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Institute of Genetics (IG)

IG Annual Report 2004-2005

April 1, 2004 - March 31, 2005

Table of Contents

Message from the President
Message from the Scientific Director
Profile of the Institute

Outstanding Research

Outstanding Researchers in Innovative Environments

Effective Partnerships and Public Engagement

Looking Forward

Financial Statements


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Message from the President

The CIHR Institute of Genetics (IG) is leading a national research agenda in the area of genetics, basic biochemistry and cell biology related to human health and disease, including the interaction of genes with physical and social environments. It is also strongly committed to supporting research on the ethical, legal and social implications of genetic discoveries.

The challenging and complex process that takes research to its ultimate integration into clinical practice requires the active participation and collaboration of many research disciplines and partners. To facilitate this process, IG supports research that extends from fundamental research to its clinical application. In particular, the Institute's Genomic Medicine and Human Development Request for Application, a program that will capitalize on Canadian strengths in developmental genetics and clinical research. This initiative is the first of a series of funding opportunities falling under the umbrella of "From Genes to Genomic Medicine", designed to address the increasing need to translate scientific advances into medical practice.

The IG recognizes that new fields of health research are continually emerging. Investigators working in these nascent, leading-edge fields will require support to develop their programs and bring the significance of their work to the attention of other disciplines. The rapidly expanding science of bioinformatics, for example, has a central role in integrating the massive amount of new information flowing from the genome project into more established fields. The Institute supports this community through Training Program Grants. Research in mathematics, physics, chemistry and engineering is also of increasing relevance to biology and medicine, and, through New Emerging Team grants, the IG is bringing these research communities together.

I am extremely pleased by the commitment that the IG has made to support excellent research, in particular through its suite of Regular Funding Programs. These nine programs are open to all researchers working within the Institute's mandate, and range from One-Year Bridging Operating Grants to the Maud Menten New Principal Investigators Prizes.

As the following pages show, the activities of the IG reflect a balanced effort of support for both scientific excellence and for strategic research that addresses important national health issues. In closing, I would like to acknowledge the exceptional leadership of the Scientific Director, Dr. Roderick McInnes and the outstanding work of the members of the IG's Advisory Board and staff.

Alan Bernstein, OC, FRSC
Canadian Institutes of Health Research

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Message from the Scientific Director

As Scientific Director of the Institute of Genetics (IG), it continues to be a great pleasure to work with the talented Canadian health research community. Under the outstanding Chairship of Dr. Joel Weiner (University of Alberta) and Vice-Chairship of Dr. François Rousseau (Université Laval), the IG's Institute Advisory Board (IAB) has shown great leadership and judgement in advising me on the directions of the Institute should take. I would like to express particular gratitude to the more than 90 members of the 12 Priority and Planning (P&P) Committees and Voluntary Health Organization (VHO) working group that advise the Institute about their areas of research. These P&P Committees provide enlightened guidance to the IAB on the approaches we should use to support individual investigators and to fulfill the strategic mandate of the Institute.

Over the past year, we have continued to make funds available to individual investigators through grants and awards offered in our Regular Funding Program. There has been one major addition to the Program: the Maud Menten New Principal Investigator Prizes. These prizes were developed to honour New Principal Investigators, working within the IG's mandate, whose grants ranked highest in the CIHR Operating Grant competition. Named after a Canadian who was the co-discoverer of one of the most famous equations in biochemistry (the Michaelis-Menton equation), a $30,000 prize will be awarded in each of the following categories: biomedical research, clinical research, and health services/population health research, including genetic, legal and social issues.

In addition to its Regular Funding Program, the IG has funded or posted several large Strategic Requests for Applications (RFAs) that fall under one or more of our six Research Priority Themes. It is our hope that these strategic RFAs, outlined below, will have an important impact on Canadian health research over the next 5-10 years.

A major goal of the IG since its inception has been to develop a strong community of investigators to examine the impact of genetic discoveries on health policy and services. The Addressing Health Care and Health Policy Challenges of New Genetic Opportunities Operating Grant RFA provides operating funds ($1.89 million over three years) to two Canadian research teams who will address some of the major issues in health services related to genetic disease. The importance of this topic is highlighted by the fact that the IG received support for this RFA from the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health, the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

A major investment by the IG in the "Integrating the Physical and Applied Sciences into Health Research" Theme has been to co-lead the Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine initiative with the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction. This initiative supports research in a wide range of basic/applied sciences and its application to the restoration of health, including not only nanomedicine but also stem cell research and gene therapy. For the RFA launched under this initiative in 2004, the IG committed $1.25 million over 5 years. This reflects the importance we attach to this theme, which brings together basic scientists, such as chemists, physicists and engineers. A third RFA will be launched in June 2005.

It is the intent to use the From Genes to Genomic Medicine as a major IG "umbrella theme", under which we will launch RFAs that will foster the application of new genetic knowledge to medicine. The first RFA in this series, Genomic Medicine and Human Development, was launched in December 2004. The goal of the RFA is to bring together developmental biologists and clinical researchers, to allow them to elucidate the genetic component of human developmental diseases, such as malformations of the heart. To date, more than $14 million has been committed to this RFA which will support grants as large as $500,000 per annum for a term of 5 years. Our funding partners include The Foundation Fighting Blindness - Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and five CIHR Institutes.

