Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture


Land Information

LandonLine Geographic Information

General geographic information that is available to the public includes: soil types, agricultural and forestry land outlines and several other layers.

LandonLine Geographic Information for Landowners

Site specific geographic information is available (free of charge) to property owners to aid them in their decisions regarding land and water resource management.. Geographic information available includes contours, field boundaries and sloped land inventory. The property information is password protected – only the landowner or designate can access the information.

The Department also maintains contact information on Island farmers. The information provides staff with the ability to notify farmers about departmental programs and services and provides farmers with a means to subscribe and unsubscribe to Department newsletters. The contact information is password protected – only the farmer or designate can access the information.

Historical Aerial Photographs

Downloadable aerial photographs taken of Prince Edward Island Landscape for the following years 1935, 1958, 1974, 1990 and 2000.

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