Fondation Lucie et André - Making a difference through preventionChagnon
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$12.6m agreement to support family day care for underprivileged children

Quebec City, November 20, 2006
The Minister of Families, Seniors and the Status of Women, Carole Théberge, and the President and Chairman of the Board of Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, André Chagnon, signed today an agreement increasing support provided to family day care providers in underprivileged communities. This three-year, $12.6-million agreement will be used to foster children's development, improve their chances of school success and facilitate their social integration.
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Launch of government Action plan to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent weight-related problems 2006-2012

Montreal, October 23, 2006
Today, the Minister of Health and Social Services, Philippe Couillard, the Minister of Finance, Michel Audet, the President and Chairman of the Board of Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, André Chagnon, and the Mayor of Sherbrooke and chairman of the work group to mobilize prevention efforts resulting from the Forum des générations, Jean Perrault, launched the 2006-2012 government action plan to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent weight-related problems, called Investir pour l'avenir (investing for the future).
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Launch of Lucie and André Chagnon family biography

Montreal, October 18, 2006
Les Éditions Francine Breton is pleased to announce the launch of La famille Chagnon, Crescendo d'une réussite, by Paule L. Boileau. The book recounts two legendary events that can be traced back to the Chagnon family's efforts and social involvement. Part of the biography covers the history of Vidéotron from its beginnings until it was sold and the other part is dedicated to Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon, the couple's latest endeavour dedicated exclusively to the well-being of children in Quebec.
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Collection Protégez-Vous and PasseportSanté.net present the Guide des produits de santé naturels (guide to natural health products)

Montreal, October 16, 2006
The Guide des produits de santé naturels (guide to natural health products), published by Collection Protégez-Vous in collaboration with PasseportSanté.net, is intended to provide consumers with a reliable, objective, practical and accessible tool to enable the informed use of natural health products.
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All together for the development of children from 0 to 5 years

Magog, September 26, 2006
Action plan 2006-2007
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To further assist children between 0-6 years and their parents who are experiencing a great amount of distress

Montreal, February 22, 2006
Several organisations sharing their expertise.
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Mobilization for children development of Magog

Magog, January 26, 2006
Launching of Québec Enfants Local Action Committee of Magog.
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Financial support to Portage Centre for substance-abusing women and their children

Montreal, January 20, 2006
We attach a great importance to the adoption of healthy lifestyle, in particular by the prevention and the fight against alcoholism and drug addiction.
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The health of a human being depends on a whole series of factors — not just biological, but also psychological and social. These factors act together in synergy to either strengthen or weaken one another. Influencing the health of an individual or a community is no simple task. It involves considering all the determining factors that affect development. It means seeking to understand the fundamental causes of problems, how they interrelate and their many impacts on individuals and the community. It also involves, above all, bringing about changes in attitudes and practices.

For the foundation, bringing about change means making individuals, along with their families and communities, the main architects of their own health, plans for the future and, in a sense, their own destiny. In our own way, we want to help remove the individual and collective obstacles that prevent people and communities from achieving an optimum state of health and their full potential.

Bringing about this kind of change involves addressing not only the many factors that determine health, such as behaviour, lifestyle and the diseases that affect a great number of our fellow citizens, but also social and economic factors, such as chronic poverty, economic dependence and school dropout rates.

But simply understanding is not enough: the foundation also wants to act. It wants to propose concrete solutions and move forward on several fronts by exploring new avenues. The objective is to come up with original initiatives for promoting health, preventing disease and reducing poverty.

Through its commitment and action, the foundation is seeking to play a major role in blazing new trails and raising individual and community awareness of health issues. It is hoping to become a key player in promoting whole health, both locally and internationally. Its primary goal is to change people’s attitudes and get them thinking about how things are done, with the aim of facilitating positive, sustainable changes in our society.

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<h1>Help for family poverty</h1> Chagnon Foundation gives help to families living in poverty<br><br> resources for families living in poverty