In addition to funding RFAs, the IG also supports the research community by sponsoring important national meetings. Co-sponsored with the Institute of Cancer Research (ICR), the 3rd Annual New Principal Investigator (PI) Meeting was regarded as outstanding by the more than 100 new PIs and the eight research leaders who attended this meeting. The 4th International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative (CPI), was co-sponsored by the IG and ICR. More than 350 researchers attended this meeting, which is becoming an obligatory highlight of the Canadian biochemistry research year. Finally, more than 250 investigators were present at the 2nd Biennial Canadian Developmental Biology Symposium, organized and sponsored by the IG.

In conclusion, I am delighted to acknowledge that I have been blessed with a remarkable staff who invariably give me thoughtful advice and who skillfully manage the programs of the Institute. These staff are: the Assistant Directors Milka Popov (Toronto) and Stephanie Robertson (Ottawa), the Executive Assistant and Project Manager, Jennifer Jennings, the Administrative Assistant, Esther Berzunza and the Project Officer, Amanda Devost. Their enthusiasm and their commitment continue to make my job a pleasure.


Roderick R McInnes, MD, PhD, FRSC
Scientific Director
Institute of Genetics, CIHR

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Profile of the institute

Established in December 2000, the Institute of Genetics (IG) is one of the 13 Institutes of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). The IG is based at The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, the home institution of its Scientific Director, Dr. Roderick R. McInnes.

Our Mandate is to support research on the human and other genomes and on all aspects of genetics, basic biochemistry and basic cell biology related to health and disease, including the translation of knowledge into health policy and practice and the societal implications of genetic discoveries.

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Organizational Structure

The leadership of the IG is shared among the Institute Advisory Board (IAB), 12 IG Priority and Planning (P&P) Committees and a Voluntary Health Organizations Working Group, whose areas of focus, together, embrace the IG mandate.

Our Institute Advisory Board (IAB) is composed of 15 research leaders with exceptional qualifications, from Canada and abroad, under the guidance of the Chair, Dr. Joel Weiner, and the Vice-Chair, Dr. François Rousseau (Appendix 1). IAB members provide invaluable assistance and advice in the development and implementation of the IG's research priority-setting process. In addition to participating actively on P&P committees, IAB members meet at least twice a year to review the management of the IG budgets and to discuss the activities carried out under the IG's research priorities.

Our Priority and Planning Committees (P&P) are led, or co-led, by distinguished Canadian researchers with expertise and a strong commitment to advancing research in their specific areas, along with five to eight additional members. The P&P Committees (Appendix 2) foster the development of their research communities; provide a forum for the identification of critical issues and opportunities; facilitate continuous input from and with the research community; and make recommendations to the IAB. Through this process, more than 90 leading researchers and committed stakeholders regularly inform and advance the IG's genetic, basic biochemical and cell biology research agenda.

Figure 1: Priority and Planning Committees and Working Group of the IG

Figure 1: Priority and Planning Committees and Working Group of the IG

Figure 1 illustrates the 12 Priority & Planning Committees and the Voluntary Health Organization Working Group. The blue circles indicate P&P Committees that support the IG Research Priority Themes. The white circles indicate P&P Committees that support the IG Enabling Strategies. Through these committees the leadership of the IG is distributed throughout the community.

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Strategic Plan

The IG defined its strategic directions through a consultative process involving researchers, academics, clinicians, policy makers, voluntary health organizations, government, companies and other stakeholders with an interest in the mandate of the IG. As a result, the IG has been well recognized as a "bottom-up organization", by responding to the needs of individual investigators and ensuring that its strategic goals and research priorities are defined by the research community and other stakeholders.

A Strategic Planning Retreat, held in September 2002 (Aylmer, Quebec), led to the refinement of the IG's research priority themes and strategic goals. A copy of the Strategic Plan (2004-2009) is available on the IG website (

Our Strategic Goals, as outlined in the Strategic Plan, are to:

IG staff are responsible for the implementation of the Strategic Plan under the guidance of the Scientific Director and the Institute Advisory Board. The Strategic Plan and the six Research Priority Themes will be re-evaluated on a regular basis, to best reflect changing research needs and emerging priorities.

Knowledge Translation

The IG recognizes the enormous disparity between extant and expanding knowledge in genetics and the biomedical sciences, and the highly imperfect level of awareness of this knowledge and its applications. In response, the IG has made a major commitment to supporting the translation of new knowledge into health benefits for the Canadian public. All six IG Research Priority Themes directly facilitate knowledge translation by enabling the active exchange between the creators and users of knowledge to accelerate its capture into the next generation of health policy, medical practices and biotechnology products.

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The IG is committed to measuring and reporting on the effectiveness and impact of all programs and activities undertaken by the Institute. Most notably, the IG participated in the development of the design for the Institute Performance Reports. The Institute Performance Reports are being used as a key piece of evidence for the evaluation of the Institute, and as a 'report card' for future Institute Advisory Board meetings to assess on-going performance. The IG Performance Report contains 15 common indicators, adopted for all Institutes, and one indicator unique to the IG - i.e., reporting on the IG's support for investigator-initiated research. During this reporting period, the IG Performance Report (2000-04) was compiled and submitted to CIHR.

