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Vol. 135, No. 34 — August 25, 2001




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the conditions of Permit No. 4543-2-03262 are amended as follows:

9. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 8 000 m3.

Environmental Protection
Pacific and Yukon Region




Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to the provisions of Part 7, Division 3, of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, the conditions of Permit No. 4543-2-06126 are amended as follows:

10. Total Quantity to Be Disposed of: Not to exceed 38 000 m3 place measure.

Environmental Protection
Atlantic Region




Notice Under Subsection 84(5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, of the Ministerial Conditions

Whereas the Ministers of Health and of the Environment have assessed information pertaining to the substance Siloxanes and Silicones, Me Hydrogen, Reaction Products with 2,2,6,6-Tetramethyl-4-(2-propenyloxy)piperidine, CAS No. 182635-99-0,

And whereas the Ministers suspect that the substance is toxic,

The Minister of the Environment is hereby pleased to impose, under paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Ministerial Condition No. 10 577 in accordance with the annexed text.

Minister of the Environment

Ministerial Condition No. 10 577
(Section 84 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

The notifier shall import the substance in amounts not exceeding 10 000 kg per year and not exceeding an accumulated total of 50 000 kg after the assessment period expires only in circumstances where the notifier complies with the following terms:

Importation/Use Restriction

1. (1) For applications other than for textiles and fabrics the substance may be imported only for use:

(a) as an additive in polyolefin plastics, and

(b) solely in applications which do not incorporate the substance into manufactured items intended for children.

1. (2) For applications in textiles and fabrics the substance may be imported only for use as an additive for products intended exclusively for upholstery and carpeting.

Record Keeping Requirements

2. (1) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records, with any documentation supporting the validity of the information contained in these records, indicating:

(a) the quantity of the substance being imported, sold, purchased, or used;

(b) the use of the substance; and

(c) the name and address of each customer buying the substance.

2. (2) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records made in item 2(1) at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.

Information Requirements

3. Should the notifier intend to manufacture the substance, the notifier shall inform the Minister of the Environment, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the beginning of manufacturing.

Other Requirements

4. The notifier shall inform all customers, in writing, of the terms of the condition and the notifier shall obtain, prior to any transfer of the substance, written confirmation from customers that they understand and will meet these terms as if the present Ministerial Condition had been imposed on them. These records shall be maintained at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.




Notice Under Subsection 84(5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, of the Ministerial Conditions

Whereas the Ministers of Health and of the Environment have assessed information pertaining to the substance Pentane, 1,1,1,2,2,3,4,5,5,5-decafluoro, CAS No. 138495-42-8,

And whereas the Ministers suspect that the substance is toxic,

The Minister of the Environment is hereby pleased to impose conditions under paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Ministerial Condition No. 10 702 in accordance with the annexed text.

Minister of the Environment

Ministerial Condition No. 10 702
(Section 84 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

The notifier shall import the substance in any amounts after the assessment period expires only in circumstances where the notifier complies with the following terms:

Use Restriction

1. The notifier shall import the substance only for use as a cleaning agent in circumstances where it is replacing substances listed as Ozone Depleting Substances in Schedule I of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Record Keeping Requirements

2. (1) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records, with any documentation supporting the validity of the information contained in these records, indicating:

(a) the specific use of the substance;

(b) the quantity of the substance being imported, transferred, by sale or otherwise, purchased or used, and

(c) the name and address of the customers to whom the substance has been transferred, by sale or otherwise.

2. (2) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records made in item 2(1) at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.

Information Requirements

3. Should the notifier intend to manufacture the substance, the notifier shall inform the Minister of the Environment, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the beginning of manufacturing.

Other Requirements

4. The notifier shall inform all customers, in writing, of the terms of the condition and the notifier shall obtain, prior to any transfer of the substance, written confirmation from customers that they understand and will meet these terms as if the present Ministerial Condition had been imposed on them. These records shall be maintained at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.




Notice Under Subsection 84(5) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, of the Ministerial Conditions

Whereas the Ministers of Health and of the Environment have assessed information pertaining to the substance Methane, difluoro, CAS No. 75-10-5,

And whereas the Ministers suspect that the substance is toxic,

The Minister of the Environment is hereby pleased to impose conditions under paragraph 84(1)(a) of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999, Ministerial Condition No. 10 738 in accordance with the annexed text.

