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Food > Labelling > Nutrition Labelling > Toolkit 

Section K - Tools and Templates

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Table of Contents | Section A | Section B | Section C | Section D | Section E |
Section F | Section G | Section H | Section I | Section J | Section K

The tools and templates in this section support the evaluation of a label for compliance with the new nutrition labelling Regulations. They are organized in probable order of use when creating a label, following the steps in the Checklist for the Nutrition Facts Table. The templates, if printed to actual size using graphic software (e.g. QuarkXPress) from Health Canada's Compendium of Templates for Nutrition Facts Tables, may be used to evaluate whether the technical and graphic requirements of the NFT have been respected.

Note: Table numbers correspond to the placement of explanatory information in related sections of the Inspector’s Toolkit. For example, further information about Table C2: Mandatory Nutrient Information – Rounding, is contained in Section C: Contents of the Nutrition Facts Table.

1. Checklist for the Nutrition Facts Table (NFT)
  • Nutrition Facts Table: Steps in Conducting an Evaluation
2. What Foods May Carry a NFT
  • What Foods may Carry a NFT
    • Retail Food Tables
    • Deli Counters
    • Meat Department
    • Bakery Department
    • Bulk Foods
    • Fruit and Vegetable Department
    • Loss of Exemption
3. Is the NFT Format Choice Suitable for the Product?
  • When May the Different Formats Be Used?
4. Contents of the NFT
  • Serving Size:
    • Reference Amounts [Schedule M] and Serving Sizes
  • Nutrients
    • Reference Tables (Daily Values, Alternate Expressions)
    • Table C3: Mandatory Nutrient Information [B.01.402]
    • Table C4: Additional Information with a Reference Amount
    • Table C5: Additional Information [B.01.402]
    • Table C6: Additional Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients [B.01.402]
    • French Reference Tables (Daily Values, Alternate Expressions) Tables C3, C4, C5, C6
  • Abbreviations and Symbols in the Nutrition Facts Table
5. Rounding
  • Table C1: Mandatory Nutrient Information – Rounding
  • Table C2: Additional Nutrient Information – Rounding
6. Has the Correct Format and Version (Size) Been Chosen?
  • 6A Decision Trees for the NFT Format Families
  • 6B Evaluating the Format: Has the Correct Version Been Used?
  • 6C Calculating the Available Display Surface (ADS)
    • Table E1: Definition of ADS
    • Table E2: Summary - Guidance on Measuring ADS
    • Table E3: Summary – Calculating ADS for Different Packaging Types
  • 6D Notes on Measurement and the Use of Templates
    • Type Height
    • Measurement Tables for Each Format (Schedule L)
7. Other Tables
  • Weighted Recommended Nutrient Intakes
  • Table H1: Units for Declaration of Vitamin and Mineral – Foods for Use in Manufacturing Other Foods
  • Reference Tables for Nutrient Content Claims
K-1 Templates

Compendium of Templates for “Nutrition Facts” Tables

1. Checklist for the Nutrition Facts Table (NFT)

Section* Item Comments
1.1 Is the NFT present? (pg. K-3 – K-10 on .PDF)
  • If not, does it need to be? (Is it exempt? A small package <100 cm² ADS? Has it been triggered during transition period?)
1.2.1 Bilingual?
  • If not, does a bilingual exemption apply (local, test market, specialty food)?
1.2.2 Location/Orientation?
  • On the outer package (except for alternate methods of presentation)?
  • NFT not destroyed when product is opened (except for single serve containers)?
  • Readily visible?
  • Will the product leak or be damaged when product is manipulated to view the NFT?
1.2.3 Format choice suitable for product? (pg. K-11 on .PDF)
  • Simplified Standard: at least 7 nutrients/Calories = 0
  • Dual Format: foods requiring preparation/different amounts
  • Aggregate Format: different kinds/different amounts of food
  • Children under two
1.2.4 Contents complete?
  • Serving size: Reasonable serving size? Consumer friendly & metric measures based on the food as sold? Format specific requirements met? (pg. K-12 on .PDF)
  • Core nutrients: All core nutrients present? (See templates, figure 1)
  • Additional nutrients: Are triggered nutrients declared?
  • Correct units and % DV when permitted/required?
  • Non-permitted nutrients: any declared in the NFT?
  • Have format specific requirements been respected? (e.g., simplified formats, formats for children under 2 years.)
1.2.5 Rounding correct? (pg. K-26 – K-27 on .PDF)
  • Are nutrients rounded as per the Regulations? (See the Rounding Tables in Inspector’s Toolkit.)
1.2.6 Format version correctly chosen? (Hierarchy)
  • Within a “family” of formats, has an appropriate format and version (size) been chosen? (See the Decision Trees pg. K-29 – K-34 on .PDF, for ADS guidance see pg. K-36 – K-40 on .PDF)
1.2.7 Technical/graphic requirements respected?
  • See templates.
  • Colour: table background and print?
  • Font: Sans serif? Bold as required? Capitals/ lower case? No crowding of characters?
  • Order of presentation of information? Indents?

