Government InfoPEI Business Employment Visiting the Island

Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture


2004 Statistics


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The following tables are available for download in either PDF or Microsoft Excel format. If you require any of the enclosed files in an alternate format please contact Brian Beaton, P.E.I. Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture.

The complete 2004 Agricultural Statistics file is available online as a PDF document.

Statistics Canada Canadian potato production publication is available on line in pdf or html format for downloading.

2005 Farm Financial Survey - 2004 calendar year and historical financial information (assets, liabilities, revenues, expenditures and capital investment data) on farms across Canada

Statistics Canada

Table of Contents - 2004

Census Statistics

  1. Farm Census Data (PEI Numbers, Acres, Value, Livestock) - 1986/2001PDF
    Download in Microsoft Excel Format - Part 1
    Download in Microsoft Excel Format - Part 2
Farm Income Statistics
  1. Farm Cash Receipts from the Sale of Farm Products Atlantic Provinces and Canada - 1995/2004PDF
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  2. Total Net Income of Farm Operators from Farming Operations (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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  3. Farm Cash Receipts from the Sale of Farm Products (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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  4. Farm Operating Expenses and Depreciation Charges (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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  5. Farm Debt Outstanding by Source of Lender (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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  6. Farm Input Price Indexes (Eastern Canada) - 1998/2003PDF
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Livestock Statistics
  1. Cattle on Farms (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  2. Hogs and Sheep on Farms (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  3. Disposition of Livestock (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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Dairy Statistics
  1. Farm Sales of Milk and Cream, Utilization and Farm Value Sales - 1995/2004PDF
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Poultry Statistics
  1. Egg Sales and Farm Value (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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Other Livestock Products
  1. Number of Beekeepers, Colonies of Bees, Honey Production and Value (PEI)- 1995/2004PDF
    Download in Microsoft Excel Format
  2. Number of Fur Farms, Pelts Produced and Farm Value (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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  1. Aquaculture, Production and Value (PEI) - 1994/2003PDF
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Field Crop Statistics
  1. Wheat and Oats, Area, Yield and Production (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  2. Barley, Mixed Grain and Soybeans, Area, Yield and Production (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  3. Tame Hay, Area, Yield and Production (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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Potato Statistics
  1. Potatoes, Area, Production, Farm Price and Value (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  2. International Table Potato Movements by Country of Destination (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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  3. International Table Potato Movements by Country of Destination (Canada) - 1995/2004PDF
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  4. International Seed Potato Movements by Country of Destination (PEI) - 1995/2004PDF
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Fruit and Vegetable Statistics
  1. Berries, Area, Production, Farm Price and Value (PEI) - 1997/2004PDF
    Download in Microsoft Excel Format
  2. Selected Vegetables, Area, Production, Farm Price and Value, 2004 (PEI) PDF
    Download in Microsoft Excel Format

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