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IT Champions Committee (ITCC) - Record of Decision

IT Champions Committeee
December 20, 2004

Item 1: Welcome and Review of Agenda

Leads: Ed Fine
Discussion Decision/Action
  • Members were welcomed to the December meeting.
  • The agenda was accepted as presented.

Item 2: Tabling of Minutes of November 15

Lead: Ed Fine
Discussion Decision/Action
  • The minutes of the November 15 meeting were accepted as presented.

Item 3: IT Community Update / Status Report on Pre-Qualified Pools

Lead: Anu Emery
Discussion Decision/Action
  • Anu Emery updated members on the EX-2, EX-3 and CS-5 Pre-Qualified Pool (PQP) processes.
  • Approximately 200 applications were received for the EX-3 competition.  Preliminary screening by the PSC will take place later this week.
  • Results of the EX-2 competition should be ready in mid-January.
  • ORO is preparing a letter to the President of The Professional Institute of the Public Service of Canada (PIPSC) informing the union about the upcoming CS-05 PQP process.
  • After extensive discussion over the process for the EX-2 and EX-3 generics, it was suggested that the selection Board for the CS-05 PQP be struck before the Statement of Qualifications is finalized and the poster is published.
  • As a number of applicants were screened out of the EX-2 generic competition because of poorly written resumés and applications (i.e. no clear indication that they met the requirements), it was suggested that an Information Session for the CS-5 PQP be designed to help applicants avoid similar pitfalls.
  • Two important issues for the CS-5 PQP will be the setting of the education and language requirements.  The IT community needs to discuss these matters and make recommendations, with supporting documentation, as so on as possible and subsequently bring it forward to the PSC for approval.
  • Given that the IT Community is spending a lot of energy on generic job descriptions and generic competencies, the upcoming CS-5 SoQ should be based on these new standards. Members agreed that this was an important consideration. However, this may delay the process that was targeted for completion by this fiscal year.
  • An employee assignment / deployment pool is also being established by ORO for IT executives at the EX-2 and EX-3 level. This pool will provide individuals across the federal government the opportunity to be assigned or deployed to different departments, at their existing level.  At the same time this pool will be another avenue for departments to meet their respective staffing requirements. An announcement will be made concerning this initiative at the January 12 CIO Council meeting.



Members agreed and the CS-5 Board will be struck ASAP.  Once the Board reviews the SoQ it will return to ITCC for approval.





Gord Peters agreed to forward documentation on this to Maureen Rideout for distribution to ITCC members.

Item 4: Other Business

Lead: Ed Fine
Discussion Decision/Action
  • No other business was raised.

Item 5: Next Meeting

Lead: Ed Fine
  • Next meeting will be held on January 10, Canada Room, 6th Floor, 2745 Iris. Update:  January meeting has been cancelled, next meeting is February 14, 9:00 – 11:00 in the Canada Boardroom, 6th Floor, 2745 Iris Street.
  • The draft SoQ for the CS-5 Pre-Qualified Pool was handed out.


Members Absent
Ed Fine, ORO, PWGSC – Co-Chair Nick Florakas, AAFC
Simon Gauthier, CIOB, TBS – Co-Chair Simon Labrie
Ron Ramsey, SDC Borys Koba, RCMP
Fram Engineer, PSC Robert Brodeur, FIN
Anu Emery, ORO, PWGSC Jenny Steel, IC
Alex Volkoff replacing Tom Fleming, CIDA Barbara Wynne Edwards, PWGS
Gord Peters, CRA Sheril Armstrong, ORO, PWGSC
Jocelyn Côté, DFAIT John Devlin, ORO, PWGSC
Normand Duchesne for Tricia Trépanier, F&O  
Guylaine Montplaisir for Richard Harvey, CSC  
Rudy de Sa for Christina Hastings, HC  
Larry Middleton for Réjean Gravel, EC  
Richard McDonald for Peter Laneville, CSE  
Valerie Wutti, Heritage  
Christine Tremblay, ORO, PWGSC  
Robyn Gordon, ORO, PWGSC  
Maureen Rideout, ORO, PWGSC  
Government of Canada
Created: 2005-02-22
Updated: 2005-02-22
Reviewed: 2005-02-22