* This refers to the section in the Evaluation Standard for the Label

Nutrition Facts Table: Steps in Conducting an Evaluation

Preliminary Step (1.1)
Verify that the Nutrition Facts table is present. (If the Nutrition Facts table is not present, verify that the food is exempt.)

If the table is present, follow the following steps:

Step 1 (1.2.1)
Verify that the table is bilingual. (If not, does an exemption apply?)

Step 2 (1.2.2)
Verify other requirements that apply to all formats: location, orientation.

Step 3 (1.2.3)
Identify the format “family” of the Nutrition Facts table that you wish to use on the label. (Use the fold-out of formats in the Inspector’s Toolkit or Schedule L of the Regulations.) Verify that the choice of format is suitable for the food. You may refer to Section D: Has the Correct Format Been Used? or the table to sub-section 3 of Section K: Tool and Templates, When May the Different Formats be Used?

Step 4 (1.2.4)
Verify that the information within the Nutrition Facts table is declared in accordance with the Regulations: serving size, mandatory nutrients, additional information, units (g, mg, % DV), terminology, etc.

Step 5 (1.2.5)
Verify that nutrients are rounded as per Regulations.

Step 6 (1.2.6)
Based on the Hierarchy of Formats, verify that the specific format and version (size) of the Nutrition Facts table is appropriate based on Available Display Surface (ADS) of the package. (Choose the largest version of format that fits on 15 % of the ADS and one continuous surface.)

Step 7 (1.2.7)
Verify that the technical and graphic requirements have been met, e.g., spacing, font, type size, indents, print and background colours.

Note: The numbers in brackets (e.g., 1.2.5) refer to the corresponding section in the Evaluation Standard for the Label.

2. What Foods May Carry a NFT

What Foods Require an NFT [B.01.401(1)]

  • The Nutrition Facts table (NFT) is mandatory for most prepackaged foods.
  • There are some exceptions and exemptions.
  • The NFT may be voluntarily declared on non-prepackaged foods or on prepackaged foods that are exempt from nutrition labelling.

What Foods are Specifically Prohibited from Declaring a NFT? [B.01.401(4) & (5)]

The following foods must not display a Nutrition Facts table:

  • formulated liquid diets;
  • infant formula;
  • foods containing infant formula;
  • meal replacements;
  • nutritional supplements (that meet the requirements of Section B.24.201); and
  • foods represented for use in very low energy diets.

While these foods are prohibited from using the titles “Nutrition Facts” and “Valeur(s) nutritive(s)”, they may adopt the Nutrition Facts table format.

What Prepackaged Foods are Exempt From Mandatory Nutrition Labelling? [B.01.401(2)]

The following products are exempt from displaying a Nutrition Facts table:

a) foods, such as spices and some bottled waters, for which all core information (Calories and 13 nutrients) may be expressed as “0”;
b) alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content of more than 0.5 %;
c) fresh vegetables and fruits without added ingredients, oranges with colour, and fruit and vegetables coated with paraffin wax or petrolatum;

This category includes fresh herbs such as parsley, basil and thyme (but not dried herbs); spouts; and fruits and vegetables that are minimally processed (e.g., washed, peeled, cut-up, shredded), including mixtures of fruits and vegetables, such as bagged mixed salad and coleslaw (without dressing, croutons, bacon bits, etc.)

