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Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Newsletter
Volume 7 · Number 3 · July 1997

In This Issue

ACE inhibitors and bronchospasm
Interferon beta-1b
New Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance

New name

The Drugs Programme and the Medical Devices Programme were merged late in 1996. As of May 1, 1997, we became the Therapeutic Products Programme. We are still the same people, doing the same jobs, at the same locations, and we look forward to continuing to work with you!

ACE inhibitors and bronchospasm

Angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors approved in Canada are indicated for the treatment of mild to moderate essential hypertension. Some ACE inhibitors are also indicated for congestive heart failure or diabetic nephropathy or for use after myocardial infarction. Those available in Canada are benazepril hydrochloride, captopril, cilazapril, enalapril maleate, enalaprilat, fosinopril sodium, lisinopril, perindopril erbumine, quinapril hydrochloride and ramipril.

A dry, tickly, persistent and often bothersome cough is one of the most common adverse effects of ACE inhibitors that has emerged as a class effect and seems to be independent of the dose. This symptom may occur shortly after therapy is started but also months or even a year later. The cough will usually resolve within a few days after withdrawal of the ACE inhibitor.1 The relationship between ACE inhibitors and bronchial hyperresponsiveness, however, has not been as clearly established.2 It has been proposed that ACE inhibitor-induced bronchospasm may be caused by potent bronchoconstrictors such as bradykinin and substance P, which are degraded by ACE and may accumulate in the lungs of patients receiving ACE inhibitors.2 It has also been postulated that an ACE inhibitor-induced cough may be due to an irritant inflammatory state in the airways of susceptible patients and that this symptom may have pathophysiological features in common with the cough seen as an early symptom of asthma.3 However, other mechanisms of ACE inhibitor-induced cough and bronchospasm have been proposed, and the exact mechanism involved still remains unknown.1,4

Although ACE inhibitors are safe for use in most patients with obstructive airway disease, there have been occasional reports of asthmatic symptoms, exacerbation of asthma or a rise in bronchial reactivity; however, these findings have not been universal.1,2 Two large retrospective studies have evaluated reported adverse respiratory reactions associated with ACE inhibitors. One, a controlled cohort study in New Zealand, found a significantly higher occurrence of new-onset bronchospasm and a relapse of previous bronchospasm in the cohort treated with an ACE inhibitor than in the control group given lipid-lowering drugs.1,2,5 In the other study,6 based on data from the Swedish Drug Information System, a number of patients were identified in whom ACE inhibitors apparently had caused or worsened asthmatic symptoms or dyspnea. Some patients developed respiratory symptoms with different ACE inhibitors, which suggested a class effect rather than an allergic reaction to a specific substance.

A review of the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Program (CADRMP) database, over 15 years, revealed 126 reports involving ACE inhibitor-associated respiratory disorders. Of these, 82 included coughing reactions and 11 included various combinations of reactions reported as dyspnea, bronchospasm or asthma with or without cough. (Cases of bronchospasm reported as being part of a wider allergic process, such as anaphylaxis or angioedema, were excluded from this review.) The 11 reports of interest involved 10 patients (7 women and 3 men, age range 43-73 years) and are summarized in Table 1. Five patients were receiving an ACE inhibitor for hypertension and 1 for congestive heart failure; no indication was specified for the remaining 4 patients.

There were 7 instances (in 6 patients) in which symptoms resolved after the therapy was stopped. One patient (cases 9 and 10) experienced the same symptoms after being exposed to 2 different ACE inhibitors at different times. In both instances the symptoms disappeared after the therapy was stopped. In another patient the ACE inhibitor was stopped and Ventolin® was given as treatment, but the patient's outcome was not specified. Two patients who experienced shortness of breath died; however, both had confounding disease states, which precludes any definitive association with the ACE inhibitors. Finally, one patient received significant treatment for acute shortness of breath and asthma, but further to a rechallenge the physician reported that the adverse event was not related to the ACE inhibitor. It is unclear how this assessment was made.

The onset of symptoms ranged from a few hours to 6 months after the start of the ACE inhibitor therapy; 3 cases occurred within a few hours, 5 within less than 1 month and 2 after 3 to 6 months; the time of onset was not specified in 1 case.

Controversy still exists regarding the role of ACE inhibitors in inducing bronchospasm and the precipitation of asthmatic symptoms. These reactions appear to be rare, but health care professionals should be aware that they can occur.7 Any suspected bronchospasm or aggravated asthma should be carefully monitored. Discontinuation of the ACE inhibitor is usually required.6

This article is under the direction of: Ann Sztuke-Fournier, BPharm


Go back 1.Overlack A. ACE inhibitor-induced cough and bronchospasm.
Incidence, mechanisms and management. Drug Safety 1996;15(1):72-8.