Minister of the Environment

Ministerial Condition No. 10 738
(Section 84 of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999)

The notifier shall import the substance in any amounts after the assessment period expires only in circumstances where the notifier complies with the following terms:

Use Restriction

1. The notifier shall import the substance only for use as a refrigerant or a blowing agent in circumstances where it is replacing substances listed as Ozone Depleting Substances in Schedule I of the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999.

Record Keeping Requirements

2. (1) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records, with any documentation supporting the validity of the information contained in these records, indicating:

(a) the specific use of the substance;

(b) the quantity of the substance being imported, transferred, by sale or otherwise, purchased or used, and

(c) the name and address of the customers to whom the substance has been transferred, by sale or otherwise.

2. (2) The notifier shall maintain electronic or paper records made in item 2(1) at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.

Information Requirements

3. Should the notifier intend to manufacture the substance, the notifier shall inform the Minister of the Environment, in writing, at least 30 days prior to the beginning of manufacturing.

Other Requirements

4. The notifier shall inform all customers, in writing, of the terms of the condition and the notifier shall obtain, prior to any transfer of the substance, written confirmation from customers that they understand and will meet these terms as if the present Ministerial Condition had been imposed on them. These records shall be maintained at the notifier's Canadian headquarters for a period of at least five years after they are made.




Statement by the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Regarding the Bulk Oil Cargo Fees Established by Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd.

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 660.4(1) (see footnote 1) of the Canada Shipping Act (see footnote 2) (Act), Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd. has been designated as a response organization since November, 1995;

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 660.4(3) (see footnote 3) of the Act, (see footnote 4) the Minister caused a list of the amended bulk oil cargo fees proposed by Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd., (Newfoundland Region), to be published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, on May 12, 2001;

Whereas, pursuant to subsection 660.4(4) (see footnote 5) of the Act (see footnote 6) no notices of objection were filed with respect to the amended bulk oil cargo fees proposed by Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd.;

Whereas, the Minister has given full and proper consideration to all relevant information before him;

And whereas, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to subsection 660.4(8) (see footnote 7) of the Act, (see footnote 8) approved the annexed fees;

Therefore, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, pursuant to subsection 660.4(8) (see footnote 9) of the Act, (see footnote 10) hereby causes the annexed fees established by Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd. to be published.

Minister of Fisheries and Oceans



1. In this List:

"Act" means the Canada Shipping Act. (Loi)

"asphalt" means a derivate of oil that is commercially described as road or paving asphalt or unblended roofers flux, that has a specific gravity equal to or greater than one, that is solid at 15 degrees Celsius and that sinks to the bottom as a solid when immersed in water. (asphalte)

"Atlantic Provinces" means Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland including Labrador. (provinces de l'Atlantique)

"BOCF" means bulk oil cargo fee. (droits sur les produits pétroliers en vrac (DPPV))

"designated oil handling facility" means an oil handling facility that is designated pursuant to subsection 660.2(8) of the Act and is located in ECRC's geographic area. (installation de manutention d'hydrocarbures agréée)

"ECRC" means Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd., a company formed as a result of the amalgamation of Eastern Canada Response Corporation Ltd., Great Lakes Response Corporation of Canada and Canadian Marine Response Management Corporation, effective January 1, 1999. (SIMEC)

"Newfoundland Region" means the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador. (région de Terre-Neuve)

"ship" means a ship within the meaning of section 660.2(1) of the Act. (navire)

"ship (bulk oil)" means a ship that is constructed or adapted primarily to carry bulk oil in its cargo spaces. (navire (avec produits pétroliers en vrac))


2. The bulk oil cargo fees that are payable to ECRC in relation to an arrangement required by paragraphs 660.2(2)(b) and 4(b) of the Act are the bulk oil cargo fees set out in this Schedule.

3. Nothing in this Schedule is intended to modify, replace or amend the registration fees established by, and payable to, ECRC and published in the April 8, 2000 edition of the Canada Gazette, Part I.