Note: The exemption is lost if any health claim set out in the table following B.01.603 is made, including the following: "A healthy diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruit may help reduce the risk of some types of cancer," [B.01.401 (3)(e)(ii), and item 4 of the table following B.01.603].

d) raw, single ingredient meat, meat by-product, poultry meat, and poultry meat by-product;

NOTE: Prepackaged ground meat and ground poultry; ground meat and poultry byproducts; spiced and phosphated raw meats must carry a Nutrition Facts table [B.01.401(3)(d)].

e) raw, single ingredient marine or freshwater animal products (such as fish, crustaceans, etc.);
f) foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed, including products made from a pre-mix when an ingredient other than water is added to the pre-mix;

NOTE: A Nutrition Facts table is required when only water is added to a pre-mix or when a product is only baked, cooked, etc. on the premises without the addition of other ingredients.

g) foods sold only at a roadside stand, craft show, flea market, fair, farmers' market and sugar bush by the individual who prepared and processed the product;
h) individual servings of foods that are sold for immediate consumption (e.g., sandwiches or ready-made salads), when these have not been subjected to a process or special packaging, such as modified atmosphere packaging, to extend their durable life;
i) foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is packaged, if the product is labelled by means of a sticker and has an Available Display Surface of less than 200 cm2;
j) prepackaged confections, commonly known as one-bite confections, that are sold individually (small individually wrapped candies, mints, etc.);
k) prepackaged individual portions of food that are solely intended to be served by a restaurant or other commercial enterprise with meals or snacks (crackers, creamers, etc.); and
l) a variety of cow and goat milk products sold in refillable glass containers.

Losing the Exemption [B.01.401(3)]

The last three items listed above (a one-bite confection, an individual portion served with meals, milk in glass containers) never lose their exemption. The remaining items listed above lose their exempt status and are required to carry a Nutrition Facts table when:

  • a vitamin or mineral nutrient is added to the product;
  • a vitamin or mineral nutrient is declared as a component of an ingredient (other than flour);
  • aspartame, sucralose, or acesulfame-potassium is added to the product;
  • the product is ground meat, ground meat by-product, ground poultry meat or ground poultry meat by-product; or
  • the label or advertisement contains one or more of the following:
    • a nutritional reference or nutrient content claim,
    • a biological role claim,
    • a health claim,
    • a health-related name, statement, logo, symbol, seal of approval or other proprietary mark of a third party, or
    • the phrase “nutrition facts”, “valeur nutritive” or “valeurs nutritives”.

Retail Food

These tables outline the nutrition labelling requirements for foods sold in bulk, clerk served, prepared, processed and/or packaged at retail. It is divided into retail departments for convenience.

Explanation of Status

The status of a product may be declared as either “exempt”, “conditional exemption” or “requires a NFT”. Exempt products are not required to carry a NFT. Products with a conditional exemption are usually not required to declare a NFT. However, circumstances, such as the declaration of a nutrient content claim or health claim, may cause the product to lose its exemption. An explanation of when exemptions are lost is at the end of this section.

Deli Counter

Non-Prepackaged Food Status*
Non-Prepackaged Foods

Non-prepackaged foods, clerk served foods (e.g., deli meat, cheese, salads) and bulk foods packaged by the consumer (e.g., olives, sun-dried tomatoes, etc.).

Prepackaged Foods (Prepared and/or Packaged at Retail) Status*
Individual Servings of Food for Immediate Consumption

Sandwiches, individually wrapped muffins, single serving salads, etc., sold for immediate consumption, when these have not been subjected to a process or special packaging, such as modified atmosphere packaging, to extend their durable life.

Conditional Exemption
Retail Prepared Foods

Foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed, including products made from a pre-mix when an ingredient other than water is added to the pre-mix. Examples include, pizza, salads and sauces.

Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS < 200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Example, retail cut and wrapped small squares of cheese. Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADSgreater than or equal to 200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Examples: retail cut and wrapped squares or slices of cheese; tubs (multi-serving) of salad, baked beans, spaghetti sauce; etc.

Requires an NFT:

  • If using a Standard Format, may declare one of the following:
    Standard 1.1-1.3, Narrow Standard 2.1-2.3, Bilingual Standard 3.1-3.3 [B.01.454(5)]
  • If using a Simplified Format (products that may declare "0" for 7 or more of Calories and nutrients) may declare one of the following:
    Simplified Standards 5.1-5.3 Bilingual Standard 6.1-6.3 [B.01.455(4)]
  • If using other formats (e.g. Aggregate), choose version based on ADS of package.
NFT required

* See “Loss of Exemption” at end of section for conditions that may affect the status of a product.

