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IT Champions Committee (ITCC) - Record of Decision

IT Champions Committee
November 15, 2004

Item 1: Welcome and Review of Agenda Lead: Ed Fine
Discussion Decision/Action
  • Members were welcomed to the November meeting.
  • The agenda was accepted as presented.
Item 2: Tabling of Minutes of October 12 Lead: Ed Fine
Discussion Decision/Action
  • Minor correction in wording was made to Item 3. Heritage Canada was changed to Canadian Heritage.
Item 3: IT Community Update / Status Report on Pre-Qualified Pools Lead: Anu Emery
Discussion Decision/Action
  • The EX-2 PQP process has screened in 43 applicants. The questions are being drafted and both interview boards are expected to be completed by the end of December.
  • A telephone conference took place on November 5 to discuss the Statement of Qualifications (SoQ) for the EX-03 PQP process. The SoQ will be sent to the TBS President on November 16. If approved, the competition will be posted on November 17 for 8 days ending November 26. An extension may be made if less than 150 applications are received.
  • The CS-5 PQP initiative is being championed by Simon Gauthier (TBS). ORO met with PIPSC to inform them of the initiative. A further meeting with PIPSC may be required before ORO sends the documents to the PSC to obtain their approval for the process. A draft Statement of Qualifications will be forwarded to those departments, who agreed to assist in the PQP process, for comment. ORO will also be surveying departments by e-mail shortly to determine how many openings at the CS-5 level they foresee over the next 12 to 18 months.
Maureen to draft e-mail to send to ITCC. Update: E-mail sent to members Nov. 25.
Item 4: Update on IT MDP and Cyber Security Leadership Program Lead: Christine Tremblay
Discussion Decision/Action
  • A business case for the IT Cyber Security Leadership Program (ITSSALDP) has been finalized and presented to the Program Champions, Michael Devaney and Michael Turner.  The last Steering Committee recommended that membership be expanded to include other departments with a significant interest in the subject matter, such as DND and CRA.
  • DND has completed the assessment process for the IT Management Development Program and will be announcing the name of the new participant shortly. DND also announced that they have agreed to sponsor 2 more participants for 2005/2006.
Item 5: Update on IT HR Framework Lead: John Devlin
Discussion Decision/Action
  • John Devlin made a presentation entitled "IT Community HR Framework Update".
  • It was suggested that this presentation be made at an upcoming CIOC Council meeting.
Maureen to ensure item added to CIOC forward agenda.
Item 6: Update from AAFC re Implementation of HR Framework Lead: Nik Florakas / Marj Akerley
  • Nik Florakas and Marj Akerley made a presentation entitled, "Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Work and Resource Optimization (WRO) Approach - optimizing our work and people potential".
  • AAFC is looking for volunteers from the IM/IT Community to participate as part of a team of assessors for collective staffing at the CS-5 and CS-4 levels during the months of February or March, 2005.  Assessors would have to be at the EX-2 and CS-5 levels.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Marj Akerley at 759-6893 or by e-mail at
Item 7: Other Business Lead: All
Discussion Decision/Action
  • Nik Florakas agreed to host an upcoming CIO luncheon and repeat the presentation made to ITCC today to CIOC members.
Maureen to ensure item added to CIOC forward agenda. Update: ORO and AAFC will do a combined update at the January 12 CIOC meeting.
Item 8: Next Meeting Lead: Ed Fine
  • Next meeting will be held on December 20 from 11:30 – 1:00, Canada Room, 6th Floor, 2745 Iris, to celebrate the holiday season. Members agreed to reschedule the meeting from December 13 to December 20.
  • Presentation: IT Community HR Framework Update (John Devlin)
  • Presentation: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Work & Resource Optimization (WRO) Approach (Nik Florakas, Marj Akerley)


Members Absent
Ed Fine, ORO, PWGSC – Co-Chair Simon Gauthier, CIOB, TBS – Co-Chair
Nick Florakas, AAFC Borys Koba, RCMP
Fram Engineer, PSC Simon Labrie, JUS
Anu Emery, ORO, PWGSC Jenny Steel, IC
Tom Fleming, CIDA Barbara Wynne Edwards, PWGS
Paul Langevin for Gord Peters, CRA Ron Ramsey, SDC
Elizabeth Young for Tricia Trépanier, F&O Robert Brodeur, FIN
Guylaine Montplaisir for Richard Harvey, CSC Peter Laneville, CSE
Rudy de Sa for Christina Hastings, HC Jenny Steel, IC
Shirley Lanthier for Jocelyn Côté, DFAIT Valerie Wutti, Heritage
Larry Middleton for Réjean Gravel, EC  
Marj Akerley, AAFC  
Sheril Armstrong, ORO, PWGSC  
John Devlin, ORO, PWGSC  
Christine Tremblay, ORO, PWGSC  
Robyn Gordon, ORO, PWGSC  
Maureen Rideout, ORO, PWGSC  
Government of Canada
Created: 2005-01-14
Updated: 2006-11-16
Reviewed: 2006-11-16