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 Young Entrepreneurs Programs

Young Entrepreneurs Programs

Summer Company Success Stories 2004

Matters of Décor
Megan Blanchard, Ottawa

Megan Blanchard Megan had just completed her first year of studies in interior decorating and wanted to put into practice some of what she had learned in the classroom. Her resulting business, Matters of Décor, is a home decorating business offering at–home consultations — paint colour choices, furniture placement, and custom designs of window treatments, bedding etc.

When she started her company, Megan wasn't sure what she would do to fill her days before she got some clients and began doing consultations. She soon found out that the initial start-up was the busiest time in her summer. Setting up her website was very time consuming, but the site proved to be “the backbone to the company's success”. In order to help out with initial costs, she struck a deal with a website developer to help polish and revamp her logo and website. In exchange, she helped him with the renovation of his kitchen.

At the end of the summer Megan had successfully served 10 consultation clients. She is hopeful that repeat and word of mouth business will keep her busy in her spare time throughout the coming school year and provide her with a head start next summer when she runs Matters of Décor again, full-time.

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