The Meat Department

Non-Prepackaged Food Status*
Non-Prepackaged Foods

Non-prepackaged foods, clerk served foods, including ground meat.

Prepackaged Foods (Prepared and/or Packaged at Retail) Status*
Fresh or frozen raw meat and poultry (single ingredient)

Single ingredient meat, meat by-product, poultry meat, and poultry meat by-product (does not include ground meat or spiced and/or phosphated meat).

Conditional Exemption
Fresh or frozen ground meat and poultry

Prepackaged ground meat, ground meat by-product, ground poultry meat and ground poultry meat by-product must always carry a Nutrition Facts table [B.01.401(3)(d)].

NFT required

(See Retail Packaged food)

Fresh or frozen spiced and/or phosphated meats

Examples: BBQ chicken with added spices; spiced meat, phosphated pork, etc. (For spiced products prepared on the premises, see Retail Packaged Food.)

NFT required

(See Retail Packaged food)

Fresh or frozen raw marine products (single ingredient)

Raw, single ingredient marine or freshwater animal products (such as fish, crustaceans, etc.);

Conditional Exemption
Retail Prepared Foods

Foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed, including products made from a pre-mix when an ingredient other than water is added to the pre-mix.

Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods –ADS < 200 cm² , labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises, (such as spiced meats but not meat with added phosphate and/or water). Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS greater than or equal to200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises, (such as ground meat, spiced and/or phosphated meats). Includes products packaged at a meat packaging plant but weighed and labelled at retail.

Requires an NFT:

  • If using a Standard Format, may declare one of the following:
    Standard 1.1-1.3, Narrow Standard 2.1-2.3, Bilingual Standard 3.1-3.3 [B.01.454(5)]
  • If using a Simplified Format (products that may declare "0" for 7 or more of Calories and nutrients) may declare one of the following:
    Simplified Standards 5.1-5.3 Bilingual Standard 6.1-6.3 [B.01.455(4)]
  • If using other formats (e.g. Aggregate), choose version based on ADS of package.
NFT required

* See “Loss of Exemption” at end of section for conditions that may affect the status of a product.

Bakery Department

Non-Prepackaged Food Status*
Non-Prepackaged Foods

Non-prepackaged foods, clerk served foods (e.g., cakes, cookies, squares, desserts, bread) and bulk foods packaged by the consumer (e.g., bagels, buns, bread, cookies).

Prepackaged Foods (Prepared and/or Packaged at Retail) Status*
Individual Servings of Food for Immediate Consumption

Individually wrapped muffins, squares, packages of 2 or 3 cookies, etc., sold for immediate consumption, when these have not been subjected to a process or special packaging, such as modified atmosphere packaging, to extend their durable life.

Conditional Exemption
Retail Prepared Foods

Foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed, including products made from a pre-mix when an ingredient other than water is added to the pre-mix. Includes, bread or baked goods from scratch or a pre-mix with an added ingredient(s) other than just water. Does not include frozen dough or partially cooked product that is baked on premises.

Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS < 200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS greater than or equal to200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Examples: bread, baked goods.

Requires an NFT:

  • If using a Standard Format, may declare one of the following:
    Standard 1.1-1.3, Narrow Standard 2.1-2.3, Bilingual Standard 3.1-3.3 [B.01.454(5)]
  • If using a Simplified Format (products that may declare "0" for 7 or more of Calories and nutrients) may declare one of the following:
    Simplified Standards 5.1-5.3 Bilingual Standard 6.1-6.3 [B.01.455(4)]
  • If using other formats (e.g. Aggregate), choose version based on ADS of package.
Requires an NFT

* See “Loss of Exemption” at end of section for conditions that may affect the status of a product.

Bulk Foods

Non-Prepackaged Food Status*
Non-prepackaged Foods

Non-prepackaged foods, bulk foods packaged by the consumer (e.g., dried fruit, snack foods, dried lentils, spices, soup mix, candy)

One-Bite Confections

Prepackaged confections, commonly known as one-bite confections, that are sold individually, (e.g., small individually wrapped candies, mints, etc.). This does not include retail packaged bags of individually wrapped candy.

