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IT Management Development Program
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IT Executive Development Program
Scope and Objectives
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Start of IT Executive Development Program Description
Graduation from the Program
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The Competencies
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Start of IT Executive Development Program

360° Appraisals
Personalized Learning Plan
Educational Component
Buffet of Learning
Developmental/Stretch Assignments
Specialized Learning Events
Action Learning Sessions
Executive Coaching and Support
Career Counselling and Support

Top of Page Start of IT Executive Development Program


Once on the Program participants will participate in the following development opportunities described below:

Top of Page 360o Appraisals

Success is no accident. Leadership behaviour can be learned and the best executives and managers stay informed and take a proactive approach toward their own leadership development.

Evaluating your own strengths and weaknesses and obtaining feedback from your supervisors, peers and employees about the perceptions they hold regarding your management skills can be your first step towards that goal. By examining your competencies, not just from your own perspective, but by comparing your perceptions with those of others, your self-perception becomes more complete.

This 360° feedback instrument is a full circle appraisal questionnaire designed to give executives and managers a better understanding of their strengths and developmental needs by assessing perceptions on the 14 La Relève Leadership competencies. Helping you gain insight into expectations and perceptions regarding your leadership behaviour, which can aid in improving communication, working relationships and productivity.

The anonymous and confidential nature of the process encourages candid input. Questionnaires are given to the participant's peers, managers, employees and supervisors in addition to the participant themselves, allowing your associates to complete them anonymously ensures useful feedback for developmental purposes. You decide how to use the results and with whom to share them.

The individual feedback report is self-explanatory, however, IT EDP participants with the assistance of their Career Advisor use their results as a starting point for Learning Plan development. A one-on-one feedback session with your Career Advisor provides:

Top of Page Personalized Learning Plan

A personal learning plan is prepared for each participant under the guidance of a Career Advisor. The Plan consists of a combination of assignments, projects, and training and education. This plan is based on the participants work experience, career aspirations and assessment results.

Top of Page Educational Component

EDP will have a 2-day Leadership Orientation for all participants in a group setting. The session will give participants an awareness of their individual learning patterns, a clearer understanding of their strengths and weaknesses and their preferences as they cope with new and changing situations. The condensed development experience will cover the following:

Top of Page Buffet of Learning


Living Leadership: Executive Excellence (CSPS G-108)

LLEE is an advanced, strategic, comprehensive leadership program that focuses on the leadership required to produce high performance, innovative citizen-centred service, integrated horizontal policy, and learning organizations. (Eighteen-month program, $18,000)

Leadership: Reflection and Action (CSPS G-305)

LRA sets the stage for the participants' learning journey to develop themselves as leaders and to develop the practice of leadership in the public service under three pillars: learning, governance in Canada, and values and ethics. Participants receive an individual debriefing on their emotional intelligence profile. (Five-day program, $2,500)

Leading for Results (CSPS G -306)

Through the theme of "The Servant Leader", Leading for Results invites each participant to explore the role of values and ethics in the servant-leader's life, the need to build communities at work and with partners, and the necessity to be an effective communicator and leader of change as well as to have a deep awareness of self. (Three-day program, $1,495)

Leading Scientific Teams (CSPS G-100)

LST explores the evolving world of the Science and Technology manager. Through the use of various assessment instruments, as well as customized learning sessions, you will become more aware of your own approach to leadership and its impact. (Three-day program, $2,000)

Coaching for Breakthroughs and Commitment (CSPS G-103)

The course uses the insights of coaching to equip leaders to generate commitments for themselves and their team members. It equips participants to see new possibilities and assists hem in taking actions previously not obvious to them. (Four-day program + one-day follow-up, $4,500)

Leading Transitions (CSPS S-208)

The course helps participants understand the human dimension of the leadership challenges and the transitional process that is created by change. Participants explore the common emotional and behavioural responses to change and transitions. Furthermore, participants examine the real-life transitions that confront them and their fellow participants in their own lives and organizations. (Five-day program, $5,500)

CSPS Leading Policy (CSPS G-106)

LP equips participants to understand and master the leadership characteristics required to lead innovative policy processes, work with others, build policy capacity and integrate policy directions into program delivery. (Five and a half-day program: ½ day orientation, 1 day site visit, 4 day classroom, $4,000)

