forum
Strategy to save lives, reduce suffering and cut healthcare costs

Novartis to Seek OK for Five Drugs in 2005
By Anita Greil, Dow Jones Newswires

Calcium May Protect Women From Cancer
U of MN research shows calcium can help prevent colorectal cancer.

Canadians' Attitudes Towards a National Pahrmaceutical Program
Download the results of polling survey released in October 2004 (pdf)

Bottoms up for Colonoscopy
Information sheet can be intimidating but it doesn't hurt
and can save your life

Molecule May Help Predict Colon Cancer Survival
Survival, Disease Aggressiveness Linked to Key Protein

Breast cancer survivor finds strength in helping cancer support group members
Eric Shackleton (CP)

Study: Colorectal Screening Test Fails
January 17, 2005 ET
By Patrick Walters, Associated Press Writer

Charlie Bell; Part-Timer Became McDonald' CEO

Screening ' save 2000 lives'
January 16, 2005
Australian Associated Press

Red meat newly linked to colorectal cancer

Study: Latest findings contain the strongest evidence to date of an increased disease risk.
January 12, 2005

Researchers discover new gene in colon cancer
A naturally occurring COX-2 inhibitor

December 13, 2004

Red and processed meat linked to colorectal cancer
Wednesday, January 12, 2005

New Test May Ease Colorectal Cancer Screening

Noninvasive Test May Encourage More Frequent Colorectal Cancer Screening
By Jennifer Warner
WebMD Medical News

Embryo testing for FAP gets approved in UK
Gastroenterology News
Leslie H. Lang

PLWC Live Chat Series - Genetics and Cancer
Thursday, January 13, 2005
Click here for information

Novartis to Seek OK for Five Drugs in 2005
By Anita Greil, Dow Jones Newswires

Pfizer Statement On New Information Regarding Cardiovascular Safety Of Celebrex
NEW YORK, December 17 -- Pfizer Inc said it received new information last night about the cardiovascular safety of its COX-2 inhibitor Celebrex (celecoxib) based on an analysis of two long-term cancer trials.

Health Canada Advisory:
Updated Safety Information on Increased Cardiovascular Risk With Celebrex* (celecoxib)

OTTAWA, Dec. 18 /CNW Telbec/ - Health Canada would like to inform patients using Celebrex(R) (celecoxib) of increased cardiovascular risks when taken at daily doses of 400 mg and 800 mg.

Genetic Basis for Colorectal Cancer Found
Some Patients Have Changes on a Specific Gene

Surviving as a less than sexy cause

B.C. Gov't to Invest 35 Million in New Medical Technology
Ministry of Health Services - Office of the Premier
VICTORIA - Dec. 10, 2004

Call to Action for Members of the National Cancer Leadership Forum
November 26, 2004

Reducing Waiting Times and Advancing Chronic Disease Strategies:
The National Action Plan

November 24, 2004

McDonald' CEO Resigns to Fight Cancer
Yahoo! News
By NATHANIEL HERNANDEZ, Associated Press Writer

Stony Brook University Medical Researcher Developing New Medication To Prevent Colon Cancer

American Association for Cancer Research
Findings on More Potent Aspirin to be Reported at Cancer Research Conference

Common Gout Drug Shown To Reduce Risk From Colorectal Cancer

October 18, 2004
American Association for Cancer Research

Cancer Survivors' Other Medical Problems Often Neglected
Yahoo! Health

ASCO recommends against adjuvant chemo for stage-2 colon cancer
Indirect evidence suggests that patients with high-risk disease may benefit from adjuvant therapy.