4. This part applies to the loading and unloading of oil at oil handling facilities located in the Newfoundland Region.

5. The total BOCF payable by a designated oil handling facility that has an arrangement with ECRC shall be determined by multiplying the total number of tonnes of bulk oil unloaded and (in the case of bulk oil intended for international destinations and destinations north of 60° north latitude) loaded at the designated oil handling facility, by the BOCF per tonne for each type of oil set out in sections 7 and 8 of this part.

6. The total BOCF payable by a ship (bulk oil) shall be determined:

(a) in the case of bulk oil loaded onto the ship (bulk oil) and intended for international destinations and destinations north of 60° north latitude, by multiplying the total number of tonnes of bulk oil loaded at an oil handling facility that does not have an arrangement with ECRC, by the BOCF per tonne for each type of oil set out in sections 7 and 8 of this part; and

(b) in the case of bulk oil unloaded from the ship (bulk oil), by multiplying the total number of tonnes of bulk oil unloaded at an oil handling facility that does not have an arrangement with ECRC, by the BOCF per tonne for each type of oil set out in sections 7 and 8 of this part.

7. The BOCF applicable in respect of oil other than asphalt is:

(a) an amended fee of fifteen and two-tenths cents (15.2¢) per tonne, plus all applicable taxes from May 12, 2001, to December 31, 2001; and

(b) an amended fee of twelve and six-tenths cents (12.6¢) per tonne, plus all applicable taxes from January 1, 2002.

8. The BOCF applicable in respect of asphalt is:

(a) an amended fee of seven and six-tenths cents (7.6¢) per tonne, plus all applicable taxes from May 12, 2001, to December 31, 2001; and

(b) an amended fee of six and three-tenths cents (6.3¢) per tonne, plus all applicable taxes from January 1, 2002.


The Canada Shipping Act (CSA) was amended in 1993 to enhance the environmental protection of all Canadian waters south of 60° north latitude through the establishment of industry-funded and managed response organizations (ROs) capable of mounting an oil spill response to a marine-based incident. The Minister of Fisheries and Oceans is responsible for certifying that ROs meet the required standards to be formally designated as a certified RO. The Canadian Coast Guard (CCG), of the Department of Fisheries and Oceans, fulfils this responsibility on behalf of the Minister. CCG also maintains responsibility for ensuring response in Canadian waters north of 60° north latitude.

In accordance with the provisions of the CSA, certain ships and oil handling facilities (OHFs) are required to have an oil spill preparedness arrangement with a certified RO for the provision of response in the event of an oil spill.

Four ROs, each capable of providing response to a 10 000-tonne oil spill within specified geographic areas of response, have been certified by CCG as follows:

— Atlantic Emergency Response Team (ALERT) Inc.

— Eastern Canada Response Corporation (ECRC)

— Point Tupper Marine Services Ltd. (PTMS)

— Western Canada Marine Response Corporation (WCMRC)

The CSA provides for the amendment of fees established by a certified RO at any time during its period of certification.

ECRC's proposal to amend its bulk oil cargo fees for the Newfoundland Region was published by CCG, on behalf of the Minister, on May 12, 2001, in Part I of the Canada Gazette. The Minister approved these proposed fees, without amendment, by Order, on July 6, 2001. ECRC established its fees in accordance with the Minister's Order on August 10, 2001. The bulk oil cargo fees which have been established by ECRC are the bulk oil cargo fees that are payable in relation to an arrangement with ECRC.

For information regarding the Minister's Order, please contact: Nora McCleary, Canadian Coast Guard, Safety and Environmental Response Systems, 200 Kent Street, 5th Floor, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0E6, (613) 990-6718 (Telephone), (613) 996-8902 (Facsimile), (Electronic mail).

For more information regarding ECRC and its fees, please contact: Mr. Paul Pouliotte, Chief Financial Officer, Eastern Canada Response Corporation, 275 Slater Street, Suite 1201, Ottawa, Ontario K1P 5H9, (613) 230-7369 (Telephone), (613) 230-7344 (Facsimile), (Web site).




Food and Drug Regulations — Amendment

Interim Marketing Authorization

Provision currently exists in Table IX to section B.16.100 of the Food and Drug Regulations for the use of sorbitol at a maximum level of 3.5 percent as a sweetener in a blend of prepared fish and prepared meat as described in paragraph B.21.006(n) of the Regulations. Sorbitol is also a sweetener that can be used in unstandardized foods at good manufacturing practice levels.