Leading Service Innovation (CSPS G-105)

LSI is an informative and interactive learning experience that equips you to participate in and lead the delivery of innovative services. It explores the leadership challenge of senior managers who are faced with providing a world-class level of service while exercising good stewardship of public resources. (Seven-day program over three months, $4,000)

Diversity: Vision and Action (CSPS G-114)

This leadership development course will introduce the concept of diversity and its leadership from a personal, interpersonal and organizational context. It provides hands-on connections to help managers craft a diversity leadership vision and action plan, and create a culture that fosters diversity. (Three-day program, $525)

Mikawiwin: Leadership and Aboriginal Affairs (CSPS S-114)

This course provides participants with a transformational leadership development experience and a comprehensive appreciation of Aboriginal affairs. It combines a holistic cross-cultural and principle-centred leadership approach with traditional teachings and wisdom of Elders, engaging the mental, spiritual, emotional and physical dimensions of growth. (Four-day program, $3,000)

Aboriginal Issues and Self-Government (CSPS S-113)

This course is designed to expand participants' knowledge about Aboriginal peoples, self-government and community development issues; and to understand the past and emerging authority, accountability and responsibility of governments at all levels in shaping Canada's relationship with Aboriginal peoples. (Two-day program, Cost available upon request)

Modern Comptrollership Concepts and Applications (2 days, $350)

Integrated Resource Management (3 days, $750)

Managing Human Performance (3 days $1,495)

Public Service Management: A Primer (3 days, $1,495)

Inner Journey to Excellence: Building Resilience (3 days, $1,495)

Learning and Career Decisions: Taking Charge (2 days, $975)

Service Improvement in an E-Government Environment (2 days, $995)

Managing Public Funds (3 days, pilot)

Labour Management Relations: Principles and Practices for Managers (3 days, pilot)

Leading for Results (3 days, $1,495)

Risk Management in the Public Service: An Overview (1 day, $125)

Building Resilience: Concepts and Techniques for Executives (2 days, $1,395)

EX Orientation (3 days, $1,495)

How Ottawa Works (3 days, $1,495)

Canada in the World (3 days, $1,495)

Transition to E-Government: Key Elements and Implications (2 days, Pilot)

Planning and Managing the Labour Management Relations Framework (1 day, pilot)

Structures and Operations of Government: Challenges for Accountability (3 days, see web)

Marketing in the Public Service (3 days, $1,495)

Challenges of Public Policy Development: An Overview (3 days, $1,495)

Note: verify locations and language of course

Armchair sessions take the form of either a panel or a lecture. Presenters usually speak for 30 to 40 minutes, followed by a question-and-answer session. Sessions are held every Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. at 65 Guiges Street, Ottawa. Admission is free, registration is required.

An Introduction to Coaching: Inventing the Future (1 day, $445)

Wow! That's a Great Idea! Turning Ideas into Innovation (1 day, see web)

Learning to Manage Effectively in the Knowledge Era (1 day, $395)
Knowledge Management Through Communities of Practice (1 day, $395)

Creating Your Personal Learning Plan (1 day, $445)

National Leadership Conference

National Capital Region Managers' Forum

Dalhousie University Master of Public Administration (Management)
A master's degree program designed for mid-career public-sector managers, taught by distance delivery via the Internet combined with group intensive sessions. Program is designed to be completed in 2.5 years of part-time study covering 16 prescribed courses, each concluding with a formal examination. Program is geared to participants with an undergraduate degree with B standing and five years' management experience. Prior Learning Assessment is available for applicants who do not meet these qualifications. Cost is $1700 per course.

