mobilizing and supporting communities and decision-makers for an effective response to the AIDS pandemic

Advocacy for Accountability

Building Blocks

Convene and Connect


For more than 25 years ICASO has advocated for and facilitated the inclusion and leadership of affected communities in the effort to end to the AIDS pandemic, with human rights always at the center of its work. ICASO’s approach is based on our theory of change: policy analysis and strategic information gathering and dissemination; developing effective community leaders and; advocacy for accountability.

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Recent News

ICASO makes intervention on “a quarter for prevention” at UNAIDS PCB

29 June 2017 — Geneva, Switzerland — ICASO’s Executive Director, Mary Ann Torres, representing the organization at the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme…

ICASO makes plea for Venezuela at 40th UNAIDS PCB

29 June 2017–Geneva, Switzerland — At the 40th meeting of the UNAIDS Programme Coordinating Board (PCB), ICASO Executive Director Mary Ann Torres made an…

Urgent Action Alert: High Level Political Forum–How to get involved

  Planning for this year’s High Level Political Forum is starting to pick up. In this document you will find some basic information to…

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Featured Resources

A Quarter for Prevention?

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is a major financier of national HIV responses and a vital source of prevention investments….

How Civil Society and Communities Can Engage in the Global Fund Grant-making Processes

  This information note is an update of the alert prepared by ICASO in 2015 to provide advice to civil society and community groups…

How to advocate for community responses and systems strengthening interventions in Global Fund funding requests

The purpose of this information note is to support civil society and community groups to design and include community systems strengthening interventions and community-based…

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