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Funding Mechanisms

The IG's funding mechanisms include both a suite of Regular Funding Programs and Strategic Requests for Applications (RFAs).

Our Nine Regular Funding Programs have a continuous launch cycle, and are a constant feature in the IG research funding landscape. Subject to an annual review by the Institute Advisory Board, these programs are designed to facilitate training and/or research within the IG's mandate:


Awards Grants:

Our Strategic Request for Applications (RFAs) are aligned with our Research Priority Themes. Examples of strategic RFAs funded during the reporting period include:

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Financial Resources

CIHR is funded entirely through federal government appropriations. The CIHR Governing Council delegates financial authority to each Institute for managing a portion of these funds, as described below:

Institute Support Grant. Each Institute receives $1 million annually to operate and to support the research communities that it represents, through an array of collaborative activities, such as workshops and national meetings (Table 1).

Strategic Initiatives Budget. These funds comprise the great majority of the Institute funds, and are used to support strategic research initiatives through peer reviewed grants and research personnel awards (Table 2).

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Outstanding research

Strategic Requests for Applications

During the reporting period, the IG launched and/or funded seven Strategic Requests for Applications (RFAs) designed to facilitate research within the IG's Research Priority Themes:

Integrating the Physical and Applied Sciences into Health Research

Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine RFAs: Team Grants and New Discoveries: High-Risk, High-Benefit Grants. Regenerative medicine and nanomedicine have the potential to improve the health of Canadians and change the way our health care system protects, maintains and restores health. Through this initiative - co-led by the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction and the IG - CIHR and its partners are helping to support the growth of a critical mass of talent that will take the next steps forward in these new and exciting areas of research. For the February 2004 New Emerging Team competition deadline, the IG allocated $2.5 million over five years in support of six teams. For the second RFA launched under the umbrella of this initiative (June 2004), the IG has allocated $1.25 million over a five year term in support of Team Grants. Results of this competition will be available in November 2005. Planning is underway for the third RFA, anticipated to be launched in June 2005.

Dr. William Stanford and his team from the University of Toronto are studying the behaviour of stem cells at the molecular level by use of sophisticated nanotechnologies such as microfabrication, quantum dots, and scanning probe microscopies. This novel research may have important implications towards the advancing stem cell-based therapies in the future.

Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine Team Grants:
February 2004 competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
BRUNETTE, Isabelle
Université de Montréal
Femtosecond laser assisted corneal posterior lamellar transplantation with endothelial enhancement: Technological development and socioeconomic impact
CHAN, Warren
University of Toronto

Quantum dot-based biomolecular imaging
DAAR, Abdallah
University of Toronto
Regenerative medicine: Ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues network
DE KONINCK, Yves Centre de recherche
Université Laval
Nanotools for neuropharmacology
University of Toronto
Regenerative medicine strategies for spinal cord injury repair: Integration of stem cell biology, nanotechnology, bioengineering approaches and neurosurgical application
University of Toronto
Stem cell fate analysis and manipulation

Population Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, and Complex Diseases

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases RPA. Complex diseases are multifactorial in nature and result from the combined effects of variation at multiple genetic loci and environmental influences manifested over the life course. The elucidation of interactions between an individual's genetic endowment and the complex sequence of environmental exposures that occur over the life-course - physical, chemical, biological, developmental and social - are expected to provide the greatest insight into our understanding of the etiology of human disease. In December 2003, the IG and the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) issued a Research Priority Announcement (RPA) to provide support for investigators in this developing area of research through jointly funded operating grants. The RPA process enables Institutes to fund highly rated applications responsive to their priorities submitted to the CIHR open competitions. One grant from the December 2003 competition was supported in the amount of $427K over three years by the IG and IPPH.

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases Operating Grants
December 2003 Competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
Hospital for Sick Children
Genetics of type 1 diabetes in Newfoundland

From Genes to Genomic Medicine (including Clinical Genetics Research)

Genomic Medicine and Human Development RFA. Important advances have been made with respect to our understanding of the genetic factors governing normal and abnormal developmental processes, but the impact on medical practice to date has been limited. Launched in December 2004, the purpose of this RFA is to provide operating grants in support of projects that bridge clinical investigation and more basic scientific research to address an important problem in human development. In partnership with The Foundation Fighting Blindness - Canada, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the CIHR Institute of Aboriginal Peoples' Health, the CIHR Institute of Circulatory and Respiratory Health, the CIHR Institute of Gender and Health, the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health and the CIHR Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis, more than $14 million dollars - over a term of five years - has been secured for this RFA. Results of this competition will be available in the fall of 2005.

Health Services for Genetic Diseases

Addressing Health Care and Health Policy Challenges of New Genetic Opportunities RFA. The purpose of this program is to provide operating grant funds in support of research projects, the results of which will better equip health care providers, administrators and policy makers to improve the health of populations and strengthen the health care system in Canada. In partnership with the CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research, the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health, the Canadian Coordinating Office for Health Technology Assessment and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, two Canadian research teams will share $1.89 million over three years. These teams will examine how health care providers, administrators and policy makers can improve the health of Canadians and strengthen the Canadian health care system through improved integration and use of information about the genetic causes of disease.

