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Public Service Commission Advisory Council

Terms of Reference for the Public Service Commission Advisory Council

September 2004

I. Purpose

The Public Service Commission Advisory Council (PSCAC) is established for the purpose of providing a forum for the discussion and consultation on Public Service Employment Act (PSEA) matters of common concern and interest and to exchange information and views.

Upon the request of any of the members, the PSCAC may consider any matter falling under the Public Service Employment Act(PSEA) or any related subject of interest.

II. Membership

II.1. Advisory Council

The membership of the Advisory Council consists of:

  1. the President of the PSC and the Vice President responsible for merit policy issues ;
  2. up to five bargaining agent representatives and up to five departmental representatives (led by the respective Advisory Council Co-Chair and intended to represent a broad variety of organizations e.g. small versus large);
  3. the Chair of the Human Resource Council;
  4. a representative of the Public Service Human Resource Management Agency of Canada (PSHRMAC); and,
  5. the Manager of the Secretariat (as observer and recording secretary).

Members are nominated by the respective parties (PSC, departments, bargaining agents, PSHRMAC) represented on the PSCAC.

Other members may be added on an interim basis as the Advisory Council deems appropriate, based on specific issues under consideration.

Co-chair, bargaining agent and department representatives will normally serve for a term not to exceed two years, although membership can be renewed. Every effort should be made to ensure that there is a good balance of old and new members at all times.

II.2. Advisory Council Co-Chairs

The Advisory Council is co-chaired by two representatives, one by the bargaining agent members, and another by the departmental members.

It is the responsibility of the bargaining agent Co-Chair to put forward the name of a suitable replacement for vacancies which arise among bargaining agent members and the departmental Co-Chair for departmental vacancies. Each is responsible for initiating nomination of a replacement at the end of their term or sooner, if they are no longer in a position to fulfill their duties. These efforts will be assisted by the Secretariat.

II.4. Working Groups

Working Groups are established by the Advisory Council which appoints an accountable Chair or Co-Chairs.

Working Groups are to comprise representatives from the participating parties of the Advisory Council. Working group members need not be members of the Advisory Council.

The Manager of the PSCAC Secretariat will sit on working groups to ensure all participating parties have an equal opportunity to participate in discussions and bring issues to the table.

Other organizations or individuals may also participate as the Advisory Council may deem appropriate.

Working Group participants are nominated in accordance with the Terms of Reference established for each working group by the Advisory Council.

III. Roles and Responsibilities

III.1. PSC Advisory Council

The Advisory Council, aided by the Secretariat and its working groups:

  • Allows members to consult on their policies and positions related to matters covered under the PSEA;

  • provides bargaining agents, departments, PSHRMAC and other stakeholders with an opportunity to advise and input into the PSC's initiatives;

  • provides the PSC with the opportunity to seek timely, strategic advice and input from Advisory Council members on matters within its jurisdiction as defined in the PSEA;

  • provides all parties a forum for intelligence gathering and exchange;

  • determines working group mandates, structures, membership, and accountability;

  • provides administrative guidance and co-ordination for working groups (through the Secretariat); and

  • reports its evaluations and recommendations to the PSC.

III.2. PSCAC General Secretary

The General Secretary of the National Joint Council is also the General Secretary of the PSCAC. He/She is charged with ensuring the sound functioning of the Advisory Council, its Secretariat and its working groups.

III.3. PSCAC Secretariat

The PSCAC Secretariat consists of a General Secretary and a Manager. The Manager is an observer member of the Advisory Committee and also has the role of Recording Secretary. He/She is to participate on all working groups to ensure their sound functioning, as well as to ensure administrative support is provided, deadlines are met, the mandate is adhered to, and progress is regularly reported to the Advisory Council - these duties are undertaken in cooperation with the working group chair(s). He/She is also responsible for ensuring liaison among the PSC, the Advisory Council and working groups.

III.4. Lines of Communication

Use of the PSCAC membership to co-ordinate broader consultation is to be undertaken through the PSCAC Secretariat with the approval of either the Advisory Council, or in exceptional cases, the lead members of the three participating parties (i.e. PSCAC Co-Chairs together with the PSC Vice-President responsible for merit policy issues). The appropriate PSCAC forum for such consultation shall be decided in the same manner.

IV. Frequency of Meetings, Attendance,and Replacements

IV.1. PSC Advisory Council

The PSCAC meets as determined by the PSCAC Co-Chairs in discussion with the PSC. It normally convenes three to four times per calendar. Participant replacements are on an exceptional basis with prior notice to the Manager of the Secretariat, who will in turn advise the Co-Chairs.

Quorum will consist of one representative from each party excluding the Co-Chairs.

IV.2. Working Groups

Working group activities are co-ordinated and monitored by the Manager of the Secretariat, who, together with the Chair(s), is responsible for ensuring that the mandate of the working group is fulfilled and that meetings are held frequently enough to accomplish this objective.

The working group Chair is responsible to regularly report on progress to the Advisory Council, as stipulated in the working group's terms of reference.

Participant replacements are on an exceptional basis with prior notice to the Manager of the Secretariat, who will in turn advise the Chair(s).

V. Funding

V.1. PSCAC Secretariat:

The salary of the PSCAC Manager will be the responsibility of the PSC.

Normal, re-occurring and reasonable non-salary expenditures will be paid from the budget of the General Secretary.

Responsibility for the payment of exceptional and extraordinary expenses, for example, travel, printing of reports, professional services, will be subject to discussion between the General Secretary and the PSC.

V.2. Working Groups:

Funding of working group regular activities will normally be supported by the budget of the General Secretary. It may at times be necessary, on an exceptional basis, for the Advisory Council to seek alternate sources of funding. Such efforts are co-ordinated by the Secretariat.

VI. Amendments to PSCAC Terms of Reference

The PSCAC Advisory Council may amend the terms of reference at any time, upon agreement of all participating parties.

Last Modified: 2004-12-01 [ Important Notices ]