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A Whole New Experience - Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program

What's Being Said About It?

Since 1997, the Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program (FPSYIP) has offered to over 8,000 young Canadians the opportunity to acquire experience and work skills through internships in federal organizations.

Delivered in partnership with YMCAs across Canada, the Program could not exist and succeed without the willingness of federal public service employees to welcome and share with a young intern their time, energy, wisdom, and wealth of experience. Thank you!

Our real heroes are still our young participants. In spite of having worked with this Program for many years, we are still deeply touched by their notes and testimonials. We would like to share some of them with you.

They confirm, for each member of our extended team, that our youth is worth it!

Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program YMCAs and federal teams.

C. (an intern)


The reason I am writing to you today is simple. This marks my fifth month in the internship program with (federal organization). In February I started this internship and I have not stopped learning since. This is more than just a job or a way to get a good reference, it's more than just an opportunity, it is a real life changer.

I started out the program very cenacle (read: cynical) and with little confidence in myself and in my skills. I have been transformed so much that it is almost like I put my foot in here and all of a sudden my old self disappeared and this skilful and confident young woman made her showing. This is my first REAL job, and when I started this program I got to say, I had very little skill and only a high school diploma in my hand. Most employers I had approached just smiled and threw my resume away because honestly I had nothing concrete to sell myself with.

I was a mess when this program got a hold of me and I would probably be a statistic today if it was not for this program. Sure the money is not great, but the opportunity is more than gold, it's really a life change and a life-saver in my case. Now I know some interns may not see it like I do, I guess everyone is a little different and some don't really get what the words "opportunity" and "privilege" mean.

If I have to say one thing about this program is that not only is the staff and the officers a god gift, but the program itself is a life-saver. Also just to add a little, I would like to say that the support and the guidance the program officer for this region is giving us, well, I guess I really should not talk for everyone, is exceptional and really crucial to the experience.


Participant's speech

Subject: A participant's success story

Hi D. :

Following is a copy of the speech our FPSYIP participant, R. gave at a local Education/Career Practitioners conference. He was our luncheon speaker and there were 120 guests present, including the Director General of (federal organization), and the provincial minister responsible for human resources and employment.

It's a great "good news" story!

K. (YMCA counsellor)

Thank you for the opportunity to share my experiences with the YMCA-YWCA.

I came to the YM-YWCA in November 2000 seeking help to finish school. While I was pursuing that option, my counselor, E.H., suggested that I look into the Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program. I was a little skeptical at first and even a few weeks into the program, but I was given all the support from the staff at the Y and as the old saying goes, "nothing ventured?nothing gained."

The internship program sounded very interesting and I met a great group of people who shared success and failure stories. The Federal Public Sector Youth Internship Program not only worked out, it changed my whole life. I finished the employability training with the Y and I started my placement at (federal organization). At a meeting with a counsellor from the Y, I was informed that I might get some time off to study a little and work on finishing high school. Five months into the program I was an official high school grad. WOW!

I had achieved a major goal in my life, so if I got nothing else from the program it had already given me enough. Once I started my placement I started to build more confidence every day, and finally when I finished high school I felt like I could do anything that I wanted to. I have gained invaluable knowledge and experience, and I have met some of the most interesting people ever. Now I'm starting to form a plan to stay at this level in my life where I feel that I'm always moving up the ladder of success.

Since I have started my placement with (federal organization) I've also learned more about other related occupations and have job shadowed with officers. I've gone on two field projects. I've participated in inspections on equipment from three different nationalities.

I have experienced more in the last 10 months than in most of my life, but I don't think it's over yet. My mentor has informed me of some training that she has in store for me and possibly some experience out in the field with an officer. I finish my placement in January and I feel confident about my future. I just have to do a little more research and maybe some soul searching to find out what I want to do for the rest of my working life.


For more testimonials, please consult the booklet entitled "Investing in our youth: a success in itself!".


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