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IM Champions Committee - Organizational Readiness (IMCC) Action Plan


The Information Management Champions Committee (IMCC) is a select group of senior IM leaders dedicated towards advancing the needs and interests of the IM Community, its leadership and members within the Public Service.

The IMCC advocates on behalf of IM community interests, serving initially to develop and sustain the necessary human resource capacity required in meeting the goals of Government On-Line, and Service and Innovation.

Mindful of unique considerations affecting the emerging IM Community of Practice, the IMCC actively supports organizational interventions and other successive measures through ORO aimed at improving IM organizational awareness and engagement, capacity building, and shared management and work practices.

The IMCC work plan currently contains the following main initiatives:

  • Promoting the IM Community Vision
    The IM Community Vision, championed by the IMCC, has been consulted upon and is now approved by Community representatives. IMCC now considers it important to champion an engagement and awareness strategy around the concept of IM as an important asset, with attendant responsibilities and accountabilities. That view is reflected in both the Community Vision and in recent amendments to the Government IM policy which is expected to be approved by TB Ministers over the next few months. That new vision must be promoted and understood within the IM, IT, and Services Communities of Practice.
  • Organizational Modelling Exercise (OME)
    The IMCC is co-sponsoring an organizational exercise to examine current and possible future-state requirements, principally from the viewpoint of IM directors and specialists in 14 designated departments. A shared inventory is being created in respect to reports and findings that will be accessible to departments. A preliminary report on findings is expected within the current year.
  • Post-OME Consultation and Dialogue and Shared Discovery Exercise
    IMCC will champion community discussions among IM directors, the CIO Community, and the various functional communities within IM in respect to the elaboration of sustainable IM working models, and in regards to training and classification needs discovered through OME gap analysis.
  • Initiating the IM Competency Project
    IMCC will champion a strategy for the development of IM Competencies, first by gathering and analysing existing IM competency information and relating that information against requirements and emergent best practices. The findings will be made available in ORO's shared inventory and on the IM Resource Centre website.
  • IM Members Questionnaire
    The IMCC, working with the ACIM community, will initiate an electronic questionnaire similar in nature to the recent HR Community questionnaire. The exercise will gather pertinent information directly from those public servants who consider themselves to be part of the emerging IM Community of practice. The resulting demographic and statistical data on available IM human capital will be available for planning purposes on a service-wide basis, as well as by department and region. It is expected that the results will directly enrich and compliment the post OME-consultation dialogue as well as foster a growing sense of community among IM members as called for in the McDonald Report .
  • Towards IM-Responsive Position Classification
    The IMCC anticipates that the OME discovery exercise will identify clear disconnects between actual and needed position descriptions and classification. The existing classification system has been unable to reflect the emergent requirements to strategically manage IM as an asset having attendant business and knowledge management practices, nor is it sensitive to the consequence of on-going technical and organizational innovative practices and workplace convergence. IMCC will champion an initial discovery exercise to determine best possible approaches towards reflecting true IM accountability of its members within the public service classification system.
  • Community Relations
    IMCC is mindful of the unique considerations affecting the emerging IM Community of Practice. The IMCC will actively champion the development of a consultative framework for the IM Community, engaging IM leaders and functional community members in developing a vibrant sense of community and as well as a culture which actively supports continuous learning and innovation in the Canadian Public Service. As a first step, the IMCC will develop a buddy system to promote and sustain the interest of senior IM officials in advancing IM Community of practice initiatives.
  • Career Planning
    Using information from its studies, above, and relying on successful IT community techniques and practices, IMCC will work actively with ORO to review and revise strategies with key partners such as the Chief Human Resources Office, the Public Service Commission, CSPS, the Institute, as well as with CIOB responsibility centre managers to promote career opportunities within the IM Community.
  • Continuous Learning
    IMCC will actively promote the use of the IM Resource Centre as a repository for leading edge studies, best practices, and competencies.
Government of Canada
Created: 2001-12-17
Updated: 2003-12-18
Reviewed: 2001-12-17