Go back 2.Dicpinigaitis PV, Dobkin JB. Effect of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on bronchial responsiveness. J Clin Pharmacol 1996;36(4):361-4.

Go back 3.Andersson RG, Persson K. ACE inhibitors and their influence on inflammation, bronchial reactivity and cough. Eur Heart J 1994;15(suppl C):52-6.

Go back 4.Semple PF. Putative mechanisms of cough after treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. J Hypertension 1995;13(suppl 3):S17-21.

Go back 5.Wood R. Bronchospasm and cough as adverse reactions to the ACE inhibitors captopril, enalapril and lisinopril. A controlled retrospective cohort study. Br J Clin Pharmacol 1995;39(3):265-70.

Go back 6.Lunde H, Hedner T, Samuelsson O. Dyspnoea, asthma, and bronchospasm in relation to treatment with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors. BMJ 1994;308:18-21.

Go back 7.Craig TJ. Drugs to be used with caution in patients with asthma. Am Fam Physician 1996;54(3):947-53.

Table 1: Details of 11 reports of dyspnea, bronchospasm and asthma associated with the use of angiotensin-converting-enzyme (ACE) inhibitors

Help wanted!

Because ADR reports are a critical source of drug safety information, the CADRMP is seeking your help in detecting and reporting ADRs. Reports on the use of drugs in different patient populations, concomitant drug use, duration of therapy and patient compliance are helpful. Your continued support is crucial in building a more complete drug safety profile. The CADRMP is grateful to all who are so diligently reporting suspected ADRs.

Interferon beta-1b
Betaseron®, an interferon beta-1b approved in July 1995, is indicated for use in ambulatory patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis to reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations. Because Canada is one of the first countries to approve interferon beta-1b, data on ADRs associated with its use are limited.

Although approved radiopharmaceuticals, kits and generators have been used for diagnosis and therapy in Canadian nuclear medicine facilities for years, the rate of reporting ADRs resulting from these products is low.

The CADRMP strongly encourages voluntary reporting by health care professionals of ADRs associated with the administration of all marketed drugs. ADRs should be reported to the Adverse Drug Reaction Reporting Unit, Continuing Assessment Division, Bureau of Drug Surveillance, AL 4103B1, Ottawa ON  K1A 1B9, fax 613 957-0335; or to a participating regional centre (check the CPS Clin-Info section on ADR reporting for complete addresses).

New Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance

The Therapeutic Products Directorate (newly merged from the Drugs and Medical Devices Directorates) of Health Canada has established a new Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance. This committee replaces the Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Advisory Committee (CADRAC). It has a broader scope than that of CADRAC and will provide the directorate with on-going and timely advice on issues related to post-approval safety, quality and effectiveness of drug products. Decisions on regulatory issues will continue to be made by the Therapeutic Products Directorate.

The new advisory committee comprises 8 members selected on the basis of their knowledge and expertise in different disciplines related to post-approval drug surveillance: family and clinical medicine, pharmacy, pharmacology, pharmacoepidemiology, geriatrics, pediatrics, and poison information and control. It will identify specific issues and concerns, provide advice on matters of science and policy, assess adverse drug reaction (ADR) reports and drug product complaints, and evaluate drug safety issues related to misuse, abuse or off-label use. In the interest of enhancing professional and consumer awareness of post-approval drug surveillance issues, the committee will be invited to suggest topics for this newsletter and to recommend educational programs or other interventions, as deemed appropriate.

The terms of reference for the committee are posted on the Therapeutic Products Programme external electronic bulletin board and at, where minutes of future meetings will also be posted. For information on the Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance, contact the coordinator: Malle Jurima-Romet, PhD, tel 613 957-9026, fax 613 941-8933.

Expert Advisory Committee on Pharmacovigilance

Dr. Anne Holbrook
Centre for Evaluation of Medicines
St. Joseph's Hospital

Dr. Debra A. Kent
BC Drug and Poison Information Centre

Dr. Sheldon Koven
Occupational Medicine/Family Practice

Dr. Jacques LeLorier
Centre de Recherche
Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal

Dr. Louise Mallet
Department of Pharmacy
Royal Victoria Hospital

Dr. Robert G. Peterson
Department of Paediatrics
Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario

Dr. Kenneth W. Renton
Department of Pharmacology
Dalhousie University

Dr. Neil Shear
Clinical Pharmacology
Sunnybrook Health Science Centre

CanadaCanadian flag The Canadian Adverse Drug Reaction Monitoring Newsletter is prepared and funded by the Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Canada and published in the CMAJ regularly.

Last Updated: 1997-07-01 Top