Health Canada has received a submission to increase the level of sorbitol from 3.5 percent to a maximum of 6 percent in a blend of prepared fish and prepared meat as described above. Evaluation of available data supports the safety and effectiveness of this increase in the maximum level for this use of sorbitol.

The increase in the maximum level of use of sorbitol in a blend of prepared fish and meat products will benefit the consumers through the availability of a greater choice of these foods. It will also benefit the industry by allowing a greater flexibility in the maximum level of sorbitol used as a sweetener in these preparations, thus permitting the preparation of a wider range of products.

Therefore, it is the intention of Health Canada to recommend that the Food and Drug Regulations be amended to increase the level of use of sorbitol to a maximum of 6 percent when used as a sweetener in a blend of prepared fish and prepared meat as indicated above.

As a means to improve the responsiveness of the regulatory system, an Interim Marketing Authorization (IMA) is issued to permit the immediate increase in the maximum level of use of sorbitol to 6 percent, for the products indicated above, while the regulatory process is undertaken to formally amend the Regulations.

August 15, 2001

Assistant Deputy Minister
Health Products and Food Branch




Notice to Interested Parties — To Exempt Certain Disinfectant and Disinfectant/Sanitizer Products for the Provisions of Part C, Division 1A, Establishment Licences, Part C, Division 2, Good Manufacturing Practices, of the Food and Drug Regulations

The Therapeutic Products Directorate of Health Canada intends to develop a new regulatory framework for disinfectant and disinfectant/sanitizer products. The initial phase is to consolidate the regulation of disinfectants and disinfectant/sanitizers under the purview of the Food and Drugs Act.

The Food and Drugs Act and Regulations control the production, importation and sale of certain specified products in Canada. Under this legislation only those products that are considered safe, effective and of high quality may be sold in Canada.

On January 29, 1997, a decision to consolidate the regulation of disinfectants and disinfectant/sanitizer products under the Food and Drugs Act was announced. This decision was implemented operationally by an administrative arrangement in advance of the required regulatory amendments.

Since 1997, workshops and consultations have been conducted to work toward the development of an effective regulatory system for disinfectants and disinfectant/sanitizer products.

The principle elements of the new regulatory framework include:

— a regulatory system based on the risk associated with either the use of a product or a product's failure. This new system will include a Quality Management Standard outlining manufacturing and quality control measures for the products along with an updated efficacy standard;

— emphasis on the safety, effectiveness and quality of products;

— no more regulatory intervention than necessary, but no less; and

— consideration of advice from stakeholders.

The Therapeutic Products Directorate is seeking input from interested stakeholders on:

— development of a regulatory amendment to exempt disinfectants and disinfectant/sanitizer products from Part C, Divisions 1A and 2 of the Food and Drug Regulations; and

— development of a new regulatory framework to ensure the safety, efficacy and quality of the products.

The completion and implementation of this initial phase is targeted for April 2002.

Comments on this proposal may be sent to: Mary Raphael, Policy Analyst, Bureau of Policy and Coordination, Therapeutic Products Directorate, Health Canada, Address Locator 3102C5, Holland Cross, Tower B, 2nd Floor, 1600 Scott Street, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A 1B6, or by electronic mail at: Mary_

