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About Age Action Ireland Age Action Ireland is a national non-governmental organisation working as a network of organisations and people providing services for older people and their carers in Ireland and as a development agency promoting better policies and services for them.
Access America for Seniors Access America for Seniors is a US government-wide initiative to deliver electronic services from US government agencies and US organizations to seniors.
Accessible Home Page (USA) - The purpose of The Accessible Home Page and the Home Modification Action Project (HMAP) is to increase the awareness and availability of home modification so that people with disabilities and older adults can live independently in their own homes.
Administration on Aging (AoA) provides information on resources for the aging, their families and practitioners, and electronic booklets.
Administration on Aging (AoA) International Aging (USA) - The Administration on Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, created a government-wide committee to develop joint activities for observing the International Year of Older Persons.
Age Concern (London, England) - dedicated to improving the life of the elderly in the United Kingdom.
Aged and Community Care To enhance the quality of life for older Autralians through support for positive and healthy ageing and the provision of a cohesive framework for high quality and cost effective care services for frail older people and their caregivers.
Ageline Database A searchable electronic database containing detailed summaries of publications about older adults and aging, including books, journal and magazine articles, research reports, and videos.
AgeSource Worldwide AgeSource Worldwide is a new online database of key information resources from around the world that focus on aging. AgeSource Worldwide is produced by AARP and is searchable free of charge. AgeSource Worldwide includes more than 200 information resources in 24 countries. Created in 2005, stands now as the portal for professionals on aging and for any subjects related to population ageing.
Aging - Gerontology & Geriatrics (USA) - this site provides links to Internet sources on aging and its related interests. It is intended to be useful for the educators, researchers, practitioners, and other individuals interested in the study of gerontology and geriatrics.
AgingEye Times Non-Profit Organization that provides evidence-based and unbiased vision health information for seniors with aging eye diseases like macular degeneration, glaucoma and cataract
Aging Solutions Our website,, contains a wealth of information -- a variety of articles, comprehensive checklists and links to key resources -- that will be very helpful to family caregivers.
AHAF It is the goal of our organization to help support research and to educate the public about this devastating neurological disease.
All About Arthritis A comprehensive arthritis channel that provides educational tools on different types of arthritis, pain management, treatment options, FAQ's and personal tools.
Alliance for Aging Research The Alliance for Aging Research is a private, not-for-profit advocacy organization fighting for science policies in the nation's capital to speed breakthroughs for greater halth, vitality and longevity.
Alzheimer's Association (USA) - is the oldest and largest national voluntary health organization dedicated to research for the causes, cure, and prevention of Alzheimer's disease and to providing education and support services to Alzheimer's patients, their families and caregivers.
Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) (USA) - Is an umbrella organization of 42 Alzheimer Associations around the world which offer support and advice to people with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
Alzheimer's Disease Research It is the goal of our organization to help support research and to educate the public about this devastating neurological disease.
Alzheimer's Society UK The Alzheimer's Society is the UK's leading care and research charity for people with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, their families and carers.
Alzheimer Europe Is an organization aimed at raising awareness of all forms of dementia through coordination and cooperation between Alzheimer organizations in Europe, as well as organizing support to the sufferers of the disease and their caregivers.
American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry [AAGP] (USA) - represents the unique professional interests of more than 1,500 geriatric psychiatrists in the U.S. and abroad. AAGP improves the quality of life for older people with mental disorders through educating physicians and the public, enhancing standards of practice, and supporting research efforts.
American Association of Homes and Services for the Aging (USA) - represents not-for-profit organizations dedicated to providing high-quality health care, housing and services to the nation's elderly.
American Association of Retired Persons [AARP] (USA) - AARP is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization dedicated to helping older Americans achieve lives of independence, dignity and purpose.
American College of Emergency Physicians [ACEP] (Dallas, Texas) - ACEP is the oldest and largest national medical specialty organization representing physicians who practice emergency medicine.
American Federation for Aging Research (AFAR) USA AFAR funds junior investigators, medical and Ph.D students to do biomedical research on aging and age-related conditions.
American Psychological Association (Houston, Texas) - A Division of Psychopharmacology and Substance Abuse. Psychopharmacology is the study of the effects of drugs on behavior, combining methods of psychology and pharmacology.
Arthrose Le site de référence de l'arthrose.
Ashland Fire and Rescue (Ashland, Oregon) - The mission of Ashland Fire and Rescue is a commitment to excellence in service to people in your community, through efficient and effective delivery of fire department services.
Australian Department of Health and Ageing Information pertaining to seniors and aging in Australia.


