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Spring 2006

Vol. 8, No. 3/4

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CEWH Research Bulletin

Time to Deliver on Gender and HIV/AIDS
Volume 5, Number 2


Centres of Excellence for Women's Health

Biotechnology and Women's Health

CBRN Research & Technology Initiative

Women and Health Protection

National Coordinating Group on Health Care Reform and Women

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Grassroots organizations play an instrumental role in government accountability and contribute to healthy public policies

The last few weeks have been witness to two important moments in the history of women's rights in Canada that are clearly at odds.

December 10 th was the 25 th anniversary of Canada's ratification of the UN Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination against Women – something to celebrate. But this last week also marked a series of hearings on the Hill conducted by the House of Commons Standing Committee on the Status of Women tasked with assessing the response to recent budget cuts and reforms by the ruling Conservative government to Status of Women Canada (SWC). And what has the response been so far? Well, let's just say that women's groups across the country are not ready to make nice. More>>

Canadian CD Raises Money for HIV/AIDS Work in Africa

CD Samples

  Baby Dee - When you found me

  Little Annie - Freddie and me

  Vashti Bunyan - The same but different

All proceeds from Not Alone donated to Doctors Without Borders

A new 5 CD set of alternative music has already raised more than $25,000 for HIV/AIDS work for Doctors Without Borders ( Not Alone is the brainchild of Canadian Mark Logan, founder of Busted Flat Records and Jnana Records, who, along with David Tibet of Current 93 fame, invited more than 85 musicians from around the globe to donate their tracks to help raise money for this important cause.

Artists include Canadian indie acts such as Lynn Jackson, Mary 5E and Sarah Hallman, and a wide range of well established alternative musicians, such as Isobel Campbell, Vashti Bunyan and Baby Dee.

For more information, and to hear tracks from the CD set, Not Alone, visit:  

What we're reading...

The Adventures of Carrie Giver: The Cost of Caring
The Adventures of Carrie Giver: The Cost of Caring
Theresa Funiciello, Diane Pagen, Eduordo Savid, Winona Nelson, Rob Hawkins


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Seniors and Aging – Bladder Control Problems (Incontinence)

New IUD Toolkit Launched To Provide Up-to-Date Free Resources to Health Care Programs

Alone for the holidays

Health Canada advises consumers not to use herbal sleep supplement containing habit-forming drug

Globalization and the Health of Canadians

18th International Conference on the Reduction of Drug-Related Harm

Call for Abstracts in Gender & Health

Post-doctoral participatory research opportunity

Call for papers: Mothering and Blogging: Practice and Theory

Race and Class Inequalities in Health: Call for Papers

Directory of Training Programs in Health Services and Health Policy Research


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Mental Health
Women, Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction in Canada: Response to Out of the Shadows at Last

Emergency Contraception
Emergency Contraception in Canada


Centres d'excellence pour la santé des femmes

The Canadian Women's Health Network and the Centres of Excellence for Women's Health program is financially supported by the Women's Health Contribution Program, Bureau of Women's Health and Gender Analysis, Health Canada. The views herein do not necessarily represent the official policy of Health Canada.


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