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Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis (IMHA)

Research Development and Translation Initiatives

Support for workshops, consensus conferences and other activities associated with research development and translation

Content Update: August 31, 2006


IMHA's Vision is to sustain health and enhance quality of life, through research, by eradicating the pain, suffering and disability caused by arthritis, musculoskeletal, skin and oral health conditions. To achieve its vision, IMHA will focus on three Strategic Research Priorities:

Background and Rationale

IMHA wishes to support innovative health research that will lead to excellence in research and knowledge translation/exchange within both its strategic initiatives and its broader mandate. To this end, IMHA will support a spectrum of activities aimed at research development and knowledge translation/exchange via its Workshop Program. This Program, as elaborated by its Institute Advisory Board, is highly strategic. It is designed to bring together people to interact (cross-pillar and multi-disciplinary) and to further define unmet research needs in one or more of the Institute's six foci areas - arthritis, MSK rehabilitation, bone, skeletal muscle, skin and oral health - and one or more of its three strategic research priorities as noted above.

Applications will be accepted at any time throughout the year provided that the application is received, by the Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis three months before the intended workshop date.  

All funding is in Canadian dollars

Total Funds Available
The total funds available per fiscal year for the Workshop Program is $165,000.

Table of Contents

Objectives of the Research Development and Translation Initiatives
Mechanisms of Support
Eligibility Criteria
Allowable Costs
Evaluation and Criteria for Review
Specific Conditions of Funding
How to Apply
Contact For Further Information

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Objectives of the Research Development and Translation Initiatives

The objectives of a Tier 1 award are to:

The objectives of a Tier 2 award are to:

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Mechanisms of Support

For instructions on how to apply to the following programs, please refer to the specific mechanism for support below. 

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Eligibility Criteria

IMHA will consider funding workshops, consensus conferences, opportunities for research collaboration and similar activities leading to identification of research priorities, the development of research proposals, and/or the translation and exchange of research knowledge in areas within its mandate or strategic research priorities.

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 2 funding may not be used to support congresses, annual meetings, or open registration conferences. It may, however, be applied to gatherings that meet the above criteria, and are being held within the context of a larger meeting/conference.

Eligible applicants for Tier 1 and Tier 2 funding include investigators holding research appointments at a Canadian institution, professional associations and NGOs whose main focus of activity lies within IMHA's mandate or strategic focus.

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Allowable Costs

Eligible expenses:

Ineligible expenses:

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Evaluation and Criteria for Review

A subcommittee of the Institute Advisory Board will evaluate applications. On completion of the review, IMHA will receive the ranking lists, merit scores (ratings) and recommendation of the subcommittee for the applications submitted. Based on the total funds available for the initiative, applications will be funded from the top ranked down as far as the budget will allow. Applications receiving a score of less than 3.5 will not be considered for funding.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Tier 1

Tier 2

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Specific Conditions of Funding

The following terms apply if the applicant receives funding:

Tier 1

Tier 2

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How to Apply

The application form is available on IMHA's website. [ PDF (68 KB) | RTF (615 KB) | Help ]

If the workshop topic has relevance to the mandates of other Institutes, please indicate all applicable CIHR Institutes on the application form. It will be the Applicant's responsibility to submit an application to each of the identified CIHR Institutes, according to their respective requirements.

Send an electronic copy of the completed application form to the following: (Elizabeth Robson)
Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis

In addition to the completed application form, please submit, electronically, a proposal which includes the following detail:

Tier 1

Proposal - In a maximum of two (2) pages, include:

* Student / Post-Doctoral Fellow Awards of Research Excellence

The intent of the Student/Post-Doctoral Fellow Awards of Research Excellence Program is strategic. It is designed to facilitate trainee (Students or Post-Doctoral Fellows) participation at national and international meetings of relevance to IMHA's mandate. This program is to recognize research excellence of Students or Post-Doctoral Fellows presenting their research at the meeting. This will help attract Students and Fellows to both attend and present their research at these major national and international meetings. Further, this program is designed to recognize research excellence in areas of relevance to IMHA and will provide incentives for further development of research careers and programs in these areas. This opportunity to interact and receive recognition is intended to further enhance the training environment of Students / Post-Doctoral Fellows engaged in arthritis, bone, skeletal muscle, skin, MSK rehabilitation and oral health research with respect to one of the Institute's three Strategic Research Priorities.

Funding for Student / Post-Doctoral Fellow awards is intended to enable national or international Workshop or Conference Organizers to fund one or more IMHA-specific awards per Workshop or Conference. Each award cannot exceed $1000.


Proposal and Attachments (Minimum Requirements)

Tier 2

Proposal - In a maximum of four (4) pages, include:

Budget - In a maximum of one (1) page, include a budget for the proposed activities, with justification (e.g. approximate number of attendees, number of nights accommodation) under the following categories:

Letters of Support - Attach any letters of support from partners of any type confirming their involvement and support of the planned activities (if applicable).

Send Application Form and Supporting Documentation, by email, to: (E. Robson)
Subject Line: IMHA Research Development and Translation Initiative

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Contact for Further Information:

For questions regarding application forms, submission requirements, the review process and the status of funding decisions please contact:

Elizabeth Robson
Administrative Officer / Stakeholder Relations
Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis
(403) 320-0068

Created: 2005-02-18
Modified: 2006-09-18
Reviewed: 2005-02-18