August 1, 2001

Minister of Health





Name and Position Order in Council
Alway, Richard M. 2001-1301
Historic Sites and Monuments Board of Canada  
Member and Chairman  
Angers, François M., Q.C. 2001-1342
Tax Court of Canada  
Atlantic Canada Opportunities Board 2001-1332
Michaud, Pierre  
Rodney, Brian V.  
Bennett, Arthur Yancey 2001-1333
National Aboriginal Economic Development Board  
Canada Council  
Rochon-Burnett, Suzanne 2001-1300
Stewart, Nalini 2001-1299
Canada Foundation for Innovation  
Directors of the Board of Directors 2001-1334
Babiuk, Lorne Allan  
Frize, Monique  
Gervais, Michel  
Canada Pension Plan  
Review Tribunal  
Brown, Brenda Margery — Vancouver 2001-1327
D'Cruz, Cynthia Philomena — Scarborough 2001-1328
DeLazzer, Sandra Louise — St. Catharines 2001-1329
Grant, Carolyn June — Kentville 2001-1330
MacDonald, Ann Marie — New Glasgow 2001-1331
Martin, Joseph Brown — Nanaimo 2001-1326
Morelli, Rudolph — Kamloops 2001-1325
Canadian Tourism Commission  
Directors of the Board of Directors  
McKenzie, Michele 2001-1336
McLeod, Robert (Bob) 2001-1338
Obonsawin, Donald A. 2001-1337
Castonguay, Micheline 2001-1295
Canada Elections Act  
Returning Officer — LaSalle—Émard  
Cherniak, Earl 2001-1318
Judicial Compensation and Benefits Commission  
Colville, David C. 2001-1304
Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission  
Cronk, A. Eleanore 2001-1340
Court of Appeal for Ontario  
Superior Court of Justice  
Judge ex officio  
Destrijker, Félix 2001-1339
National Farm Products Council  
Doyon, Roger 2001-1317
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal  
DuPont, Bonnie D. 2001-1312
The Canadian Wheat Board  
Director of the Board of Directors  
Employment Insurance Act  
Chairpersons of the Boards of Referees  
Nova Scotia  
Chisholm, Donna M. — New Glasgow 2001-1319
Micallef, Constance (Connie) — Toronto Appeals Centre 2001-1324
Tonk, Udham S. — Brampton 2001-1323
Aumais, André — Vaudreuil-Dorion 2001-1322
Gauthier, Joanne — Laval 2001-1320
Tessier, Georges — Longueuil 2001-1321
Joncas, Sophie 2001-1308
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation  
Director of the Board of Directors  
Gilroy, Ernie 2001-1310
Royal Canadian Mint  
Director of the Board of Directors  
Grossman-Ianni, Mina 2001-1303
National Gallery of Canada  
Trustee of the Board of Trustees  
Gushue, The Hon. James R. 2001-1380
Government of Newfoundland  
August 12 to 16, 2001  
Halliday, David 2001-1335
National Research Council of Canada  
Immigration and Refugee Board  
Full-time Members  
Goodman, Nancy — Deputy Chairperson 2001-1297
Landry, Girard 2001-1296
Sachedina, Zulie 2001-1292
Karpyshin, Cherry Elizabeth 2001-1302
National Film Board  
Kelen, Michael A. 2001-1341
Federal Court of Canada — Trial Division  
Federal Court of Appeal  
Member ex officio  
National Parole Board  
Full-time Member  
Ross, Judith E. 2001-1313
Part-time Members  
Hillyer, Jan 2001-1316
Jefferson, Christie 2001-1314
Turnbull, Barry 2001-1315
Nicholls, Ross 2001-1309
Defence Construction (1951) Limited  
President and Chief Executive Officer  
Nixon, Robert F. 2001-1311
Atomic Energy of Canada Limited  
Chairman of the Board of Directors  
Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization  
General Council  
Fisheries Commission  
Canadian Representatives  
Angel, John R. 2001-1306
McCurdy, Earle 2001-1305
Secord, John 2001-1307
International Pacific Halibut Commission  
Tax Court of Canada 2001-1390
Commissioners to Administer Oaths  
Blackwell, Peggy  
Hamilton, Lorraine J.  
Hill, Iris  
Plourde, Liliane  
Trudel, Lucie  
Vienneau, Ginette  
Tessier-Couture, Claudette 2001-1298
Quebec Port Authority  
VIA Rail Canada Inc.  
LeFrançois, Marc 2001-1293
President and Chief Executive Officer  
Pelletier, Jean 2001-1294
Chairman of the Board of Directors  

August 16, 2001





Notice No. SMSE-020-01 — Interference-causing Equipment Standard (ICES)

Notice is hereby given that Industry Canada is releasing the following document:

ICES-006 Interference-causing Equipment Standard for AC Wire Carrier Current Devices (Unintentional Radiators), Issue 1

This standard is a new initiative by Industry Canada. The purpose of ICES-006 is to impose limits on radio frequency emissions from AC wire carrier current devices of a design for which any radiation of RF energy is unintentional. The requirements set out in ICES-006 are harmonized with those for AC wire carrier current devices of intentional radiator type set out in Industry Canada Standard RSS-210.