Tour of Hope
Coalition of National Cancer Cooperative Groups presents:

Fonthill native battling colon cancer
Rare for 29-year-old to have it
By ALLAN BENNER, Tribune Staff

Monograph aims to enhance outcomes for colorectal cancer patients
Cancer Care Ontario

Double Drug Combo Attacks Tumor and Blood Vessel Development

September 16, 2004

ASCO releases new colon cancer guideline
17 Aug 2004

Rich tested more for colon ills, study finds
Toronto Star
By Sheryl Ubelacker, Canadian Press

Xeloda improves therapy of patients with early colon cancer
Medical News Today
24 Aug 2004

Colon cancer test has "concerning" miss rate
Canadian researchers say colonoscopy still an important tool but doesn't detect 4 per cent of cases.

Take A Step Toward Ending Cancer

FDA, Genentech issue Avastin warning
by Candace Hoffmann, August 13, 2004

Retreatment with FOLFOX Shows Promise in the Treatment of Metastatic Colorectal Cancer

Erbitux Offers Benefit In Some Advanced Colon Cancer
By Rachael Myers Lowe

Erbitux Effective As Monotherapy, In Combination With Camptostar
In patients with Camptostar-refractory colorectal cancer.

Background Information on Intensity Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT)

Japanese researchers locate gene that promotes cancer growth

Medical News Today

New Australian technology improves bowel diagnosis.

Medical News Today

Easier, Safer Colon Cancer Test?
By Charlene Laino
WebMD Medical News

Read the Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control's
Bulletin: Volume #7, June 2004

The Stress of Cancer:
When to Seek Help?

News from ASCO 2004
Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Protocol 9633

Study shows use of chemotherapy early in the disease has the greatest impact on improving survival.

News from ASCO 2004
Cancer and Leukemia Group B (CALGB) Protocol 9840

Study clearly shows that patients with early stage lung cancer benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy as do patients with breast and colon cancer.

Calcium Reduces Risk for Colorectal Cancer

Study finds giant gaps in cancer drug coverage between provinces still exist.
by Susan Ruttan, The Edmonton Journal

What is a SPECT scan?
Details on single-photon emission computerized tomography.

Certain Vegetables May Kill Budding Colon Cancer Cells
Recent British Study

Statin Drugs May Cut Colon Cancer Risk
More Study Needed To Determine If Effect Is Real

Ibuprofen May Help Treat Colon Cancer - Study
Maggie Fox, Health and Science Correspondent

Even Health-conscious Women Going without Colonoscopy
...according to new University of Michigan research.

McDonald's CEO Bell to Undergo Chemotherapy
By Nichola Groom - Reuters

CCO' Brent Zanke to receive $9.6-million for genomics research
Cancer Care Ontario, May 2004

Burns vowing to beat cancer

Dying of Shame:
Pat Burns' Public Admission Might Spark Others To Get Tested, Doctors Hope
By Jason Tchir, Toronto Sun, Mon, April 19, 2004

Colorectal Cancer Stats 2004
From The Canadian Cancer Society

Burns case shows need to screen for colon cancer
The Globe and Mail

Drinking Alcohol May Raise Colon Cancer Risk
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - April 19, 2004

'Key-Hole' Surgery Appears Safe for Colorectal Cancer
New Results about less-invasive laparoscopic, or "key-hole" procedure.

Men Choose Prostate Over Colon for Cancer Screening
Many avoid colon screenings, although they save more lives

Living Through Colorectal Cancer
Craig Stein talks about his experience with colorectal cancer.

Cancer Scanners Have Been Tested Extensively - Doctors
By Heather Sokoloff - The National Post

Colonoscopy Parties Remove Fear Factor
When oncology nurse Audrey Thompson invites her friends to a party, she often dares them to bare their bottoms.

GI Bleeding: Searching for a Source
Bleeding in the digestive tract can be much less clear-cut...

Ovarian Cancer Plus ++ Seminars in Toronto
FREE seminars this April and May
Keynote Speaker: Dr. Steve Gallinger
on Familial Gastrointestinal Cancer Registry

Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences

No butts about it, screening saves lives
By ANTONELLA, ARTUSO, Queen's Park Bureau

Easier Colon Screen

The Odyssey Of A Cancer Drug
How ImClone overcame scandal and FDA objections to get Erbitux to market

And When ImClone's Drug Doesn't Work...

