Index A à Z Publications English
Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux
Ville de Montréal



Alcoholism, drug abuse, gambling >>>
Anthrax and Bioterrorism >>>
Asthma >>>
Avian influenza >>>

Cancer >>>
Carbon monoxide >>>
Children >>>
Congestive Heart Failure >>>

Dental Health >>>
Drinking water >>>

The Elderly >>>
Environment >>>
Fall Prevention - Stand Up! >>>

Firearm deaths (PDF) >>>
Flying down south (PDF) >>>


Hamburger Disease >>>
Heat waves >>>
Hepatitis A, B, C >>>

Infectious severe respiratory diseases >>>
Influenza - Flu - Pneumococcal >>>

Lice >>>

Meningitis >>>
Mealses >>>
Moulds (PDF)

Occupational Health and Safety >>>

Physical Activity >>>
Prevention Kit for general practitioners >>>

Rabies >>>
Ragweed >>>
Reportable Diseases >>>
Respiratory etiquette >>>

SARS >>>
Syphilis and STIs >>>

Tobacco Use >>>
Trauma-Suicide >>>
Tuberculosis >>>

Vaccination >>>

West Nile virus >>>

Youth >>>


Newly available

Periodic Health Examination

Prévention en pratique médicale

Periodic Health Examination of Adults. Preventive clinical Practices Guidelines (Download)

Public swimming pools

Temporary recommandations for managing results exceeding current microbiological norms in Montréal oublic swimming pools (PDF)

Wood heating

Wood heating. A burning health issue !

Wood smoke : Hasardous to your health ! (30 October 2006) (PDF)


Campaign 2006-2007 (October 2006)

Infectious Diseases

MADO - Notifiables diseases (September 2006) (Periods 7-8)

Respiratory Etiquette for School

Leaflet : You can fight germs and protect other people. Stop cold and flu bugs (16 March - PDF)

Poster : You can fight germs and protect other people. Stop cold and flu bugs (16 March - PDF)

Respiratory Etiquette

Tools for Modified Work

Guide and tools >>>

Tools for Modified Work

Last update : 20 décembre 2006

Garder notre monde en santé
Guide santé - Health guide
Carbon monoxide kills
Influenza pandemic

Annual Report


2004-2005- Focus on youth : support through understanding >>>


2003-Risk Management and Health. A Modern-Day Safety net >>>


2002-Urban Health. A Vital Factor in Montreal's Development >>>


2001-A New Perspective on the Mental Health of Adult Montrealers >>>


2000-Transformation of the Montreal Network : Impact on Health >>>


1999-Prevent,Cure,Care. Challenges of an ageing Society >>>


1998-Social Inequalities in Health >>>


English publications


Document Purchase >>>

Order form to print >>>

English Publications A to Z >>>


Action for prevention. Montréal Public Health Action plan 2003-2006 (Abstract) (PDF)


Bulletin d'information du PQDCS de Montréal-Centre >>>


Bulletin Prévention en pratique médicale >>>


Montreal Youth Project Evaluation Team. Information letter >>>


Summer School in Public Health


Programme >>>



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