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IT Community
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IT Management Development Program
IT Community Champions Committee
IT Executive Development Program
Scope and Objectives
Updates for 2003/2004
IT EDP Activities and Process Summary
Applying to IT EDP
Start of IT Executive Development Program Description
Graduation from the Program
Roles and Responsibilities
The Competencies
Project Management Training Courses List
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IT EDP Activities and Process Summary 

Activities and Program Summary
Program Assessment
Selection of Nominees for Sponsorship
Start of IT EDP
Career Development Activities
Graduation from the Program

IT EDP Activities and Process Summary

Top of Page Activities and Program Summary


Using the self-assessment instrument located on the ORO website:
, aspiring participants self-assess against the 14 La Relève Leadership Competencies.

Results of the self assessment can assist applicants in deciding whether they are ready to apply for the departmental/agency sponsorship.

If the applicant is sponsored on IT EDP they can expect to select 3 competency areas they feel they need development in. This information will also be used in advising the participant on their development plan.

Departmental/Agency Nomination

Department/Agencies normally have in place vehicles to identify Senior executives for further development. Once identified for sponsorship, potential program nominees will be screened and assessed by an interdepartmental assessment committee. Include an application form, updated resumé, and letter of sponsorship.

IT EDP Program Office acts as a liaison, while Department/agency Program Coordinators conduct identification process.

Sponsorship Letter from DG or ADM

A letter of sponsorship from their DG or ADM must be provided that indicates support for the candidate over the tenure of the Program and clearly indicates an understanding of the financial obligations.


Nomination Criteria

Applicants must have valid SLE results at the CBC level prior to embarking on the development program.

Departments/Agencies should ensure that IT Executives selected for development meet the language requirements.

Department/agency may choose to give preference to applicants with university degrees.


Enhanced Reliability or higher is recommended.

Department/agency is encouraged to ensure nominees have Secret clearance or higher to facilitate participants access to developmental activities and assignments.

Factor 1: Management

Managing an organization through subordinate superiors through 2 business cycles (i.e. management of human and financial resources, planning, implementing, evaluating)

This experience could include the management of an application development project, information holdings of an organization, organizational unit consisting of internal and external resources, etc.

Factor 2: Technical

Developing Information Management/ Information Technology visions, plans, standards and policies.

Providing effective strategic advice to senior departmental management inside and outside the IT area.

Plus experience in one of the following:

  • Contract administration, finance and human resource management.
  • Developing long and short-range informatics strategies, plans and policies.
  • Managing computer systems operations.
  • Managing a systems development organization multi-disciplinary team consisting of in-house and contracted system developers.
  • Developing and delivering Enterprise IM and IT frameworks and solutions to meet user requirements, and in managing client expectations.
  • Development of Business Process Models, Information Models, Workflow models.
  • Negotiation and management of contractual agreements and partnerships.
  • Negotiating and establishing internal and external partnerships and complex requirements for IT services with provincial department/agency and service delivery agencies.
  • Relating business requirements to GOC plans and priorities in the area of e-government, and translating related business EDP into systems requirements.

Department/agency will screen out candidates that do not meet these IT EDP Program Office requirements.

Career Achievement Record (Competency Based)

Applicants are asked to describe (250 words each) a situation where they have demonstrated Vision and Behavioural Flexibility competencies at the Director-General level as outlined by their respective behavioural indicators. Each submission must be include the name, phone number and e-mail address of a validator who can be contacted to confirm that the information provided is accurate

Department/agency will screen based on their assessment of your submission.

Top of Page Program Assessment

Interview One

Applicant will be assessed against the following groups of management competencies:

  • Cognitive Capacity/ Communication
  • Stamina/Stress Resistance/Teamwork
  • Organizational Awareness/Action
  • Management/Ethics and Values

Applicant may be required to make a presentation on a service transformation issue.

The IT EDP Program Office will organize the interview board.

Decision to Proceed to Interview Two

Interview Committee and Career Advisor review assessment to identify appropriate development outline/ opportunities.

Decision to proceed to Interview Two.

Interview Two

Applicant will be assessed against the following groups of leadership competencies:

  • Behavioural Flexibility/Creativity
  • Self Confidence/Personality
  • Interpersonal Relations/Ethics and Values
  • Visioning/Partnering

The IT EDP Program Office will organize the interview board.

Sponsorship Recommendation

Career Advisor reviews screening information, management competency assessment, leadership competency assessment and development plan outline.

Career Advisor prepares report/ recommendation.

Feedback provided to individual.

Program Office provides recommendation to department. Career Advisor provides report to Interview Team and Departmental Coordinator. Recommendation sent through TBS CIO.

Departmental/Agency Sponsorship

Department/Agency determines if sponsorship to be provided to applicant.

If not sponsored, feedback provided to individual.

Top of Page Selection of Nominees for Sponsorship

Department/agency will use all of the information gathered in the above process to determine nominees.


Advise candidates.
Conduct de-briefs.

The IT EDP Program Office schedules meetings with all participants during this time. The Career Advisor remains available to all participants subsequent to this first meeting

Top of Page Start of IT EDP

Meet and Greet/Congratulatory Ceremony.

The IT EDP Program Office, the Program Champions, the IT Champions Committee and CIO Council will invite all participants to attend a congratulatory ceremony.

360° Appraisals

Participants must provide the names of peers, superiors and subordinates according to requirements.

The IT EDP Program Office will coordinate with the administration of the 360° appraisals. An individual report will be available as well as a feedback session with the Career Advisor.

Top of Page Career Development Activities

Personalized Learning Plan

Prepared by participant in co-ordination with Career Advisor.

Educational Component: Participants choose, in coordination with the Career Advisor from a buffet style of learning opportunities

Career Advisor will work with participants to recommend the appropriate learning opportunities.

Developmental/Stretch Assignments


Specialized Learning Events

Coordinated by IT EDP Program Office

Action Learning Events

Coordinated by IT EDP Program Office

Executive Coaching and Support

Determined by the Career Advisor

Career Counselling and Support

Career Advisor is available for the participant throughout the Program.


Career Advisor can recommend an appropriate mentor.


Program provides many opportunities for networking.

Top of Page Graduation from the Program

Program participants graduate from the Program by being successful on a department/agency competition or by qualifying on a EX-02/EX-03 Generic Selection Process and being selected from that pool for an indeterminate position.


TBS will conduct a Generic Selection Process on a regular basis in conjunction with the Public Service Commission.

--> horizontal line Important Notices
Updated: 2003-12-23
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