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Institute of Aging (IA)

E-newsletter-october 2005

Funding Opportunities

IA Research on Aging Advancement Program (RAAP) 
IA has launched a new program to support activities that will build and sustain the Canadian research on aging community and lead to excellence in research and {knowledge translation}[] within its priority topics. Three applications deadlines are available: September 30, January 1, and May 1.

IA Partnership in Caregiving  
2006 Request for Applications: Caregiving and Alzheimer Disease Research Grants Program. Please apply by October 31, 2005.

CIHR and its partners' programs are announced regularly on a June and December cycle. However, please check regularly for off-cycle opportunities.

Clinical Research Networks: Priority Announcement - CIHR Team Grant (2005-2006)
The Clinical Research Initiative is CIHR's response to both the pressing need for, and the immense opportunity to strengthen clinical research in Canada. Letter of Intent deadline: November 14, 2005.

Focus on Stroke Doctoral Research Awards  and Focus on Stroke Postdoctoral Fellowships  supported by the CIHR/Rx&D Research Program together with AstraZeneca Canada Inc., in partnership with The Canadian Stroke Network, The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. Full applications must be received by the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada by November 1, 2005.

International Opportunities Program - Development/Planning Grants

International Opportunities Program - Collaborative Research Project Grants

Funding Decisions

Partnerships for Health System Improvement Competition
CIHR and its partners  are pleased to announce the results of the 'Partnerships for Health System Improvement'  Competition. Within this competition. IA funded the work of Margaret Denton, Jenny Ploeg et al., from McMaster University, on "Older adults' access to community support services: Service awareness and information sources".

Vascular Health and Dementia - 2005 Competition Results    
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada and the Alzheimer Society of Canada, together with the CIHR Institute of Aging, the CIHR Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and Addiction, and the CIHR/Rx&D Research Program, supported by Pfizer Canada Inc. are pleased to announce the 2005/06 competition results.

IA AgePlus Prize

The Institute of Aging is pleased to announce the most recent Age plus prize winners All awardees have received a $1,000 prize and a certificate of excellence.
January 2005 - Keith Wheaton (University of Toronto), for his article "Protein Kinase CS Blocks Immediate-Early Gene Expression in Senescent Cells by Inactivating Serum Response Factor" published in Molecular and Cellular Biology;
February 2005 - Sudeep Gill (University of Toronto) for his article "Atypical antipsychotic drugs and risk of ischaemic stroke: population based retrospective cohort study" published in the British Medical Journal;
March 2005 - Melissa Andrew (Dalhousie University) for her article "Incomplete functional recovery after delirium in elderly people: a prospective cohort study" published in BMC Geriatrics;
April 2005 - Marie Savundranayagam (University of Western Ontario) for her article "Investigating the effects of communication problems on caregiver burden" published in the Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences;
May 2005 - Jessica Massicotte-Marquez (Université de Montréal), for her article "Slow-wave Sleep and Delta Power in Rapid Eye Movement Sleep Behaviour Disorder" published in Annals of Neurology.

For more details on the winners or on how to apply for this prize, please consult the Institute's website.

IA News

IA Institute Advisory Board Member Appointments
Dr. Anne Martin-Matthews, Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Aging, is pleased to announce three new members to our Institute Advisory Board: Dr. Carole Anne Estabrooks, Professor, Faculty of Nursing, University of Alberta; Dr. Verena Menec , Director, Centre on Aging, Department of Community Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba; and Dr. Hélène Payette, Director, Centre on Aging, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Sherbrooke, University of Sherbrooke. Their appointments took effect as of September 1, 2005. We wish to express our gratitude for the commitment and hard work of outgoing members: Dr. Geoffrey Fernie, Vice President, Research, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute; Dr. Yves Joanette, Directeur de la recherche, Institut universitaire de gériatrie de Montréal, Université de Montréal; and Dr. Karl T. Riabowol, Professor, Departments of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology and Oncology, University of Calgary.

IA Regional Seniors' Workshops on Research 
The British Columbia Seniors' Workshop on Research was held March 30-31 in Vancouver, BC. With over 60 regional participants from acroos British Columbia and the Territories to its north, the workshop discussions revealed common issues related to research on aging as well as region-specific issues. Workshop proceedings are now available. The IA is thankful for the contributions of the British Columbia Regional Implementation Committee led by co-Chairs: Phyllis Bentley and Lorna Hilman. Members included: Lillian Baaske, Lois Edgar, Donelda Eve, Tessa Graham, Joan Reichardt, Margaret Reilly, and Ruth Schiller.

