Office of Human Resources
Department of Health

General Information

Please carry your signed New Brunswick Medicare card with you at all times. You must present it to the physician and/or hospital each time you need insured hospital or physician services. A valid card contains information needed by hospitals and physicians.

A physician who provides a service to an individual who does not have a valid New Brunswick Medicare card has the right to bill the individual.

To arrange for replacement cards, if your card is lost, stolen or damaged, call 1-888-762-8600, visit your local Service New Brunswick (SNB) office or send New Brunswick Medicare a cheque or money order made payable to the “Minister of Finance” in the amount of $10.00 for each replacement card. Exempt from the $10.00 replacement card fee are: seniors who receive the Guaranteed Income Supplement, income assistance recipients, and individuals who received damaged or misprinted cards.

Please report any changes such as new address, birth, adoption, death, marriage, divorce, or legal separation.

Various government and non-government agencies use the Medicare number for identification purposes or will request it for proof of identification. If you have any question about the use of your Medicare number, please contact New Brunswick Medicare.

This website is designed to provide New Brunswick residents with general information on the main features and benefits of New Brunswick Medicare. It is for your convenience and is not a legal document.

Since changes are made from time to time to the acts and regulations of the New Brunswick health plan, please contact New Brunswick Medicare for the most current information. 


Department of Health
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