As an Interference-causing Equipment Standard, ICES-006 will be given effect by the Radiocommunication Regulations, under which it is to be designated as a Category II Equipment Standard.

In accordance with section 20 of the Radiocommunication Regulations, the Category II Equipment Standards List is published in the Canada Gazette, Part I, and provides a list of all technical standards applicable to interference-causing equipment. The effective date of ICES-006, Issue 1, will be the publication date of the amended list which will include this standard. Compliance with a listed standard is required in accordance with the Radiocommunication Regulations.

The ICES-006, Issue 1, document is available at the following Internet WWW addresses: for the English version

and for the French version.

Inquiries concerning ICES-006, Issue 1, should be addressed to the Manager, Radio Equipment Standards, (613) 990-4699 (Telephone), (Electronic mail).

August 13, 2001

Director General
Spectrum Engineering Branch




Notice No. SMSE-021-01

Notice is hereby given that Industry Canada is amending the Standard Radio System Plan 501 (SRSP-501) issue 4: Technical Requirements for Land Mobile and Fixed Radio Services Operating in the Bands 406.1-430 MHz and 450-470 MHz.

The changes in SRSP-501, Issue 4, add band plans to reflect requirements for efficient spectrum use in areas of intensive mobile use as defined in the Redeployment Plan (RDP 100-500). In addition, a list of frequencies is shown in the document where a moratorium on any further licensing is declared. This follows a decision from the Department to allow the use of family radio devices (Notice DGTP-004-00, March 31, 2000).

The revised issues have been coordinated with the Radio Advisory Board of Canada (RABC).

The above SRSPs are available electronically on the Internet at the following address:

World Wide Web (WWW)

or in hard copy, for a fee, from: Tyrell Press Ltd., 2714 Fenton Road, Gloucester, Ontario K1T 3T7, 1-800-267-4862 (Canada toll-free telephone), 1-800-574-0137 (United States toll-free telephone), (613) 822-0740 (Worldwide telephone), (613) 822-1089 (Facsimile); and DLS, St-Joseph Print Group Inc., 45 Sacré-Cœur Boulevard, Hull, Quebec K1A 0S7, 1-888-562-5561 (Canada toll-free telephone), 1-800-565-7757 (Canada toll-free facsimile), (819) 779-4335 (Worldwide telephone), (819) 779-2833 (Worldwide facsimile).

August 12, 2001

Director General
Spectrum Engineering Branch




Designation as Fingerprint Examiner

Pursuant to subsection 667(5) of the Criminal Code, I hereby designate the following person as Fingerprint Examiner:

Robert James Jude Jeffrey

of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Ottawa, August 25, 2001

Deputy Solicitor General of Canada




Comerica Bank — Order Permitting a Foreign Bank to Establish a Branch in Canada

Notice is hereby given of the making of an order by the Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance, pursuant to subsection 524(1) of the Bank Act, permitting Comerica Bank to establish a branch in Canada, effective July 23, 2001.

August 10, 2001

Superintendent of Financial Institutions




Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. — Order to Hold Shares

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 518(6) of the Bank Act, of the issuance on July 26, 2001, of the following order:

The Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance and pursuant to subparagraph 518(3)(b)(ii) of the Bank Act, approves the application requesting permission for Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A., a foreign bank, to hold indirectly through vTraction Inc., an entity associated with a foreign bank, a substantial investment in rTraction Canada Inc.

This order is subject to the following terms and conditions:

— that Coöperatieve Centrale Raiffeisen-Boerenleenbank B.A. continues to hold a substantial investment, directly or indirectly, in rTraction Canada Inc.; and

— that substantially all of the activities in Canada of rTraction Canada Inc. do not consist of any activities referred to in paragraph 518(3)(a) of the Bank Act.