Prepackaged Foods (Prepared and/or Packaged at Retail) Status*
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS < 200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Examples: small packages of candy, spices, soup mix, etc. Conditional Exemption
Retail Packaged Foods – ADS greater than or equal to200 cm², labelled with a sticker, packaged on the premises. Examples: bags or tubs of candies, dried fruit, dried lentils, etc.

Requires an NFT:

  • If using a Standard Format, may declare one of the following:
    Standard 1.1-1.3, Narrow Standard 2.1-2.3, Bilingual Standard 3.1-3.3 [B.01.454(5)]
  • If using a Simplified Format (products that may declare "0" for 7 or more of Calories and nutrients) may declare one of the following:
    Simplified Standards 5.1-5.3 Bilingual Standard 6.1-6.3 [B.01.455(4)]
  • If using other formats (e.g. Aggregate), choose version based on ADS of package.
Requires an NFT

* See “Loss of Exemption” at end of section for conditions that may affect the status of a product.

Fruit and Vegetable Department

Non-Prepackaged Food Status*
Non-Prepackaged Foods

Non-prepackaged foods, bulk foods packaged by the consumer (e.g., bulk fruit and vegetables such as apples, oranges, lettuce, broccoli)

Prepackaged Foods (Prepared and/or Packaged at Retail) Status*
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables

Prepackaged fresh vegetables and fruits without added ingredients, oranges with colour, and fruit and vegetables coated with paraffin wax or petrolatum:

Includes fresh herbs such as parsley, basil, and thyme (but not dried herbs); sprouts; and fruits and vegetables that are minimally processed (washed, peeled, cut-up, shredded, etc.), including mixtures of fruits and vegetables, such as bagged mixed salad and coleslaw (without dressing, croutons, bacon bits, etc.).

Conditional Exemption
Retail Prepared Foods

Foods sold only in the retail establishment where the product is prepared and processed (e.g., fruit salad with added sugar, salads with added cheese, egg, nuts, croutons, dressing, bacon bits)

Conditional Exemption

* See “Loss of Exemption” at end of section for conditions that may affect the status of a product.

*Loss of Exemption – Retail Foods

Non-Prepackaged Foods

Non prepackaged foods are not required to carry nutrition information. However, if a label, advertisement or sign for a non-prepackaged food carries a representation related to the Calories or a nutrient (e.g., any mention, reference, indication, statement or claim, including a health claim), then the label, advertisement or sign must carry a declaration of the “triggered” energy or nutrient content per serving of stated size. [B.01. 312, B.01.503(1)(c), B.01.602, table following B.01.603]

Pre-packaged Foods

One-bite Confections
One-bite confections never loose their exemption.

Other Prepackaged Foods – Retail

The remaining retail responsible items listed in these Retail Tables, loose their exemption from nutrition labelling and are required to carry a Nutrition Facts table when:

  • the label or advertisement contains one or more of the following:
    • a nutritional reference or nutrient content claim,
    • a biological role claim,
    • a health claim*,
    • a health-related name, statement, logo, symbol, seal of approval or other proprietary mark of a third party, or
    • the phrase “nutrition facts”, “valeur nutritive” or “valeurs nutritives”.
  • a vitamin or mineral nutrient is added to the product;
  • a vitamin or mineral nutrient is declared as a component of an ingredient (other than flour);
  • aspartame, sucralose, or acesulfame-potassium is added to the product;

*NOTE: The exemption for prepackaged fresh fruit and vegetables is lost if health claim set out in the table following B.01.603 is made, including the following: “A healthy diet rich in a variety of vegetables and fruit may help reduce the risk of some types of cancer,” [B.01.401(3)(e)(ii), and item 4 of the table following B.01.603].

3. Is the NFT Format Choice Suitable for the Product?

When may the Different Formats be Used?

Standard/Horizontal/Linear Format (Figures 1, 2, 3, 4, 16):

  • Basic formats, providing nutrition information for one serving of food as sold
  • Appropriate for most foods
  • May provide a composite value for an assortment of food, serving consisting of more than one food (e.g., box of chocolates, tray of mixed nuts).
  • Must be used on a prepackaged product containing an assortment of similar foods, a serving consists of one food, and the nutrition information is the same for each food (e.g., multi-pack of frozen ices).
  • May not be used on a prepackaged product containing an assortment of similar foods, a serving consists of one food, and the nutrition information is different for each food (e.g., multi-pack of chocolate bars).

