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Operating Grant: Pandemic Preparedness (Archived)

CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity
In partnership with
CIHR Ethics Office
CIHR Knowledge Translation Branch
CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems

Request for Applications

Important Dates
Opportunity Launched June 2006
Content Last Updated June 27, 2006 (Funds Available, How to Apply, Contact Information)
August 15, 2006 Registration Deadline - Registration packages must be courier stamped by this date.
October 16, 2006 Full applications must be courier stamped by this date.
February 15, 2007 Anticipated notification of decision.
March 1, 2007 Anticipated start date.
Funds Available
CIHR's contribution to the amount available for this initiative is subject to availability of funds voted annually to CIHR by parliamentary appropriations, and the conditions that may be attached to them.
  • The total amount available for this initiative is $3,750,000 over two years. (Updated: 2006-06-27) This amount may increase if additional funding partners decide to participate.
  • The maximum amount awarded for a single grant is $250,000 over two years. This is comprised of a maximum of $75,000 per annum for two years and a maximum of $100,000 one time per grant for acquisition of equipment (to be paid in year one).
Part of CIHR's mandate is to promote research that addresses pandemic preparedness. The purpose of this Request for Applications is to further strengthen Canadian influenza research in preparation for a potential pandemic outbreak by funding two year projects to conduct critical research on disease control, prevention measures and health system preparedness. It is expected that this targeted investment will lead to new diagnostic methodologies, evaluation of vaccines, new antivirals, mechanisms to control disease spread, outbreak modelling and design, assessment of optimal health system strategies and an understanding of ethical issues pertaining to a pandemic and how they should be addressed.

Table of Contents

Allowable Costs
Review Process and Evaluation Criteria
General CIHR Guidelines
Conditions of Funding
Communications Requirements
Monitoring, Performance Measurement and Evaluation
How to Apply
Contact Information
Description of Partners

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Although pandemic influenza has been identified as a potential emerging health threat, influenza is an annually recurring disease with a global impact on health. To effectively meet the challenges of a highly virulent influenza strain, it is critical to expand influenza research capacity in Canada and to share acquired knowledge within Canada and worldwide in order to develop new health system strategies, policies and products for pandemic preparedness. Ultimately this knowledge will be an essential component of an effective national annual and pandemic response plan.

In September 2005, the Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) collaborated with the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) to organize the Influenza Research Priorities Workshop. Research priority areas were identified by influenza experts attending the workshop and research on influenza for pandemic preparedness was recommended as a major focus in the short term. The Institute is now working with federal government departments and partners to fund both short term research projects under this Pandemic Preparedness Research Grants Program and longer term research projects in the future which will be part of CIHR's broader research program on pandemic preparedness.

These first pandemic preparedness grants will provide support for research that will generate preliminary data, qualitative tools, permit validation of new methodologies, and/or test high risk research ideas, the output of which will enable successful funding applications for subsequent projects focused on priority influenza areas for pandemic preparedness.

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The Institute of Infection and Immunity is dedicated to identifying and developing collaborations with other CIHR institute(s), branch(es) or office(s), funding organizations and stakeholders to enhance the availability of funding for this strategic initiative, and to create, where appropriate, opportunities for knowledge exchange and translation related to the scope of this particular initiative. Applicants are invited to visit the Descriptions of Partners to find a list of partners and their respective mandates and/or strategic interests. This list will continue to evolve as new partners join in this initiative. The specific research foci and requirements for each partner are outlined in the section "Objectives".

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The specific objectives of this initiative are:

Relevant Research Areas:

Relevant research areas include:

Influenza virus characterization, host response, prevention and control
Fundamental knowledge of influenza viruses and the host response to viral infection at the molecular, biological and immunological level is a prerequisite to the development of new drugs and tools to combat infections. An enhanced understanding of the influenza virus shedding patterns of infected persons and the means of transmission to susceptible contacts is needed, as are new technologies or practices that minimize the risk of infection and contribute to prevention and control. To support these latter goals, research aimed at the development of accurate rapid diagnostics is encouraged in this request for applications.

Development and optimal use of antiviral drugs and vaccines
An arsenal of effective treatments for both the prevention and treatment of influenza infections will control the transmission of the virus, reduce the number of affected individuals and aid recovery from illness. Research aimed at the development and use of antiviral drugs, including both novel approaches using existing antiviral drugs and the development and evaluation of new antiviral agents will be supported. More effective vaccines for potential pandemic strains of influenza are needed along with research to evaluate new and existing potential pandemic vaccines. Studies are also invited on the optimal delivery of antivirals and vaccines to populations in different resource contexts (e.g. urban versus rural).

Public health and health care preparedness and surge capacity
Understanding the impact of a pandemic outbreak on the public health and health care system is essential to strengthen health systems for a more effective response to a pandemic crisis. To enhance the "surge capacity" of the public health and health care system, the design and implementation of new health human resource strategies for recruitment, training and deployment will be required in order to ensure well prepared workforces. Research which quantifies current capabilities and forecasts future needs in this regard is supported, as are studies employing mathematical modelling methodologies to aid in projecting the amount and distribution of other (e.g. physical and material) resources.