The Canadian Consortium on Genetic Laboratory Services. Drs. Michel Labrecque, François Rousseau, Jean-Claude Forest, Yves Giguère (four of the Consortium's 17 Principal Investigators) and Dr. Marc Charland (Scientific Coordinator).

Addressing Health Care and Health Policy Challenges of New Genetic Opportunities Operating Grants
June 2004 Competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
ESPLEN, Mary Jane
University Health Network
University Health Network
Addressing the psychosocial health care of patients and families obtaining genetic services: Identification, disposition and outcome
ROUSSEAU, François
Université Laval
(Nominated PI)
Health care and health policy challenges in genetic laboratory service

Genetics and Ethical, Legal and Social (GELS) Issues

Facing our Future: Human Genetics, Ethics, Law and Society RFA. The objectives of this program are to: (i) address ethical, legal and social issues relevant to the design and conduct of population-based genetic epidemiological research, including implications for future studies in Canada; and (ii) build research capacity in this field by providing an opportunity for new investigators to develop and demonstrate their independence in initiating and conducting health research. For the May 2004 competition, five research projects were supported - for a total of $248K for a term of one year - by the IG and the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health. This program was relaunched in December 2005.

A team of researchers led by Dr. Fiona Miller is considering the implications of the molecular re-definition of disease, including the examination of the social, ethical and health system implications. Fiona Miller,
Catherine Ahern, Bob Christensen and Sonya de Laat.

Facing our Future: Human Genetics, Ethics, Law and Society Operating Grants
May 2004 Competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
AVARD, Denise
Université de Montréal
Pharmacogenomics with children: Towards a healthier future
Memorial University of Newfoundland
Protecting communities in population-based genetic research: A cultural analysis of a Canadian policy dilemma
FOSKET, Jennifer
McGill University
Genetic testing for Alzheimer's disease in Canada and the US: A comparative study of meanings of risk, aging and normalcy
GODARD, Beatrice
Université de Montréal
Consulting cultural communities for large-scale genomic databases: An analysis of interests and values
McMaster University
Re-defining disease: Mapping the contours of genomic medicine

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Regular IG Grant Programs

The Suite of Regular IG Grant Programs has a continuous launch cycle. These programs are a constant feature of the IG funding landscape. Subject to an annual review by the Institute Advisory Board, these grant programs are designed to facilitate research within the IG's mandate.

One-Year Bridging Operating Grants

Objective: To provide one-year operating funds (up to $100K) to support highly rated CIHR operating grant applications that just missed the cut-off for funding; i.e., affording Principal Investigators the opportunity to resubmit their research proposal without the loss of momentum, staff or trainees

Competitions: March 2004 and September 2004

IG financial commitment: $1.12 million over one year (for both competitions specified above)

One-Year Bridging Operating Grants

September 2004 Competition:
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
McMaster University
Predicting the products and mechanisms of enzymatic reactions: Development, implementation, and application of a novel computational approach
BUREAU, Alexandre
Université Laval
Study designs and statistical methods for the detection of disease-associated polymorphisms and estimation of gene-gene and gene-environment interactions
University of Toronto
Structural, biophysical, and genetic studies on bacteriophage morphogenesis
Memorial University of
Tubedown-1 in blood vessel health and disease
HU, Jim
Hospital for Sick Children
Role of epithelium-specific ets-like transcription factors in airway gene regulation
University of Ottawa Heart Institute
Treatment and mechanisms of sudden death in heart failure
March 2004 Competition:
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
Université de Sherbrooke
Transient DNA strand breaks in spermatids
DOBSON, Melanie
Dalhousie University
A yeast system for analysis of intracellular trafficking defects in niemann-pick C disease
Université de Sherbrooke
Formation and repair of NNK-induced DNA damage
DUNN, Sandra
BC's Research Institute for Children's and Women's Health
Phosphorylation of YB-1 by akt enhances the malignant potential of breast cancer cells by altering the expression of genes involved in drug resistance
HAUGHN, George
University of British Columbia
TILLING in C. elegans: An alternative reverse genetic approach for genome
analysis in worms
KING, William
University of Guelph
Telomere length and chromosome stability in domestic animal clones and their
Ottawa Regional Cancer Centre
Sir2 alpha: A nuclear modulator of growth factor signaling

Invention and Technology Application: Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine Grants

Objective: To enable the development of tools, techniques and devices facilitating health research and the diagnosis or treatment of patients

IG financial commitment: $1.20 million over three years

Partners: CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

Invention and Technology Application: Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine Grants
February 2004 Competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
Université Laval
Novel microprobes for combined optical and electrical recording in vivo
EMILI, Andrew
University of Toronto
Bioinformatic tools for proteomic profiling and biomarker discovery resistance mutations in Escherichia coli
University of Waterloo
In silico cell cycle modeling: A new approach integrating mathematics of dynamical systems, proteome analysis and molecular genetics techniques
YIP, Christopher
University of Toronto
Integrated functional imaging tools for membrane protein structure-function

New Discoveries: High-Risk, High-Benefit Grants

Objective: To encourage researchers to undertake high-risk, high-benefit research