CSPS's Direxion Program is now accredited by Dalhousie University. Graduating participants may receive advanced standing equivalent to four (4) credits (or 25%) of Dalhousie's 16 credit Master in Public Administration (Management). The MPA(M) is taught electronically combined with group intensive sessions. The credit applies to the following four courses: Human Resource Management, Citizen Oriented Governance, Management of People and Analytic Methods. For more information, as well as a course demo, please refer to the following website:

Dalhousie University Executive Master of Electronic Commerce
There are eight courses including four core and four speciality. The core courses give participants an overview of electronic commerce as it applies within a government environment and cover a broad and critical range of business, technology, law and policy subjects. The four speciality courses consist of two mandatory and two elective courses. The first required course examines the rapid growth of e-commerce and its impacts on process re-engineering, organizational transformation and policy formulation. The second required course reviews the development of GOL, or e-government, including performance management, accountability, productivity and citizen access by looking closely at what is happening around the world. The two elective courses will be determined by individual participants and reflect what best meets their MDP and those of their organization. Courses are taught in Ottawa and Halifax over 18-24 months. Cost is $12,000 per year plus travel and accommodation.

University of Ottawa - Certificate in Public Management and Governance
The Program was developed by the Centre on Governance at the University of Ottawa in cooperation with HRDC, Canada's Modern Management Office and the Treasury Board Secretariat's Comptrollership Modernization Office. The two-year, part-time program has ten university level courses designed to address the specific needs of managers in the public service. The course has an emphasis on new government policies and tools for improving management practices. Cost is $8,000 over two years.

Direxion was accredited by the University of Ottawa in November 2002. As a result, graduates will receive a total of 4.5 credits out of the 15 credit Graduate Certificate in Public Management and Governance from the University of Ottawa. This new Graduate Certificate will be available in the fall of 2003. Graduates also have the option of obtaining another 3 credits if they prepare a report on their Phase III experience: "Leadership in an Interdependent World". This will give participants a total of 7.5 credits or 50% of the Graduate Certificate in Governance.

University of Guelph - Diploma in Leadership
The Diploma in Leadership will provide mid-career professionals with the education, skills development, and certification they require to become more effective leaders and to advance within their organizations. The program will focus on the challenges facing leaders in the private, public and non-profit sectors, with an emphasis on the interaction between and interdependency of these spheres in the contemporary world. The program combines an innovative mix of interactive on-line learning with a one-week residential session held on the Guelph campus. Normally, applicants will have completed both an undergraduate degree, with a minimum 'B' average, and also possess a minimum of five years of work experience. Cost is $11,900.

Queen's University Executive MBA Program
Queen's Executive MBA is a two-year MBA degree that you earn while continuing to do your present job. The curriculum is a tightly integrated series of courses that provides a grounding of the fundamentals and a thorough understanding of advanced management topics. The curriculum consists of 23 courses and three major projects. You take only 3 courses at once, and your workload is spread evenly over the program. Queen's Executive facility, located in downtown Ottawa, was specifically built to house the Program. Cost is $68,000 for two years.

E-Learning Gateway - Online (The Knowledge Institute)
The Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) E-Learning Gateway on-line program is designed to provide web-based courses. There are over 400 English and 100 French self-directed, interactive, web-based courses tailored for the Computer Science (CS) community are available and delivered via the Internet. These courses cover 42 Professional IT subject areas. Departments and Agencies can acquire unlimited access to an e-learning compendium. Cost is $490 per user per year.

Public Service Commission/Training and Development Canada
Various courses available for specific human resources subjects.

Various Conferences
Attendance at various conferences such as GTEC, APEX, and HOIT.

Top of Page Developmental/Stretch Assignments

Developmental assignments are chosen according to development requirements of each participant in consultation with the Career Advisor. The purpose of the assignments is to consolidate the theories, principals and practices learned during the educational phase, offered through CSPS. Assignment are generally one year in length but the actual duration is determined in consultation with the manager, the participant and the IT EDP Program office. Assignments can be extended if all parties agree.

Assignments should offer participants the opportunity to gain experience in new areas with new functions such as policy development, central agency, security, corporate services, service innovation, information management and possibly regional operations.

Challenge is an integral part of a stretch assignment. Participants should ensure that there are adequate challenges before accepting an assignment to ensure that learning occurs. Some assignments will introduce participants to new organizational cultures, issues and terminology. Stretch assignments are demanding, usually with a steep learning curve on top of a new culture, issues, systems and jargon.

The major source of assignments will be federal government department/agency positions becoming vacant for a variety of reasons. Other possible sources of assignments include provincial, non-governmental and private sector organizations.

It is recommended that participants check independent references and seek advice from the Career Advisor before accepting an assignment to ensure that there is sufficient stretch and support and that it aligns with their Learning Plan.