Simplified Formats – Standard/Horizontal/Linear (Figures 5, 6, 7, 17):

  • May be used on food that may declare “0" for seven or more of Calories and core nutrients (e.g., diet drinks, some jams, some fruit flavoured drinks and drink mixes).

Dual Format – Foods Requiring Preparation (Figures 8 & 9):

  • May be used on foods requiring preparation prior to consumption, or foods that are customarily served with other foods (e.g., cake mix, spice and noodle mix to be added to meat, breakfast cereal and milk)

Aggregate Format – Different Kinds of Foods (Figures 10 & 11):

  • Must be used when a prepackaged product contains similar foods, a serving consists of one food, and the nutrition information is different for each food (e.g., multi-pack of granola bars)
  • May be used when a prepackaged product contains an assortment of similar foods, and a serving consists of more than one of the foods (e.g., tray of mixed nuts, box of assorted chocolates)
  • May be used when a prepackaged product contains separately packaged ingredients or foods that are intended to be eaten together (e.g. cheese and cracker snack kit)
  • May not be used when a prepackaged product contains similar foods, a serving consists of one food, and the nutrition information is the same for each food (e.g., multi pack of frozen ices – freezie pops.)

Dual Format – Different Amounts of Food (Figures 12 & 13)

  • May be used when it is suitable to provide nutrition information in different amounts to reflect different uses or serving sizes (e.g., 1 tbsp, ½ cup of condensed milk)

Aggregate Format – Different Amounts of Food (Figures 14 & 15)

  • May be used when it is suitable to provide nutrition information in different amounts to reflect different uses or serving sizes (e.g., 1 tbsp, ½ cup of condensed milk)

4. Contents of the NFT

Reference Amounts [Schedule M] and Serving Sizes

2003 Guide to Food Labelling and Advertising, Section 6.2.4

Reference Tables (Daily Values, Alternate Expressions)

Table C3: Mandatory Nutrient Information: Core List [B.01.401]

Table C4: Additional Information with a Daily Value that is a Reference Amount

Table C5: Additional Information [B.01.402]

Table C6: Additional Vitamin and Mineral Nutrients [B.01.402]

French Reference Tables (Daily Values, Alternate Expressions)

Tableau C3 : Renseignements obligatoires sur les éléments nutritifs : Liste des éléments de base [B.01.401]

Tableau C4 : Renseignements complémentaires - lorsque la valeur quotidienne est également une quantité de référence

Tableau C5 : Renseignements complémentaires [B.01.402]

Tableau C6: Vitamines et minéraux nutritifs ajoutés [B.01.402]

Abbreviations and Symbols in the Nutrition Facts Table

[column 2 of tables to B.01.401 & B.01.402; and various Figures in Schedule L]

The following abbreviations for nutritional expressions may be used in the NFT:

  • “% Daily Value” or “% DV” for the English expression “Percent Daily Value”;*
  • “% valeur quotidienne” or “% VQ” for the French expression “pourcentage de la valeur quotidienne”; *
  • Vit” for vitamin;
  • kJ” for kilojoules.

*Note that when the abbreviations “% DV” or “%VQ” are used, an asterisks (*) must link the abbreviation to an explanation of its meaning, elsewhere on the table, e.g., *DV = daily value, *VQ = valeur quotidienne. See example below.

The following symbols for units of measure must be used within the NFT and are considered bilingual:

grams g
millilitres ml or mL
milligrams mg

The common abbreviations for the household measures indicated below are also acceptable in the NFT. The use of the abbreviations for teaspoon and tablespoon (in both French and English) should be limited to those labels where the full words will not fit. Short words such as “cup” and “tasse” should be written out in full.

teaspoon tsp (English only)
tablespoon tbsp (English only)
cuillère à thé c. à thé or cuil. à thé (French only)
cuillère à soupe c. à soupe or cuil. à soupe (French only)

When the abbreviations %DV or %VQ are used, they must be linked to an explanation of their meaning elsewhere on the NFT.

When abbreviations are used, they must be linked to an explanation of their meaning elsewhere on the nutrition facts table.

Section K-1 | Section K-2

Table of Contents | Section A | Section B | Section C | Section D | Section E |
Section F | Section G | Section H | Section I | Section J | Section K

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Important Notices