IG financial commitment: $357K over two years

Partners: CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction

New Discoveries: High-Risk, High-Benefit Grants
February 2004 Competition
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
University of British Columbia
Delivery of therapeutic proteins across the blood-brain barrier
PROVOST, Patrick
Université Laval
Elucidation of a key step in the RNA interference pathway
University of Ottawa
Environmental stressors as modulators of bacterial mutation rates in drinking water distribution systems: A preliminary investigation on antibiotic resistance mutations in Escherichia coli

Workshops and Symposia Support Grants

Objective: To provide partial support for workshops and scientific symposia held in Canada

Competition: Applications are accepted throughout the year (Appendix 3)

IG financial commitment: $124K

Short-Term Research Visit Grants

Objective: To enable developing or established researchers to spend up to three months in a specific training environment, focusing on the acquisition of new concepts, knowledge and/or techniques to broaden their research perspectives and skills

Competitions: February 2004, June 2004 and October 2004

IG financial commitment: $123K over a term of one year (for all competitions specified above)

Short-Term Research Visit Grants

February 2004 Competition:
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
University of Toronto
CARS microscopy
EVERITT, Rebecca
University of Calgary
Analysis, management, and dissemination of sequences from mouse embryonic
stem cells
McGill University
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
GRANT, Jason
University of British Columbia
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
GROS-LOUIS, Francois
McGill University
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
KIM, Taeho
University of Calgary i
Energetic and structural implications for protein-protein and ligand-receptor
nteractions: Molecular dynamics studies of insulin
LEE, Chow
University of Northern British Columbia
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
NEIRA, Mauricio
University of British Columbia
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
Université Laval
A comparative-genomic approach to predict new systems of regulated intramembrane proteolysis
SWANSON, Magdalena
University of Calgary
Bioinformatic analysis and functional characterization of novel transcription
factors isolated via ES cell neural differentiation
University of British Columbia
Interactors of mdf-1, spindle assembly checkpoint in Caenorhabditis elegans
VERLAAN, Dominique
McGill University
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
WOODS, Michael
Memorial University of
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
June 2004 Competition:
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
University of British Columbia
Laboratory and statistical analysis of complex traits
CLEARY, John Douglas
Hospital for Sick Children
Dynamic molecular combing, DNA replication and repeat instability
University of Guelph
Genetic analysis workshop 14 and IGES meeting
University of British Columbia
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
HSIAO, William
Simon Fraser University
Canadian bioinformatics workshop
SWANSON, Magdalena
University of Calgary
Bioinformatic analysis and functional characterization of novel transcription factors isolated via ES cell neural differentiation
TAYYARI, Farnoosh
University of British Columbia
Use of applied proteomics for discovery of cell surface receptors to viruses
October 2004 Competition:
Principal Investigator(s) Project Title
CHANG, Michael
University of Toronto
DNA combing: Analyzing DNA replication fork progression in genome
integrity mutants

University Health Network

Canadian bioinformatics workshop
LIANG, Binhua
University of Manitoba
Canadian bioinformatics workshop

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Recognizing the Research Excellence of New Principal Investigators

Maud Menten New Principal Investigator Prizes. This program is designed to recognize and support the research excellence of New Principal Investigators working within the IG's mandate. The Maud Menten New Principal Investigator Prizes consist of a one-year, non-renewable $30,000 operating grant in each of the three following research areas: (i) biomedical; (ii) clinical; and (iii) health services/population health rersearch including genetic ethical, legal and social issues. The New Principal Investigator with the highest rated CIHR Operating Grant application in each research area will be the recipient of one of the three prizes. Results of the 2005 prizes will be available in the fall of 2005.

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Outstanding researchers in innovative environments

Strategic Requests for Applications

Building researcher capacity is a key goal for the IG. In 2004-05, the IG launched and/or funded six strategic RFAs designed to facilitate training and career development within the IG's Research Priority Themes.

Population Genetics, Genetic Epidemiology, and Complex Diseases

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases Doctoral Research Award and Fellowship RFAs. To increase research capacity in this area, the IG and CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health (IPPH) issued a Research Priority Annoucement (RPA) to fund Doctoral Research Awards and Fellowships from the fall 2003 and spring 2004 CIHR competitions. From these competitions, the IG and IPPH have committed a total of $467K over three years in support of two Doctoral Research Awards and three Fellowships. This initiative was relaunched in June 2004 to fund Fellowships from the fall 2004 CIHR competition. Results of this competition will be available in the spring of 2005.

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases: Doctoral Research Awards
October 2004 Competition
Awardees Project Title
Hôpital Sainte-Justine
Genetic structure of amerindian populations
XU, Wei
University of Toronto
New adaptive methods for genetic linkage analysis of multivariate
phenotypic data of human complex disease

Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases: Fellowships
October 2004 Competition

Fall 2003 Competition:
Awardees Project Title
DALEY, Denise
University of British Columbia
Investigation of epistasis and genetic susceptibility to hypertension in men and women
GAGNON, Cynthia
Université Laval
Functional and social consequences of myotonic dystrophy: Impact of personal and environmental factors on social participation
April 2004 Competition:
Awardees Project Title
BIRCA-PODUBNAIA, Ala Hôpital Sainte-Justine Relationship between electroclinical phenotypes and the genotype of children experiencing febrile seizures

From Genes to Genomic Medicine (including Clinical Genetics Research)

Clinical Genetics Research Strategic Training Program Grant RFA. This program was designed to increase the number of clinical genetics investigators in Canada, by providing specialized clinical genetics research training opportunities. A total of two applications were received to the May 1, 2004 deadline, but unfortunately no applications were approved for funding. In consultation with the research community, discussions are underway to determine when this program will be relaunched and whether programmatic modifications are required.