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Balance Training (UK) - We hear a lot about how to keep our heart and lungs healthy, but not so much about how to keep our balance system healthy. Would you like to see some easy ways to keep your balance healthy? This website is designed by the University of Southampton. If you visit the website and answer the questions you’ll also help with research. Thank you.
BEV-Seniors (Virginia, USA) - are a diverse group of senior citizens from the Blackburg area of Virginia. Their primary mission is to create a simple avenue for all seniors to access the vast regions of the Internet.
Boulder Community Network, Seniors' Centre (Colorado, USA) - provides information on programs and services available to seniors. Le site de référence de la brûlure.


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CancerNet Your gateway to the most recent and accurate cancer information fromt he National Cancer Institute
Center for Substance Abuse Research [CESAR] (USA) - CESAR is a research center within the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, University of Maryland College Park. A primary mission of CESAR is to collect, analyze, and disseminate information on the nature and extent of substance abuse and related problems in Maryland and nationally.
Centre for Policy on Aging UK The Centre for Policy on Ageing (CPA) is a United Kingdom charity which was originally established in 1947 as the National Corporation for the Care of Old People. It is an independent organisation aiming to formulate and promote social policies which will allow all older people to achieve the full potential of their later years.
Council on the Ageing [COTA] (Australia) - is an independent consumer organization run by and for older people. COTA protects and promotes the well-being of all older people in Australia.


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DaneAge/Aeldre Sagen A Danish website with information and support for seniors.
Duke University - Center for the Study of Aging and Human Development (USA) - the Duke center continues to serve as a national resource for information about aging and as a training ground for future generations of researchers, teachers, practitioners and planners.


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Eldercare Web (USA) - is a collection of articles and links to information related to eldercare, for both the providers and consumers of eldercare services.
Endeavour Web (Australia) - is a Sydney based senior citizens web site, designed, built and managed by and for senior citizens who have an interest in computers and the Internet.
Environment & Gerontology Network This network is maintained by IAPS and EDRA on behalf of people who are interested in the area of environmental gerontology. Participants interests are professional, theoretical, research related and design-practice work. Participation in this network is free.
escarre Le site de référence de l'escarre.


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Five Star Safety Learn what it takes to protect your family -- especially your child -- around the house and home. Prevention could mean the difference between life and death.
Food and Drug Administration (FDA) U.S.A.- "A Lifetime of Good Health" the FDA has numerous articles, brochures and other publications with information for older people on a wide range of health issues. (USA) - provides information on senior housing, financial, legal, elder law, medical, recreation, senior discounts, books, government agencies and more.


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Gerontological Society of America (USA) - multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the scientific study of aging and to the translation/dissemination of research for practice and policy.
Grand Times Magazine (USA) - weekly Internet magazine designed exclusively for active older adults.


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HelpAge India HelpAge India is a registered national level voluntary organisation. It is a secular, apolitical, non-profit and a Non-Governmental Organisation.
HelpAge International Older people in emergencies HAI provides assistance specifically to older people in conflict and national emergency situations and to those affected by natural disasters.
HelpAge International Asia/Pacific Regional Development Centre Based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, HelpAge International's Asia/Pacific Regional Development Centre is the first point of contact for its member and partner organisations, and it works with these groups to provide effective services for the poorest older people in the region.
Help the Aged UK Help the Aged is a UK-based charity which provides practical support to help older people live independent lives, particularly those who are frail, isolated or poor.
Huffington Center on Aging (Texas, USA) - focuses on research, health care for older people, and education of health professionals.