IA Canadian Research Forum on Aging at the 2005 Canadian Association on Gerontology Conference,
The CAG meeting will be held October 20-22, in Halifax. As part of the Canadian Research Forum on Aging, the CIHR Institute of Aging will sponsor two Special Joint CAG/CIHR Institute of Aging Symposia:
1-NET Chronicles: A New Emerging Team Focuses on Dementia Care in Rural and Remote Areas. Speakers: Debra Morgan, Margaret Crossley, Jay Biem, Andrew Kirk, and Sheri Harder.
2-Aging in Manitoba: A Symposium in Honour of Betty Havens. Speakers: Barbara J. Payne, Evelyn Shapiro, Judith Chipperfield, and Madelyn Hall.

Additional activities of the Canadian Research Forum on Aging at CAG include a CIHR Grant Crafting Workshop, a Breakfast Meeting for Directors of Canadian Research on Aging Centres, Meet the CIHR Institute of Aging Director, Announcement of CIHR IA Special Recognition Prize Awards, and a CIHR IA Student Poster Competition.


A New Collaboration for Clinical Research  
The Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and CIHR are joining forces to support clinical research across the spectrum from translational research to clinical trials and observational studies.

Changes in Funding Allocation Method for the CIHR Operating Grants Competition
CIHR announces changes in the funding allocation method for the CIHR Operating Grants competition. The 100/0 method will be implemented for the September 15, 2005 operating grants competition. This change will have no impact on the way that applicants prepare their applications, or the criteria that reviewers apply when reviewing them.

Registration of ongoing randomized controlled trials
CIHR is now registering all RCTs that it funds with the ISRCTN-Current Controlled Trials registry (ISRCTN-CCT). All CIHR funded principal investigators must also have registered their ongoing randomized controlled trials with the registry by September 13, 2005 in order to maintain access to publication in top medical journals.

Job Opportunity for Scientific Director, CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research      
Dr. Morris Barer, Scientific Director for the Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) will be ending his term on August 31, 2006. Recruitment for a new Scientific Director for IHSPR has begun. The deadline date for applications is October 28, 2005.

Aging-Related News

The Sheridan Elder Research Centre Workshop on Inclusive Lifespan Solutions for All is to be held October 28, 2005, Oakville, Ontario For more information contact Pat Spadafora.

Call for Presentations: Ontario Gerontology Association
Celebrating its 25th Anniversary at its next annual conference on April 26-27, 2006, in Toronto; OGA has posted the Call for Presentations on its website. The deadline for submissions is November 1, 2005.

Call for Abstracts: TRANSED 2007 11th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled Persons Montreal, Canada, June 18-21, 2007 Theme: "Benchmarking, Evaluation and Vision for the Future". The deadline for submission of abstracts is February 15, 2006.

Call for Abstracts: The 7th Annual Integrated Care Conference Integrated Care
The conference theme is the Agony and the Ecstasy. This year it will be hosted by the SOLIDAGE Research Group and PRISMA in Montréal, April 7-8, 2006. The deadline for abstracts is December 16, 2005. More information about the 2006 conference is available at the following website.

International News

Call for Proposals - Bilateral Research Cooperation with Norway
This call for proposals encompasses all disciplines and subject areas and is for (i) mobility grants and (ii) research grants for conducting pre-projects and seed funding to initiate collaborations. The Leiv Eiriksson Mobility Programme supports Inbound Mobility (from Canada to Norway), which is open to Canadian Researchers. The closing date for submitting proposals is October 13, 2005.

The Proposal for a Decision of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the Seventh Framework programme of the European Community for research, technological development and demonstration activities (2007 to 2013) describes activities under Health which include research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing (to explore the process of healthy ageing and the way genes and environment interact with brain activity, under normal conditions, as well as in brain diseases).

Conferences Coming in October and November

October 20-23 34th CAG Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting Halifax, NS

October 27-29 Canadian Colloquium on Dementia Ottawa, ON

October 27-30 The Role of Protein Misfolding and Aggregation on Aging and Age-Related Disorders Bandera, TX

November 12-16 Society for NeuroScience Washington, DC

November 18-22 58th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Gerontological Society of America Orlando, FL

November 5-13 18th World Congress of Neurology Sydney, Australia

November 17-20 2nd International Congress on Brain and Behaviour Thessaloniki, Greece

November 25-27 Integrated Care Management System in the Aging Society Tokyo, Japan

Created: 2005-09-30
Modified: 2006-09-18
Reviewed: 2005-09-30