Biochemical Genetics Fellowship RFA. Representing a joint effort between Genzyme Canada, the Canadian College of Medical Geneticists, CIHR and IG, the goal of this program is to build Canadian capacity and expertise in the area of biochemical genetics. Results of the April 2005 competition will be available in the summer of 2005.

Genetics and Ethical, Legal and Social (GELS) Issues

Genetics and Ethical, Legal and Social Issues Doctoral Research Award RPA. The overarching objective of this initiative is to support trainees whose research addresses ethical, legal and social issues relevant to the design, conduct and dissemination of genomic and genetic research. In June 2004, the IG and the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health launched a Research Priority Announcement (RPA) to build capacity in this area of investigation. Results of this competition will be available in the spring of 2005.

Health Research Partnership Fund

The Health Research Partnership Fund is CIHR's primary vehicle for fostering partnerships with small not-for-profit agencies to support training awards. For the fall 2003 program announcement, the Canadian Fanconi Anemia Research Fund and the Fragile X Research Foundation of Canada targeted areas of health research within the IG's mandate. In the spring of 2004, a total of two Fellowships were announced from the fall 2003 competition.

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Regular IG Award Programs

The Suite of Regular IG Award Programs is a constant feature of the IG funding landscape. These programs are designed to facilitate training and career development within the IG's mandate.

Clinical Investigatorship Awards

Objective: To provide two years (renewable once) of protected research time for clinical genetics investigators to pursue clinical or translational research

IG financial commitment: $720K over two years

Clinical Investigatorship Awards
June 2004 Competition
Awardees Project Title
University of British Columbia
The genetic and environmental bases of select complex diseases in aboriginal populations
GIBSON, William
Centre for Molecular Medicine & Therapeutics (BC)
Central and peripheral regulation of stearoyl CoA desaturase-1 activity
University of British Columbia
Detection of novel microdeletions and microduplications in persons with
intellectual disability using whole genome microarrays

Dr. Evica Rajcan-Separovic is using whole genome micorrays to study children with congenital intellectual disability. Since receiving the IG Clinical Investigatorship Award, Evica has gone on to receive two CIHR Operating Grants to continue her research on early identification of subtle chromosomal abnormalities for improving health outcomes of individuals with developmental disorders.

Career Transition Awards

Objective: To support the career transition of faculty members who are planning to undertake rigorous training outside their primary research training and expertiseb

IG financial commitment: $80K over one year

Career Transition Awards
February 2004 Competition
Awardee Project Title
CANTY, Angelo
Hospital for Sick Children
Statistical analysis of multifactorial disease: Functional genomic strategies
to identify genetic variants conferring risk for type 1 diabetes

Walter and Jessie Boyd and Charles Scriver MD/PhD Studentship Awards

Objective: To support students enrolled in Canadian MD/PhD training programs

IG financial commitment: $528K over six years

Partners: Canadian Gene Cure Foundation and the Canadian Genetics Diseases Network

Walter and Jessie Boyd and Charles Scriver MD/PhD Studentship Awards
June 2004 Competition
Awardees Project Title
University of Alberta
Role of phosphatidylcholine biosynthesis in axon growth and repair
University of Alberta
Development of microfluidic devices for analysis of gene polymorphisms for pharmacogenetics
MERANI, Shaheed
University of Alberta
Strategies in tolerance induction in experimental islet transplantation
WALDKIRCHER DE OLIVEIRA, Roberta McMaster University Identification of genes promoting glioma invasion using novel genetic screening assay

Jeeshan Chowdhury (University of Alberta), a Walter and Jessie Boyd and Charles Scriver MD/PhD Studentship awardee, has been focusing his research on the utilizing microfluidics technology to develop clinical pharmacogenetic tests on a handheld system. Such technologies would make individualized therapies a reality.

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Strengthening Opportunities for Scientific Collaboration

Conferences and Meetings

The IG is committed to sponsoring and facilitating, on a continuous basis, the following conferences and meetings designed to support research, knowledge translation, networking and collaboration.

Annual New Principal Investigators (PI) Meeting. Designed, sponsored and organized by the IG, the overall goal of the annual New PI meeting is to facilitate the career development of new faculty members (i.e., in their first four years) at a Canadian university, including new scientists and clinician scientists in the genetics and biochemistry, developmental biology, bioinformatics, cell biology, health policy and ethics communities.

The meeting fosters the formation of peer networks between the New PIs working in these areas of research. In addition, a significant portion of the meeting is devoted to mentoring, through formal presentations by "star" senior investigators and through informal interactions between these research leaders and New PIs. New PIs are counselled on grant and paper writing, running a laboratory, managing budgets, and managing trainees and staff.