Preparation for a pandemic
Strategies and protocols for conducting research during an outbreak must be developed and ideally in place prior to a major outbreak. To manage public health risks associated with a pandemic, legislative and ethical review and approval strategies, governance and best practices are needed, as are studies which analyze the ethics issues in implementing public health responses to a pandemic outbreak. Research which assists in defining these essential components of preparedness will be supported. Ethics research may be stand-alone studies or ethics modules within larger research studies.

Impact of a pandemic on specific populations
It is anticipated that there may be a differential impact of a pandemic outbreak on various population groups such as long-term care facilities and rehabilitation centres. Research which assesses this impact and delineates effective health system interventions to respond to the needs of such populations is an important target for this initiative. Projects focusing on the aboriginal community with community partnership are encouraged.

For more information on the Influenza Research Priorities Workshop and examples of research that might be conducted under this Request for Applications, see the workshop report on the Institute of Infection and Immunity website. The examples in the report are not intended to be exhaustive and there is no intent to imply that applications in these research areas would be more successful than those in other research areas.

MITACS (The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems) will support projects focused on mathematical modelling which include formulation of a model or models incorporating the main aspects of pandemics influenza, avian influenza, etc. and including one or more management approaches;

The focus should be on rigorous mathematical analysis beyond simulations and a wide spectrum of scenarios should be considered.

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Eligibility criteria for all CIHR research funding programs apply. The business office of the institution of an eligible Nominated Principal Applicant generally administers CIHR funds. Please refer to the Eligibility Requirements for CIHR Grants and Awards regarding the eligibility requirements for individuals and institutions.

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Allowable Costs

Applicants should review the Tri-Agency (CIHR, NSERC and SSHRC) financial administration guidelines Use of Grant Funds  for a complete listing and description of allowable costs and activities.

The full application must provide a detailed justification of all costs.

In addition, the following expenditures will be considered eligible for funding received through this Request for Applications.

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Review Process and Evaluation Criteria

A CIHR peer review committee will evaluate the full applications. The committee may be drawn from one of CIHR's pre-existing committees or may be created specifically for this Request for Applications. Committee members are selected based on suggestions from many sources including the institute(s) / portfolio(s) and partner(s), following CIHR's Policy on Confidentiality, Conflict of Interest and Privacy Issues in Peer and Relevance Review (CCIP).  For information on CIHR's peer review process in general, see Peer Review.

Peer review will be conducted in accordance with The CIHR Peer Review Process: Policies and Responsibilities of Grants Committee Members, including the standard evaluation criteria described under "Factors for Assessment" (section 6.2).

In addition, the following evaluation criteria specific to this Request for Applications will apply. CIHR recognizes that applications will emphasize different approaches to research and to knowledge translation, therefore reviewers and committees are expected to weight criteria such as these differently from one application to another.

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General CIHR Guidelines

This Request for Applications will follow the General Guidelines for Grant Programs.  Applicants are encouraged to demonstrate the use of gender and sex-based analysis in applications.

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Conditions of Funding

All conditions specified in CIHR General Grants and Awards Policies shall apply to applications funded through this Request for Applications. Conditions cover areas such as Applicant and Institutional Responsibilities, Ethics, Official language policy, Access to Information and Privacy Acts, and Acknowledgement of CIHR Support. Successful applicants will be informed of any special financial conditions prior to the release of funds or when they receive CIHR's Authorization for Funding (AFF) document.

In addition to CIHR standard guidelines and requirements, the following special conditions shall apply:

In addition to the above guidelines and requirements, the following specific conditions apply to applications funded by MITACS:

Before any funding can be released by MITACS, researchers must sign Appendix A of the MITACS network agreement.  It is advisable to consult both Section 3 of the MITACS network agreement and Appendix A before submitting an application under this RFA.

Access to Information Act and Privacy Act, and the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA)

All personal information collected by CIHR about applicants is used to review applications, to recruit reviewers, to administer and monitor grants and awards, to compile statistics, and to promote and support health research in Canada. Consistent with these purposes, applicants should also expect that information collected by CIHR may be shared as described in Use and Disclosure of Personal Information Provided to CIHR for Peer Review.

CIHR as a federal entity is subject to the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act, therefore the requirements of these two statutes will apply to all information located in CIHR's premises including, without limitation, cost-sharing agreements related to this Request for Applications and all matters pertaining thereto.

While respecting the application of the Privacy Act to federal entities, all signing parties involved in a collaborative agreement will also be bound by the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA). All personal information (as identified by the PIPEDA) collected, used or disclosed in the course of any commercial activity under collaborative agreements related to the Request for Applications will be collected, used and disclosed in compliance with the PIPEDA.

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Communications Requirements

Grant recipients are required to acknowledge CIHR, its institutes and partners in any communication or publication related to the project. See CIHR General Grants and Awards Policies, Acknowledgement of CIHR's Support  for details on CIHR's communication requirements. The contributing institutes / partners will be identified on the Authorization for Funding and decision letter.

