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School-Based Hepatitis B Immunization Program

This immunization program is offered to children by all other provinces in Canada, and is recommended by the World Health Organization to prevent a potentially serious acute infection, or a chronic infection that can lead to liver scarring, chronic hepatitis or liver cancer.

Some questions have been raised regarding this program:

Why are Grade 4 students being immunized?

The vaccine is highly protective for young children, and children up to age 10 can be given an infant dose of vaccine.  Vaccine given at this age group (before the onset of sexual activity) will protect them from Hepatitis B infection before they engage in potential risk-taking behaviours, or before they become employed in occupations which may expose them to infectious body fluids.

What if a parent hasn’t yet returned his or her consent form, or is uncertain about the consent form and did not complete it?

A signed consent form must be present to proceed with immunization.

Parents should contact Regional Health Authorities to inquire about immunization in such a situation.

A Valuable and Safe Program

The Manitoba Department of Health, along with other organizations such as the Laboratory Centre for Disease Control in Canada, the Centers for Disease Control, and the World Health Organization, support this as a valuable and safe program.  There is a very small risk of side effects from this vaccine.  Thus, it is up to each child’s parents to make the final decision on this immunization by being informed of both benefits and the risk of the vaccine.

Parents who have additional questions or concerns about the immunization program can call:

  • Health Links at Misericordia Hospital (in Winnipeg at 788-8200 or toll free throughout Manitoba at 1-888-315-9257).
  • Public Health Nurses who administer this program.
  • Local Medical Officers of Health.
F A C T   S H E E T S

These fact sheets are available in Adobe Acrobat Portable Document Format (PDF).  If you don't have the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer, please click here first.

R E C O M M E N D E D   R E S O U R C E S

Available at local bookstores:

Your child’s best shot: A parent’s guide to vaccination (Canadian Pediatric Society)

Available on the Internet:

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