Top of Page Specialized Learning Events

Learning events are set up by the Program Office on a monthly basis. Sessions are usually half day in length and are inter-active. Current IT topics are presented by an expert in the field followed by facilitated group discussions. Participants may be invited to work with colleagues to organize and facilitate an event. A one-day site visit per year is usually organized.

Top of Page Action Learning Sessions

People learn best from their work experience while in the pursuit of personal learning objectives, but in a complex and rapidly changing world, problem solving experience alone is not sufficient for learning to take place. One must have the opportunity to reflect on his/her experience (e.g. what happens to us and around us) in order to make learning explicit, so these insights and lessons can be turned into effective action when facing new situations. The sequence of action and reflection in real time is a key factor in maximizing learning potential.

Action learning involves a group of caring people learning together and making commitments to action who hold regular and rigorous meetings for the process of questioning and reflection. Action learning creates a safe and non-judgmental environment in a tight learning community that encourages people to tackle real problems, become interested in someone else's world, and in the process, learn about themselves by exploring possibilities for action and achieving breakthrough results.

Top of Page Executive Coaching and Support

An executive coach can assist participants in the exploration of their goals and what is required in reaching them. Coaching is helpful in overcoming immediate obstacles and impediments in realizing long-term aspirations. Coaching can provide sound advice to participants to assist with leadership and management skills. Sometimes all that is required is a dose of inspiration in order to recognize and focus on desired goals.

Coaches are highly skilled professionals with proven track records of success. Confidential sessions can be arranged with a coach that is a good fit for your personality.

Who uses a coach - motivated individuals who are already successful but want to reach excellence in their field. Your career advisor can recommend an external executive coach to you and your home department.

Top of Page Career Counselling and Support

The Career Advisor is the focal point for delivering career counselling and services and can be called upon to play an important role in all phases of the Program to ensure success. Specific activities include:

Top of Page Mentoring

EDP participants are encouraged to access the expertise of a more experienced senior person, as a model of competency and perhaps key, a guide and confidante. This mentoring relationship can greatly assist in the participant's development of a broader perspective on their career in the Federal Public Service. As the relationship is being established, goals identified for that relationship are done in keeping with the overall Leadership Development Program objectives.

Participants who proactively seek a mentor are motivated to learn from the lessons and experiences of a more seasoned person, thereby avoiding some of their mistakes and possibly accelerating the participant's own career. Protégés must also make the time to keep the lines of communication open and mutually beneficial. Overall, the protégé is better prepared to successfully face new challenges following the encouragement and discriminating advice of a mentor.

Top of Page Networking

Networking is an important tool for EDP participants. It is a proven way to facilitate professional development for everyone involved. Years ago it was a tool understood by only a few - namely successful professionals. While it is now considered essential, some people in today's workforce are not yet aware of it. For the betterment of all participants and participants, the MDP program ensures that networking is explained and participants are encouraged to strengthen their own networking systems.

Networking requires an understanding of the importance of good communication. It relies on initiative, creativity, research and developing one's professionalism. It means talking to a wide range of people in one's professional and personal circles to better position them for opportunities that might otherwise pass them by. When someone networks effectively, they stay abreast of possible job leads, training opportunities, market and business news in their field and information on social issues that may impact their work or their employer's efforts.

The concept of a 'job' has changed in recent years, giving room for employers and employees to think of skills as marketable assets, successful people as general problem-solvers not roadblock builders and a career as the sum of their experiences, skills, interests, personal characteristics and values. This is much more fluid an idea than the belief of only a few decades ago when staff took orders from their superiors and if lucky, had only one or two jobs for the most of their working years. Networking works with this new concept of 'job' by helping people self-market and build relationships to benefit their careers and themselves.

The suggestions herein are only suggestions. As an individual taking charge of their career, participants decide what they are comfortable doing and saying. Not everyone uses networking or sees it as a separate concept worthy of focus. Other people come into networking naturally. Participants who find parts of networking challenging, are encouraged to speak with Program Office staff or the Career Advisor for additional suggestions. They might also check with their own human resources office or in the department/agency libraries for information about networking and the development of related skills.

--> horizontal line Important Notices
Updated: 2003-12-23
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