August 10, 2001

Secretary of State
(International Financial Institutions)




Foreign Bank Order

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 521(3) of the Bank Act, that on July 30, 2001, the Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance, has consented to Deutsche Bank AG, pursuant to subsection 521(1) of the Bank Act, acquiring shares of or ownership interests in the Canadian entities listed below that will become, or are already non-bank affiliates of Deutsche Bank AG in such number as to cause the percentage of the outstanding shares held by the foreign bank to be greater than before the acquisition:

Non-Bank Affiliates
Deutsche Bank Securities Limited
Deutsche Financial Services Canada Corporation
Trimark International Companies Fund
Trimark U.S. Companies Fund
Trimark Global Balanced Fund
Trimark Global High Yield Bond Fund
Trimark Discovery Fund
AIM Indo-Pacific Fund (formerly Trimark Indo-Pacific Fund)
Trimark Americas Fund (formerly The Americas Fund)
AIM Dent Demographic Trands Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM Global Aggressive Growth Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM International Growth Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM Global Health Sciences Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM Global Telecommunications Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM Global Financial Services Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
AIM Global Sector Managers Class of AIM Global Fund Inc.
R American Fund
R European Fund
R Asian Fund
R World Leaders Fund
R Life & Health Fund
R Techno-Media Fund
R Europe Techno-Media Fund
R Small & Mid-Cap European Fund
Canadian Advantage Limited Partnership
Spectrum American Growth Fund
Spectrum European Growth Fund
Spectrum Global Growth Fund
Spectrum World Growth Managers Fund
Spectrum Global Financial Services Fund
Spectrum Global Health Sciences Fund
Spectrum Global Telecommunications Fund
Spectrum Tactonics Fund
3160343 Canada Inc.
Stockton & Bush EC L.P.
Stockton & Bush CL L.P.
Stockton & Bush 1867 Yonge L.P.
Stockton & Bush Ontario Street L.P.
Stockton & Bush 9050 Yonge L.P.
Stockton & Bush Town Center L.P.
Redbourne Place Monteragie L.P.
Redbourne West RMB Associates L.P.
Redbourne Victoria Le Faubourg L.P.
West Montreal Office L.P.
3613950 Canada Inc.
Phoenix Research and Trading Corporation
Deutsche Bank Canada

August 10, 2001

Secretary of State
(International Financial Institutions)




Foreign Bank Order

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 521(3) of the Bank Act, that the Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance, has consented to J.P. Morgan Chase & Co., a foreign bank, pursuant to subsection 521(1) of the Bank Act, acquiring or holding, directly or indirectly, all or substantially all of the assets of The Chase Manhattan Bank, which is an authorized foreign bank in relation to the carrying on of business in Canada by The Chase Manhattan Bank, effective May 31, 2001.

August 10, 2001

Secretary of State
(International Financial Institutions)




Foreign Bank Order

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 521(3) of the Bank Act, that the Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance, has consented to the following foreign bank, pursuant to subsection 521(1) of the Bank Act, acquiring shares of or ownership interests in one or more Canadian entities in such numbers as to cause the entities to become non-bank affiliates of the foreign bank:

Foreign Bank Authorized Foreign Bank Effective Date (m/d/y)
United Parcel Service, Inc. Glenlake Insurance Agency, Inc. of Canada 07/11/01

August 10, 2001

Secretary of State
(International Financial Institutions)




ING Groep N.V. — Order to Hold Shares

Notice is hereby given, pursuant to subsection 518(5) of the Bank Act, that the Secretary of State (International Financial Institutions), on behalf of the Minister of Finance, replaces paragraph (c) of the Order dated November 24, 2000, approving the application requesting permission for ING Groep N.V., a foreign bank, to acquire a substantial investment in the Canadian entities listed in Schedule I to the Order as varied by further order effective April 24, 2001, with the following:

(c) ING Groep N.V. no longer holds a substantial investment in efni CONNECT Ltd. after September 24, 2001.

This order shall take effect on July 24, 2001.

August 10, 2001

Secretary of State
(International Financial Institutions)


Footnote 1

S.C. 1993, c. 36, s. 6

Footnote 2

R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9

Footnote 3

S.C. 1993, c. 36, s. 6

Footnote 4

R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9

Footnote 5

S.C. 1993, c. 36, s. 6

Footnote 6

R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9

Footnote 7

S.C. 1993, c. 36, s. 6

Footnote 8

R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9

Footnote 9

S.C. 1993, c. 36, s. 6

Footnote 10

R.S.C. 1985, c. S-9


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