Hospitals can expect 'Pandora's box' of lawsuits
Experts cite 1999 legal challenge that said patients are waiting too long for therapy

Advances aid colon cancer treatment

March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month - Patient advocates push for a national colorectal cancer screening policy

'Why not me?' - cancer survivor
'I've not met a single person who should get cancer'

FDA Approves Avastin (Bevacizumab, rhuMAb-VEGF) for Treatment of Metastatic Colon or Rectal Cancer
First anti-angiogenesis treatment approved for cancer

FDA approves first-of-a-kind cancer fighter
Avastin cuts off blood supply to tumors

From ASCO: Colorectal Cancer information for patients

Cochrane Review: Dietary fibre for the prevention of colorectal adenomas and carcinomas
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Complete Reviews) 2004 Issue 1
Copyright © 2004 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD003430 This version first published online: 13 November 2001
Date of Most Recent Substantive Amendment: 13 November 2001

Canadian Association of Gastroenterology and the Canadian Digestive Health Foundation: Guidelines on colon cancer screening

Hereditary Colon Cancer But No Polyp - Cancer: health and medical information about cancer detection and treatment options

Cancer drug co Can-Fite to raise $15m

CEO Dr. Ilan Cohn: The drug's market potential is $1 billion.

Batya Feldman 17 Feb 04 14:36

Erbitux Lifts Hopes of Colon Cancer Patients
By Ransdell Pierson

ImClone Wins U.S. Approval for Cancer Drug
By Lisa Richwine and Ransdell Pierson

Rectal Cancer Treatment Lags, Especially for Blacks

Colorectal screening is occurring in a random and ad hoc manner.

Combining Surgery with Novel Treatment May Improve Survival Rates

Estrogen Linked to Colon Cancer Protection
Soy Compounds also Found to Have Protective Features Against the Disease

Inflammation Marker Predicts Colon Cancer

Gene Mutation Affects Sensitivity Of Cancer Cells To Chemotherapy Drugs

Diagnostic Services Will Not Cope with National Bowel Cancer Screening Roll Out
Headline : BMJ Specialist Journal Press Release

Cancers of the Gastrointestinal System
PLWC Live Chat Series
Thursday, January 22, 2004, from 2:00 – 3:00 PM ET

PROTEINS - Future of Cancer Diagnosis, Treatment Lies in Tumor
University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

Study: Vitamin D cuts colon cancer risk

Green Tea Clinical Trial
Green tea lung cancer prevention trial
P.I. Stephen Lam MD; BC Cancer Agency 2003
Former smokers with lung dysplasia

Assessing Ont. patients examined with unsterilized equipment will take months
Canadian Press

Cancer care failing: Probe
Patients at home often have no support, report says
Quality of service varies `dramatically' across province

Toronto Star

'Virtual' Exam as Effective As Standard Colonoscopy
By Rob Stein Washington Post Staff Writer


2015: A Target Date for Eliminating Suffering and Death Due to Cancer
Reported by Mike Miller May 16, 2003

Sanofi Synthelabo Oxaliplatin
Compassionate Use Program

Health Canada Screening Recommendations
Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third most common cancer in Canada. Regular screening can diagnose the disease at an early stage when it is more treatable, therefore reducing mortality.

CCAC Community

The CCAC now has four committees in which volunteers can get involved. By participating to these committees you will be helping thousands of Canadians find answers to their questions and also in supporting personal struggles with this disease.

CCAC Resources

Frankly Speaking About Colorectal Cancer
The Wellness Community

USC/Norris researchers test drug that blocks colon cancer cells' ability to proliferate

Cancer Genetics Web - ColoRectal Cancers

Viatronix™ is a company with breakthrough software technology in the field of medical diagnostics.
Look at "V3D" videos

Recommended Guidelines for the Treatment of Cancer Treatment-Induced Diarrhea (CTID)

Downloadable PDF file (400k) What Are Probiotics & Prebiotics?

