Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture


Business Profiles

Beekeeping Broccoli
Rhubarb Ryegrass Seed Production
Apples Agri-Tourism
Organic Potatoes Arctic Char
Swine Breeding Stock

The Department of Agriculture and Forestry, in cooperation with industry representatives, has developed a series of profiles on small scale agricultural opportunities for Prince Edward Island. The profiles are intended as a reference for producers and other rural entrepreneurs wishing to diversify or to establish new enterprises. The scope of investments has been limited to ideas that would require $50,000 to $400,000.

The profiles were developed as part of the new Food Strategy for the province which is aimed at producing high quality value-added products from sustainable production systems. The strategy also includes the investigation of new crops and livestock as part of any expansion or diversification of existing farm operations based on market opportunities.

The profiles resulted from a list of some 300 ideas for new agriculture and food businesses developed by the department and Enterprise PEI. These were subsequently narrowed to 24, and were evaluated in terms of scale, and market, economic and employment potential.

The profiles are intended to document a general business case and provide potential investors with enough information on which to decide whether to further investigate the opportunity. Individuals or companies will need to develop their own business plan suited to their particular situation and market opportunities.

The department is also inviting suggestions of further ideas for investigation and analysis.

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