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Independent Living Advocate Planning home designs and remodeling to assist the aging and disabled. Sharon Drager is currently one of the only female independent living advocates in the United States. She is author of the book, "Exploring Independent Living," and consults with builders, contractors, architects, homeowners and designers across the country teaching the universal design principles.
InfoAging (AFAR) is dedicated to providing the knowledge we all need to live healthier, longer lives. The site delivers the latest research-based information on a wide range of age-related diseases, conditions, issues, features, and news.
Information on Osteoporosis Educational site for people wanting to learn about osteoporosis - treatments, prevention, causes, signs and symptoms.
Institute of Gerontology (Wayne State University-USA) - useful site for educators, researchers, practitioners.
Integrated Psychology Associates Integrated Psychology Associates is a group of psychotherapists in the San Francisco Bay Area. We offer therapy, biofeedback, neurofeedback and psychological testing for seniors. We have articles relevant to seniors, such as "Myths of Aging" and "Urinary Incontinence", "Grandmother's Role when a Child is Ill". Our therapists are all between 55 and 70 years of age and we accept Medicare.
International Institute on Ageing (Malta) - the Institute's main objective is to fulfill the training needs of developing countries and to facilitate the implementation of the Vienna International Plan of Action on Ageing.
International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA) Acknowledging the diversity of culture, background, and life style of the world population, the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse aims to increase society's ability, through international collaboration, to recognise and respond to the mistreatment of older people in whatever setting it occurs, so that the latter years of life will be free from abuse, neglect and exploitation.


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Linkage 2000 (USA) - Linkage 2000 is a web site created to provide students (ages 12-18) from around the world with the opportunity to interactivity learn about aging and older adults. This site was developed by students for ThinkQuest. ThinkQuest is an annual contest that challenges students, ages 12 to 19, to use the Internet as a collaborative, interactive teaching and learning tool.


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Michigan Aging Services System (Lansing, Michigan) - MASS is designed so that others interested in services for older people in Michigan and elsewhere may benefit from its use.
Mid-Florida Area Agency on Aging (USA) - is a non-profit community based human service agency designated to plan, coordinate and advocate for the development of a coordinated service delivery system to serve the needs of older persons living in mid-Florida.


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National Aging Research Institute (Australia) - medical research (biological, clinical and service delivery) into the causes and consequences of aging and its social accompaniments.
National Center for Injury Prevention and Control (NCIPC) - USA - is a a national program to reduce injury, disability, death, and costs associated with injuries outside the workplace. As the lead federal agency for injury prevention, NCIPC works closely with other federal agencies; national, state, and local organizations; state and local health departments; and research institutions.
National Council on Ageing and Older People (Ireland) Web Site of the National Council on Ageing and Older People (Ireland)
National Council on the Aging [NCOA] (USA) - is a private, nonprofit association committed to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well-being, and contributions of older persons and to enhancing the field of aging through leadership and service, education, and advocacy.
National Institute On Aging [NIA] (USA) - conducts biomedical, and social research on aging processes to prevent disease and other problems of the aged. Alzheimer's disease is a particular NIA focus.
National Institute on Drug Abuse [NIDA] (USA) - NIDA supports over 85 percent of the world's research on the health aspects of drug abuse and addiction. NIDA supports science addressing the most fundamental and essential questions about drug abuse, ranging from the molecule to managed care, and from DNA to community outreach research.
National Senior Games Association The NSGA is the national organization that sanctions and coordinates the efforts of senior games organizations across the country


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Obésité Le site de référence de l'obésité.


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PAROLE Le site PAROLE a été réalisé par un soignant qui travaille dans une institution pour personnes âgées, en Belgique. Il propose des informations et des réflexions sur le quatrième âge de la vie. Bienvenue à celles et ceux qui participent ou s'intéressent à la vie de nos aînés
Perdue University (St.Joseph, Michigan) - describes a research project entitled "Preventing Work-Related Injuries Among Senior Farmers".
PreventAD is dedicated to providing resources for and information about Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders. An Ounce of Prevention highlights the progress in Alzheimer's prevention.
Prostate Le site de référence de la prostate.


