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News Releases


Wednesday, October 25, 2006


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Agriculture, Fisheries & Aquaculture


CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI -- Overall lobster landings in Prince Edward Island this year were up 3.0 million pounds from 2005 according to preliminary figures released today by Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture Jim Bagnall. Total landings for 2006 were 21.5 million pounds. This represents a 16.2 percent increase from the 18.5 million pounds landed in 2005. The landed value of the lobster catch for the 2006 season will be in the $114 million dollar range up from $103 million in 2005.

“The lobster fishery accounts for more than 65 percent of the value of the fishery to our economy, and the increase this year will have a significant impact for the industry,” said Mr. Bagnall. “I look forward to continuing to work closely with all sectors of the lobster industry to maintain the position of this fishery as an integral part of our rural economy.”

Landings this spring from Areas 24 and 26A totalled 18.9 million pounds, an increase of 2.7 million pounds or 17 percent over 2005. The largest increase was in Area 24 where catches were up 16.5 per cent to 14.8 million pounds, compared to 12.7 million pounds in 2005. Landings in Area 26A totalled 4.1 million pounds, an increase of approximately 17.0 per cent or 0.6 million pounds from 2005.

Figures recently compiled by the department for the fall lobster season in Area 25 indicate landings were 2.6 million pounds. That represents an increase of approximately 11.9 per cent or 278,000 pounds over 2005 landings.

The Minister said he is encouraged to see an increase in landings in Area 25 as this Area had declined from 2.95 million pounds in 2000 to 2.2 million pounds in 2004. “I remain concerned that some areas continue to experience very low landings,” said Mr. Bagnall. “I will continue to work closely with my federal and provincial counterparts and with the industry to address the long-term challenges in the Northumberland Strait.”

Mr. Bagnall said that landings in 2006 are the highest since the late 1980s and early 1990s, but added that fishers are also facing higher costs for fuel and bait.

Preliminary figures for the 2006 lobster landings are based on information provided to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture by licensed lobster buyers throughout Prince Edward Island.

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For additional information, contact Wayne MacKinnon.

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