ON DPG: Oncology Nutrition Dietetic Practice Group

Lancet Oncology

New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)

Diseases of the Colon & Rectum

Journal of Hepatology

Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery

Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Clinics of North America

Astra Zeneca

American Journal of Clinical Oncology: Cancer Clinical Trials

Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ)

British Medical Journal (BMJ)

Journal of Clinical Pathology

Journal of the National Cancer Institute (JNCI)

Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)

Journal of Surgical Oncology

Hematology/Oncology Clinics of North America

Hematological Oncology

Clinical Oncology


SIGN Management of Colorectal Cancer, 2003 Guidelines

Mount Sinai Hospital: Links to Internet Resources

L&#39association québécoise des registraires en oncologie (AQRO)

Newfoundland Cancer Treatment and Research Foundation

Peterborough County - City Health Unit

Top Abstracts in Colorectal Cancer 02/26/2004

Canadian Health Network - Health Events Highlights - Colorectal Cancer Awareness

National Colorectal Cancer Roundtable

National Library of Medecine articles

Cancer Advocacy Coalition Canada

Cancer Strategy for Cancer Control

Group Loop

National Guidelines Clearinghouse

ASCO Virtual Meeting: 2004 Gastrointestinal Cancers Symposium Presentations

The American Cancer society Cancer Survivors Network

Public Policy - The sustainability of public health insurance in Canada


Colorectal Cancer

Colorectal Cancer Network (USA)

Virtual Colonoscopy
New England Journal of Medicine

Computed Tomographic Virtual Colonoscopy
New England Journal of Medicine

Genentech /Avastin trials

UK NHS CANCER PLAN progress report on Cancer (see Bowel Cancer recommendations)

Colorectal Cancer

Rolling to Recovery

Cancer Prevention Newsletter (New York-Presbyterian Hospital)

United Ostomy Association of Canada, Inc.

Canadian Association of Psychosocial Oncology

Society Of Interventional Radiology - Cancer

IR Procedures for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer

Canadian Interventional Radiology Association

Alberta Cancer Genetics Program

Quackwatch - Your Guide to Health Fraud, Quackery, and Intelligent Decisions

Cancer Surveillance On-Line

Health: information about Colon Cancer on Yahoo! Health

Confronting colon cancer

Colorectal Cancer: New Frontiers. A Public Forum
Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

Please join us in The Group Room for a special program on Colon Cancer
Vital Options

In support of National Colon Cancer Awareness Month

Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
Canadian Health Network

Open Letter to Canadians: Need for a National Colorectal Cancer Screening Policy
Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada

Colorectal Cancer Chat
People Living with Cancer

Colorectal Cancer chat which will be hosted on People Living With Cancer on March 7th from 3 - 4 PM ET

Colossal Colon Tour
Cancer Research and Prevention Foundation

Colorectal Cancer Fact Sheets
Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada


CCAC 2002 Annual Review
Colorectal Association of Canada

CFS: New Clinical Trial Data On The Role Of Xeloda (Capecitabine) As A Combination Agent In The Treatment Of Colorectal Cancer
Doctor's Guide

Cancer Advances: Restricting Blood Supply to Tumors Helps Fight Colorectal Cancer
People Living with Cancer

View Patient Forum 2002


Vitamin D prevents colon cancer

But high doses can do more harm than good: scientists

Hereditary Colon Cancer Association

Directory of Hospice Palliative Care Services
The Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association (CHPCA)

Aventis Clinical Trials

Novel Therapy Helps Lombardi Patient Successfully Battle Colon Cancer
Lombardi Cancer Center

Free Colorectal Cancer Screening Kits Available
The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center

March 21, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

© 1999-2005 Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada, All Rights Reserved

PTK Trial

Patient Information
Evening Posters

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