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Monitoring, Performance Measurement and Evaluation

CIHR is committed to demonstrating results to Canadians for the money invested in health research. Therefore, processes for monitoring progress and appropriate use of funds, as well as for performance measurement and program evaluation are in place. As a result, funding recipients must:

The following table is intended to further clarify objectives by linking them to expected outcomes and measures which will be included in CIHR's Management Resources and Results Structure (MRRS) required by Treasury Board.

Objective Outcome Measure / Indicator
Promote feasibility studies in the area of influenza and pandemic preparedness Development of new projects and approaches in the research areas of influenza and pandemic preparedness Evaluation of the final project report
Allow researchers to develop the evidence necessary to determine the viability of new research directions in the areas of influenza and pandemic preparedness Increased numbers of successful applications to other grant programs Numbers of projects that follow through to new applications for funding
Increase influenza and pandemic preparedness research capacity Increased numbers of researchers in the area of influenza and pandemic preparedness Number of researchers who are successful in subsequent grant programs following completion of the Pandemic Preparedness Research Projects
Generate new knowledge in influenza and pandemic for subsequent grant applications to CIHR Operating Grants program, future Institute Strategic Initiative RFAs or other grant programs The generation of preliminary data that will lead to new knowledge on pandemic influenza Number of influenza and pandemic preparedness projects that are funded in subsequent grant programs following completion of the Pandemic Preparedness Research Projects
Enhance integration of public health and healthcare systems Best practices related to public health and healthcare systems integration are shared with system decision makers to ensure health system preparedness Activities to disseminate best practices to public health and healthcare system decision makers.
Program, practice and policy changes to enhance pandemic preparedness.
Improved linkages between researchers and national or international agencies involved in pandemic preparedness planning and control Uptake of research results by these agencies Number of applications which include a strategy for communicating research results and evaluation of final project report for success of proposed strategy

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How to Apply

The application process is comprised of two steps: Registration and Full Application.

Review the application instructions provided in How to Apply for Funding.

Select "Operating Grants" (Registration and Application) from the Grant Programs Application Packages.

Additional instructions must be followed for this RFA:

Send the completed registration and application packages by courier to:

RE: "Operating Grants- Pandemic Preparedness Research"
Jenny Allen (Updated: 2006-06-27)
Program Delivery Coordinator
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Room 97, 160 Elgin Street
Address locator: 4809A
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0W9

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Contact Information

For questions on CIHR funding guidelines, how to apply, and the peer review process contact:

Jenny Allen (Updated: 2006-06-27)
Program Delivery Coordinator
Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Telephone: (613) 952-4260
Fax: (613) 954-1800

For questions about this initiative and research objectives contact:

Carol Richardson
Manager, Programs and Evaluation
CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity
Suite 214, SDRI, 1400 Western Road
London ON N6G 2V4
Telephone: (519) 661-3228
Fax: (519) 661-4226

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Description of Partners: CIHR Institutes and Partner Organizations

Note: Additional partners, including partners from industry and the private sector are expected to join this funding initiative over the coming year.

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
CIHR is Canada's major federal funding agency for health research. Its objective is to excel, according to internationally accepted standards of scientific excellence, in the creation of new knowledge and its translation into improved health for Canadians, more effective health services and products and a strengthened Canadian health care system.

CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity
The CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity (III) supports research to enhance immune-mediated health and to reduce the burden of infectious disease, immune-mediated disease, and allergy through prevention strategies, screening, diagnosis, treatment, support systems, and palliation.

CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research
The CIHR Institute of Health Services and Policy Research (IHSPR) is dedicated to outstanding research, capacity-building and knowledge translation initiatives designed to improve the way health care services are organized, regulated, managed, financed, paid for, used and delivered, in the interest of improving the health and quality of life of all Canadians

CIHR Ethics Office
As Canada's major health research funding agency, CIHR is committed to promoting health research that meets the highest standards of excellence and ethics. Through its Ethics Office, CIHR encourages interdisciplinary, innovative and integrative research on ethical issues pertaining to health, and also fosters the discussion of ethical issues to strengthen the culture of research ethics and integrity in Canada.

CIHR Knowledge Translation Branch (KT)
The role of the CIHR Knowledge Translation (KT) Branch is to create, support, monitor and sustain an environment that allows CIHR to deliver on its KT mandate. Fulfilling its corporate KT function, the KT Branch provides a focal point for KT as CIHR leads broad KT strategic initiatives and provides support to multi or pan-Institute KT initiatives.


Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems
The Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) is a Network of Centres of Excellence (NCE) for the mathematical sciences. The only Canadian organization of its kind, it focuses on developing mathematical solutions in five of the economy's fastest growing sectors: biomedical and health, environment and natural resources, information processing, risk and finance and communication, networks and security. Each MITACS research project partners academic scientists and their graduate students from universities across the country with Canadian organizations.

Created: 2006-06-15
Modified: 2006-06-27
Reviewed: 2006-06-15