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RetirementExpert Retirement Expert offers useful advice and tips for people during their retirement. Written by experts, it covers everything from travelling in retirement to borrowing in retirement and much more.


Top / Haut (USA) - dedicated to providing seniors citizens with information, products and services.
Senior Corner (The) Resources and articles for seniors, both local (northern Michigan) and remote. Nonprofit
Senior Housing (USA) - is a guide to retirement living, assisted living, nursing homes and home health care. Medicaid/Medicare and Living Will info for senior citizens and caregivers.
Senior Housing Net A directory of retirement communities, assisted living facitlities and nursing homes for you or your loved ones.
SeniorLaw (USA) - is a Web site that provides information about Elder Law, Medicare, Medicaid, estate planning, trusts and the rights of the elderly and disabled.
SeniorNet (USA) - for empowering adults age 55 and older to use computer technologies to further enrich their lives and the lives of others. San Francisco, California. Honolulu Community College (USA) - provides a broad spectrum of services, including computer conversation, conferences, electronic forums, and bulletin boards which disseminate news and information of interest to members. (Australia) - The Australian Government's premier source of information for Australians over 50. provides you with a single point of access to Government and non-Government information and services for older Australians.
SeniorSite (USA) - provides a unique, informative, interesting, and entertaining Internet website for
Seniors News (USA) - provides news and features by and about the Senior Community. It is a publication of the Humboldt Senior Resource Center (HSRC). HSRC of Eureka, California is a non-profit community based organization that offers programs and services for senior citizens, multi-generational family members and caregivers.
SeniorsSearch SeniorsSearch cuts to the chase and contains subjects relevant to the lifestyle of the over 50 age group.
Senior Times (Canada) is a monthly Internet seniors newsletter, published every month from the 15th to the 15th.
Shepherd's Centers of America (USA) - coordinates nearly 100 independent Shepherd's Centers throughout the United States and Canada. Everything for snowbirds and seniors. From health, aging and retirement issues to rv's and mobile homes for sale or rent.
Social Security Online (USA) - is the official Web site of the Social Security Administration with information on retirement, disability, survivors and Supplemental Security.
Stair Lift Links Directory of links to stair lift resources on the internet - from manufacturers to advice sites and dealers. (Includes sections for Canadian stair lift websites)


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Third Age (USA) - is a community of active older adults and seniors featuring chat, free stuff, discounts, health care, retirement, investing, caregiving, travel and news.


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U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration The mission of the Drug Enforcement Administration is to enforce the controlled substances laws and regulations of the United States.
U.S National Clearinghouse for Alcohol and Drug Information - is the information service of the Center for Substance Abuse Prevention of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration in the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. NCADI is the world's largest resource for current information and materials concerning substance abuse.
Ulcere de jambe Le site de référence de l'ulcère veineux, artériel ou mixte.
United Nations - International Year of Older Persons 1999
University of Georgia - Gerontology Center (USA) - this Website is designed to highlight the programs and resources of The University of Georgia Gerontology Center and the expertise of the all-university Faculty of Gerontology.


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Vieillir ailleurs Articles, rapports d'études et de recherches sur la question du vieillissement des migrants en France et en Europe. Ressources bibliograhiques


Top / Haut Websenior. Le site de référence des seniors. Seniors et baby boomers professionnels
Widow Net (USA) - is an information and self-help resource for, and by, widows and widowers. Topics covered include grief, bereavement, recovery, and other information helpful to people, of all ages, religious backgrounds and sexual orientations, who have suffered the death of a spouse or life partner.

Numbered sites - Site numérotés

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50 Plus Fitness Association Fifty-Plus is an international organization devoted to information about, motivation toward, and participation in exercise and fitness while aging.

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