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The Issue

In certain situations, doctors recommend that women have breast X-rays, known as mammograms, in order to detect breast cancers at the earliest possible stage of development.

Some women may have concerns about being exposed to radiation during mammograms.


Breast cancer comes second only to lung cancer as the leading cause of cancer related dealths in Canadian women. In 1997, an estimated 18,400 new cases were reported and 5,100 people died from breast cancer.

The risk of getting breast cancer increases as women age. Figures show that about 11 percent of Canadian women, one in nine, will get breast cancer.


The purpose of mammography is to find developing cancer of the breast as early as possible. Early detection usually means more effective treatment. It can save lives and can also contribute to a better quality of life by reducing the need for radical treatments.

Mammography is an imaging technique that uses X-rays to provide a picture of the internal structure of the breast. The X-rays can show abnormal growths or changes in breast tissue before they can be found by any other method, including breast self-examination.

Your doctor will likely request a mammogram in the following situations:

  • If there is reason to suspect you might have breast cancer, for example, if you or your doctor discovered a lump in your breast; this kind of mammogram is called diagnostic
  • If you have a family history (mother, sister) of breast cancer, this may indicate an increased susceptability to breast cancer. Your doctor may request a mammogram for screening purposes at certain interval
  • If you are between the ages of 50 and 69

Many doctors recommend mammograms every two years, for screening purposes, for women between the ages of 50 and 69. Studies show that breast X-rays, taken on a regular basis, have the potential to reduce deaths from breast cancer for women in this age group by up to 40 percent.

Studies have also looked at whether regular mammograms would be beneficial for women aged 40 to 50. To date, the evidence is not conclusive. There are also concerns about the effect of increased exposure to radiation.

Mammography and Radiation Risks

The risk of getting cancer from a mammogram is considered to be extremely low.

Mammography uses X-rays, and the cell damage caused by X-rays can cause cancer. However, if a mammogram is conducted properly, the radiation dose is generally quite low. After a dose this low, your body can usually repair the few cells damaged by the X-rays.

The benefit of early diagnosis and treatment far outweighs the risk of the small amount of radiation received during a mammogram.

The Benefits of Mammography

The benefits of mammography far outweigh the risk. There is plenty of evidence that early diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer can save lives. For a woman aged 50, early detection of breast cancer improves the chance of survival by up to 40 per cent.

Quality of life is another benefit. Early diagnosis of breast cancer can reduce the need for radical treatments, including extensive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. These treatments can have serious side effects.

What To Expect

Before a mammogram, your doctor and the X-ray technician will explain the procedure.

During the mammogram, the technician will use special equipment to compress your breast tissue to get as clear a picture as possible. This may cause some temporary pain, but it is usually not severe.

The technician will forward the results to your doctor, who will explain them to you. If the mammogram reveals anything that is irregular, your doctor will recommend the next steps.

These steps may involve another mammogram, an ultrasound, or a biopsy to remove a small piece of tissue for examination. If the biopsy confirms a cancerous growth, your doctor will explain all the available options for treatment.

Most mammograms ordered for screening purposes come back with normal results.

Safeguard Your Health

Breast cancer is a risk for all women, and the risk increases with age.

If you are under the age of 50, ask your doctor to show you how to perform breast self-examinations, and do them regularly. Make sure your doctor includes a breast examination during your regular physical examinations. Discuss your family history and the likelihood of getting breast cancer.

If you are over the age of 50, in addition to performing breast self-examination, you should also talk to your doctor about having regular screening mammograms to detect possible cancers in their earliest stages.

Need More Info?

For copies of Health Canada's Breast Cancer Screening-what you should know... brochure contact us at:

Health Canada Publications
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 0K9

Last Updated: 2005-10-11 Top