The 3rd Annual New PI meeting took place on November 12-14, 2004 (Jackson's Point, Ontario) in partnership with the CIHR Institute of Cancer Research. This cancer research-themed meeting was attended by more than 100 outstanding new researchers. Planning is currently underway for the fourth annual meeting in partnership with the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health (November 4-6, 2005, Jackson's Point, Ontario).

Annual International Conference of the Canadian Proteomics Initiative (CPI). The CPI is a national effort to build on Canada's growing strengths in the field of proteomics and protein chemistry. The international conference provides a general forum for disseminating the latest developments in proteomics and protein chemistry to Canadian researchers. The IG sponsored and participated at the 4th International Conference held on May 14-16, 2004 in Montreal, Quebec. More than 350 researchers - with expertise in all areas of proteomics, including functional proteomics, structural proteomics, protein display, protein expression, protein chemistry and protein interaction - participated at this event. Planning is underway for the 5th International Conference scheduled for May 13-14, 2005 in Toronto, Ontario.

Biennial Canadian Developmental Biology Symposium. More than 250 researchers attended the 2nd Biennial Canadian Developmental Biology Symposium held on April 1- 4, 2004 in Banff, Alberta. This symposium included sessions focused on the mechanisms of patterning, organogenesis, neuronal determination and synaptogenesis, stem cells and molecular mechanisms of human disease. Planning is underway for the 3rd Biennial Canadian Developmental Biology Symposium on April 6-7, 2006 in Mont Tremblant, Quebec.

Genomics, Genetics and Society: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides Workshop
The IG sponsored and hosted the "Genomics, Genetics and Society: Bridging the Disciplinary Divides" Workshop held on
April 15-17, 2004, in Toronto, Ontario. This workshop was designed to foster an exchange of knowledge and perspectives among basic scientists, clinicians, social scientists and bioethicists whose research is involved with one or more aspects of genomics and genetics. A series of papers, developed as a result of this workshop, will be published in Community Genetics. The IG will be featured in the publication.

Guidebook for New Principal Investigators

Authored by Drs. Roderick McInnes, Brenda Andrews and Richard Rachubinski, this guidebook is directed to all researchers (new and experienced). It provides tips on:

  • Applying for a grant as a Principal Investigator
  • Writing papers
  • Building and managing your research team and laboratory
  • Managing your time

This guidebook is available on the IG website:

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Developing and Supporting New National Platforms and Initiatives

Canadian Multigenerational Birth Cohort (CMBC). The CMBC, as a component of the Canadian Lifelong Health Initiative, is intended to facilitate the establishment of a research program to conduct large multi-centred longitudinal cohort studies of Canadians. The IG has continued to foster the development of the CMBC with the CIHR Institute of Population and Public Health and the CIHR Institute of Human Development, Child and Youth Health. This also includes a contribution to the analysis of cohort-related Genetic, Ethical, Legal and Social (GELS) issues, in partnership with the CIHR Ethics Office. During the period under review, CMBC planning meetings, with international representation, included the Genetics Interest Groups Meeting (November 1, 2004, Toronto, Ontario) and the Genetics First Scientific Advisory Committee (November 2, 2004, Toronto, Ontario).

International Regulome Consortium (IRC). The overarching goal of the IRC is to utilize the tools of proteomics and genomics to characterize the protein components of transcriptional complexes containing all potential transcription factors, and to identify and validate the complete set of their binding sites and corresponding target genes. The project team is a Canadian-led international research effort involving 37 investigators in 17 institutions in six countries. The IG and CIHR co-funded an application submitted to the CIHR International Opportunity Program in support of this effort, in the amount of $200K for a term of one year.

Canadian Mouse Consortium (CMC). The goals of the consortium are to integrate the strengths of mouse research technologies in Canada to enable Canadian-led research programs that rely on mouse genetics, and to lead and participate in international efforts to establish a publicly available mutant mouse resource. The IG supported the workshop designed to establish the consortium held on September 9, 2004 in Winnipeg, Manitoba.

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Effective partnerships and public Engagement

Interactive Involvement by Partners

The IG Voluntary Health Organizations (VHOs) Working Group's mandate is to cultivate
a full partnership between VHOs and the IG. The VHO Working Group will influence the development of the IG as an integrative health research institute, and promote public engagement among the stakeholders in the work of CIHR.

During the reporting period, planning was underway for the Genetics Research Partnership Roundtable, scheduled for October 6 - 7, 2005 in Toronto, Ontario. The primary objective of this roundtable is to determine how VHOs interested in funding research in genetic diseases can create collaborations within CIHR around the funding of a strategic research initiatives that demonstrate relevance to donors and families impacted by genetic diseases.

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Engaging in International Partnerships

The International Collaborations in Human Genetics Priority & Planning Committee's mandate is to identify areas of research that are synergistic between Canada and other countries, and that will lead to meaningful research collaborations. This is a joint committee with the Canadian Genetic Diseases Network. An example of a key activity during this reporting period was the Italian/Canadian International Collaborations in Genetics Workshop held on October 25, 2004 in Toronto, Ontario.

