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Institute of Aging (IA)

E-Newsletter - July 2005

Funding Opportunities

Planning and Development Grants - Mobility in Aging
The Request for Applications provides opportunities for the support of planning and/or development activities in Mobility in Aging that normally precede complex, multi-stakeholder and/or team research programs.

CIHR IA Recognition Prize in Research in Aging

Doctoral Research Awards - Priority Announcement: Institute of Aging

Fellowship Awards - Priority Announcement: Institute of Aging

New Investigators Awards - Priority Announcement: Institute of Aging

Operating Grants - Priority Announcement: Institute of Aging

CIHR and its partners' programs are announced through the June 2005 Requests For Applications and the Priority Announcements for the Fall 2005 open competitions.

Other Funding Opportunities

 The Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) Program is launching a pilot project: the NCE New Initiative (NCE-NI)
This $1-million-per-year new initiative will support the networking activities of research groups to develop new partnerships with receptor communities.

Funding Decisions

Institute of Aging: Research Priorities Competiton
To support health research in strategic areas, CIHR's Institute of Aging funded 3 applications submitted to CIHR's March 2005 Operating Grants competition. Complete results of the Spring Research personnel competitions will be available at this link soon.

Overview of the June 2005 Decisions on Grants and Awards The Governing Council met on June 21-22 to review the results of the March 2005 health research competitions. Their decision to fund the grants and awards reflect the recommendations of CIHR's Standing Committee on the Oversight of Grants and Awards Competitions.

IA News

The XVIII World Congress of Gerontology: Active Aging in the XXIst Century -- Participation, Health and Security was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from June 26 to 30. With Mr. James Hill, the Canadian Consul General in Rio de Janeiro, Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews, Scientific Director of the IA, co-hosted a reception for 80 Canadian delegates and international associates attending the congress. The hosts were commended for offering a unique opportunity for a diverse community of researchers from across the full spectrum of research on aging to gather in an informal setting along with policy makers from federal and various provincial governments.

The CIHR Institute of Aging is proud to be among the sponsors of the 2005 Canadian Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting, which was in Halifax from May 27 to 29, 2005. Among the various activities, CIHR IA greatly benefited from the interactions and discussions during the CIHR Institute of Aging Breakfast for CGS Residents/Fellows. Thank you to all who participated.

IA Staff
The Institute of Aging is pleased to welcome Ms. Sharon Nadeau as Project Officer based at CIHR Corporate in Ottawa. During the past seven years, Sharon she was the Director of the Conseil du loisir scientifique de l'Outaouais, a non-profit organization whose primary role is to interest young people from preschool to university in science and technology. Sharon has a degree in biology.


President's Message: A message to the research community on CIHR's fifth anniversary
On June 7, 2005, CIHR passed a milestone - our fifth anniversary. Since its creation in 2000, CIHR set out to catalyze and facilitate profound, transformative changes in order to position Canada and the Canadian health research community at the forefront of the truly profound changes taking place worldwide in health research.

Acceptable Application Forms
The "Acceptable Application Module Formats" policy states that applicants must use the most recent version of forms for their submissions to CIHR. Only version 06/2005 of the Research Module will be accepted for the Fall 2005 competitions.

The updated Training Module will be launched by August 3, 2005. Only version 07/2005 will be accepted for the Fall 2005 competitions. For questions. please contact Lise Landriault at 613- 941-0437.

A New Process for Reviewing CIHR Fellowship Applications
CIHR announces a new process for reviewing Fellowship applications that meets high standards with respect to fairness, effectiveness and efficiency. The new process will be implemented in the October 2005 Fellowship competition.

2005-2006 Grants and Awards Guide
CIHR announces the launch of the 2005-2006 Grants and Awards Guide. The summary of changes is posted along with the guide.

International News

The Pan American Health Organization - Health Canada Biennial Program Budget (BPB) Fund represents Canada's BPB allocation and has traditionally been utilized to fund small projects involving Canadian, Latin American and Caribbean partners and, both PAHO and Canadian health experts. For further details regarding target countries, priority areas, and proposal submission procedures, contact Melissa Follen, Senior Policy Advisor, International Affairs Directorate, Health Canada, at 613-941-2951.

The Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Seventh Framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013) describes activities under Health which include research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing (to explore the process of healthy ageing and the way genes and environment interact with brain activity, under normal conditions, as well as in brain diseases).

Conferences Coming in August and September

August 29 - September 2 35th Annual Meeting of the International Continence Society Montreal, Quebec

September 7-9 Ageing Population Conference 2005 Sixty-five and not out! St Anne's College, Oxford, UK

September 18-21 Canadian Public Health Association 96th Annual Conference: Mapping the Future of Public Health
Ottawa, Ontario

September 18-21 6th International Conference on the Scientific Basis of Health Services Montreal, Quebec

September 20-24 12th International Psychogeriatric Association Congress Stockholm, Sweden

September 26-27 National Best Practice Conference: Focus on Seniors' Mental Health Ottawa, Ontario

September 28 - October 1 Alzheimer Disease International 21st International Conference Istanbul, Turkey

Created: 2005-07-19
Modified: 2005-07-19
Reviewed: 2005-07-19