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Promoting Science to Canadian Youth

Be a gene researcher for a week - the Rt. Hon. Ramon Hnatyshyn Youth in Science Initiative.
The 2004 spring break program was sponsored by the IG in partnership with the Canadian Genetics Diseases Network. This program placed 30 high school students (grades 11 and 12) in the research laboratories of Canada's top genetic scientists. Students worked side-by-side with researchers, graduate students and technicians to plan and carry out experiments. Arrangements are underway for the 2005 spring break program.

The Geee! In Genome. This travelling museum exhibit is an innovative, multi-dimensional public education project developed by the Canadian Museum of Nature in partnership with Genome Canada and CIHR. During the period under review, the IG supported the Public Forum on Genomics at the Ontario Sciences Centre in Toronto, in partnership with the CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity and the Ontario Genomics Institute.

American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Scientific Meeting

Visibility at the American Society for Human Genetics (ASHG) Annual Scientific Meeting (October 26-30, 2004 in Toronto, Ontario) included:

  • Providing an overview of the IG to the ASHG Board of Directors by the Scientific Director
  • Hosting IG and Canadian College of Medical Geneticists reception
  • Co-organizing a symposium with Robert Nussbaum, President of the ASHG: "The Human Genome Project in Medicine: A Joint Canadian-US Perspective"
  • Hosting of an informational booth

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Looking forward

The IG Strategic Plan provides a framework to advance the mandate of the Institute. It has been designed to provide a clear vision and sufficient direction for its highly dispersed and independent research community, while being flexible enough to respond effectively to the many opportunities and challenges that may present themselves to the IG. The IG is committed to the continual advancement of the goals outlined in this plan, including an unwavering support for independent investigators, as evidenced by the activities referenced throughout this report.

For the upcoming year, the IG is proud of the following 2005-06 planned activities that highlight our balanced efforts to support scientific excellence while encouraging emerging areas of investigation.

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Event Highlights:

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Funding Announcement Highlights:

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Financial Statements

Table 1 - IG Institute Support Grant

For the year ended March 31, 2005
Available Funds   $1,029,772

Institute Development
 Conference, symposia and workshops $ 176,300  
 Institute Advisory Board 61,715  
 Professional services 3,860  
 Travel expenditures 1,530  
 Other costs 77,012 $ 320,417

Institute Operations
 Salaries and benefits $ 418,506  
 Office accomodations 12,099  
 Telephone and communication services 10,063  
 Supplies, material and other services 7,854  
 Computer equipment and IT support 12,866  
 Professional services 700  
 Travel expenditures 44,734  
 Other expenditures 3,116 $ 509,938
Total Expenses   $ 830,355
Unspent Balance*   $ 199,417

* Note: The unspent balance as of March 31, 2005 is carried forward to the subsequent fiscal year.

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Table 2 - IG Investments in Strategic Initiatives

For the year ended March 31, 2005
Contributions through Grants and Awards
Strategic initiatives Number 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007 and beyond* Total
Addressing Health Care and Health Policy Challenges of New Genetic Opportunities 2 143,360 352,785 357,969 200,705 1,054,819
Career Transition Awards 1 41,250 13,750 - - 55,000
Clinical Investigatorship Awards 5 300,000 360,000 180,000 - 840,000
Compelling Values: Privacy Access to Data and Health Research Grants 2 65,672 9,381 - - 75,053
Doctoral Research Awards and Fellowships 16 282,294 238,750 104,667 21,042 646,753
Facing our Future: Human Genetics, Ethics, Law and Society Grants 5 118,014 - - - 118,014
Interdiciplinary Capacity Enhancement (ICE) Teams 2 107,753 230,614 230,496 180,556 749,419
International Opportunity Program 1 - 100,000 - - 100,000
Invention and Technology Application Grants: Tools, Techniques and Devices for Research and Medicine 8 627,572 570,179 235,370 - 1,433,121
Knowledge Translation Grants 3 63,926 8,334 - - 72,260
NET: Gene-Environment and Obesity 1 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000
NET: Genomics and Aging 1 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 100,000
NET: Integration of Fundamental Bioengineering into Health Research 1 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,200,000
NET: Integration of Mathematics, Statistics and Biophysics into Health Research 1 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 1,200,000
New Discoveries: High-Risk, High-Benefit Grants 7 353,959 147,814 - - 501,773
Novel Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiological Methods for Studies of Complex Diseases 4 144,353 128,608 30,710 - 303,671
One-Year Bridging Operating Grants 36 2,194,773 370,329 - - 2,565,102
Population Genetics and Genetic Epidemiology of Complex Diseases: Operating Grants 1 35,596 71,189 71,189 35,595 213,569
Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine 6 250,000 500,000 500,000 1,250,000 2,500,000
Short-Term Research Visit Grants 23 119,486 - - - 119,486
Strategic Training Program Grants 14 950,850 1,692,867 1,675,616 1,751,069 6,070,402
Walter and Jessie Boyd and Charles Scriver MD/PhD Studentship Awards 12 110,501 138,209 118,250 235,376 602,336
  152 $6,559,359 $5,582,809 $4,154,267 $4,324,343 $20,620,777

* Note: Grants and awards in respect to these programs are approved for 1 to 6 years. Figures displayed represent financial commitments for these programs in 2004-05 and subsequent years. Availability of these funds in future years are subject to funding appropriations by Parliament.

Created: 2006-02-01
Modified: 2006-06-08
Reviewed: 2006-02-01